Browse Functions - R

Browse Functions

List of Functions

Racing car driver
Brabham, John Arthur (1926 - ), Racing car driver
Radio astronomer
Alexander, Elizabeth (1908 - 1959), Geologist and Radio astronomer
Bolton, John Gatenby (1922 - 1993), Radio astronomer and Physicist
Christiansen, Wilbur Norman (Chris) (1913 - 2007), Electrical engineer and Radio astronomer
Ekers, Ronald David (1941 - ), Radio astronomer
Kilborn, Virginia A., Radio astronomer and University Administrator
McClure-Griffiths, Naomi Melissa (1975 - ), Radio astronomer
Mills, Bernard Yarnton (1920 - 2011), Physicist and Radio astronomer
O'Sullivan, John, Electrical engineer and Radio astronomer
Pawsey, Joseph Lade (1908 - 1962), Radiophysicist and Radio astronomer
Payne-Scott, Ruby Violet (1912 - 1981), Radio astronomer, Teacher and Physicist
Reber, Grote (1911 - 2002), Radio astronomer
Robinson, Brian John (1930 - 2004), Radio astronomer
Shain, Charles Alexander (Alex) (1922 - 1960), Radio astronomer
Sinclair, Malcolm W., Engineer and Radio astronomer
Slee, Owen Bruce (Bruce) (1924 - 2016), Radio astronomer and Science historian
Stanley, Gordon James (1921 - 2001), Engineer and Radio astronomer
Radio engineer
Allsop, Raymond Cottam (1898 - 1972), Inventor, Naval officer and Radio engineer
Baker, Walter Ross (1907 - 1978), Radio engineer
Baker, William George (1902 - 1978), Radio engineer and Physicist
Benson, John Ernest (1911 - ), Radio engineer
Brown, Adrian George (1914 - 2007), Radio engineer
Builder, Geoffrey (1906 - 1960), Physicist and Radio engineer
Bushby, Thomas Robert William (1900 - ), Radio engineer
Campbell, Allan John (1911 - 1979), Radio engineer
Connolly, Donald Hamilton (1909 - ), Radio engineer
Davis, Ross Raleigh (1907 - 1986), Radio engineer
Dean, Kenneth Geoffrey (1920 - 1993), Physicist and Radio engineer
Dobbie, Leonard Graham (1909 - 1973), Radio engineer
Dyadyuk, Valeriy, Electrical engineer and Radio engineer
Fisk, Ernest Thomas (1886 - 1965), Businessman, Entrepreneur and Radio engineer
Gilchrist, James Desmond (1913 - ), Radio engineer
Gough, Russell, Radio engineer and Radiophysicist
Hall, Graham George (1910 - 1971), Radio engineer
Hannam, Walter Henry (1865 - 1965), Antarctic explorer and Radio engineer
Harris, Leonard Michael (1908 - 2003), Radio engineer
Holloway, Frederick Sydney (1914 - 2011), Radio engineer
Honnor, Wilfred Weston (1904 - ), Radio engineer
Inglis, Sydney David (1913 - 1983), Radio engineer
Johnson, Joseph Murray (1889 - 1986), Radio engineer
Jones, Samuel Owen (1905 - 1985), Radio engineer
Kauper, Henry Alexis (1888 - 1942), Radio engineer and Inventor
Kennell, R.J.W., Radio engineer
Lindsay, Donald Gordon (1909 - 1964), Radio engineer
Mathieson, Ian Hamilton (1911 - ), Radio engineer
McDonald, Arthur Stephen (1891 - 1955), Radio engineer
McDonald, Donald (1908 - ), Radio engineer
McKenzie, Alexander John (1905 - ), Radio engineer
Reed, Joseph Griffith (1897 - ), Radio engineer
Ross, Hugh Alexander Mercer (1911 - ), Radio engineer
Rudd, James Brydon (1910 - 1975), Physicist and Radio engineer
Sandel, Bill (1917 - ), Radio engineer
Stacy, John Bernard (1903 - ), Radio engineer
Sutherland, Douglas Macnicol (1911 - 2010), Physicist and Radio engineer
Thomas, Bruce MacAulay (1937 - ), Electrical engineer and Radio engineer
Thomas, L.S., Radio engineer
Walton, John Godwin (1909 - ), Radio engineer
Watson, Sydney John (1912 - ), Radio engineer
Witt, Sidney Herbert (1892 - 1973), Electrical engineer and Radio engineer
Wood, Herbert Boyne (1909 - 2007), Radio engineer and Business executive
Radio operator
Howden, Maxwell, Radio operator
Radio pioneer
Shaw, Archibald John (1872 - 1916), Minister of religion and Radio pioneer
