
Streten, Neil Anthony (1933 - )


15 August 1933
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia


Neil Streten is an authority on Antarctic meteorology. He worked for the Bureau of Meteorology for 46 years (1951-1997), making important contributions as analyst, Antarctic expeditioner, researcher and as management: as Assistant Director (Executive) at the Bureau of Meteorology (1988-1997) Streten was responsible for ministerial liaison, planning, international relations and public relations. During this same period he also served as Deputy Director of Services which included supervision of weather, climate, hydrological and commercial services. Streten's expertise was highly sort of outside of the Bureau as well and he was appointed to many external boards and committees including the World Meteorological Organization Working Group on Antarctic Meteorology (1983-1997) and the Australian National Committee on Antarctic Research (1981-1992).



1951 - 1997
Career position - Joined the Bureau of Meteorology
Education - Bachelor of Science (BSc), University of Queensland
1956 - 1966
Career position - Operational Meteorologist in Brisbane, Hobart, Melbourne and Atomic Weapons Research Establishment and Maralinga.
Education - Diploma Public Administration completed
1960 - 1961
Career position - Meteorologist with the Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions at Mawson Station
1967 - 1968
Career position - Visiting Professor at the Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska
1967 - 1982
Career position - Research Meteorologist
1973 - 1974
Career position - Visiting Professor at the Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska
1975 - 1982
Career position - Leader of the Diagnostic Studies Group, Australian Numerical Meteorology Research Centre
Career position - Meteorologist with Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions (summer)
Education - Doctor of Science (DSc), University of Melbourne
1983 - 1997
Career position - Chair of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Working Group on Antarctic Meteorology
1984 - 1987
Career position - President, International Commission on Polar Meteorology of the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics
Career position - Meteorologist with Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions (summer)
1987 - 1997
Career position - WMO representative at SCAR and Antarctic Treaty meetings
Career position - Meteorologist with Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions (summer)
1988 - 1992
Career position - Member of the Australian National Committee on Antarctic Research
1988 - 1993
Career position - Member of the Antarctic Science Advisory Committee
1988 - 1997
Career position - Assistant Director (Executive) of the Bureau of Meteorology
1988 - 1997
Career position - Chair of the National Committee on Agrometeorology
1988 - 1997
Career position - Deputy Director (Services) of the Bureau of Meteorology
Career position - Meteorologist with Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions (summer)
Award - Member of the Order of Australia (AM)

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Published resources

Journal Articles

  • 'Neil Streten Appointed Deputy Director (Services)', Weather News, 288 (December 1988) (1988). Details
  • ''The Ice Man Goeth . . .' DDS Neil Streten Calls it a Day', Weather News, 315 (April 1997) (1997). Details


See also

Helen Morgan

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This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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"... the rengitj, as a visible mark or imprint on the land, is characterised as a place of origin, the repository of all names, as well as a kind of mapped visual expression of the connection between people and places which is to be carried out in the temporal sequence of the journey." Fanca Tamisari (1998) 'Body, Vision and Movement: In the footprints of the ancestors'. Oceania 68(4) p260