Browse Entries - V
- Vahtrick, C.
- see Vantrick, C., Engineer - Vaile, Roberta Anne (Bobbie) (1959 - 1996), Astrophysicist
- Vallance, Thomas George (1928 - 1993), Geologist, Petrologist and Science historian
- van de Velde, Robert
- van der Molen, Jan Ludzer (Dick) (1924 - 2015), Engineering historian and Structural engineer
- Van der Poorten, Alfred Jacobus (Alf) (1942 - 2010), Mathematician and University Administrator
- Van Diemen's Land Horticultural and Botanical Society
- see Royal Society of Tasmania (1843 - ) - Van Diemen's Land Mechanics Institution
- see Hobart Town Mechanics Institute (1827 - 1871) - Van Diemen's Land Society (1829 - c. 1831)
- van Tets, Gerard Frederick (1929 - 1995), Palaeontologist and Ornithologist
- Vance, Eric Raymond (Lou) (1942 - 2019), Materials scientist and Nuclear physicist
- Vancouver, George (1757 - 1798), Hydrographer
- Vandali, Andrew E.
- Vantrick, C., Engineer
- Vapocure International Pty Ltd (1975 - 1998)
- Varcoe, Graeme Laurence (1937 - ), Research scientist and Industrial chemist
- Varghese, Joseph Noozhumurry (Jose) (1949 - ), Molecular biologist and Virologist
- Vasey, Gilbert Howard (1904 - 1986), Agricultural engineer
- Vassallo, Anthony Michael (Tony) (1955 - ), Educator, Electrical engineer and Energy scientist
- Vaughan, Geoffrey (Geoff) (1933 - 2018), Educator and Pharmacist
- Vaux, Jacques de, Naval officer
- see The Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre (2009 - ) - Veale, William Charles Douglas (1895 - 1971), Engineer and Surveyor
- Veevers, John James (1930 - 2018), Geologist
- Veitch, Robert (1890 - 1972), Entomologist
- Verbiest, Ferdinand, Cartographer and Astronomer
- Verco Medal
- see Sir Joseph Verco Medal (1928 - ), Royal Society of South Australia - Verco, Joseph Cooke (1851 - 1933), Physician, University Administrator and Conchologist
- Verco, Joseph Stanley (Stan) (1889 - 1971), Radiologist
- Verco, Peter Willis (c. 1919 - 1999), Radiologist
- Vercoe, John Edward (1936 - 2005), Agricultural scientist
- Verdon, George Frederic (1834 - 1896), Science patron and Politician
- Vernon, Donald Clayton (Don) (1928 - 2002), Mining engineer and Company director
- Vernon, James (1910 - 2000), Company director and Industrial chemist
- Veron, Charlie
- see Veron, John Edward Norwood (Charlie) (1945 - ), Marine zoologist - Veron, John Edward Norwood (Charlie) (1945 - ), Marine zoologist
- Verreaux, Jules Pierre (1807 - 1873), Naturalist and Explorer
- VetBoard Victoria
- see Veterinary Practitioners Registration Board of Victoria (1888 - ) - Veterinary Board of Victoria
- see Veterinary Practitioners Registration Board of Victoria (1888 - ) - Veterinary Practitioners Registration Board of Victoria (1888 - )
- Veterinary School (1909 - 1920), The University of Sydney
- Vicars, John (1821 - 1894), Manufacturer
- VicHealth
- see Victorian Health Promotion Foundation, State of Victoria - Vickers Cockatoo Dockyard Pty Ltd (1972 - 1984)
- Vickers Commonwealth Steel Co Ltd (1923 - 1935)
- Vickers, Patricia
- see Vickers-Rich, Patricia (1944 - ), Palaeontologist and Ornithologist - Vickers-Rich, Patricia (1944 - ), Palaeontologist and Ornithologist
- Vickery, James Richard (1902 - 1997), Food scientist
- Vickery, Joyce Winifred (1908 - 1979), Plant taxonomist
- Victa Ltd (1952 - )
- Victoria Agriculture Implement Factory (1850s - ?)
- Victoria Ammonia Company Pty Ltd
- Victoria Bone Mills (1870 - ?)
- Victoria Division (1919 - ), Institution of Engineers, Australia
- Victoria Division, Institution of Engineers, Australia, Engineering Heritage Victoria
- Victoria Eugenics Society
- see Victorian Eugenics Society (1914 - c. 1915) - Victoria Foundry (1850s - ?)
- Victoria Galvanized Iron and Wire Company (c. 1879 - ?)
- Victoria Institute of Brewing (1907 - ?)
- Victoria Iron Company (1873 - 1874)
- Victoria Meat Preserving Company
- Victoria University (1990s - )
- Victoria University of Technology (1915 - 1990s)
- Victoria University of Technology, Centre for Bioprocessing and Food Technology
- Victoria University of Technology, Department of Biological and Food Sciences
- Victoria University of Technology, Department of Biomedical Sciences
- Victoria University of Technology, Department of Chemical Sciences
- Victoria University of Technology, Department of Chemistry and Biology
- Victoria University of Technology, Department of Civil and Building Engineering (? - 1998)
- Victoria University of Technology, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (? - 1990s)
- Victoria University of Technology, Department of Environmental Management
- Victoria University of Technology, Department of Food Technology
- Victoria University of Technology, Department of Information Systems
- Victoria University of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering (? - 1998)
- Victoria University of Technology, Faculty of Engineering
- Victoria University of Technology, Faculty of Science (1915? - 1997)
- Victoria University of Technology, Sport and Exercise Psychology Unit
- Victoria University, Centre for Packaging, Transportation and Storage (1994 - )
- Victoria University, Centre for Rehabilitation, Exercise and Sport Science (CRESS)
- Victoria University, Faculty of Business and Law
- Victoria University, Faculty of Engineering and Science (1997 - )
- Victoria University, Faculty of Human Development
- Victoria University, School of Communications and Informatics (c. 1997 - )
- Victoria University, School of Human Movement, Recreation and Performance (1972 - )
- Victoria University, School of Life Sciences and Technology (c. 1997 - ?)