Argyle, Stanley Seymour (1867 - 1940), Physician, Politician and Radiologist
Clendinnen, Frederick John (1860 - 1913), Radiologist
Clendinnen, Leslie John (Jack) (1887 - 1954), Radiologist
Cooper, Arthur George Stening (1899 - 1986), Radiologist
Craig, Clifford (1896 - 1986), Radiologist and Surgeon
Crisp, Ernest Reginald (1903 - 1996), Radiologist
Croll, Joan (Una) (1928 - ), Pathologist and Radiologist
Donnan, Meredith Gordon Francis (Gordon) (1915 - 1993), Radiologist
Gurner, Colin (1896 - 1962), Radiologist
Gurner, Colin Marshall (1919 - 2006), Army officer, Medical practitioner and Radiologist
Hancock, William John (1864 - 1931), Electrical engineer and Radiologist
Hanson, Bertram Speakman (Bill) (1906 - 1999), Radiologist
Hare, William Samuel Calhoun (Bill) (1930 - 2013), Radiologist
Harris, Lawrence Herschel Levi (Herschel) (1871 - 1920), Radiologist
Hewlett, Herbert Maunsell (1872 - 1957), Radiologist
Holman, William Prout (1899 - 1972), Radiologist
Joy, Charles Wallace (1890 - ), Radiologist
Macdonald, Colin Ferguson (1895 - 1969), Radiologist
Molesworth, Edmund Harold, Radiologist
Moppett, Wenceslaus Warnford (Warnford) (1898 - 1982), Radiologist
Nisbet, Alwyn Tom Hays (1892 - 1953), Radiologist
Oddie, Thomas Harold (1911 - 1990), Physicist and Radiologist
O'Sullivan, Timothy John (John) (1896 - 1957), Radiologist
Owen, Morris David (1917 - 2004), Radiologist and Science archivist
Ryan, James Francis (1925 - 2004), Journalist and Radiologist
Scott, Rutherford Kaye (Kaye) (1904? - 1991), Radiologist
Sear, Herbert Roy (1886 - 1962), Radiologist
Syme, James Robert (1928 - 2004), Radiologist
Thornton, Mary Ethel Josephine (1897 - 1965), Radiologist
Verco, Joseph Stanley (Stan) (1889 - 1971), Radiologist
Verco, Peter Willis (c. 1919 - 1999), Radiologist
Windeyer, Brian Wellingham (1904 - 1994), Radiologist
Wood, Barbara Grendon (1897 - 1980), Radiologist
Australian and New Zealand Association of Radiology (1935 - 1942)
College of Radiologists of Australasia (1952 - 1972)
Royal Australasian College of Radiologists (1972 - 1998)
Adderley, Ernest Edward (1914 - 1993), Radiophysicist and Astronomer
Bird, Trevor Stanley (1949 - ), Radiophysicist
Bowen, Edward George (1911 - 1991), Radiophysicist and Science administrator
Brooks, John (1940 - ), Engineer and Radiophysicist
Davies, Louis Walter (Lou) (1923 - 2001), Radiophysicist
Downes, John Godkin (1917 - 1984), Radiophysicist and Scientific liaison officer
Gordon, William Glen (1911 - 1937), Radiophysicist
Gough, Russell, Radio engineer and Radiophysicist
Green, Alfred Leonard (1905 - 1951), Radiophysicist
Higgs, Arthur John (1904 - ), Astronomer and Radiophysicist
Kerr, Frank John (1918 - 2000), Radiophysicist and Astronomer
Kirkpatrick, Mervyn Stewart (1923 - 2007), Radiophysicist
Martyn, David Forbes (1906 - 1970), Radiophysicist
Minnett, Harry Clive (1917 - 2003), Radiophysicist
Munro, George Hector (1901 - 1994), Radiophysicist
Pawsey, Joseph Lade (1908 - 1962), Radiophysicist and Radio astronomer
Piddington, John Hobart (1910 - 1997), Radiophysicist
Pulley, Oliver Owen (1906 - 1966?), Radiophysicist
Wild, John Paul (Paul) (1923 - 2008), Radiophysicist and Science administrator
Bradley, John Martin (1925 - 2000), Physician and Radiotherapist
Cameron, Fiona Grant (1942 - ), Radiotherapist
Flecker, Hugo (1884 - 1957), Medical practitioner, Radiotherapist and Toxinologist
Stephens, John Gower (1898 - ), Radiotherapist
Rail industry
A. Goninan & Co Ltd (1899 - )
Australian Southern Railroad
Commonwealth Engineering Company (COMENG) (1950s - 1980s)
Commonwealth Railway Commissioner (1917 - 1975), Commonwealth of Australia
Commonwealth Railways
CRC for Railway Engineering and Technologies (2001 - 2007)
Eskbank Ironworks Co (1870s - ?)
