Browse Entries - F
- F & T Industries Limited
- F. B. Guthrie Grain Science Medal
- see F. B. Guthrie Medal (1974 - ), Australasian Grain Science Association - F. B. Guthrie Medal (1974 - ), Australasian Grain Science Association
- F. D. McMaster Animal Health Laboratory - CSIR/O (1931 - 1963), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- F. D. McMaster Laboratory, Chiswick - CSIRO (2001 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- F. H. Faulding and Co Ltd (1845 - 2001)
- F. J. Walker Ltd (1910 - 1983)
- F. W. Hughes Pty Ltd (1915 - )
- Facer, Richard A., Geologist
- Fackender, Melville Norman (Mel), Naturalist
- see Federation of Asian Chemical Societies (1979 - ) - Faculty of Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences (1991 - ), The University of Adelaide
- Faculty of Agriculture (1905 - 1973), The University of Melbourne
- Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry (1973 - 1995), The University of Melbourne
- Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry and Horticulture (1995 - 1997), The University of Melbourne
- Faculty of Applied Science (1967 - ), RMIT University
- Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, The University of Melbourne
- Faculty of Arts (1855 - ), The University of Melbourne
- Faculty of Arts (1961 - ), Monash University
- Faculty of Biomedical and Health Sciences and Nursing (? - c. 2000), RMIT University
- Faculty of Biomedical and Health Services, RMIT University
- Faculty of Business and Law, Victoria University
- Faculty of Computing and Information technology, Monash University
- Faculty of Education (1890s - ), The University of Melbourne
- Faculty of Education, Language and Community Services, RMIT University
- Faculty of Engineering, Victoria University of Technology
- Faculty of Engineering (1860 - ), The University of Melbourne
- Faculty of Engineering (1909 - ), The University of Sydney
- Faculty of Engineering (1949 - ), The University of New South Wales
- Faculty of Engineering (1961? - ), Monash University
- Faculty of Engineering (1967 - ), RMIT University
- Faculty of Engineering and Science (1997 - ), Victoria University
- Faculty of Engineering, Physical Sciences and Architecture, The University of Queensland
- Faculty of Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Kernot Memorial Medal (1926 - )
- Faculty of Health and Behavioural Science, Deakin University
- Faculty of Health Sciences, La Trobe University
- Faculty of Human Development, Victoria University
- Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, La Trobe University
- Faculty of Information technology, Monash University
- Faculty of Land and Food Resources (2005 - 2008), The University of Melbourne
- Faculty of Law and Management (1997 - ), La Trobe University
- Faculty of Medicine (1876 - 1991), The University of Melbourne
- Faculty of Medicine (1962 - c. 2001), Monash University
- Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences (1991 - ), The University of Melbourne
- Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences (c. 2001 - ), Monash University
- Faculty of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Veterinary Science, The University of Queensland
- Faculty of Science (1903 - ), The University of Melbourne
- Faculty of Science (1915? - 1997), Victoria University of Technology
- Faculty of Science (1960s - ), Monash University
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, The University of Tasmania
