Browse Entries - P
- P. N. Russell and Company (1855 - 1875)
- see Plastics and Chemicals Industries Association (PACIA) (1994 - 2017) - Pacific Dunlop Limited (1986 - 2002)
- Packer, John, Electrical engineer
- Packham, David Roy (1939 - ), Chemist
- Paddon-Row, Michael Nicholas (1942 - ), Organic chemist and University Administrator
- Padmore, P. St. M., Biologist
- Page, Arthur Anthony (1922 - 2011), Astronomer and Physiotherapist
- Palfreyman, Achalen Woolliscroft (1875 - 1967), Business executive
- Palfreyman, E. H., Electrical engineer
- Palmer, Edward Gillett Worcester ( - 1914), Entomologist
- Palmer, James Albert, Conservationist
- Paltridge, Garth William (1940 - ), Atmospheric scientist and Science administrator
- Pamplin, William, Printer and Publisher
- Pancontinental Mining Limited (1971 - 1997)
- Paolini, Antonio Giacomo
- Papermakers Pty Ltd (1926 - ?)
- Paraburdoo Mine
- Paraburdoo Power Station
- Paradice, William Edward John (1897 - 1927), Marine zoologist, Physician and Entomologist
- Parbo, Arvi Hillar (1926 - 2019), Company director
- Park, R. P., Manufacturer
- Parke Davis Pty Ltd (1970 - )
- Parker Centre
- see A. J. Parker CRC for Hydrometallurgy (1992 - 2005) - Parker Centre
- see Parker CRC for Integrated Hydrometallurgy Solutions (2005 - ) - Parker Cooperative Research Centre for Integrated Hydrometallurgy Solutions
- see Parker CRC for Integrated Hydrometallurgy Solutions (2005 - ) - Parker CRC for Integrated Hydrometallurgy Solutions (2005 - )
- Parker, Alan James (Jim) (1933 - 1982), Chemist
- Parker, Douglas William Leigh (1900 - 1988), Orthopaedic surgeon
- Parker, Gordon Barraclough (1942 - ), Psychiatrist
- Parker, Henry Thomas (1890 - 1957), Educator and Psychologist
- Parker, Judith Milburn (1936 - ), Nurse, Teacher and Scholar
- Parker, Shane (1943 - 1992), Museum curator and Ornithologist
- Parker, Thomas Jeffrey (1850 - 1897), Naturalist
- Parkes, Merle Elicia (1927 - ), Nurse and Nurse educator
- Parkhouse, Thomas Anstey, Anthropologist
- Parkin, Gretna Margaret
- see Weste, Gretna Margaret (1917 - 2006), Botanist - Parkin, Leslie Wedgwood (Lee) (1916 - 2013), Geologist
- Parkinson, James, Chemical analyst
- Parkinson, Sydney (1745? - 1771), Natural history artist
- Parkinson, Wilfred Charles (1884 - 1964), Magnetic observer
- Parks Australia (2000 - ), Commonwealth of Australia
- Parks Australia North, Commonwealth of Australia
- Parks Australia South, Commonwealth of Australia
- Parliament of Victoria, Royal Commission for Promoting Technological and Industrial Instruction (1869 - 1890)
- Parnell, Thomas (1881 - 1948), Academic and Physicist
- Parodi, Peter W., Food scientist
- Parrott, Thomas Samuel (1842 - 1917), Civil engineer and Soldier
- Parry, Eileen Francis (1913 - ), Nurse
- Parry, Lindsay George (Lin) (1922 - 2016), Physicist
- Parry, William Edward (1790 - 1855), Arctic explorer and Agriculturalist
- Parslow, John, Oceanographer
- Parsons, Neville Ronsley (Nod) (1926 - 2017), Physicist
- Parsons, Peter James (1913 - 2007), Gastroenterologist
- Parsons, Robin June (1932 - ), Nurse educator
- Particulate Fluids Processing Centre (2000 - ), The University of Melbourne
- Pascal, Blaise, Mathematician
- Passioura, John (1938 - ), Agricultural scientist
- Pasteur Institute of Australia (1890 - 1898)
- Pasteur, Louis (1822 - 1895), Chemist and Microbiologist
- Pate, John Stewart (1932 - 2023), Plant physiologist
- Patent Office (1903 - 1992), Commonwealth of Australia
- Patent Preserved Meat Manufactory (1846 - ?)
