Published Resources Details
- Title
- Australian Plant Collectors and Illustrators
- Type of Work
- Guide
- Imprint
- Council of Heads of Australian Herbaria (CHAH), 2010
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- Format
- Description
This website lists collectors or illustrators connected to Australian herbaria and the relevant scientific literature. More detailed biographical notes are also listed for some collectors and illustrators.
Related entries
Corporate Bodies
See also
- Albrecht, David Edward (1962 - )
- Alexander, Wilfred Backhouse (1885 - 1965)
- Anderson, Robert Henry (1899 - 1969)
- Aston, Helen Isobel (1934 - 2020)
- Baeuerlen, William (1840 - 1917)
- Bailey, Frederick Manson (1827 - 1915)
- Beauglehole, Alexander Clifford (1920 - 2002)
- Becker, Ludwig (1808 - 1861)
- Beckler, Hermann (1828 - 1914)
- Bennett, Isobel Ida Toon (1909 - 2008)
- Bick, Ernest Walter (1870 - 1949)
- Black, John McConnell (1855 - 1951)
- Blake, Stanley Thatcher (1911 - 1973)
- Boomsma, Clifford David (1915 - 2004)
- Bostock, John (1892 - 1987)
- Bratt, Geoffrey (1931 - 1977)
- Brittlebank, Charles Clifton (1862 - 1945)
- Brooker, Murray Ian Hill (Ian) (1934 - 2016)
- Burbidge, Nancy Tyson (1912 - 1977)
- Burgess, Colin Ernest Bryce Hawthorne (1907 - 1987)
- Burrow, Robert John Gordon (1877 - 1957)
- Bynoe, Benjamin (c. 1803 - 1865)
- Cambage, Richard Hind (1859 - 1928)
- Canning, Estelle Margaret (1936 - 2021)
- Chappill, Jennifer Anne (Jenny) (1959 - 2006)
- Chippendale, George McCartney (1921 - 2010)
- Clements, Mark Alwin (1949 - )
- Collie, Robert (1839 - 1892)
- Colliver, Frederick Stanley (Stan) (1908 - 1991)
- Considen, Denis (c. 1760 - 1815)
- Costermans, Leon Francis (1933 - )
- Court, Arthur Bertram (1927 - 2012)
- Crawford, Alexander Robert (1840 - 1912)
- Cribb, Joan Winnifred (1930 - )
- D'Alton, St Eloy (1850 - 1930)
- Davis, Dorothy Gwenda Louise (Gwenda) (1911 - 1993)
- Deane, Henry (1847 - 1924)
- Diels, Friedrich Ludwig Emil (1874 - 1945)
- Dockrill, Alick William (1915 - 2011)
- Domin, Ella
- Domin, Karel (1882 - 1953)
- Dunlop, Clyde Robert (1946 - )
- Dwyer, Joseph Wilfrid (1869 - 1939)
- Eardley, Constance Margaret (1910 - 1978)
- Eichler, Hansjörg (1916 - 1992)
- Erickson, Frederica Lucy (Rica) (1908 - 2009)
- Etheridge, Robert (Junior) (1847 - 1920)
- Fagg, Murray Allan (1947 - )
- Fisher, Robert Hilson (Bob) (1922 - 2007)
- Fitzgerald, William Vincent (1867? - 1929)
- Fiveash, Rosa Catherine (1854 - 1938)
- Flint, India (1958 - )
- Fuhrer, Bruce Alexander (1930 - 2023)
- George, Alexander Segger (1939 - )
- George, Elizabeth (1935 - 2012)
- Giles, William Ernest Powell (Ernest) (1835 - 1897)
- Hannaford, Samuel G. (1828 - 1874)
- Helms, Richard (1842 - 1914)
- Henderson, Rodney John Francis (Rod) (1938 - )
- Hill, Kenneth D. (1948 - 2010)
- Hill, Walter (1820 - 1904)
- Hockings, Francis David (David) (1928 - 2017)
- Hügel, Carl Alexander Anselm Freiherr von (1795 - 1870)
- Johnston, Robert Douglas (1922 - 2011)
- Lee, Alma Theodora (1912 - 1990)
- Lothian, Thomas Robert Noel (Noel) (1915 - 2004)
- Lowrie, Allen James (1948 - 2021)
- MacGillivray, John (1821 - 1867)
- Morris, Dennis Ivor (1924 - 2005)
- Nicolle, Dean (1974 - )
- Pieroni, Margaret Edith (1936 - )
- Rodway, Frederick Arthur (1880 - 1956)
- Rodway, Leonard (1853 - 1936)
- Schomburgk, Moritz Richard (1811 - 1891)
- Shirley, John Francis (1849 - 1922)
- Somerville, Janet (1887 - 1969)
- Thiele, Kevin (1958 - )
- Tietkens, William Henry (1844 - 1933)
- Tindale, Mary Douglas (1920 - 2011)
- Tisdall, Henry Thomas Normanton (1836 - 1905)
- Tryon, Henry (1856 - 1943)
- Waterhouse, Frederick George (1815 - 1898)
- Watkins, George (1848 - 1916)
- Webb, Leonard James (1928 - 2008)
- Weindorfer, Gustav (1874 - 1932)
- West, Judith Gay (Judy) (1949 - )
- Weston, Peter Henry (1956 - )
- Weymouth, William Anderson (1841 - 1928)
- Whibley, David John Edward (1936 - 2002)
- White, Mary Elizabeth (1926 - 2018)
- White, Samuel Albert (1870 - 1954)
- Whitehouse, Frederick William (1900 - 1973)
- Wilhelmi, Johann Friederich Carl (1829 - 1884)
- Wrigley, John Walter (1934 - 2014)
- Young, Jess (1852 - 1909)