- Faculty of Science and Technology, Deakin University
- Faculty of Science, Technology and Engineering (1994 - ), La Trobe University
- Faculty of the Constructed Environment, RMIT University
- Faculty of Veterinary Science (1920 - ), The University of Sydney
- Fagan, Charles E., Antarctic explorer
- Fagg, Murray Allan (1947 - ), Botanical artist, Botanist, Photographer and Web manager
- Fagg, Peter Charles (1947 - ), Forester and Silviculture consultant
- Faine, Solomon (Solly) (1926 - 2021), Microbiologist and University Administrator
- Fairbridge, Rhodes Whitmore (1914 - 2006), Geologist
- Fairhall, Alfred Ernest (1868 - 1943), Horticulturist and Mineral collector
- Fairley, Neil Hamilton (1891 - 1966), Malariologist and Medical scientist
- Fairweather, Andrew (1882 - 1962), Mining engineer
- Falconer, Ian Robert, Biochemist
- Falk, John Edwin Rogers (1917 - 1970), Biochemist
- Fall, Constance Amy (1903 - 1998), Nurse
- Falla, Robert Alexander (1901 - 1979), Ornithologist
- Fallon, Robert (1903 - ), Teacher
- Falls, Rex (1941 - ), Meteorologist
- Falvey, John Lindsay (1950 - ), Agricultural scientist, Author and University Administrator
- Falvey, William John (1927? - 1961), Industrial chemist
- Fanning, Elizabeth Ann (1918 - ), Dentist and Dental surgeon
- Fargher, John Adrian (1901 - 1977), Engineer
- Farman, Margaret Alyson (1928 - 2001), Nurse educator
- Farnsworth, Samuel Thomas (1886 - 1948), Civil engineer
- Farquhar, Graham Douglas (1947 - ), Plant biologist
- Farr, Clinton Coleridge (1866 - 1943), Electrical engineer and Physicist
- Farrands, John Law (1921 - 1996), Physicist and Engineer
- Farrant, John Lascelles (1918 - 2003), Chemical physicist
- Farrell, Troy W., Applied mathematician and University Administrator
- Farrer Memorial Medal (1936 - )
- Farrer Memorial Trust (1911 - )
- Farrer, Keith Thomas Henry (1916 - 2012), Chemist, Food Scientist and Science historian
- Farrer, William James (1845 - 1906), Agriculturalist and Wheat propagator
- Farrington, Charles Moulden, Merchant
- Farrow, John, Mining chemist and Physical chemist
- Fasano, Carla (1942 - ), Educator
- see Federation of Australian Scientific and Technological Societies (FASTS) (1985 - ) - Fatin, Wendy Frances (1941 - ), Politician and Nurse
- Faulding Florey Medal
- see Florey Medal (1998 - ), Australian Institute of Policy and Science - Faulding, Francis Hardey (1816 - 1868), Manufacturing chemist and Surgeon
- Faulkner, Don, Astronomer
- Favaloro, Norman Joseph (1905 - 1989), Solicitor and Ornithologist
- Favenc, Ernest (1845 - 1908), Explorer and Journalist
- Fawkes, Barbara Noel (1915 - 2002), Nurse and Educator
- Fawkner, John Pascoe (1792 - 1869), Business executive and Politician
- Fawsett, Maisie
- see Carr, Stella Grace Maisie (Maisie) (1912 - 1988), Botanist and Ecologist - Fawsitt, Charles Edward (1878 - 1960), Chemist and University Administrator
- Fazekas de St Groth, Stephen Nicholas Emery Egon, Microbiologist
- see Forests Commission Victoria (1918 - 1983), State of Victoria - Fearnley, Cecily Lydia (1925 - ), Natural history artist
- Federal Paper Mills Co (1902 - 1920)
- Federation and Meteorology (2001 - )
- Federation of Asian Chemical Societies (1979 - )
- Federation of Australian Scientific and Technological Societies (FASTS) (1985 - )
- Federation University Australia (2014 - )
- Feilman, Patricia Edith (1925 - ), Secretary
- Fellows, Michael Ralph (1952 - ), Computer scientist
- Felsinger, J.