- Paterson, John Waugh (1869 - 1958), Agricultural scientist and Vice-Chancellor
- Paterson, Mervyn Silas (1925 - 2020), Geophysicist and University Administrator
- Paterson, Peter James (1936 - 2002), Gynaecologist
- Paterson, William (1755 - 1810), Explorer and Naturalist
- Pathological Society of New South Wales (1932 - 1939)
- Paton, David Cleland, Ornithologist
- Paton, Jean Sinclair
- see Isbister, Jean Sinclair (1915 - 2008), Paediatrician - Paton, Joan (1916? - 2000), Ornithologist
- Paton, Penelope Ann (Penny), Ornithologist
- Patrick, James (Jim) Finlay
- Patrick, John, Plant physiologist
- Patroni, Alfred (1894 - 1995), Electrical engineer
- Patten, Robert Anthony (1889 - 1959), Veterinarian
- Patterson, James Harold, Surgeon
- Patterson, Robert Charles (1844 - 1907), Engineer
- Patterson, Sydney Wentworth (1882 - 1960), Medical practitioner, Medical researcher and Pathologist
- Pattison, Henry, Food scientist
- Patton, Reuben Tom (1883 - 1962), Botanist
- Paul, Charles Norman (1883 - 1959), Physician and Dermatologist
- Paulson, Colin Alfred Joseph (1936 - ), Engineer
- Pausaecker, K. H. (1923 - 1959), Organic chemist
- Pawsey Medal (1967 - ), Australian Academy of Science
- Pawsey, Joseph Lade (1908 - 1962), Radiophysicist and Radio astronomer
- Paxinos, George (1944 - ), Psychologist
- Payne, Henry (1871 - 1945), Engineer and Educator
- Payne, Richard James, Organic chemist
- Payne-Scott, Ruby Violet (1912 - 1981), Radio astronomer, Teacher and Physicist
- Peacock, E. E., Engineer
- Peacock, Ernest Alfred, Jam manufacturer
- Peacock, George (1824 - 1900), Jam manufacturer
- Peacock, Jim
- see Peacock, William James (1937 - ), Chief Scientist, Molecular biologist and Geneticist - Peacock, William James (1937 - ), Chief Scientist, Molecular biologist and Geneticist
- Peake, John G., Engineer
- Peanut Company of Australia (1997 - )
- Peanut Marketing Board (1924 - 1992)
- Pearce, Helen (1952 - ), Meteorologist
- Pearcey Foundation (1998 - )
- Pearcey, Trevor (1919 - 1998), Computer scientist and Physicist
- Pearman, Graeme Ivan (1941 - ), Climate scientist, Environmental scientist and Science administrator
- Pearn, John Hemsley (1940 - ), Academic, Army officer and Medical scientist
- Pearson, Alfred Naylor (1856 - 1933), Chemist and Agriculturalist
- Pearson, John Carwadine (1927 - 2011), Parasitologist
- Pearson, Kenneth Robert (1943 - 2015), Mathematician
- Pechiney Australia Pty Ltd (1972 - c. 1998)
- Peck, Charles Robert (c. 1876 - 1950), Analyst
- Peck, John Murray (1830 - 1903), Coachline proprietor and Auctioneer
- Pederick, Leon A. (1930 - ), Biogeographer and Forest Scientist
- Pedler, Lynn, Farmer and Ornithologist
- Pedley, Leslie (Les) (1930 - 2018), Botanist
- Peel, Charlotte Emily Fforde (1876 - 1974), Astronomical observer
- Peel, Clifford, Medical student
- Peet, G. B., Chemist
- Pegg, David Thomas (1941 - ), Physicist
- Pegg, Kenneth Gerald, Plant pathologist
- Peirce, Sidney Ernest (1890 - 1915), Scientist
- Peko Wallsend Limited ( - 1988)
- Pell, Morris Birkbeck (1827 - 1879), Mathematician
- Pellarini, Luigi, Aircraft designer
- Pelzer, August Wilhelm (c. 1862 - 1934), Horticulturist
- Pelzer, William
- see Pelzer, August Wilhelm (c. 1862 - 1934), Horticulturist - Pemberton, Barry, Author
- Penfold, Arthur de Ramon (1890 - 1980), Museum director and Chemist
- Penfold, William James (1875 - 1941), Bacteriologist and Medical scientist