Geelong and Melbourne Railway Company (1852 - 1860)
Great Southern Railway
Insulated Bundled Aerial Cables
John Holland Group Pty Ltd (1949 - )
Long Products Division, BHP Steel International
Melbourne and Hobson's Bay Railway Co (1854 - ?)
Mount Lyell Mining and Railway Company Ltd (1893 - 1960s)
Mount Newman Mining Co Pty Ltd (c. 1987 - 1992)
New South Wales Department of Railways (1932 - ?), State of New South Wales
New South Wales State Rail Authority (1980 - 2003), State of New South Wales
Queensland Rail (? - 2001)
Queensland Railways (1865 - ?)
Queensland Railways (QR) (2001 - )
South Australian Railways (1856 - 1974), Colony and State of South Australia
Tasmanian Government Railways (1872 - 1939), Colony and State of Tasmania
Trans Australian Railway (1917 - ?)
Victorian Railways (1883 - 1983), Colony and State of Victoria
Western Australian Department of Works and Railways (1879 - 1890), Colony of Western Australia
Western Australian Government Railways [1] (1890 - 1914), Colony and State of Western Australia
Western Australian Government Railways [2] (1949 - 2000), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Government Railways and Tramways (1914 - 1922), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Government Railways, Tramways and Electricity Supply (1922 - 1930)
Western Australian Government Railways, Tramways, and Ferries (1946 - 1949), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Government Railways, Tramways, Ferries and Electricity Supply (1930 - 1946), State of Western Australia
Rail transport
Australian National Railways Commission (1975 - 1997), Commonwealth of Australia
Railway commissioner
Fraser, James (1861 - 1936), Civil engineer and Railway commissioner
Fraser, Keith Aird (1893 - 1952), Railway commissioner and Railway engineer
Wright, John Arthur (1841 - 1920), Engineer and Railway commissioner
Railway engineer
Blackbourn, John (1842 - 1911), Fortifications engineer and Railway engineer
Calcutt, Francis Macnamara (1870 - 1950), Civil engineer and Railway engineer
Deane, Henry (1847 - 1924), Railway engineer and Botanist
Esling, Frederick Karl (1860 - 1955), Civil engineer and Railway engineer
Fraser, Keith Aird (1893 - 1952), Railway commissioner and Railway engineer
Garratt, Herbert William (1864 - 1913), Railway engineer
Higgins, Patrick (1825 - 1882), Railway engineer
Sexton, Richard Ernest (1861 - 1930), Civil engineer and Railway engineer
Shea, Frederick James (1891 - 1970), Public servant and Railway engineer
Tait, Thomas James (1864 - 1940), Railway engineer
Thow, William (1842 - 1926), Railway engineer
Watson, Stanley Holm (1887 - 1985), Railway engineer and Soldier
Rainforest ecologist
Whiffin, Trevor Paul (1947 - ), Plant collector, Rainforest ecologist and Systematic botanist
Rangeland ecologist
Friedel, Margaret Hilda, Rangeland Ecologist
Refrigeration engineer
Lennox, Robert (c. 1856 - 1936), Refrigeration engineer
Nicolle, Eugène Dominique (1823 - 1909), Refrigeration engineer
Werner, R., Refrigeration engineer
Regional development
Queensland Bureau of Industry (I) (1933 - 1947), State of Queensland
Regulatory Body
Colony of New South Wales (1788 - 1901)
Colony of South Australia (1834 - 1901)
Colony of Western Australia (1829 - 1901)
Department for Primary Industries and Resources South Australia (1997 - 2011), State of South Australia
Department of Primary Industries and Regions SA (2011 - ), State of South Australia
ETSA Corporation (1995 - 2000), State of South Australia
Fisheries Western Australia (1997 - 2001), State of Western Australia
Health Department of Western Australia (1984 - ), State of Western Australia
Horticulture Branch, Plant Industry Division, Primary Industries Department (1963 - ), State of Queensland
Medico-Chirurgical Association of Australia (1844 - c. 1858)
Municipal Tramways Trust (1907 - 1975), State of South Australia
New South Wales Colonial Engineer (1836 - 1843), Colony of New South Wales
New South Wales Surveyor General [I] (1788 - 1887), Colony of New South Wales
Public Health Department of Western Australia (1911 - 1984), State of Western Australia
Queensland Agricultural Chemistry Branch, Land Management Division, Primary Industries Department (1963 - 1996), State of Queensland
Queensland Bureau of Industry (I) (1933 - 1947), State of Queensland
Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (2015 - ), State of Queensland
Queensland Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (2012 - 2015), State of Queensland
Queensland Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation (2009 - 2012), State of Queensland
Queensland Department of Energy and Water Supply (2012 - 2017), State of Queensland
Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management (2009 - 2012), State of Queensland
Queensland Department of Environment and Science (2017 - ), State of Queensland
Queensland Department of Health (1963 - 2012), State of Queensland
Queensland Department of Mines and Energy (I) (1996 - 2001), State of Queensland
Queensland Department of National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing (2012 - 2015), State of Queensland
Queensland Department of National Parks, Sport and Racing (2015 - 2017), State of Queensland
Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines (I) (2001 - 2004), State of Queensland
Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines (II) (2004 - 2006), State of Queensland
Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines (III) (2012 - 2017), State of Queensland
Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Water (2006 - 2009), State of Queensland
Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy (I) (2004), State of Queensland
Queensland Department of Primary Industries (II) (1998 - 2004), State of Queensland
Queensland Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries (2004 - 2009), State of Queensland
Queensland Department of Resource Industries (1989 - 1992), State of Queensland
Queensland Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts (2012 - 2015), State of Queensland
Queensland Energy Department (2004 - 2006), State of Queensland
Queensland Environment and Heritage Department (I) (1989 - 1996), State of Queensland
Queensland Environment and Heritage Department (II) (1998), State of Queensland
Queensland Environment Department (1996 - 1998), State of Queensland
Queensland Environment, Conservation and Tourism Department (1987 - 1989), State of Queensland
Queensland Environmental Protection Agency (1998 - 2009), State of Queensland
Queensland Geographic Information Department (1988 - 1989), State of Queensland
Queensland Grain Research Foundation (1977 - 2007), State of Queensland
Queensland Health (2012 - ), State of Queensland
Queensland Mines and Works Department (1887 - 1890), Colony of Queensland
Queensland Mines Department (I) (1876 - 1887), Colony of Queensland
Queensland Mines Department (II) (1890 - 1989), Colony and State of Queensland
Queensland Public Works Department (I) (1866 - 1887), Colony of Queensland
Queensland Public Works Department (II) (1890 - 1989), Colony and State of Queensland
South Australian Central Board of Health (1873 - 1951), Colony and State of South Australia
South Australian Central Bureau of Agriculture (1888 - 1902), Colony and State of South Australia
South Australian Colonial Engineering and Architecture Departments (1841 - 1867), Colony of South Australia
South Australian Colonial Surgeons Office (1836 - 1914), Colony and State of South Australia
South Australian Department for Environment and Heritage (2000 - 2010), State of South Australia
South Australian Department for Environment and Water (2018 - ), State of South Australia
South Australian Department for Environment, Heritage and Aboriginal Affairs (1998 - 2000), State of South Australia
South Australian Department for Primary Industries (1992 - 1997), State of South Australia
South Australian Department For the Environment (1976 - 1981), State of South Australia
South Australian Department for Water (2010 - 2012), State of South Australia
South Australian Department of Agriculture [I] (1883 - 1888), Colony of South Australia
South Australian Department of Agriculture [II] (1902 - 1906), State of South Australia
South Australian Department of Agriculture [III] (1908 - 1975), State of South Australia
South Australian Department of Agriculture [IV] (1979 - 1992), State of South Australia
South Australian Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (1975 - 1979), State of South Australia
South Australian Department of Agriculture and Intelligence (1906 - 1908), State of South Australia
South Australian Department of Environment and Conservation (1972 - 1975), State of South Australia
South Australian Department of Environment and Land Management (1992 - 1993), State of South Australia
South Australian Department of Environment and Natural Resources [I] (1993 - 1997), State of South Australia
South Australian Department of Environment and Natural Resources [II] (2010 - 2012), State of South Australia
South Australian Department of Environment and Planning (1981 - 1992), State of South Australia
South Australian Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (2012 - 2018), State of South Australia
South Australian Department of Fisheries [I] (1912 - 1919), State of South Australia
South Australian Department of Fisheries [II] (1979 - 1992), State of South Australia
South Australian Department of Fisheries and Fauna Conservation (1965 - 1972), State of South Australia
South Australian Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology (2002 - 2014), State of South Australia
South Australian Department of Health (2004 - 2012)
South Australian Department of Health and Ageing (2012 - 2018), State of South Australia
South Australian Department of Health and Wellbeing (2018 - ), State of South Australia
South Australian Department of Lands (1930 - 1992), State of South Australia
South Australian Department of Marine and Harbors (1967 - 1995), State of South Australia
South Australian Department of Mines (1894 - 1977), Colony and State of South Australia
South Australian Department of Mines and Energy (1977 - 1997), State of South Australia
South Australian Department of Public Health (1951 - 1978), State of South Australia
South Australian Department of The Harbour Master (1838 - 1843), Colony of South Australia
South Australian Department of Water Resources (2000 - 2002), State of South Australia
South Australian Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation (2002 - 2010), State of South Australia
South Australian Engineer in Chief's and Engineering Departments (1867 - 1929), Colony and State of South Australia
South Australian Environmental Protection Authority (2002 - ), State of South Australia
South Australian Fisheries and Game Department (1919 - 1964), State of South Australia
South Australian Forest Board (1875 - 1882), Colony of South Australia
South Australian Harbor Department (1843 - 1860), Colony of South Australia
