Browse Entries - L
- L & K: Rexona (1989 - 1993)
- L. D. Mee Industries Pty Ltd (1978 - 1992)
- L. M. Ericsson
- L. P. Coombes Computer Centre (1960s - ?), Aeronautical Research Laboratories
- La Billardière, Jacques-Julien Houtou de (1755 - 1834), Botanical collector, Botanist and Naturalist
- La Gerche, John (1845 - 1914), Forester
- La Pérouse, Jean-François de Galaup (1741 - 1788), Navigator
- La Trobe University (1964 - )
- La Trobe University (Bendigo) (1990s - )
- La Trobe University, Department of Agricultural Sciences (1998 - )
- La Trobe University, Department of Computer Science and Computer Engineering (1990 - )
- La Trobe University, Department of Earth Sciences (1960s - 2006)
- La Trobe University, Department of Microbiology (1998? - )
- La Trobe University, Department of Zoology (1998? - )
- La Trobe University, Division of Physical Sciences and Engineering
- La Trobe University, Faculty of Health Sciences
- La Trobe University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
- La Trobe University, Faculty of Law and Management (1997 - )
- La Trobe University, Faculty of Science, Technology and Engineering (1994 - )
- La Trobe University, Graduate School of Education ( - c. 2001)
- La Trobe University, La Trobe University (Bendigo) (1990s - )
- La Trobe University, School of Agriculture (1967 - 1998)
- La Trobe University, School of Arts and Media
- La Trobe University, School of Biochemistry and Genetics (1972 - 1990s)
- La Trobe University, School of Botany
- La Trobe University, School of Business
- La Trobe University, School of Business (Bendigo)
- La Trobe University, School of Chemistry (1967 - )
- La Trobe University, School of Computer Science and Engineering ( - 1999)
- La Trobe University, School of Economics
- La Trobe University, School of Education (Bendigo)
- La Trobe University, School of Electronic Engineering (? - 1999)
- La Trobe University, School of Engineering
- La Trobe University, School of Environment Management and Ecology
- La Trobe University, School of Environmental and Resource Science (1998? - )
- La Trobe University, School of Health and Human Services (Bendigo) (1990s - )
- La Trobe University, School of Human Biosciences
- La Trobe University, School of Human Communication Sciences
- La Trobe University, School of Life Sciences (1998? - )
- La Trobe University, School of Management, Technology and Environment (Bendigo)
- La Trobe University, School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1997 - )
- La Trobe University, School of Microbiology (1975 - 1998?)
- La Trobe University, School of Philosophy
- La Trobe University, School of Physics (? - c. 1999)
- La Trobe University, School of Psychological Sciences (1972 - )
- La Trobe University, School of Public Health
- La Trobe University, School of Science and Engineering (Bendigo)
- La Trobe University, School of Zoology ( - 1998?)
- La Trobe, Charles Joseph (1801 - 1875), Governor, Naturalist and Science patron
- Labillardière, Jacques-Julien Houtou
- see La Billardière, Jacques-Julien Houtou de (1755 - 1834), Botanical collector, Botanist and Naturalist - Labillardière, Jacques-Julien Houtou de (1755 - 1834), Botanist and Collector
- Labtam Pty Ltd (1972 - )
- Laby, Jean (1915 - 2008), Physicist
- Laby, Thomas Howell (1880 - 1946), Chemist and Physicist
- Lach, Lori, Entomologist
- Lack, Ruth Edna
- see Gall, Ruth Edna (1923 - 2017), Chemist - Ladds, Philip William (1939 - 2018), Veterinary scientist
- Ladiges, Pauline Yvonne (1948 - ), Botanist, Phylogenetic systematist, Taxonomist and University Administrator
- Lagudah, Evans, Plant geneticist
- Laidlaw, Annie Ina (1889 - 1978), Nurse
- Lajoie, France Albert (1923 - 2010), Meteorologist
- Lake, John Sydney (1930? - 1978), Fisheries scientist and Ichthyologist
- Lal Lal Iron Mining Co (1874 - ?)