- Penington, David Geoffrey (1930 - 2023), Medical scientist and Vice-Chancellor
- Peninsula School of Computing and Information technology, Monash University
- Penman, Frank (1905 - 1973), Agricultural chemist
- Pennant, Thomas (1726 - 1798), Naturalist
- Pennefather, Reginald Richard (1905 - 1957), Agricultural scientist
- Penny, J. P., Computer scientist
- Penny, Ronald (1936 - ), Physician and Immunologist
- Penridge, Joan Elizabeth (1937 - 1994), Nurse, Nurse educator and Educational administrator
- Percival, Arthur (1879 - 1964), Surveyor
- Percival, Edgar Wikner (1897 - 1984), Aviator and Aircraft designer
- Percival, Elizabeth Claire (1943 - ), Nurse administrator
- Percival, Terence, Electrical engineer, Information technologist and Wireless expert
- Perdriau Rubber Co Ltd (1904 - 1929)
- Perdriau, Henry (1845 - 1935), Merchant and Manufacturer
- Performance Merino Breeders Association (1983 - ?)
- Perkins, Arthur James (1871 - 1944), Agricultural scientist and Viticulturist
- Perkins, Ernest Edward, Naturalist
- Perks, Robert Howell (1854 - 1912), Naturalist and Physician
- Péron, François (1775 - 1810), Naturalist and Explorer
- Perpetual Ramaciotti Medal for Excellence in Biomedical Research
- see Ramaciotti Medal for Excellence in Biomedical Research (1996 - ), Clive and Vera Research Foundation - Perrin, George Samuel, Forester
- Perrin, W.P., Botanist
- Perrot, Lyon, Mathieson Pty Ltd (1977 - )
- Perry, Anthony Edward (1937 - 2001), Mechanical engineer
- Perry, Bennett ( - 1943), Agricultural chemist
- Perry, Gillian (1943 - 2011), Taxonomic botanist
- Perry, Grace (1927 - 1987), Physician and Poet
- Perry, John William ( - 1965), Pathologist
- Perry, Nancye Enid Kent (1918 - 2011), Entomologist and Artist
- Perry, Rayden Alfred (1925 - 2004), Environmental scientist and Science administrator
- Perry, Stanley Llewellyn (1890 - 1979), Chemical engineer and Soldier
- Perth Observatory (1896 - ), Colony of Western Australia
- Perth Water Board
- Perth Zoo
- see The Zoological Parks Authority (1919 - ) - Pescott, Edward Edgar (1872 - 1954), Naturalist and Horticulturist
- Pescott, Richard Thomas Martin (Dick) (1905 - 1986), Botanic gardens director, Entomologist, Horticulturist and Agricultural scientist
- The Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity (c. 2014 - )
- Peter Francis Points Arboretum (1966 - )
- Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute (1986 - )
- Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal (1922 - ), Institution of Engineers, Australia
- Petersen, Ian R. (1956 - ), Engineer
- Petit, Nicholas Martin, Natural history artist
- Petrie, Douglas Percival Ramsay (1910 - 1963), Physicist
- Petrie, K., Electrical engineer
- Petroleum and Chemical Corporation (Australia) Ltd (1953 - 1960s)
- Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia
- Petterd, William Frederick (1849 - 1910), Mineralogist, Zoological collector and Conchologist
- Pettersson, Allan D., Electrical engineer
- Pettigrew, Jack
- see Pettigrew, John Douglas (1943 - 2019), Physiologist - Pettigrew, John Douglas (1943 - 2019), Physiologist
- Pettit, John H.W., Surveyor
- Pettit, Rowland (1927 - 1981), Chemist
- Phan-Thien, Nhan (1952 - ), Mechanical engineer
- Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (1976 - )
- Pharmaceutical Society of Victoria (1857 - 1970s)
- Pharmacy Board of Victoria (1876 - )
- Phelps, Kerryn (1957 - ), Physician