- Felton Grimwade & Bickford Ltd (1902 - 1930)
- Felton Grimwade & Bickfords Pty Ltd (c. 1974 - )
- Felton Grimwade & Co (1867 - 1930)
- Felton, Alfred (1831 - 1904), Philanthropist and Business executive
- Fenner Medal (2000 - ), Australian Academy of Science
- Fenner Prize for Life Scientist of the Year
- see Frank Fenner Prize for Life Scientist of the Year (2000 - ), Commonwealth of Australia - Fenner, Bobbie
- see Fenner, Ellen Margaret Bobbie (Bobbie) (1911 - 1995), Medical scientist - Fenner, Charles Albert Edward (1884 - 1955), Science educator and Geographer
- Fenner, Ellen Margaret Bobbie (Bobbie) (1911 - 1995), Medical scientist
- Fenner, Frank John (1914 - 2010), Microbiologist and Virologist
- Fennessy, Bernard Vincent (1923 - 2006), Agricultural scientist
- Fenton, Arthur Geoffrey (1920 - 2008), Physicist
- Fenton, Geoff
- see Fenton, Arthur Geoffrey (1920 - 2008), Physicist - Fenton, Keith Brian (Peter), Physicist
- Fenton, Peter
- see Fenton, Keith Brian (Peter), Physicist - Ferguson, Arthur Eric (1917 - 1994), Electrical engineer and Electronic engineer
- Ferguson, Eustace William (1884 - 1927), Pathologist and Entomologist
- Ferguson, Ian Stewart (1935 - 2019), Forest scientist and University Administrator
- Ferguson, James Crighton (1903 - 1965), Geophysicist
- Ferguson, James Mephan (1922 - 2008), Engineering historian and Mechanical engineer
- Ferguson, Jessie Amy (1911 - 1996), Analytical chemist
- Fernie, Norman (1898 - 1977), Engineer
- Ferrar, Hartley Travers (1879 - 1932), Antarctic explorer and Geologist
- Ferrari, Ernesto (1896 - 1950), Analytical chemist
- Ferrier, Sir Harold Grant (1905 - 1976), Businessman and Marine engineer
- Ferris, Allan Aveling (1912 - 1997), Microbiologist and Physician
- Fetherston, Richard Herbert Joseph (1864 - 1943), Physician
- Feutrill, Geoffrey Ian (1945 - 1987), Organic chemist
- Fibremakers Pty Ltd (1963 - ?)
- Fidge, Edward Leonard (1897 - 1933), Chemist
- Field Naturalists' Club of Queensland (1906 - 1922)
- The Field Naturalists Club of Victoria Inc (1880 - )
- Field Naturalists Club of Victoria, Australian Natural History Medallion (1940 - )
- Field Naturalists' Section, Royal Society of Queensland (1886 - 1894)
- Field Naturalists' Section, Royal Society of South Australia (1883 - 1959)
- Field Operations Research Section (FORS)
- Field, Barron (1786 - 1846)
- Field, Frank (1885 - 1961), Engineer
- Field, John (1899 - 1974), Engineer
- Field, Leslie David (1953 - ), Chemist and University Administrator
- Field, Thomas (1814? - 1880), Manufacturer
- Fielder, George, Food technologist
- Fielders Ltd (1973 - 1978)
- Fielding, John Mervyn, Forester
- Fielding, Una Lucy (1888 - 1969), Neuroanatomist
- Fien, Harry Paul George (1894 - 1968), Chemist
- Fienberg, Nathan (1898 - 1985)
- Figgis, Brian Norman (1930 - ), Chemist
- Fildes, Joyce Eleanor (1921 - 2013), Analytical chemist
- Filmer, J. F., Veterinary scientist
- Filmer, Walter Drowley (1865 - 1944), Electrical engineer
- Filson, Rex Bertram (1930 - ), Lichenologist
- Filtration and Water Softening Pty Ltd (1928 - ?)
- Finch, Raymond Frederick (1917 - 1982), Industrial chemist
- Fincher, Geoffrey Bruce (1946 - ), Cereal chemist
- Fine Chemicals Factory (1940s - ?)
- Fink, Peter Thomas (Tom) (1922 - 1994), Aeronautical engineer, Military scientist and Mechanical engineer
- Finkel, Alan Simon (1953 - ), Chief Scientist and Engineer
- Finlayson Brothers (1900s - ?)