- Lam, Lan Trieu, Engineer
- Lamarck, Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine (1744 - 1829), Naturalist and Botanist
- Lamb, B. W., Engineer
- Lamb, David (1936 - ), Business executive
- Lamb, Horace (1849 - 1934), Mathematician
- Lambeck, Kurt (1941 - ), Geophysicist
- Lamber, John B., Business executive and Coachline proprietor
- Lambers, Johannes Thieo (Hans) (1950 - ), Plant physiologist
- Lambert, Ada Mary
- see à Beckett, Ada Mary (1872 - 1948), Biologist and Educator - Lambert, Bruce Philip (1912 - 1990), Public servant and Surveyor
- Lambert, Marcia Joan (1942 - ), Forest scientist
- Lamberton, John Andrew
- Lambie, Charles George (1891 - 1961), Medical scientist
- Lambkin, Christine, Entomologist and Scientific illustrator
- Lamborn, I. R., Physicist
- Lamont, F., Chemical engineer
- Lampard, Douglas Geoffrey (1927 - 1994), Electrical engineer
- Lancaster, Henry Oliver (1913 - 2001), Physician and Statistician
- Lance, James Waldo (Jim) (1926 - 2019), Neurologist
- Lancet Analytical Sanitary Commission (1851 - ?)
- Land Conservation Council of Victoria (1971 - 1997), State of Victoria
- Landsborough, William (1825 - 1886), Explorer
- Landy, John Michael (1930 - 2022), Agricultural scientist, Governor and Naturalist
- Lane Engineering (1919 - ?)
- Lane, Bill
- see Lane, Selwyn George (1922 - 2000), Science administrator and Ornithologist - Lane, John Edgar (1932 - 2022), Physical chemist
- Lane, Selwyn George (1922 - 2000), Science administrator and Ornithologist
- Lane, William Reade (1914 - 1974), Medical scientist
- Lane-Poole, Charles Edward (1885 - 1970), Botanical collector and Forester
- Lang, Keith Campbell (1908 - 1996), Physicist
- Lang, Margaret Irene (1893 - 1983), Nurse
- Langford-Smith, Fritz (1904 - 1966), Electrical engineer
- Langlands, Ian (1906 - 1994), Construction engineer
- Langley, Steven Kenneth (Ken) (1926 - 2001), Chemical engineer
- Langridge, Marjory, Author and Science biographer
- Laplace, Explorer
- Laporte Australia Pty Ltd
- Laporte, François Louis (1810 - 1880), Diplomat, Entomologist and Ichthyologist
- Large, Ross Raymond (1948 - ), Geologist
- Larke, Elizabeth Robson
- Larkins, Francis Patrick (1942 - ), Chemist and University Administrator
- Larkins, Richard (1943 - ), Physician, Science administrator, University Administrator and Vice-Chancellor
- Lascelles, Alexander Kirk (Alick) (1930 - 2015), Immunologist and Science administrator
- Laser Lab Limited ( - 1997)
- Laseron, Charles Francis (1887 - 1959), Antarctic explorer, Conchologist, Zoological collector and Zoologist
- Latham, John (1740 - 1837), Ornithologist
- Latham, Leslie Scott (1879 - 1950), Physician and University Administrator
- Latham, Oliver (1877 - 1974), Neuropathologist
- Latimer, Roy Wooster (1891 - 1962), Industrial chemist
- Latrobe Valley Regional Hospital (? - 1998)
- Latz, Peter Kenneth (1941 - ), Agrostologist and Botanist
- Laughton, Reginald Alfred Lampier (1886 - 1954), Metallurgist and Science educator
- Launceston Municipal Council
- Laurance, William F. (Bill) (1957 - ), conservation ecologist
- Laurenson, Eric Marwick (1932 - 2003), Engineer
- Lauri, George Merrilees (1884? - 1949), Metallurgist
- Laurie, John Buxton (1931 - 2022), Engineer
- Lauterer, Josef (Joseph) (1848 - 1911), Physician and Botanist
- Lavaud, Explorer
- Laverack, Michael ( - 1993), Marine scientist
- Lavers, Henry, Industrial chemist
- Lavis, David Milton (1925? - 1992), Industrial chemist and Science administrator
- Law, Phillip Garth (1912 - 2010), Antarctic explorer and Physicist
- Law, Robert (1870 - 1930), Chemist and Metallurgist
- Lawler, Jocalyn (1949 - ), Nurse educator
- Lawrence, Gordon Ord (1896 - 1960), Dentist
- Lawrence, John, Entomologist
- Lawrence, Michael Colin (Mike) (1955 - ), Crystallographer
- Lawrence, Peter (1921 - 1987), Anthropologist
- Lawrence, Robert (1807 - 1833), Botanist
- Lawrenson Diecasting Pty Ltd (1913 - ?)