- Philip, John Robert (1927 - 1999), Civil engineer
- Philips Electrical Industries
- Phillips, Edward Frank (1923 - 2008), Meteorologist
- Phillips, Evan Raymond (1936 - ), Geologist
- Phillips, F. J. E., Manufacturer
- Phillips, Frank Hiram, Chemist
- Phillips, Geoffrey Neil, Geologist
- Phillips, George (1843 - 1921), Politician and Surveyor
- Phillips, Gilbert Edward (1904 - 1952), Neurosurgeon
- Phillips, Herbert Peter (1875 - 1931), Engineer and Soldier
- Phillips, Leslie William (1893 - 1949), Chemist
- Phillips, Ted
- see Phillips, Edward Frank (1923 - 2008), Meteorologist - Phillpot, Henry Robert (1919 - 2018), Meteorologist
- Philosophical Institute of Victoria (1855 - 1859)
- Philosophical Society of Adelaide
- see Adelaide Philosophical Society (1853 - 1880) - Philosophical Society of Australasia (1821 - c. 1825)
- Philosophical Society of New South Wales (1856 - 1866)
- Philosophical Society of Queensland (1859 - 1884)
- Philosophical Society of Victoria (1854 - 1855)
- Philpots, George Edward Payne, Dental scientist
- Philsophical Society of Australia
- see Philosophical Society of Australasia (1821 - c. 1825) - Phoenix Australia (1995 - )
- Phoenix Australia Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health
- see Phoenix Australia (1995 - ) - Phoenix Foundry Co Ltd (1854 - 1900s)
- Physics Museum, The University of Melbourne
- Phytologic Museum of Melbourne
- see Botanical Museum of Melbourne (1853 - 1896), Colony of Victoria - PIA
- see Plastics Industry Association Inc. (PIA) (1989 - 1994) - PIA
- see Plastics Institute of Australia Inc. (PIA) (1944 - 1989) - Pickering, W., Surveyor
- Pickett-Heaps, Jeremy David (1940 - ), Botanist
- Piddington, Albert Bathurst (1862 - 1945), Judge
- Piddington, Jack
- see Piddington, John Hobart (1910 - 1997), Radiophysicist - Piddington, John Hobart (1910 - 1997), Radiophysicist
- Piddington, Marion Louisa (1869 - 1950), Eugenist
- Pidgeon, Ilma
- see Brewer, Ilma Mary (1915 - 2006), Botanist and Educator - Pieroni, Margaret Edith (1936 - ), Botanical artist and Photographer
- Pierson, Ambroise, Astronomer and Minister of religion
- Piesse, Edmund Leolin (1880 - 1947), Analyst, Geographer and Lawyer
- Piesse, Frederick Henry (1853 - 1912), Agriculturalist
- Pigment Manufacturers of Australia (1961 - 1990)
- Pigments Manufacturers of Australia (1970 - )
- Pigot, Edward Francis (1858 - 1929), Seismologist and Astronomer
- Pike, Henry Maurice Liebgieber, Surveyor
- Pike, William, Agriculturalist
- Piller, Sabine (1970 - ), Medical scientist
- Pillow, Albert Fenton (Fenton) (1921 - 2006), Applied mathematician
- see Presbyterian Inland Mission (1977 - ), Presbyterian Church of Australia - Pink, James (c. 1836 - 1923), Gardener and Nurseryman
- Pink, Olive Muriel (1884 - 1975), Anthropologist and Botanical artist
- Pioneer Chemicals (? - 1960s)
- Pioneer Spring Co Ltd
- Pipeline Authority of South Australia ( - 1995)
- Pipeline Technologists
- Piper, Clarence Sherwood (1903 - 1988), Soil scientist
- Piper, James Austin (Jim) (1947 - 2023), Physicist and University Administrator
- Pirani, Frederick Joy (1850 - 1881), Mathematician
- see Department for Primary Industries and Resources South Australia (1997 - 2011), State of South Australia - PIRSA II
- see Department of Primary Industries and Regions SA (2011 - ), State of South Australia - Pitcher, Frederick (1856 - 1935), Botanist