- Finlayson, Hedley Herbert (1895 - 1991), Mammalogist and Organic chemist
- Finn, A. E., Industrial chemist
- Finn, Thomas Brian (Brian) (1937 - 2023), Business executive and Company director
- Finney, Sidney Greenwood (1899 - 1956), Analytical chemist
- Finsch, Otto (1839 - 1917), Ornithologist and Ethnologist
- Firkin, Barry George (1930 - 2001), Medical educator, Haematologist and Physician
- Firth, Raymond William (1901 - 2002), Anthropologist
- Fishbourne, John William Yorke (1843 - 1911), Physician and Psychiatrist
- Fisher, H.G. (1870 - 1956), Chemist
- Fisher, Jackie
- see Fisher, Nellie Ivy (Jackie) (1907 - 1995), Industrial chemist - Fisher, Nellie Ivy (Jackie) (1907 - 1995), Industrial chemist
- Fisher, Robert Hilson (Bob) (1922 - 2007), Entomologist and Pharmacist
- Fisher, Ronald Aylmer (1890 - 1962), Geneticist and Statistician
- Fisheries Western Australia (1997 - 2001), State of Western Australia
- Fisk, Ernest Thomas (1886 - 1965), Businessman, Entrepreneur and Radio engineer
- Fison, Lorimer (1832 - 1907), Anthropologist, Minister of religion and Missionary
- Fitt, Gary, Entomologist
- Fitts, Clive (1900 - 1984), Physician
- Fitzalan, Eugene Fitzherbert Albini (1830 - 1911), Nurseryman and Plant collector
- FitzGerald, Robert David (1830 - 1892), Surveyor and Botanist
- Fitzgerald, William Vincent (1867? - 1929), Botanical collector, Botanist and Prospector
- Fitzherbert, Julie Catherine, Conservationist and Ornithologist
- Fitzherbert, Kate
- see Fitzherbert, Julie Catherine, Conservationist and Ornithologist - Fitzmaurice, Kerry Clare (1951 - ), Orthoptist and Educator
- Fitzpatrick, Aileen (1898 - 1974), Community worker and Teacher
- Fitzpatrick, H. M., Electrical engineer
- Fitzroy Iron Works (1848 - c. 1886)
- Fitzroy, Robert, Meteorologist and Naval officer
- Fiveash, Rosa Catherine (1854 - 1938), Botanical artist
- Flagstaff Observatory for Geophysics, Magnetism and Nautical Sciences (1858 - 1863), Colony of Victoria
- Flakt Australia Ltd (1970s - ?)
- Flambaum, Victor V. (1951 - ), Physicist
- Flannery, Timothy Fridjof, Mammalogist and Zoologist
- Fleay, David Howells (1907 - 1993), Zoo director, Zoologist and Ornithologist
- Flecker, Hugo (1884 - 1957), Medical practitioner, Radiotherapist and Toxinologist
- Fleming, Charles Alexander (1916 - 1987), Palaeontologist and Ornithologist
- Fleming, Ian Bowman (1913 - 1993), Engineer
- Fleming, Peter J. S., Wildlife manager and Zoologist
- Flentje, Noel Thomas (1921 - 1974), Agricultural scientist
- Fletcher, Geoffrey Charles, Theoretical physicist
- Fletcher, Harold Oswald (1903 - 1996), Palaeontologist
- Fletcher, Jane Ada (Ada) (1870 - 1956), Ornithologist and Poet
- Fletcher, Joseph James (1850 - 1926), Science administrator, Zoologist and Botanist
- Fletcher, Neville Horner (1930 - 2017), Physicist
- Fletcher, Peter (1943 - ), Meteorologist
- Flett, Penny, Medical administrator
- Fleuri, Gaston, Mathematician
- Flick, William Albert (1890 - 1980), Bacteriologist and Business executive
- Flinders Medal
- see Matthew Flinders Medal and Lecture (1957 - ), Australian Academy of Science - Flinders University (1966 - )
- Flinders, Matthew (1774 - 1814), Marine surveyor, Naval officer and Hydrographer
- Flinn, David William (1944 - ), Forest scientist
- Flint, India (1958 - ), Artist and Dyemaker
- Flockton, Lilian Margaret (Margaret) (1861 - 1953), Botanical artist
- Flood, James, Plant collector
- Flood, Josephine Mary (1936 - ), Archaeologist
- Florence, Ross G. (1930 - ), Academic and Forester
- Floresta Estadual Edmundo Navarro de Andrade (FEENA)
- see Museu do Eucalipto (1916 - ) - Florey Medal (1998 - ), Australian Institute of Policy and Science
- Florey Medal for Lifetime Achievement
- see Florey Medal (1998 - ), Australian Institute of Policy and Science - Florey, Hilda
- see Gardner, Hilda Josephine (1890 - 1953), Bacteriologist - Florey, Howard Walter (1898 - 1968), Pathologist
- Florey, Mary Ethel Hayter (1900 - 1966)
- Flower, William Henry
- Flynn, John (1880 - 1951), Minister of religion and Missionary
- Flynn, Theodore Thomson (1883 - 1968), Zoologist
- Flynn, Victor (1920 - 2006), Philanthropist and Physician
- Focken, Charles Melbourne (1901 - 1978), Museum director and Physicist
- Foelsche, Paul Heinrich Matthis (1831 - 1914), Dentist, Photographer and Policeman
- Foletta, George Gotardo (1892 - 1983), Manufacturer
- Foley, Catherine Patricia (Cathy) (1957 - ), Chief Scientist, Physicist and Science administrator
- Foley, James Charles (1892 - 1967), Meteorologist
- Food Additives Committee (1953 - ?)