South Australian Harbors Board (1913 - 1966), State of South Australia
South Australian Health Commission (1978 - 2008), State of South Australia
South Australian Hospitals Department (1940 - 1978), State of South Australia
South Australian Inspector General of Hospitals Office (1914 - 1940), State of South Australia
South Australian Irrigation and Drainage Commission (1923 - 1930), State of South Australia
South Australian Irrigation and Drainage Department (1930), State of South Australia
South Australian Irrigation and Reclamation Works Department (1910 - 1923), State of South Australia
South Australian Lands and Survey Department (1917 - 1930), State of South Australia
South Australian Marine Board (1860 - 1925), Colony and State of South Australia
South Australian Observatory and Telegraph Department (1856 - 1869), Colony of South Australia
South Australian Office of Planning and Urban Development (1992 - 1993), State of South Australia
South Australian Ports Corporation (Ports Corp) (1995 - 2001), State of South Australia
South Australian Post and Telegraph Department (1870 - 1975), Colony and State of South Australia
South Australian Railways (1856 - 1974), Colony and State of South Australia
South Australian State Transport Authority Board (1974 - 1994), State of South Australia
South Australian Surveyor General's Office and the Survey and Crown Lands Department (1836 - 1917), Colony and State of South Australia
Tasmanian Council of Agriculture (1891 - 1909), Colony and State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of Agriculture [I] (1898 - 1903), Colony and State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of Agriculture [II] (1911 - 1989), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of Agriculture and Stock (1903 - 1909), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of Community and Health Services (1993 - 1998), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of Environment and Land Management (1993 - 1998), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of Environment and Planning (1989 - 1993), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of Environment, Parks, Heritage and the Arts (2008 - 2009), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of Health [I] (1989 - 1993), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of Health [II] (2018 - ), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of Health and Human Services (1998 - 2018), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of Health Services (1956 - 1989), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources (1998 - 2014), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of Lands, Parks and Wildlife (1987 - 1989), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of Mines (1992 - 1993), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of Parks, Wildlife and Heritage (1989 - 1993), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries and Water (2006 - 2009), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (2009 - ), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment (1998 - 2006), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of Primary Industry (1989 - 1992), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries (1993 - 1998), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of Primary Industry, Fisheries and Energy (1992 - 1993), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of Public Health (1904 - 1956), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of Resources and Energy (1989 - 1992), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of Sea Fisheries (1985 - 1989), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of State Development (1998 - 2002), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of State Development and Resources (1993 - 1994), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of State Growth (2014 - ), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of the Environment (1972 - 1989), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of Tourism, Arts and the Environment (2006 - 2008), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of Tourism, Parks, Heritage and the Arts (2002 - 2006), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Development and Resources (1994 - 1998), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Government Railways (1872 - 1939), Colony and State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Hospital for the Insane Department (1907 - 1915), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Mental Diseases Hospital Department (1915 - 1920), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Mental Health Services Commission (1968 - 1993), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Mines Branch (1883 - 1894), Colony of Tasmania
Tasmanian Mines Department (1894 - 1989), Colony and State of Tasmania
Tasmanian National Parks and Wildlife Service (1971 - 1987), State of Tasmania
Veterinary Practitioners Registration Board of Victoria (1888 - )
Victorian Surveyor-General's Department (1851 - 1857), Colony of Victoria
Water Authority of Western Australia (1985 - 1996), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Agricultural Protection Board (1951 - ), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Bureau of Agriculture (1894 - 1898), Colony of Western Australia
Western Australian Central Board of Health (1886 - 1911), Colony and State of Western Australia
Western Australian Crown Lands and Surveys Department (1873 - 1890), Colony of Western Australia