- Lawrenson, Ralph Harold ( - 1972), Engineer
- Lawson, Abercrombie Anstruther (1870 - 1927), Botanist
- Lawson, Ben Eric (1976 - 2019), Botanist and Ecologist
- Lawson, Frederick Henry (1914 - 1973), Metallurgist
- Lawson, Robert (1880 - 1949), Electrical engineer
- Lawson, William (1774 - 1850), Explorer and Pastoralist
- Lay, Maxwell Gordon (1936 - ), Civil engineer
- Lazarides, Michael (Mike) (1928 - 2011), Systematic botanist
- Le Couteur, Kenneth James (1920 - 2011), Theoretical physicist
- Le Fèvre Medal (1989 - ), Australian Academy of Science
- Le Fèvre Memorial Prize
- see Le Fèvre Medal (1989 - ), Australian Academy of Science - Le Fèvre, Catherine Gunn (1909 - 1998), Microbiologist
- Le Fèvre, Raymond James Wood (1905 - 1986), Chemist
- Le Mesurier, C.R. (1896 - 1955), Industrial chemist
- Le Souef Memorial Award (1983 - ), Entomological Society of Victoria
- Le Souef, Albert Alexander Cochrane (1828 - 1902), Zoologist
- Le Souef, Albert Sherbourne (1877 - 1951), Zoologist and Ornithologist
- Le Souef, Ernest Albert (1869 - 1937), Zoo director and Ornithologist
- Le Souef, John Cecil (1905 - 1982), Entomologist
- Le Souef, William Henry Dudley (1856 - 1923), Zoo director and Ornithologist
- Lea, Arthur Mills (1868 - 1932), Entomologist
- Leach, John Albert (1870 - 1929), Naturalist, Teacher and Ornithologist
- Leach, John Arthur
- see Leach, John Albert (1870 - 1929), Naturalist, Teacher and Ornithologist - Leach, Stephen Laurence (1906 - 1967), Industrial chemist
- Leadbeater, John (1831 - 1888), Taxidermist
- Leahy, Michael James (Mick) (1901 - 1979), Explorer
- Leak, Jonathon (1779 - 1838?), Manufacturer and Potter
- Leaman, David (1943 - 2018), Geophysicist
- Leary, Cecilia, Geophysicist
- Leaver, Charles Augustus, Medical botanist
- Lederer, Josef (1921 - ), Physicist and Optometrist
- Lee, Adrian (1941 - 2023), Gastroenterologist, Microbiologist and University Administrator
- Lee, Alma Theodora (1912 - 1990), Botanical collector and Botanist
- Lee, Dan, Meteorologist
- Lee, Douglas Harry Kedgwin (1905 - 2005), Physiologist
- Lee, Ida Louisa (1865 - 1943), Historian
- Lee, John, Astronomer and Natural history collector
- Lee, John Henry Alexander (1853 - 1927), Military engineer, Sailor and Surveyor
- Leech, Jeremy Wilfred (Jerry) (1940 - 2023), Forester
- Leech, Thomas David James (1902 - 1973), Civil engineer and Scientist
- Leembruggen, William Malcolm Gibson (1918 - 2000), Physician and Medical administrator
- Leeper, Geoffrey Winthrop (1903 - 1986), Agricultural chemist
- Leeton, John, Medical scientist, Gynaecologist and Obstetrician
- Lefroy, Henry Maxwell (1817? - 1890), Explorer
- Lefroy, John Henry (1817 - 1890), Magnetician and Governor
