
Fagg, Peter Charles (1947 - )


16 April 1947
Geelong, Victoria, Australia
Forester and Silviculture consultant


Peter Fagg specialised in the silviculture of the eucalypt forest types of South-East Australia for most of his 40-year career, which started with the Forests Commission Victoria. In the 1970s he investigated the impacts and methods of control of the Cinnamon Fungus Phytophthora cinnamomi in Gippsland, Victoria, combined with the silviculture of mixed species eucalypt forests. In the late 1980s he assisted CSIRO in implementing the Young Eucalypt Program covering R&D of thinning eucalypt regrowth. Over the period 1990-2010, Peter was largely responsible for silvicultural policy and technical support in Victorian State forests in areas such as seed management, reforestation, thinning, regeneration, and recovery after bushfires.



Education - Diploma of Forestry (DipFor), Victorian School of Forestry, Creswick
Education - Bachelor of Science (Forestry), University of Melbourne, School of Forestry
1971 - 2023
Career position - Member, Institute of Foresters of Australia
1986 - 1990
Career position - Victorian coordinator of the CSIRO Young Eucalypt Program
Life event - Retired from Department of Sustainability and Environment; part-time silviculture consultant.
2023 -
Award - Fellow, Institute of Foresters of Australia

Published resources

Encyclopedia of Australian Science and Innovation Exhibitions


  • Fagg, P.C., Eucalypt Sowing and Seedfall. (East Melbourne: Department of Natural Resources and Environment, 2001), 41 pp. Details
  • Flint, Andrew and Fagg, Peter, Mountain Ash in Victoria's State Forests. Silviculture Reference Manual No.1 (East Melbourne, Vic.: Department of Sustainability and Environment, 2007), 97 pp. Details
  • Murphy, S.; Hateley, R.; and Fagg, P., Low Elevation Mixed Species in Victoria's State Forests. Silviculture Reference Manual No. 3. (Melbourne, Vic.: Department of Environment and Primary Industries, 2013). Details
  • Sebire, Ian and Fagg, Peter, High elevation mixed species in Victoria's state forests. Silviculture Reference Manual No.2 (East Melbourne: Department of Sustainability and Environment, 2009), 112 pp. Details

Edited Books

  • Cremer, K.W. ed., Trees for rural Australia (Melbourne: Inkata Press, 1990), 455 pp. Chapter 10: Weed control and water conservation (Fagg, P.C. and Cremer, K.W.). Details

Journal Articles

  • Fagg, P.C., 'Establishment and early growth of indigenous eucalypts sown on forest sites infested with Phytophthora cinnamomi in East Gippsland.', Forest Ecology and Management, 20 (1987), 53-78. Details
  • Fagg, P.C., 'Weed control techniques for the establishment of Eucalyptus regnans plantations on pasture sites.', Australian Forestry, 51 (1988), 28-38. Details
  • Fagg, P.C.; and Flinn, D.W., 'Evaluation of hexazinone and 3-6 dichloropicolinic acid for control of Acacia dealbata and Eucalyptus spp. in young Pinus radiata plantations in Victoria.', Australian Forestry, 46 (1983), 190-199. Details
  • Marks, G.C.; Kassaby, F.Y.; and Fagg, P.C., 'Dieback tolerance in Eucalyptus species in relation to fertilisation and soil populations of Phytophthora cinnamomi.', Australian Journal of Botany, 21 (1973), 53-65. Details


  • Fagg, P.; Meyers, N.; Bassett, O., Stocking following harvesting and regeneration in Victoria's State forests (1996/97-2000/01). Natural Resources Report 08-1 (Melbourne: Department of Sustainability and Environment, 2008), 52 pp. Details
  • Squire, R.O.; Dexter, B.D.; Eddy, A. R.; Fagg, P.C.; and Campbell, R.G., Regeneration silviculture for Victoria's eucalypt forests. Silvicultural Systems Project. (Victoria: Department of Conservation and Environment, 1991), 38 pp. Details


Peter Fagg

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"... the rengitj, as a visible mark or imprint on the land, is characterised as a place of origin, the repository of all names, as well as a kind of mapped visual expression of the connection between people and places which is to be carried out in the temporal sequence of the journey." Fanca Tamisari (1998) 'Body, Vision and Movement: In the footprints of the ancestors'. Oceania 68(4) p260