Western Australian Department of Aborigines and Fisheries (1909 - 1920), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Department of Agriculture and Food (2006 - 2017), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (2017 - ), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Department of Commerce (2009 - 2017), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Department of Conservation and Environment (1975 - 1987), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Department of Conservation and Land Management (1985 - 2006), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Department of Environment (2004 - 2006), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Department of Environment and Conservation (2006 - 2013), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Department of Environmental Protection [1] (1971 - 1975), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Department of Environmental Protection [2] (1994 - 2004), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Department of Fisheries (2001 - 2017), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Department of Fisheries and Wildlife (1974 - 1985), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Department of Hospital and Allied Services (1981 - 1984), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Department of Industry and Technology (2001 - 2003), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation (2017 - ), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Department of Lands and Surveys (1890 - 1986), Colony and State of Western Australia
Western Australian Department of Marine and Harbours (1982 - 1993), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Department of Minerals and Energy (1992 - 2001), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Department of Minerals and Petroleum Resources (2001 - 2003), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Department of Mines (1894 - 1992), Colony and State of Western Australia
Western Australian Department of Mines and Petroleum (2009 - 2017), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (2017 - ), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Department of Parks and Wildlife (2013 - 2017), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (2017 - ), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Department of Water (2005 - 2017), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (2017 - ), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Department of Works and Buildings (1890 - 1900), Colony of Western Australia
Western Australian Department of Works and Railways (1879 - 1890), Colony of Western Australia
Western Australian Environmental Protection Authority [1] (1971 - 1987), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Environmental Protection Authority [2] (1987 - 1994), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Environmental Protection Authority [3] (1994 - ), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Fisheries Department [2] (1920 - 1964), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Fisheries Department [3] (1986 - 1997), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Government Railways [1] (1890 - 1914), Colony and State of Western Australia
Western Australian Government Railways [2] (1949 - 2000), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Government Railways and Tramways (1914 - 1922), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Government Railways, Tramways and Electricity Supply (1922 - 1930)
Western Australian Government Railways, Tramways, and Ferries (1946 - 1949), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Government Railways, Tramways, Ferries and Electricity Supply (1930 - 1946), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Government Tramways and Ferries (1949 - 1958), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Harbour and Light Department (1880 - 1982), Colony and State of Western Australia
Western Australian Medical Department [1] (1850 - 1906), Colony and State of Western Australia
Western Australian Medical Department [2] (1956 - 1979), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Mental Health Services (1954 - 1984), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Mental Hospitals Department (1950 - 1954), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Metropolitan Water Supply Sewerage and Drainage Board (1964 - 1982), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage and Drainage Department (1910 - 1964), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Metropolitan Water Works Board (1896 - 1910), Colony and State of Western Australia
Western Australian Office of the Environmental Protection Authority (2009 - 2017), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Surveyor-General's Department (1870 - 1873), Colony of Western Australia
Western Australian Technology and Industry Development Authority (1987 - 1990), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Water and Rivers Commission (1996 - 2008), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Water Corporation (1996 - ), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Water Supply, Sewerage and Drainage Department (1912 - 1921), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Waterways Commission (1976 - 1995), State of Western Australia
Reproductive biologist
Aitken, Robert John (John) (1947 - ), Reproductive biologist and University Administrator
O'Bryan, Moira (1966 - ), Medical scientist and Reproductive biologist