- Victoria University, School of the Built Environment
- Victorian agricultural and horticultural gazette (1857 - 1861)
- Victorian AIDS Nurses Reference Group Inc (1986 - 1989)
- Victorian Board of Agriculture (1859 - ?)
- Victorian Chamber of Mines Inc (1986 - )
- Victorian College of Agriculture and Horticulture (1983 - 1997)
- Victorian College of Agriculture and Horticulture, Burnley Campus (1983? - 1997)
- Victorian College of Agriculture and Horticulture, Dookie Campus (1983 - 1997)
- Victorian College of Pharmacy (1881 - )
- The Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre (2009 - )
- Victorian Department of Agriculture (1872 - 1985), Colony and State of Victoria
- Victorian Department of Agriculture [II] (1991 - 1995), State of Victoria
- Victorian Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (1985 - 1991), State of Victoria
- Victorian Department of Agriculture, Energy and Minerals (1995 - 1996), State of Victoria
- Victorian Department of Conservation and Environment (1990 - 1992), State of Victoria
- Victorian Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (1992 - 1996), State of Victoria
- Victorian Department of Conservation, Forests and Lands (1983 - 1990), State of Victoria
- Victorian Department of Crown Lands and Survey (1857 - 1983), Colony and State of Victoria
- Victorian Department of Infrastructure (1996 - ), State of Victoria
- Victorian Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Marine and Freshwater Resources Institute (MAFRI) (1996 - )
- Victorian Department of Primary Industries, Keith Turnbull Research Institute (1967 - )
- Victorian Department of Water Supply (c. 1940 - 1975), State of Victoria
- Victorian Engineers' Association
- see Victorian Institute of Engineers (1883 - 1949) - Victorian Environmental Assessment Council (2002 - )
- Victorian Eugenics Society (1914 - c. 1915)
- Victorian Exploring Expedition (1860 - 1861)
- Victorian Fisheries Research Institute (? - 1996), Department of Natural Resources and Environment
- Victorian Health Promotion Foundation, State of Victoria
- Victorian Industrial Society
- Victorian Institute for the Advancement of Science (1854 - 1855)
- Victorian Institute of Electrical Engineers ( - 1915)
- Victorian Institute of Engineers (1883 - 1949)
- Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine (1985 - ), State of Victoria
- Victorian Institute of Marine Sciences (1978 - 1996)
- Victorian Institute of Surveyors (VIS) (1874 - 1952)
- Victorian Institute of Welding Engineers (c. 1925 - 1929)
- Victorian Life Sciences Computation Initiative (VLSCI)
- see Melbourne Bioinformatics (2009 - ) - Victorian National Parks Association Inc (1952 - )
- The Victorian naturalist (1884 - )
- Victorian Pipelines Commission (1967 - 1971), State of Victoria
- Victorian Pyrites and Smelting Works
- Victorian Railways (1883 - 1983), Colony and State of Victoria
- Victorian Railways Board
- see Victorian Railways (1883 - 1983), Colony and State of Victoria - Victorian Railways Commissioners
- see Victorian Railways (1883 - 1983), Colony and State of Victoria - Victorian School of Forestry (1910 - 1973)
- Victorian Solar Energy Council ( - 1990)
- Victorian Solar Energy Research Committee
- Victorian Sugar Company (1857 - ?)
- Victorian Surveyor-General's Department (1851 - 1857), Colony of Victoria
- Victorian Telegraph Service
- Victorian University of Technology
- see Footscray Institute of Technology (1915 - 1991) - Victorian Wader Study Group (1978 - )
- Victorian Woollen and Cloth Manufacturing Co (1860s - ?)
- Victoria's Open Range Zoo (1975 - )
- see Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine (1985 - ), State of Victoria - Vilkinas, Patricia Mary (1949 - ), Educator
- Villawool Ltd
- Vincent, James Matthew (1911 - 2000), Microbiologist
- Vines, John Anthony (Jack) (1922 - 2010), Civil engineer and Engineering historian
- Vines, Robert Godfrey (1921 - 2017), Chemist
- Vinidex Pty Ltd (c. 1968 - 2014)
- Virus Department (1934 - 1960), The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
- The Vision Cooperative Research Centre
- see Vision CRC (2003 - o) - Vision CRC (2003 - o)
- Visscher, Peter Martin, Geneticist
- Visvader, Jane E., Medical scientist
- Visy Board Pty Ltd (1948 - )
- Vogan, Harold James (1894 - 1981), Civil engineer
- Voice, Mary Elizabeth (1946 - ), Meteorologist
- Voisey, Alan Heywood (1911 - 1995), Geologist and University Administrator
- Volkswagen Group Australia
- von Guerard, Eugene
- see Guerard, Johann Joseph Eugen von (1812 - 1901), Artist - von Hügel, Carl
- see Hügel, Carl Alexander Anselm Freiherr von (1795 - 1870), Army officer, Diplomat and Naturalist - von Humboldt, Alexander
- see Humboldt, Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander von (1769 - 1859), Explorer - Vonwiller, Oscar Ulrich (1882 - 1972), Physicist and University Administrator
- Voss, Francis Henry Vivian (1860 - 1940), Physician
- Vosz, Heinrich Ludwig (1812 - 1886), Merchant and Manufacturer
- Vulcan Australia Ltd