
Farnsworth, Samuel Thomas (1886 - 1948)

25 August 1886
Derbyshire, England
20 April 1948
late of Vaucluse, New South Wales, Australia
Civil engineer


Samuel Thomas Farnsworth, MInstCE, was Engineer-in-Chief of the Metropolitan Water Sewerage and Drainage Board from 1935 until his death in 1948. He was responsible for the construction, operation and maintenance of Sydney's Water Supply systems including construction of the Cordeaux, Avon, Nepean and Woronora Dams. He also had responsibility for the strengthening and final testing of the Sydney water supply pressure tunnel - regarded as one of the world's major water supply undertakings at the time. Later he was responsible for the planning and commencement of the construction of the Warragamba Dam.

During the Second World War, Farnsworth was appointed by the Commonwealth Government to be the engineer-in-charge of construction of the Captain Cook Graving Dock. After he died, it was suggested that the Warragamba Dam should be renamed the Farnsworth Dam in his honor, but instead the road leading to village of Warragamba Dam was named Farnsworth Avenue.



1902 - 1907
Education - Diploma, Derby Technical College, England
1907 -
Career position - Assistant to Managing Director, Birchills Furnaces Ltd, England
Education - Bachelor of Science (BSc(Hons)), University of London
1908 - 1910
Career position - Engineer in charge, Engineering Department, China and Japan Trading Company, Yokohama, Japan
1910 - 1911
Career position - Assistant to P. D. Booth, BSc BCLLS, British Columbia, Canada
Life event - Moved to Sydney, Australia
1912 - 1913
Career position - Assistant engineer, Public Works Department, New South Wales [Assistant to C Simons, Resident engineer, construction of major concrete sewer under direction of A Peake and H.H. Dare]
1913 - 1918
Career position - Lecturer in Physics and Surveying, Education Department, New South Wales, Technical High School and Technical College
Military service - First World War. Lance Corporal, Australian Military Forces [Enlisted]
1919 - 1923
Career position - Assistant engineer, Public Works Department, New South Wales [Assistant to C Simons, Resident engineer, construction of Cordeaux and Avon Dams, under direction of E.M. de Burgh]
1924 - 1927
Career position - Resident engineer, Public Works Department, New South Wales [Construction of Nepean Dams, under direction of T.E. Burrows]
1927 - 1928
Career position - Resident engineer, Public Works Department, New South Wales [Construction of Cordeaux, Avon and Nepean Dams, under direction of E.M. de Burgh]
Career event - Transferred, with others, from the Public Works Department to the Metropolitan Water Sewerage and Drainage Board
1928 - 1930
Career position - Construction engineer, Metropolitan Water Sewerage and Drainage Board [Nepean and Woronora Dams, and pipe lines and pressure tunnel, under direction of Gerald Haskins]
1930 - 1932
Career position - Construction engineer, Metropolitan Water Sewerage and Drainage Board [Liverpool and Ingleburn Dams, and associated water mains , under direction of Gerald Haskins]
2 Dec 1930
Career event - Associate member (AssocMInstCE), Institution of Civil Engineers, London
Patent - Improvements in protective linings for metal pipes [7488/1932. Application for Letters Patent for an invention by Gerald Haskins, Samuel Thomas Farnsworth and Alfred Leslie Polson]
Patent - An improved process and apparatus for lining pipes in situ with cement mortar [Application for Letters Patent for an invention by Gerald Haskins and Samuel Thomas Farnsworth]
Career event - With Gerald Haskins, formed Pipe Linings (Australasia) Ltd to acquire and exploit an invention for improving the protective linings in metal pipes.
1933 - 1935
Career position - Construction engineer, Metropolitan Water Sewerage and Drainage Board [Pressure Tunnel remediation, a major project of cement lining and pressure testing, included new patented methods]
1935 - 1948
Career position - Engineer-in-Chief, Metropolitan Water Sewerage and Drainage Board [Responsible for the design and commencement of construction of Warragamba Dam]
15 Dec 1936
Career event - Member (MInstCE), Institution of Civil Engineers, London
Patent - Method of and apparatus for lining pipes in situ with cement, cement mortar or concrete, or other cementitious material of similar nature [4127/1937. With Frederick de Lancy Venables]
Career position - Foundation member, Australian National Committee on Large Dams
Career event - Presented Cleithrolepis fossil fish, from Woronora Dam excavations, to the Australian Museum
1941 - c. 1942
Career position - Engineer-in-charge, Captain Cook Graving-dock, Department of the Interior

Related Corporate Bodies

Related People

Published resources


  • CA 2001 Australian Imperial Force, Base Records Office, 'NAA: B2455, Farnsworth S T', B2455 First Australian Imperial Force Personnel Dossiers, 1914-1920, National Archives of Australia, RecordSearch, Details
  • 'Discussion. The Captain Cook Graving Dock, Sydney. Joint meeting of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, & the New South Wales Advisory Committee of the I.C.E., held in Sydney, NSW, on 30 April 1947.', Minutes of the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Institution of Civil Engineers, Details
  • 'Correspondence. The strengthening and final testing of the pressure tunnel for the water-supply of Sydney, N.S.W.', Minutes of the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Institution of Civil Engineers, Details
  • 'Correspondence. The strengthening and final testing of the pressure tunnel for the water-supply of Sydney, N.S.W.', Minutes of the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Institution of Civil Engineers, Details
  • 'The strengthening and final testing of the pressure tunnel for the water-supply of Sydney, N.S.W.', Minutes of the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Institution of Civil Engineers, Details
  • Institution of Civil Engineers, London, 'Application: 19160, 1930', Civil Engineer Membership Forms, 1818-1930,, Details
  • IP Australia, Commonwealth of Australia, 'Application: 7488/1932. Title: Improvements in protective linings for metal pipes [Includes digitised specification]', Australian Patent search database, Commonwealth of Australia, 2015, Details
  • IP Australia, Commonwealth of Australia, 'Application: 4127/1937. Title: Method of and apparatus for lining pipes in situ with cement, cement mortar or concrete, or other cementitious material of similar nature [Includes digitised specification]', Australian Patent search database, Commonwealth of Australia, 2015, Details

Ken McInnes

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This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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