- Legg, John (1892 - 1984), Veterinary surgeon
- Legge, Sarah M., Ornithologist
- Legge, William Vincent (1841 - 1918), Ornithologist and Soldier
- Lehany, Frederick John (1915 - 1994), Physicist and Science administrator
- Lehrer, Gustav Isaac (1947 - ), Mathematician
- Leibius, Charles Adolph (Carl) (1833 - 1893), Chemist and Public servant
- Leicester, Robert Hocquard (1935 - ), Engineer
- Leichhardt, Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig (1813 - 1848?), Naturalist and Explorer
- Leichhardt, Ludwig
- see Leichhardt, Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig (1813 - 1848?), Naturalist and Explorer - Leifermann, Henry Charles (1903 - 1952), Applied chemist
- Leighton Memorial Medal (1965 - ), Royal Australian Chemical Institute
- Leighton, Arthur Edgar (1873 - 1961), Chemical engineer and Science administrator
- Leighton, Robert Murray (Bob) (1940 - ), Meteorologist
- Leishman, Alan, Printer and Ornithologist
- Leith, T. Augustus Forbes, Ornithologist and Ethnologist
- Lemberg Medal and Oration (1968 - ), Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Lemberg, Max Rudolf (Rudi) (1896 - 1975), Biochemist
- Lempriere, Thomas James (1796 - 1852), Natural history collector and Artist
- Lendon, Alan Harding (1903 - 1973), Surgeon and Ornithologist
- Lendon, Alfred Austin (1857? - 1935), Physician and Medical historian
- Lendon, Allan
- see Lendon, Alan Harding (1903 - 1973), Surgeon and Ornithologist - Lenehan, Henry Alfred (1843 - 1908), Astronomer
- Lennox, David (1788 - 1873), Bridge builder
- Lennox, Francis Gordon (Gordon) (1912 - 1998), Biochemist and University Chancellor
- Lennox, Robert (c. 1856 - 1936), Refrigeration engineer
- Leonard, Walter McEllister (1915 - 1985), Business executive
- Lesseps, Jean Baptiste Barthelemy de, Explorer
- Lester, Robert John Graham (Bob) (1941 - ), Parasitologist
- L'Estrange, William Mandeville Ellis (1868 - 1951), Electrical engineer
- Lesueur, Charles Alexander (1778 - 1846), Natural history artist
- Letham, David Stuart (Stuart) (1926 - ), Chemist and Biochemist
- Lever & Kitchen Pty Ltd (1962 - 1989)
- Lever Bros.
- see Lever Brothers Pty Ltd (1899 - 1962) - Lever Brothers Pty Ltd (1899 - 1962)
- Lever Rexona (1993 - 2000)
- Leverrier, Francis Hewitt (Frank) (1863 - 1940)
- Levick, George Murray (1876 - 1956), Antarctic explorer and Naval surgeon
- Levick, William Russell (Bill) (1931 - 2022), Medical researcher
- Levine, Michele (1957 - ), Company director
- Levy, P. W., Engineer
- Lewin, John William (1770 - 1819), Naturalist and Engraver
- Lewis Gold Medal
- see John Lewis Gold Medal (1947 - ), Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, South Australia Branch - Lewis Jones, W.