- Pither, Alfred George (George) (1908 - 1971)
- Pitman Medal (1978 - ), Statistical Society of Australia
- Pitman, Edwin James George (1897 - 1993), Mathematician
- Pitman, Michael George (1933 - 2000), Biologist and Chief Scientist
- Pitney, William Robert (Bob) (1921 - 1986), Haematologist
- Pitt, John Ingram (1937 - 2022), Food scientist and Microbiologist
- Pittard, Alfred James (1932 - ), Microbiologist
- Pittard, Jim
- see Pittard, Alfred James (1932 - ), Microbiologist - Pittman, Edward Fisher (1849 - 1932), Geologist and Administrator
- Pittman, Joseph, Geologist
- Pittock, Albert (Barrie) (1938 - ), Climate scientist, Environmental scientist and Indigenous Rights Activist
- Pizzey, Graham (1930 - 2001), Natural history writer, Ornithologist and Photographer
- Plante, Enid Campbell (1918 - 2007), Chemist
- Plastics and Chemicals Industries Association (PACIA) (1994 - 2017)
- Plastics Industry Association Inc. (PIA) (1989 - 1994)
- Plastics Institute of Australia Inc. (PIA) (1944 - 1989)
- Plate, Dieter Erich Alexander (c. 1935 - 2011), Textile technologist and Wool expert
- The Platipus Society
- see Tasmanian Natural History Society (1838 - 1849) - Platt, Albert Edward (1901 - ), Bacteriologist
- Playford, Maxwell Ernest (1902 - 1943), Metallurgical Engineer
- Playford, Phillip Elliott (Phil) (1931 - 2017), Geologist
- Plessey Australia Pty Ltd (c. 1939 - )
- Plomley, Norman James Brian (1912 - 1994), Anatomist, Historian, Museum director and Ethnologist
- PMB Australia Limited (1992 - 1997)
- Poate, Frederick (1855 - 1935), Surveyor
- Poate, Hugh Raymond Guy (1884 - 1961), Surgeon
- Pockley, Robert Peter Campbell (Peter) (1935 - 2013), Science writer
- Podger, Francis Denis (1933 - 1999?), Conservationist, Ecologist and Forester
- Podger, Frank
- see Podger, Francis Denis (1933 - 1999?), Conservationist, Ecologist and Forester - Poeppel, Augustus (1839 - 1891), Surveyor
- Pogson, Barry (1962 - ), Biochemist and Molecular biologist
- The Points Arboretum
- see Peter Francis Points Arboretum (1966 - ) - Poisons Schedule Standing Committee, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)
- Politzer, Ludwig Louis, Science historian
- Pollak, John Kurt, Biochemist and Embryologist
- Pollard, J. W., Electrical engineer
- Pollard, James Harvey Theodore (1900 - 1971), Naturalist and Writer
- Pollock, James Arthur (1865 - 1922), Physicist
- Polya, John Bela (c. 1914 - 1992), Chemist
- Polyactiva (2010 - )
- Polymer Medal
- see Battaerd-Jordan Australian Polymer Medal (1973 - ) - Polymer Technology Centre (1990 - c. 2000), RMIT University
- Pond, Susan Margaret, Pharmacologist
- Pont, Edward George, Food scientist
- Ponting, Herbert George, Explorer and Photographer
- Poole, Peter Cyril (1931 - 2017), Computer scientist
- Poole, William Robert (1893 - 1955), Chemist
- Pope, Elizabeth (1912 - 1993), Marine ecologist, Marine zoologist and Museum director
- Popper, Karl (1902 - 1994), Philosopher
- Porges, W.L., Veterinary scientist
- Pork CRC
- see CRC for an Internationally Competitive Pork Industry (2005 - 2011) - Porter, Robert (1932 - ), Medical scientist, Vice-Chancellor and Physiologist
- Porteus, Stanley David (1883 - 1972), Psychologist and Educator
- Posner, Alan Meyer ( - 1980), Agricultural scientist
- Possingham, Hugh Philip (1962 - ), Mathematical ecologist and University Administrator
- Possingham, John Victor (1929 - 2023), Agricultural scientist and Horticulturist
