
Süssmilch, Adolph Carl von de Heyde (1875 - 1946)

12 February 1875
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
6 December 1946
Burwood, New South Wales, Australia
Geologist and Educator
Alternative Names
  • Sussmilch, Adolph Carl von de Heyde (Also known as)


Adolph Süssmilch was principal of the Newcastle branch Technical College from 1914-1927 and assistant superintendent and principal of East Sydney Technical College from 1927-1934. He published 19 scientific papers on geology and physical geography between 1905 and 1941, including some with H.I. Jensen, T.G. Taylor and Sir Edgeworth David (qq.v).



Career position - Joined the Department of Public Instruction
1900 - 1903
Career position - Assistant at the Sydney Technical College
1903 - 1913
Career position - Teacher of Geology, Mineralogy and Mining at the Sydney Technical College
Career event - Member (MAusIME), Australasian Institute of Mining Engineers
1914 -
Career event - Member, Northern Engineering Institute of New South Wales
1914 - 1927
Career position - Principal of the Newcastle branch Technical College
Career event - Foundation Associate Member (AMIEAust), Institution of Engineers Australia
Career event - Elected Member (Geography), Australian National Research Council
Career position - President, Royal Society of New South Wales
1927 - 1934
Career position - Assistant Superintendent and Principal at the East Sydney Technical College
1931 - 1943
Career position - Chairman of Directors of the New South Wales Society for Crippled Children
1934 - 1936
Career position - Acting Superintendent of Technical Education, New South Wales
Career position - Chairman of Section C (geology) of the Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science
Life event - Retired
1936 - 1937
Career position - President, Linnean Society of New South Wales
Career event - Fellow, Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science (ANZAAS)
Award - Clarke Medal, Royal Society of New South Wales
Award - Clarke Memorial Lecturer presented to the Royal Society of New South Wales

Related Awards

Related Corporate Bodies

Published resources

Journal Articles

  • 'Abstracts of proceedings of Divisions, 1920.', Transactions of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 1 (1920), 151-161, '"The Physiography of the Hunter River Valley, with special reference to Water Supply," C.A. Sussmilch, F.G.S., F.T.C.(Sydney)', p.155. Details
  • Andrews, E. C., 'Carl Adolph Sussmilch, 1875-1946 (Memorial series, no. 12)', Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 73 (3/4) (1948), 242-248. Details
  • Süssmilch, A. C., 'Technical education for mechanical engineers', Papers read before the Northern Engineering Institute of New South Wales, 7 (1915-16), 55-74. Details
  • Süssmilch, C. A., 'The re-organisation of technical education', Papers read before the Northern Engineering Institute of New South Wales, 5 (1913-14), 23-34. Details
  • Süssmilch, C. A., 'Presidential address', Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales, 57 (1924), 1-53. Details


Rosanne Walker; Ken McInnes

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This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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"... the rengitj, as a visible mark or imprint on the land, is characterised as a place of origin, the repository of all names, as well as a kind of mapped visual expression of the connection between people and places which is to be carried out in the temporal sequence of the journey." Fanca Tamisari (1998) 'Body, Vision and Movement: In the footprints of the ancestors'. Oceania 68(4) p260