Robertson, Sarah Anne, Reproductive biologist
Salamonsen, Lois A., Reproductive biologist
Short, Roger Valentine (1930 - 2021), Reproductive biologist and University Administrator
Tyndale-Biscoe, Cecil Hugh (Hugh) (1929 - ), Zoologist and Reproductive biologist
Whitten, Wesley Kingston (1918 - 2010), Embryologist and Reproductive biologist
Reproductive biology
Australian Society for Reproductive Biology (1969 - )
Research administrator
Bell, John Donald (1941 - ), Chemist, Research administrator, Science administrator, Science consultant and Scientific advisor to government
Smith, Thomas Frederick (Fred) (1939 - 2014), Physicist and Research administrator
Research project
Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller Project (1987 - )
CSIRO Oral History Project (2016 - )
Research scientist
Heij, Elizabeth Gordon (1943 - ), Research scientist
Mann, James (c. 1857 - 1921), Engineer and Research scientist
Quint, Graham (1932 - 2007), Research scientist and Software engineer
Turnbull, John Wright (1940 - ), Botanical collector, Forester and Research scientist
Varcoe, Graeme Laurence (1937 - ), Research scientist and Industrial chemist
Williams, Lloyd Stuart (1922 - 1996), Engineer and Research scientist
Argyle Diamonds (1985 - )
Australian Coal Industries Research Laboratories Ltd
Australian Coal Preparation Society (1966 - )
Australian Forest Industries (1973 - ?)
Australian Mineral Development Laboratories (AMDEL) (1959 - 1987)
Australian Mineral Foundation Inc (AMF) (1972 - 2001)
Australian Mineral Industries Research Association Limited (AMIRA) (1959 - )
Australian Oil & Gas Corporation Limited (1954 - ?)
BHP Billiton Limited (2001 - )
BHP Limited (2000 - 2001)
BHP Melbourne Research Laboratories (c. 1960 - ?)
BHP Shortland Laboratories (1956 - ?)
BHP Steel International
Bitumen Oil Refineries (Australia) Limited (1946 - 1963)
BOC Gases Australia Limited (1994 - )
Boral Limited (1963 - )
Bougainville Copper Ltd (1967 - 1970s)
Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited (1885 - 2000)
Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics (1946 - 1992), Commonwealth of Australia
Bureau of Resource Sciences (1992 - 1998)
Cape Lambert Power Station
Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia Inc (1960s - )
City of Melbourne Gas Coke Company (1850 - ?)
Comalco Industries Pty Ltd (1960 - 1970)
Comalco Ltd (1970 - )
Commonwealth Industrial Gases Ltd (CIG) (1935 - 1994)
Commonwealth Litharge and Red Lead Pty Ltd (1927 - ?)
Commonwealth Oil Refineries Ltd (1920 - c. 1952)
Commonwealth Oxygen Ltd (Comox) (1911 - 1935)
Consolidated Zinc Pty Ltd (1949 - 1962)
Conzinc Riotinto of Australia Ltd (1962 - 1997)
Copper Refineries Pty Ltd (1956 - ?)
CRC for Australian Mineral Exploration Technologies (1992 - 2000)
CRC for Black Coal Utilisation (1995 - 2001)
CRC for Coal in Sustainable Development (2001 - 2008)
CRC for Coastal Zone, Estuary and Waterway Management (1999 - 2006)
CRC for Predictive Mineral Discovery (2001 - 2008)
CRC for Sustainable Resource Processing (2003 - 2010)
CRC for Water Quality and Treatment (1995 - 2008)
CSIR/O Mineragraphic Investigations (1927 - 1966), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Division of Applied Mineralogy (1962? - 1970), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Division of Coal and Energy Technology (1990 - c. 1995), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Division of Fossil Fuels (1980 - 1987), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Division of Geomechanics (1983 - 1993), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Division of Mineral and Process Engineering (1987 - 1995), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Division of Mineral Chemistry (1959 - 1988), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Division of Mineral Engineering (1978 - 1987), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Division of Mineral Physics (1972 - 1986), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Division of Mineral Products (1988 - 1995), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Division of Mineralogy (1971 - 1984), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Division of Mineralogy and Geochemistry (1984 - 1985), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Division of Minerals and Geochemistry (1985 - 1987), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Division of Process Technology (1975 - c. 1980), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Division of Water and Land Resources (1982 - 1988), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Division of Water Resources (1988 - 1997), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Mineral Physics Section (1971 - 1972), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Water Resources Research Section (1987 - 1989), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSR Limited (1974 - )
Department of Industry, Science and Resources (1998 - ), Commonwealth of Australia
Department of National Resources (1975 - 1977), Commonwealth of Australia
Department of Natural Resources and Environment (1996 - 2002), State of Victoria
Department of Resource Management and Horticulture, The University of Melbourne
Department of Sustainability and Environment (2003 - 2013), State of Victoria
Department of the Interior [I], Central Administration (1932 - 1939), Commonwealth of Australia
Department of the Interior [II], Central Office (1939 - 1972), Commonwealth of Australia
Electrolytic Zinc Company of Australasia (1916 - ?)