- see Jones, William Lewis (1922 - 1987), Food scientist - Lewis, Arndell Neil (1897 - 1943), Geologist and Lawyer
- Lewis, Claude Ernest, Veterinarian
- Lewis, Essington (1881 - 1961), Metallurgist and Company director
- Lewis, Fred (1882 - 1956), Conservationist and Naturalist
- Lewis, John (1844 - 1923), Pastoralist and Politician
- Lewis, Lillian Emblad (1878 - ), Astronomical observer
- Lewis, Nancy (1913 - 2002), Ophthalmologist
- Lewis, Neil Bannatyne (1902 - 1984), Physicist
- Lewis, Norman Benjamin (1916 - ), Forester
- Lewis, Phillip Frank (Phil) (1919 - 2015), Veterinarian
- Lewis, Reginald Jamieson (1879? - 1936), Applied chemist
- Lewis, Robert, Manufacturer
- Lewis, William Howard Horatio (1868 - 1939), Motor manufacturer
- Leyden, Francis Michael (1914 - ), Electrical engineer
- L'Héritier de Brutelle, Charles Louis (1746 - 1800), Botanist and Collector
- L'Hortus Camaldulensis di Napoli
- see Camaldoli Gardens - L'Hortus Camaldulensis di Napoli (1816 - )
- Lhotsky, John (1795? - 1866?), Physician and Naturalist
- Li, Gang (Kevin), Chemical engineer
- Lidwill, Mark Cowley (Bunny) (1878 - 1968), Anaesthetist
- Ligar, Charles Whybrow (1811 - 1881), Surveyor and Soldier
- Light, William (1786 - 1839), Explorer and Surveyor
- Lightfoot, Gerald (1877 - 1966), Public servant and Science administrator
- Lill, Charles Alan (Alan) (1940 - 2923), Evolutionary biologist and Ornithologist
- Lilley, Charles Mitford (1890 - 1955), Physician
- Lillywhite, John Wilson (1914 - 1994), Meteorologist
- Limb, John Mozart (1875 - 1940), Assayer
- Lindeman, Geoffrey John, Medical scientist
- Lindon, Leonard Charles Edward (1896 - 1978), Neurosurgeon
- Lindoy, Leonard Francis (1937 - ), Chemist
- Lindsay, David (1856 - 1922), Explorer and Surveyor
- Lindsay, Donald Gordon (1909 - 1964), Radio engineer
- Lindt, John William (1845 - 1926), Photographer
- Lines, Edward Wolrych Low (Ted), Agricultural chemist and Biochemist
- Linforth, Donald John (1934 - ), Meteorologist
- Ling, John Kynaston (1931 - ), Zoologist and Marine scientist
- Linklater, Peter Munro, Food scientist
- Linn, Jeanette Thrush Brentnall (1930 - ), Physician
- Linnane, Anthony William (Tony) (1930 - 2017), Biochemist
- Linnean Macleay Fellowship (1905 - )
- Linnean Society of New South Wales (1874 - )
- Linnett, Douglas N., Electrical engineer
- Lions, Agnes Mary (1908 - 1992), Nurse and Unionist
- Lions, Francis (1901 - 1972), Educator and Organic chemist
- Lipfert, O.H., Biologist
- Lipson, Menzie (1915 - 2004), Industrial chemist
- Lithgow, Muriel Grace, Natural history artist and Naturalist
- Little, Donald James (1926 - ), Civil engineer
- Little, Elaine Marjory (Marjory) (1884 - 1974), Pathologist
- Little, Eric Wellington (1910 - 1978), Applied chemist
- Little, Larry Richard
- Little, Melissa Helen (1963 - ), Medical scientist and Molecular biologist
- Littlejohn, Murray J. (1932 - 2024), Herpetologist
- Littlejohn, Patricia Kathleen (1913 - 1998), Veterinarian, Veterinary pathologist and Veterinary scientist
- Littlejohn, Robert (1756 - 1818), Naturalist
- Littlejohns, Raymond Trewolla (1893 - 1961), Ornithologist and Photographer
- Littler, Frank Mervyn (1880 - 1922), Ornithologist and Entomologist
- Liversidge Medal
