Published Resources Details
- Title
- B2455 First Australian Imperial Force Personnel Dossiers, 1914-1920
- Imprint
- National Archives of Australia, RecordSearch
- Url
- Abstract
This series consists of service personnel dossiers for Australians who served in the following entities during World War One:
- Australian Imperial Force (AIF)
- Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Force (AN&MEF)
- Royal Australian Naval Bridging Train (RANBT)
- Australian Flying Corps (AFC)
- Australian Army Nursing Service (AANS)Depot records for personnel who did not go overseas but instead served in Australia can also be found in B2455.
Related entries
- Allan, Robert Marshall (1886 - 1946)
- Allen, Alfred James (1892 - 1981)
- Allen, Arthur Max (1891 - 1979)
- Angwin, Hugh Thomas Moffitt (1888 - 1949)
- Argyle, Stanley Seymour (1867 - 1940)
- Axon, Albert Edwin (1898 - 1974)
- Baldwin, Daniel Eric (1894 - 1965)
- Barrett, James William (1862 - 1945)
- Basden, Ralph (1894 - 1976)
- Bassett, Walter Eric (1892 - 1978)
- Bate, Ernest (1883 - 1974)
- Bearup, Arthur Joseph (1895 - 1973)
- Blackall, William Edward (1876 - 1941)
- Blackburn, Charles Bickerton (1874 - 1972)
- Blake, Leslie Russell (1890 - 1918)
- Booth, Edgar Harold (1893 - 1963)
- Bryan, Walter Heywood (1891 - 1966)
- Burnell, John Gurner (1885 - 1967)
- Butler, Arthur Graham (1872 - 1949)
- Callister, Cyril Percy (1893 - 1949)
- Casey, Richard Gavin Gardiner (1890 - 1976)
- Cherry, Thomas Macfarland (1898 - 1966)
- Cilento, Raphael West (1893 - 1985)
- Clayton, Eric Elwin Samuel (Sam) (1896 - 1987)
- Close, John Campbell (1881 - 1953)
- Coates, Albert Ernest (1895 - 1977)
- Conyers, Evelyn Augusta (1870 - 1944)
- Craig, Robert Gordon (1870 - 1931)
- David, Tannatt William Edgeworth (1858 - 1934)
- Davies, Harold Whitridge (1894 - 1946)
- Derham, Alfred Plumley (1891 - 1962)
- Dodd, Sydney (1874 - 1926)
- Downes, Rupert Major (1885 - 1945)
- Duhig, James Vincent Joseph (1889 - 1963)
- East, Lewis Ronald (1899 - 1994)
- Farnsworth, Samuel Thomas (1886 - 1948)
- Ferguson, Eustace William (1884 - 1927)
- Fowler, Thomas Walker (1888 - 1942)
- Henry, Max (1883 - 1959)
- Jeffries, Lewis Wibmer (1884 - 1971)
- Jessep, Alexander William (1892 - 1991)
- Johnston, William Wallace Stewart (Bill) (1887 - 1962)
- Kellaway, Charles Halliley (1889 - 1952)
- Kellett, Adelaide Maud (1873 - 1945)
- Kelso, Alexander Edward (1894 - 1943)
- Kennedy, Alexander Lorimer (1889 - 1972)
- Kinghorn, James Roy (1891 - 1983)
- Lang, Margaret Irene (1893 - 1983)
- Lawrence, Gordon Ord (1896 - 1960)
- Legg, John (1892 - 1984)
- Lewis, Arndell Neil (1897 - 1943)
- Lilley, Charles Mitford (1890 - 1955)
- Loder, Louis Francis (1896 - 1972)
- Loftus-Hills, Clive (1885 - 1967)
- Macdonald, Alexander Simpson (1888 - 1955)
- Marks, Alexander Hammett (1880 - 1954)
- Maudsley, Henry Carr (1859 - 1944)
- McCulloch, James Hogg (1893 - 1975)
- McDonald, Charles George (1892 - 1970)
- McDowall, Valentine (1881 - 1957)
- Morris, Emanuel Sydney (1888 - 1957)
- Murphy, Arthur William (1891 - 1963)
- Murray, Jack Keith (1889 - 1979)
- Murray-Jones, Frederick (1882 - 1944)
- Norman, Edwin Philip (1887 - 1971)
- Nye, Percival Bartlett (1893 - 1985)
- Parnell, Thomas (1881 - 1948)
- Patten, Robert Anthony (1889 - 1959)
- Phillips, Leslie William (1893 - 1949)
- Pitman, Edwin James George (1897 - 1993)
- Raggatt, Harold George (1900 - 1968)
- Rogers, James Stanley (1893 - 1977)
- Rose, Walter John (1885 - 1952)
- Roth, Reuter Emerich (1858 - 1924)
- Rothera, Arthur Cecil Hamel (1880 - 1915)
- Ryan, Charles Snodgrass (1853 - 1926)
- Seddon, Herbert Robert (1887 - 1964)
- Smith, Ross Macpherson (1892 - 1922)
- Stanton, Byron Lionel (1891 - 1963)
- Strom, Harold Greve (1894 - 1971)
- Stump, Claude Witherington (1891 - 1971)
- Sutherland, Keith (1896 - 1978)
- Sutton, Harvey Vincent (1882 - 1963)
- Thompson, George Thomas (1895 - 1987)
- Troughton, Ellis Le Geyt (1893 - 1974)
- Waterhouse, Walter Lawry (1887 - 1969)
- Welch, Marcus Baldwin (1895 - 1942)
- Wilkins, George Hubert (1888 - 1958)
- Wilkins, Thomas (1887 - 1946)
- Williams, Francis Edgar (1893 - 1943)
- Wilson, Arthur Mitchell (1888 - 1947)
- Wilson, Grace Margaret (1879 - 1957)
- Wilson, Herbert Ward (1877 - 1955)
- Woodward, Oliver Holmes (1885 - 1966)
- Woollard, Herbert Henry (1889 - 1939)