- Food and Agriculture Organization (1945 - ), United Nations
- Food Science and Technology (Reference) Sub-committee (FTS)
- Food Science Australia - CSIRO (1997 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Food Science Australia
- see CSIRO Human Nutrition (2005 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - Food Standards Committee (FCS)
- Foord, George, Assayer
- Foote, Simon James (1958 - ), Medical scientist
- Footscray Institute of Technology (1915 - 1991)
- Footscray Technical College
- see Footscray Institute of Technology (1915 - 1991) - Footscray Technical School
- see Footscray Institute of Technology (1915 - 1991) - Forbes and Co (1862 - ?)
- Forbes Mackay, Hugh Rose (1871 - 1940), Electrical engineer
- Forbes, Eugenie
- see Lumbers, Eugenie R. (1941 - ), Medical scientist and University Administrator - Forbes, Henry Ogg (1851 - 1932), Explorer and Natural history collector
- Forbes, J. N., Shipmaster
- Forbes, Lawrence K. (Larry), Applied mathematician and University Administrator
- Ford Motor Company of Australia (1925 - )
- Ford, Athelstane Russell (1901 - 1979), Engineer
- Ford, Bruce Francis (1927 - 2001), Physician
- Ford, Edward (Ted) (1902 - 1986), Physician and Medical historian
- Ford, Hugh Alastair (1946 - ), Ornithologist and Ecologist
- Ford, Joan Munro (1918 - 1992?), Biologist
- Ford, Julian Ralph (1932 - 1987), Chemist and Ornithologist
- Forde, Helena
- see Scott, Helena (1832 - 1910), Natural history artist and Naturalist - Forder, Douglas Highmoor (Doug) (1912 - 1979), Educator
- Foreman, Donald Bruce (Don) (1945 - 2004), Systematic botanist
- Forest Research and Development Branch (1983? - 1998), State of Victoria
- Forest Research Institute (1964 - 1975)
- Forest Resources
- Forest Science Centre (1999 - ), The University of Melbourne
- Forestry and Timber Bureau (1946 - 1978), Commonwealth of Australia
- Forestry Australia
- see Institute of Foresters of Australia (IFA) (1935 - ) - Forestry Commission (of New South Wales) (1916 - 1993), State of New South Wales
- Forestry Commission (of Tasmania) (1947 - 1994), State of Tasmania
- Forestry Tasmania (1994 - )
- Forests Commission Victoria (1918 - 1983), State of Victoria
- Forgan, Bruce, Meteorologist
- Fornachon, John Charles Macleod (1905 - 1968), Microbiologist
- Forrest, Alexander (1849 - 1901), Explorer and Surveyor
- Forrest, James Alexander (1905 - 1990), Company director and Lawyer
- Forrest, John (1847 - 1918), Explorer, Politician and Surveyor
- Forrest, Margaret Elvire (1844 - 1929), Botanical artist and Botanical collector
- Forsaith, Dorothy Frances (1901 - 1977), Science administrator and Scientist
- Forshaw, Joseph, Biologist and Ornithologist
- Forster, Howard Carlyle (1903 - 1981), Agricultural scientist
- Forster, Ian C.