- see Archibald Liversidge Medal and Lecture (1931 - ), Royal Society of New South Wales - Liversidge, Archibald (1846 - 1927), Chemist and Geologist
- Livingstone, Catherine Brighid (1955 - ), Accountant and Science administrator
- Livingstone, Stanley Edward (1920 - ), Chemist
- Llewellyn, Danny, Molecular biologist
- Llewellyn-Jones, John Derek (1923 - 1997), Author, Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
- Lloyd, Brian Edmund (1929 - 2014), Educator, Engineer and Engineering historian
- Lloyd, Elizabeth Gertrude (Beth) (1927 - 2000), Dietician
- Lloyd, Leonard Charles (1928 - 2018), Veterinary pathologist
- Lloyd, Sarah Jane (1955 - ), Naturalist and Wildlife photographer
- Lloyd, Stephen Henry (Steve) ( - 1992), Meteorologist
- Lloyd-Green, Lorna (1910 - 2002), Gynaecologist
- Lobethal Mills
- Lockett, Mary Fauriel (Fauriel) (1911 - 1982), Pharmacologist
- Locock, Katherine E. S. (1982 - ), Materials science and Polymer chemist
- Loder, Louis Francis (1896 - 1972), Civil engineer and Public servant
- Loewe, Fritz Philipp (1895 - 1974), Meteorologist and Explorer
- Loftus, William Robert (1908 - 1972), Food scientist
- Loftus-Hills Memorial
- Loftus-Hills, Clive (1885 - 1967), Geologist
- Loftus-Hills, Geoffrey Dean (1910 - 1999), Agricultural scientist and Dairy expert
- Loir, Adrien (1862 - 1941), Medical scientist
- Lomas, K. C. (Kev), Educator and Meteorological observer
- Lomax-Smith, Jane (1950 - ), Pathologist
- Lomb, Nicholas (Nick)
- Long Products Division, BHP Steel International
- Long Range Weapons Establishment (1947 - 1955), Department of Defence
- Long Range Weapons Establishment Electronic Digital Automatic Computer (c. 1950 - ?)
- Long, Clarence
- see Milerum (1869? - 1941), Ethnologist - Long, Gordon (1937 - 2014)
- Long, John George (1886 - 1950), Analytical chemist and Chemist
- Longerenong Agricultural College (1889 - )
- Longman, Heber Albert (1880 - 1954), Museum director, Zoologist and Palaeontologist
- Looker, Margaret Frances
- see Guy, Margaret Frances (1910 - 1988), Nurse, Nurse administrator and Nurse educator - Lord, Clive Errol (1889 - 1933), Naturalist, Museum curator and Ornithologist
- Lord, Francis (1916 - 2010), Optical technician
- Lord, Simeon (1771 - 1840), Entrepreneur
- Lorimer, James (1831 - 1889), Parliamentarian and Merchant
- Lothian, Thomas Robert Noel (Noel) (1915 - 2004), Botanic gardens director and Horticulturist
- Loton, Brian Thorley (1929 - 2022), Business executive and Metallurgical Engineer
- Lott, Stanley Arnold (1919 - ), Physicist
- Loughhead, Ralph Edwin (1929 - ), Physicist
- Lourensz, Robert S. (Bob), Technical officer
- Lovatt, Howard, Electrical engineer
- Love, Eric Russell (1912 - 2001), Mathematical physicist
- Love, Ernest Frederick John (1861 - 1929), Physicist
- Love, Geoff, Meteorologist
- Love, John (1942 - 2016), Optical physicist
- Love, John Stuart, Explorer
- Love, Nigel Borland (1892 - 1979), Aviator and Flour miller
- Love, Stuart Gilkison (1884 - 1965), Surveyor
- Love, William Henry (1903 - 1966), Physicist
- Love, Wilton Wood Russell (1861 - 1933), Physician
- Lovell, Henry Tasman (1878 - 1958), Psychologist
- Lovell, Selina Frances Nanette Louise (1827 - 1905), Natural history collector and Teacher
