
Lowrie, Allen James (1948 - 2021)

10 October 1948
Mount Hawthorn, Western Australia, Australia
30 August 2021
Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Botanist and Plant collector


Allen Lowrie was a world authority on carnivorous plants. He had a varied career was in advertising, steel fabrication, geology in the Pilbara region, and the construction of below-ground swimming pools, before retiring in 1987 to focus full-time on his long-time interest in botany. In this he was ably assisted by his wife Pauline. Lowrie concentrated on the Australian carnivorous plants, being particularly interested in Drosera and Byblis. He named 90 species, including 66 of trigger plants (Stylidium) and the endemic (Levenhookia). His colleagues in this work included Kevin Kenneally, Neville Marchant and others. Lowrie was an accomplished artist, his illustrations often being included in his publications. His major publication was the 3-volume Carnivorous plants of Australia (1987-1998). In pursuit of his studies he made frequent botanical surveys across Australia and in Southeast Asian countries. He maintained connections with fellow enthusiasts across the world and was a member of the International Carnivorous Plant Society. Lowrie's personal herbarium of over 4,000 specimens was bequeathed to the Western Australian Herbarium.



Award - Lifetime Achievement Award (posthumous), International Carnivorous Plant Society

Related Corporate Bodies

Published resources


  • Lowrie, Allen, Carnivorous plants of Australia University of Western Australia Press, 3 vols (Nedlands, W.A.: University of Western Australia Press, 1987-1998). Details

Journal Articles

  • Fleischmann, Andreas, 'The huge scientific footprint of Allen James Lowrie (1948 - 2021)', Carnivorous plant newsletter, 51 (1) (2022), 22-36. Details
  • Kenneally, K. F., and Lowrie, A., 'Rediscovery of the presumed extinct triggerplant Stylidium merrallii (Stylidiaceae) with an amended description of the species and its conservation status', The Western Australian Naturalist 19: 269-277, 19 (1994), 269-77. Details
  • Kenneally, Kevin, 'Allen James Lowrie 10 October 1948 - 30 August 2021', Western Australian naturalist, 32 (3) (2022), 137-46. Details
  • Kenneally, Kevin F., 'Allen James Lowrie (10 October 1948 - 30 August 2021)', Carnivorous plant newsletter, 51 (1) (2022), 10-3. Details
  • Lowrie, A., 'A field trip to Darwin and Kununurra', Bulletin of the Australian Carnivorous Plant Society, 9 (3) (1990), 4-7, 13-8. Details
  • Lowrie, A., 'New species in Drosera section Lasiocephala (Droseraceae) from tropical northern Australia', Nuytsia, 11 (1996), 55-69. Details
  • Lowrie, A. and Carlquist, S., 'Studies in Stylidiaceae from Western Australia: new taxa; rediscoveries and range extensions', Phytologia 71: 5-28, 71 (1991), 5-28. Details
  • Lowrie, A. and Conran, J. G., 'An overview of the Australian Levenhookia (Stylidiaceae) complex, including a new species (L. murfetii) and observations on the triggering methods employed for pollination and outcrossing.', Triggerplant journal, 1 (2) (2011), 4-29. Details
  • Lowrie, A. and Kenneally, K. F., 'Eight new species of triggerplant (Stylidium; Stylidiaceae) from northern Australia', Nuytsia, 11 (1997), 199-217. Details
  • Lowrie, A. and Kenneally, K. F., 'A taxonomic revision of the basin-like rosetted triggerplants of the Stylidium piliferum complex (Stylidiaceae) from south-western Australia', Nuytsia, 28 (2017), 339-82. Details
  • Lowrie, A., Burbidge, A. H. and Kenneally, K. F., 'A taxonomic revision of the creeping triggerplants (Stylidiaceae: Stylidium sect. Appressae) from southern Australia', Nuytsia, 13 (1999), 89-157. Details
  • Marchant, N., and Lowrie, A., 'New names and new combinations in 34 taxa of Western Australian tuberous and pygmy Drosera', Kew bulletin, 47 (1992), 315-32. Details
  • Nunn, Richard, 'Posthumous Lifetime Achievement Award - Allen Lowrie', Carnivorous plant newsletter, 51 (1) (2022), 8-9. Details
  • Nunn, Richard and Lowrie, Allen, 'An account of Drosera section Lasiocephala', Carnivorous plant newsletter, 50 (3) (2021), 118-32, Details
  • Nunn, Richard; Gibson, Robert; van den Boek, Marcel; Bourke, Greg; Fleischmann, Andreas; Barrett, Russell L; and Cullen, Spot, 'In memory of Allen James Lowrie (1948 - 2021)', Carnivorous plant newsletter, 51 (1) (2022), 14-21. Details

See also

Helen Cohn

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This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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"... the rengitj, as a visible mark or imprint on the land, is characterised as a place of origin, the repository of all names, as well as a kind of mapped visual expression of the connection between people and places which is to be carried out in the temporal sequence of the journey." Fanca Tamisari (1998) 'Body, Vision and Movement: In the footprints of the ancestors'. Oceania 68(4) p260