- Forster, Johann Georg Adam (1754 - 1794), Botanical collector and Artist
- Forster, Johann Reinhold (1729 - 1798), Naturalist
- Forsyth, John Walter, Naval historian and Solicitor
- Forsyth, Royce Arthur (? - 1973), Science educator
- Forte, W. G., Electrical engineer
- Foster, Francis Henry (1888 - 1979), Businessman, Civil engineer, Pastoralist and Politician
- Foster, Ivy Blanche Irene
- see Smith, Ivy Blanche Irene (1884 - 1975), Teacher and Community worker - Foster, Laurence Dallington (1892 - 1963), Chemist
- Foster's (1888 - )
- Fothergill, John (1712 - 1780), Physician and Botanist
- Fountaine, Margaret Elizabeth (1862 - 1940), Entomological artist and Lepidopterist
- Four Mile Farm
- see Katherine Research Station (1946 - 1981), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - Fowler, Enoch (1807 - 1879), Manufacturer
- Fowler, Hugh Lionel (1891 - 1946), Psychologist
- Fowler, Laura Margaret (1868 - 1952), Medical practitioner and Missionary
- Fowler, Richard Hindle (1910 - 1996), Agricultural physicist and Museum director
- Fowler, Russell Aubrey (1888 - 1971), Science educator
- Fowler, Thomas Walker (1859 - 1928), Civil engineer
- Fowler, Thomas Walker (1888 - 1942), Agricultural educator, Agriculturalist, Engineer and Inventor
- Fowles, Daniel Adey, Surgeon
- Fox, Bronwyn, Materials scientist, Science administrator and Vice-Chancellor
- Fox, David, Statistician
- Fox, Francis Arthur (1910 - 1999), Metallurgist
- Fox, Henry Thomas (1819 - 1891), Marine surveyor
- Fox, John, Physicist
- Foxall, Henry George (1884 - 1966), Engineer and Surveyor
- Foxton, John Hugh (1931? - 1993), Industrial chemist
- Frances Perry House (1970 - )
- Francis, Arthur James (1914 - 2008), Civil engineer
- Francis, George, Assayer and Chemist
- Francis, George William (1800 - 1865), Botanic gardens director and Botanist
- Francis, Peter (1908 - 1989), Bridge builder and Environmentalist
- Francis, William Douglas (1889 - 1959), Botanist
- François Louis Nompar de Caumont La Port Comte de Castelnau
- see Laporte, François Louis (1810 - 1880), Diplomat, Entomologist and Ichthyologist - Frank Fenner Prize for Life Scientist of the Year (2000 - ), Commonwealth of Australia
- Frank, Kendall Thomas (1904 - 1951), Engineer
- Frankel, Otto Herzberg (1900 - 1998), Geneticist, Science administrator and Plant breeder
- Franklin, Jane (1791 - 1875), Explorer, Natural history collector and Science patron
- Franklin, John (1786 - 1847), Arctic explorer, Governor, Naval officer and Science patron
- Franklin, Margaret, Sociologist and Author
- Franks, Shirley M., Unknown
- Fraser, Alex Stewart (1923 - 2002), Geneticist
- Fraser, Bruce
- see Fraser, Robert Donald Bruce (Bruce) (1924 - 2019), Biochemist and Biophysicist - Fraser, Colin (1875 - 1944), Geologist and Company director
- Fraser, Donald John, Academic, Civil engineer and Engineering historian
- Fraser, Harold Douglas (1921 - ), Teacher
- Fraser, Ian Thomas, Conservationist and Naturalist
- Fraser, James (1861 - 1936), Civil engineer and Railway commissioner
- Fraser, Keith Aird (1893 - 1952), Railway commissioner and Railway engineer
- Fraser, Lilian Ross (c. 1908 - 1987), Botanist and Public servant
- Fraser, Robert Donald Bruce (Bruce) (1924 - 2019), Biochemist and Biophysicist
- Frater, Robert Henry (Bob) (1937 - ), Engineer
- Frazer, Charles (1788? - 1831), Botanist and Gardener
- Frazer, Ian Hector (1953 - ), Immunologist
- Frazer, Leonard Thomas (Len) (1908 - 1968), Civil engineer, Consulting engineer and Municipal engineer