- Lovering, John Francis (1930 - 2023), Geologist and Vice-Chancellor
- Low Isles Expedition
- see Great Barrier Reef Expedition (1928 - 1929) - Lowe, Ronald Francis Hinde (1913 - 1998), Ophthalmologist
- Lowe, Thomas Edward (1908 - 1990), Medical scientist
- Lowen, Ailsa Macvey
- see Swan, Ailsa Macvey (1922 - 1998), Chemist and Conservationist - Lowenthal, John, Immunologist
- Lower, Oswald Bertram (1863 - 1925), Chemist, Lepidopterist, Naturalist and Entomologist
- Lowery, Bede B. (1924 - 1996), Entomologist
- The Lowitja Institute Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health CRC (2014 - )
- Lowke, John James (1934 - ), Physicist and Science administrator
- Lowne, Benjamin Thompson, Naturalist and Surgeon
- Lowrie, William (1857 - 1933), Agricultural educator
- Lowth, Thomas Ronald (1922 - 1962), Analytical chemist
- Loy Yang A Power Station (1984 - )
- Loy, John, Physicist
- Loyn, Richard, Ecologist
- Lozier, Bouvet de, Explorer
- Lu, Max Gao-Qing (1963 - ), Chemical engineer and University Administrator
- Luber, Daphne Lydia
- see Goulston, Daphne Lydia (1905 - 1985), Biochemist - Lucas Industries Australia Ltd (1950s - )
- Lucas, Arthur Henry Shakespeare (1853 - 1936), Explorer, Naturalist, Schoolmaster and Ornithologist
- Lucas, Thomas Pennington (1843 - 1917), Entomologist and Physician
- Ludbrook, Nelly Hooper (1907 - 1995), Geologist and Palaeontologist
- Ludlow, John, Natural history collector
- Luehmann, Johann Georg (1843 - 1904), Botanist
- Luffman, Charles Bouge (1862 - 1920), Horticulturist and Landscape gardener
- Lukasiewicz, J., Mathematician
- Luke, Harry
- see Luke, Robert Henry (Harry) (1909 - 2000), Forester - Luke, Robert Henry (Harry) (1909 - 2000), Forester
- Lukey, Rolfe Clemens (1923 - 1963), Chemist
- Lukin, Gresley (1840 - 1916), Public servant
- Lumb, Sidney Firth, Dental scientist
- Lumbers, Eugenie R. (1941 - ), Medical scientist and University Administrator
- Lumholtz, Carl Sophus (1851 - 1922), Naturalist and Ethnologist
- Lumley, Judith Mary, Physician
- Lunn, Stewart Edward (1943 - 2001), Electrical engineer
- Lusby, Sydney Gordon (1885 - 1973), Physicist
- Luschan, Felix von (1854 - 1924), Archaeologist, Ethnographer, Explorer, Medical practitioner and Physical anthropologist
- Lush, Dora Mary (1910 - 1943), Bacteriologist
- Lutze, Mark T. (1957 - ), Forest scientist and Soil scientist
- Lyell, George (1866 - 1951), Naturalist and Entomologist
- Lying-in Hospital
- see Women's Hospital (1856 - 1954) - Lyle Medal
- see Thomas Ranken Lyle Medal (1935 - ), Australian National Research Council and Australian Academy of Science - Lyle, Thomas Ranken (1860 - 1944), Physicist and Mathematician
- Lymphocyte Differentiation Unit (1981 - 1996), The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
- Lynch, Annie (1870 - 1938), Hospital administrator
- Lynch, Arthur Alfred (1861 - 1934), Civil engineer and Polymath
- Lynch, L. J. (1900 - 1974), Food scientist
- Lyons, Lawrence Ernest (1922 - 2010), Chemist
- Lysaght Bros & Co Pty Ltd (1880s - 1959)
- Lysaght, John (1832 - 1895), Manufacturer
- Lysaghts
- Lysaght's Springhill Works
- Lysaght's Westernport Works (1972 - ?)
- Lysaght's Works Pty Ltd (1921 - ?)
- Lyster, Fleury James (1872 - 1948), Metallurgist