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Stewart, Hugh Thomas Lindsay (1951 - )

Dr (PhD)

Conservation or Environment, Forest scientist and Forestry consultant
Alternative Names
  • Stewart, H.T.L. (Also known as)


Dr Hugh Stewart has worked in the fields of forestry research, management and consulting in a career spanning 40 years. Starting as Research Forester with the Forests Commission of Victoria, Hugh Stewart soon expanded his research experience in senior roles with the Victorian Department of Conservation, Forests and Lands, further specialising in nutrition, soils and hydrology research. He published extensively on waste water irrigation and nutrition of eucalypt and pine plantations. He worked on a community forestry project in Zimbabwe and held several plantation management positions. Since 2009 he has worked as an independent forestry consultant in Australia and Indonesia.



Education - Diploma of Forestry (Distinction), Victorian School of Forestry
1973 - 1981
Career position - Research Forester, Forests Commission of Victoria
Education - Bachelor of Science (Forestry), University of Melbourne
1981 - 1984
Career position - Scientific Officer, Victorian Department of Conservation, Forests and Lands
1984 - 1986
Career position - Research Leader, Victorian Department of Conservation, Forests and Lands
1986 - 1988
Career position - Seconded to Department of Foreign Affairs, as Research Scientist in Zimbabwe
Education - Master of Science (Forestry), University of Melbourne
1988 - 1993
Career position - Senior Scientist, Victorian Department of Conservation and Environment
1993 - 1998
Career position - Plantations Manager, Victorian Plantations Corporation
1998 - 2005
Career position - Forests Resources Manager, Treecorp Group, Victoria
2009 -
Career position - Independent forestry consultant
Education - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Charles Sturt University

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Published resources

Encyclopedia of Australian Science and Innovation Exhibitions

Journal Articles

  • Hopmans, P.; Stewart, H. T. L.; Flinn, D.W.; and Hillman, T. J., 'Growth, biomass production and nutrient accumulation by seven tree species irrigated with municipal effluent at Wodonga, Australia.', Forest Ecology and Management, 30 (1990), 203-211. Details
  • Hopmans, P.; Stewart, H.T.L.; and Flinn, D.W., 'Impacts of harvesting on nutrients in a eucalypt ecosystem in south-eastern Australia.', Forest Ecology and Management, 59 (1993), 29-51. Details
  • Stewart, H.T.L.; and Flinn, D.W., 'Establishment and early growth of trees irrigated with wastewater at four sites in Victoria.', Forest Ecology and Management, 8 (1984), 243-256. Details
  • Stewart, H.T.L.; and van der Lingen, S.A., 'Soil chemical properties under miombo woodland and eucalypt plantation on Kalahari sand in Zimbabwe.', East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal, 53 (1988), 171-179. Details
  • Stewart, H.T.L.; Flinn, D.W. and, Aeberli, B.C ., 'Above-ground biomass of a mixed eucalypt forest in eastern Victoria.', Australian Journal of Botany, 27 (1978), 725-740. Details
  • Stewart, H.T.L.; Hopmans, P.; Flinn, D.W.; and Croatto, G., 'Harvesting effects on phosphorus availability in a mixed eucalypt ecosystem in southeastern Australia.', Forest Ecology and Management, 36 (1990), 149-162. Details
  • Stewart, H.T.L.; Race, D.H.; Curtis, A.L.; and Stewart, A.J.K., 'A case study of socio-economic returns from farm forestry and agriculture in south east Australia during 1993-2007.', Forest Policy and Economics, 13 (5) (2011), 390-395. Details


Hugh Stewart, Peter Fagg and Christine Moje

EOAS ID: biogs/P005428b.htm

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Published by Swinburne University of Technology.
This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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