- Frazier, Jim (1940 - ), Optics and Camera operator
- Fred Walker and Company (1921? - 1935)
- Frederick White Medal (1984 - ), Australian Academy of Science
- Frederick White Prize
- see Frederick White Medal (1984 - ), Australian Academy of Science - Frederiksen, Jorgen Segerlund (1946 - ), Atmospheric scientist and Climate scientist
- Freeling, Arthur Henry (1820 - 1885), Engineer and Surveyor
- Freeman, Albert Henry (Harry), Electrical engineer
- Freeman, Erwin Felix (1916 - 1971), Industrial chemist
- Freeman, Hans Charles (1929 - 2008), Chemist
- Freeman, Harry
- see Freeman, Albert Henry (Harry), Electrical engineer - Freeman, Joan (1918 - 1998), Physicist
- Freeman, Kenneth Charles (1940 - ), Astronomer
- Freeman, Mavis, Bacteriologist and Biochemist
- Freeman, Ralph (1880 - 1950), Engineer
- Freeman, Shirley Estelle (1924 - 2014), Pharmacologist
- Freer, Michael, Agricultural scientist
- French, Charles (1842 - 1933), Naturalist, Nurseryman and Entomologist
- French, Charles Hamilton (1868 - 1950), Entomologist and Naturalist
- French, Eric Lancelot (1914 - 2002), Medical scientist, Veterinary scientist and Virologist
- French, Malcolm E., Eucalyptologist and Taxonomist
- Freney, Martin R., Wool expert
- Freshwater Ecology Group (? - 1996), Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research
- Frey, Dorothea, Author, Medical mycologist and Pathologist
- Freycinet, Louis Henri Desaulses de (1777 - 1840), Naval officer
- Freycinet, Louis-Claude Desaulses de (1779 - 1842), Earth scientist and Surveyor
- Fridrichsons, Janis (1906 - 1987), Physicist and Crystallographer
- Friedel, Margaret Hilda, Rangeland Ecologist
- Frith, Clifford Brodie (1949 - ), Ornithologist and wildlife photographer
- Frith, Dawn Whyatt (1943 - ), Ornithologist
- Frith, Harold James (1921 - 1982), Ornithologist
- Froggatt Award (2003 - ), Invasive Species Council
- Froggatt, John Lewis (1891 - ), Entomologist
- Froggatt, Walter Wilson (1858 - 1937), Entomologist
- Frome, Edward Charles (1802 - 1890), Surveyor
- Frost, Herbert John (1910 - 1980), Physicist
- Frost, P.J.
- Frosterley Club (1976 - ), Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology
- Fry, Bryan Grieg (1970 - ), Biochemist and Molecular biologist
- Fry, Henry Kenneth (1886 - 1959), Physician and Anthropologist
- Fryar, William (1828 - 1912), Parliamentarian, Public servant, Surveyor and Mining inspector
- Fuhrer, Bruce Alexander (1930 - 2023), Botanist, Naturalist and Photographer
- Fuji Horahata Steelworks
- Fullagar, Peter (1938 - ), Ornithologist
- Fullarton, Peter Gordon (Gordon) (1912 - 1991), Aeronautical engineer
- Fuller and Co
- Fuller, Claude W. (1872 - 1928), Entomologist
- Fuller, George Rayner (1898 - 1979), Physicist
- Fulton, Elizabeth (Beth), Ecologist and Marine biologist
- Fulton's Foundry
- Fung, Yik Man (1960 - 1998), Organic chemist
- Funk, Joseph Peter (Peter) (1923 - 1964), Meteorologist
- Furber, Thomas Frederick (1855 - 1924), Surveyor
- Furler, Graeme, Meteorologist
- Furness, John Barton (1945 - ), Neurobiologist
- Future Farm Industries Cooperative Research Centre
- see Future Farm Industries CRC (2007 - 2014) - Future Farm Industries CRC (2007 - 2014)
- Fyfe, John (Jnr) (1834 - 1925), Engineer
- Fyfe, John (Senior) (1803 - 1889), Engineer
- Fyfe, Wallace Vernon (1894 - 1982), Public servant and Surveyor
- Fysh, Wilmot Hudson (Hudson) (1895 - 1974), Business executive
- Fyvie and Stewart (1906 - 1932)