- Postmaster-General's Department (1901 - 1975)
- Postmaster-General's Department, Research Laboratories
- Potter, Charles Vincent (1859 - 1908), Analytical chemist and Engineer
- Potter, E. C., Engineer
- Potter, Ian
- see Potter, William Ian (Ian) (1902 - 1994), Company director, Philanthropist and Economist - Potter, James Baildon (Jim), Educator and Engineer
- Potter, Owen Edward (1925 - 2020), Chemical engineer
- Potter, William Ian (Ian) (1902 - 1994), Company director, Philanthropist and Economist
- Pottie, John (1832? - 1908), Veterinary surgeon
- Potts, Andrew Elmhirst (1959 - 2019), Structural engineer
- Potts, Bradley, Biogeographer and Eucalypt geneticist
- Potts, Frank (1815 - 1890), Shipbuilder and Vigneron
- Potts, Henry William (1855 - 1931), Agriculturalist and Pharmacist
- Potts, Renfrey Burnard (1925 - 2005), Mathematician
- Poulos, Harry George (1940 - ), Civil engineer and Geotechnical Engineer
- Poultry CRC
- see CRC for the Australian Poultry Industries (2003 - 2017) - Pound, Charles Joseph (1866 - 1946), Microscopist
- Pound, James Robert (1888 - 1967), Chemist
- Powell, Frank Anthony (Tony) (1924 - 2018), Meteorologist
- Power, Frederick Danvers (1861 - 1955), Mining engineer
- Powerhouse Museum (1988 - ), State of New South Wales
- Poynter, John Riddoch (1929 - )
- Praed, Annie (1873? - 1948), Dentist
- Praeger, Cheryl Elisabeth (1948 - ), Mathematician and University Administrator
- Praite, Ronald George Louis (Ron) (1922 - 2011), Geographer
- Pratt, Clive
- see Pratt, Henry Reginald Clive (Clive) (1911 - 2007), Chemical engineer - Pratt, Henry Reginald Clive (Clive) (1911 - 2007), Chemical engineer
- Predavec, Martin, Ecologist and Zoologist
- Predictive Mineral Discovery CRC
- see CRC for Predictive Mineral Discovery (2001 - 2008) - Preiss, Johann August Ludwig (1811 - 1883), Botanical collector and Naturalist
- Prentice, Mildred Macfarlan
- see Barnard, Mildred Macfarlan (1908 - 2000), Biometrician and Mathematician - Prentice, Sydney Arthur (1908 - 2002), Electrical engineer and Engineering historian
- Presbyterian Church of Australia
- Presbyterian Church of Australia, Australian Inland Mission (1912 - c. 1977)
- Presbyterian Church of Australia, Presbyterian Inland Mission (1977 - )
- Presbyterian Inland Mission (1977 - ), Presbyterian Church of Australia
- Prescott Medal
- see J. A. Prescott Medal (1972 - ), Australian Society of Soil Science - Prescott, James Arthur (1890 - 1987), Agricultural scientist
- Prescott, John Robert Victor (Victor) (1931 - 2018), Geographer
- Prescott, John Russell (1924 - 2011), Physicist
- Presidents and Notable Fellows of the Royal Society of Victoria (2000 - 2001)
- Press, Henry William Harman, Engineer
- Pressed Metal Pty Ltd
- Pressley, Lynne (1953 - ), Physician
- Pressley, Thomas Athol (1914 - 1982)
- Prestige Ltd (1922 - c. 1964)
- Preston, Gordon Bamford (1925 - 2015), Mathematician
- Price, Archibald Grenfell (1892 - 1977), Geographer and Science historian
- Price, Douglas Gordon (1927 - 2014), Civil engineer
- Price, Graham Pope (1947 - ), Geologist
- Price, James Robert (Jerry) (1912 - 1999), Chemist
- Price, Jerry
- see Price, James Robert (Jerry) (1912 - 1999), Chemist - Price, Joyce Ethel (1915 - 2009)
- Price, Mrs Eleanor, Manufacturer
- Price, Sir Robert
- see Price, James Robert (Jerry) (1912 - 1999), Chemist - Price, William Lindsay (1896 - ), Physicist
