
Thiele, Kevin (1958 - )

Western Australia, Australia
Science administrator and Systematic botanist


Kevin Thiele is a botanist with expertise in the taxonomy and systematics of the families Proteaceae (particularly Banksia and Dryandra), Rhamnaceae and Violaceae. He wrote several treatments for publication in the Flora of Australia. Thiele is concerned with the conservation ecology of woodland ecosystems, especially the processes of degradation, recovery and resistance. Between 2006 and 2015 he was Curator of the Western Australian Herbarium. His interest in biological informatics led to his involvement in the development of the international Structure of Descriptive Data (SDD) standard and the design of software for the Global Biodiversity Infrastructure Facility (GBIF). In 2017 Thiele was appointed by the Australian Academy of Science as Program Manager, Biodiversity and Taxonomy Plan, the outcome of which was Discovering biodiversity: a decadal plan for taxonomy and biosystematics in Australia and New Zealand 2018 - 2027 (2018).



Education - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), University of Melbourne
1990 - 2011
Career position - Member, Australian Systematic Botany Society
Career position - Contract Botanist, Australian National Botanic Gardens Herbarium
Career position - Contract Botanist, Endangered Species Unit, Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service
Education - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), University of Melbourne
1993 - 1995
Career position - Postdoctoral Fellow, Australian National Herbarium
1995 - 2006
Career position - Botanical Consultant, Ecological Interactions
1995 - 2015?
Career position - Member, Taxonomic Databases Working Group (TDWG)
2006 -
Career position - Delegate, Scientific Sub-Committee for Outreach and Capacity Building of the Global Biodiversity Infrastructure Facility
2006 - 2015
Career position - Curator, Western Australian Herbarium
2008 - 2015
Career position - Scientific Editor, Nuytsia
2011 -
Career position - Member, Australasian Systematic Botany Society
2012 -
Career position - Adjunct Senior Lecturer, University of Western Australia
Career position - Chair, Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (CHAH)
2015 -
Career position - Honorary Research Associate, Western Australian Herbarium
Life event - Retired
2016 -
Career position - Consultant in systematics and biodiversity policy, Eubio Consulting
June 2017 - August 2018
Career position - Program Manager, Biodiversity and Taxonomy Plan, Australian Academy of Science
August 2018 -
Career position - Director, Taxonomy Australia, Australian Academy of Science
Award - Nancy T. Burbidge Medal, and delivered the Burbidge Memorial Lecture, Australasian Systematic Botany Society

Related Awards

Related Corporate Bodies

Related Journals

Published resources

Journal Articles

  • Thiele, Kevin, '2021 Nancy Burbidge Memorial Lecture', Australasian Systematic Botany Society newsletter, 188 (2021), 16-20. Details
  • Thiele, Kevin and Perry, Michael, 'Gillian Perry (Née Jenkins) 19th October 1943 - 22nd August 2011', Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter, 149 (2011), 32-7. Details


See also

Helen Cohn

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This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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"... the rengitj, as a visible mark or imprint on the land, is characterised as a place of origin, the repository of all names, as well as a kind of mapped visual expression of the connection between people and places which is to be carried out in the temporal sequence of the journey." Fanca Tamisari (1998) 'Body, Vision and Movement: In the footprints of the ancestors'. Oceania 68(4) p260