- Prichard, Roger K., Parasitologist
- Prickly Pear Board
- see Commonwealth Prickly Pear Board (1919 - 1935) - Priddle, Raymond Arthur (1913 - 1971), Civil engineer, Consulting engineer and Structural engineer
- Prideaux, Brian Angus, Conservationist and Librarian
- Pridham, John Theodore (1879 - 1954), Agricultural scientist and Wheat propagator
- Priestley Medal (1983 - ), Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
- Priestley, Anthony John (Tony) (1946 - ), Chemical engineer and Water supply expert
- Priestley, Bill
- see Priestley, Charles Henry Brian (Bill) (1915 - 1998), Meteorologist - Priestley, Charles Henry Brian (Bill) (1915 - 1998), Meteorologist
- Priestley, Henry (1884 - 1961), Academic, Biochemist and Physiologist
- Priestley, Henry James (1883 - 1932), Mathematician
- Priestley, Raymond Edward (1886 - 1974), Geologist, Vice-Chancellor and Antarctic explorer
- Prime Minister's Department (1911 - 1971), Commonwealth of Australia
- Prime Minister's Prize for Science (2000 - ), Commonwealth of Australia
- Prime Minister's Science, Engineering and Innovation Council (1997 - )
- Prime, Catherine Mary (1942 - 2004), Actuary and Lawyer
- Prince, Celia Elizabeth
- see Rosser, Celia Elizabeth (1930 - ), Botanical artist - Pring, Allan, Mineralogist
- Prins, Martin Willem (1949 - ), Textile technologist and Wool expert
- Prior, Herbert James, Psychiatrist
- Prior, Lancelot Sidney (1913 - 1984), Geophysicist
- Prior, Margot Ruth, Psychologist and Educator
- Pritchard, Edward (Ted) (1930 - 2007), Educator, Engineer and Inventor
- Pritchard, George Baxter (1869 - 1956), Geologist
- Pritchard, Paul A., Computer scientist
- Probert, Belinda (1949 - ), Educator and Social scientist
- Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, South Australian Branch (1891 - 1986)
- Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, new series (1889 - )
- Proceedings of the Victorian Institute of Engineers (1886 - 1948)
- Proceedings of the Western Australian Institution of Engineers
- Project Hiport
- Project Jindalee (1970s - ?)
- Project Karriwarra
- Project Mallard
- Project Parakeet
- Project Raven
- Project Waler
- Prokhorov, Aleksandr Mikhailovich (1916 - 2002), Physicist
- Prokhovnik, Simon James (1920 - 1994), Mathematician
- Proprietary Medicines Advisory Committee (1953 - 1991), State of Victoria
- Propulsion Research Laboratory (1949 - 1955), Chemistry and Physics Research Laboratory
- Prosser, Evan (c. 1834 - 1896), Pharmaceutical manufacturer
- Proud, John Seymour (1907 - 1997), Engineer and Company director
- Province of South Australia
- see Colony of South Australia (1834 - 1901) - Pryor, Arthur William (1928 - 2014), Physicist
- Pryor, Lindsay Dixon (1915 - 1998), Botanist and Forester
- Public Health Department of Western Australia (1911 - 1984), State of Western Australia
- Pucci, Alessandra Alberta (1942 - ), Biochemist
- Pugh, William Russ (1806 - 1897), Surgeon
- Pugsley, Albert Tonkin (1910 - 2002), Geneticist and Plant breeder
- Pulleine, Robert Henry (1869 - 1935), Physician and Naturalist
- Pulley, Oliver Owen (1906 - 1966?), Radiophysicist
- Purchas, Albert (1825 - 1909), Architect, Engineer and Surveyor
- Purdy, John Smith (1872 - 1936), Health worker
- Purser, Cecil (1862 - 1953), Physician
- Pye, Hugh (1860 - 1942), Agricultural educator and Wheat propagator
- Pye, James (1801 - 1884), Orchardist
- Pyman, Brian
- Pyneboard Pty Ltd (1960 - ?)