Electrolytic Zinc Pty Ltd (EZ) (1916 - )
Energy Resources of Australia Ltd (ERA) (1980 - )
Faculty of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Veterinary Science, The University of Queensland
Filtration and Water Softening Pty Ltd (1928 - ?)
Goldfields and Agricultural Areas Water Supply Scheme
Hunter District Water Supply and Sewerage Board (1892 - 1938), State of New South Wales
Institute of Earth Resources - CSIRO (? - 1981), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Institute of Energy and Earth Resources - CSIRO (1981 - 1987), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Institute of Minerals, Energy and Construction (IMEC) - CSIRO (1988 - 1996), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Irrigation Research Laboratory. Griffith - CSIRO (1961 - 1967), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Irrigation Research Station, Griffith - CSIR/O (1939 - 1961), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Joint Coal Board (1947 - 2002)
Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre (JKMRC) (1970 - ), The University of Queensland
Koppers Australia Pty Ltd (1967 - )
Mary Kathleen Uranium (1954 - 1980s)
Menindee Lakes Scheme
Metropolitan Gas Company (? - 1950)
Metropolitan Water, Sewerage and Drainage Board (MWS&DB) (1924 - 1987), State of New South Wales
Minerals Council of Australia (1995 - )
Mobil Oil Australia Pty Ltd
Mount Coolon Gold Mines N.L. (1914 - 1939)
Murray-Darling Basin Authority (2007 - )
Murray-Darling Basin Commission (1988 - 2007), Commonwealth of Australia
Perth Water Board
Pipeline Authority of South Australia ( - 1995)
Queensland Mines Limited (1959 - )
Rio Tinto Limited (1997 - )
River Murray Commission (1917 - 1988), Commonwealth of Australia
Roseworthy Campus (1991 - ), The University of Adelaide
Rural Water Commission (1984 - 1992), State of Victoria
Santos Limited (1954 - )
School of Aquatic Science and Natural Resource Management, Deakin University
School of Environmental and Resource Science (1998? - ), La Trobe University
Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Scheme (1949 - )
South Australian Department of Water Resources (2000 - 2002), State of South Australia
South Australian Engineering and Water Supply Department, State of South Australia
State Rivers and Water Supply Commission (SRWSC) (1905 - 1984), State of Victoria
SunWater (c. 1920 - )
Victorian Department of Agriculture, Energy and Minerals (1995 - 1996), State of Victoria
Victorian Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (1992 - 1996), State of Victoria
Victorian Department of Water Supply (c. 1940 - 1975), State of Victoria
Victorian Pipelines Commission (1967 - 1971), State of Victoria
Water Research Foundation of Australia (1955 - ?)
Werribee Sewerage Treatment Farm
West Pilbara Scheme (1960s - )
Wivenhoe Power Station (1984 - )
Wivenhoe Project
Respiratory medicine
Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand (1961 - )
Respiratory specialist
Bowes, Glenn (1948 - 2025), Physician, Respiratory specialist and University Administrator
Harvey, William Cotter Burnell (1897 - 1981), Physician and Respiratory specialist
Wing, Marie Naomi (Naomi) (1903 - 1985), Rheumatologist
Road Transport
ARRB Transport Research Ltd (1995 - )
Australian Road Research Board (ARRB) (1960 - 1995)
Commonwealth Bureau of Roads (1965 - 1977), Commonwealth of Australia
Country Roads Board (1913 - 1983), State of Victoria
Humble and Son
Royal engineer
Denison, William Thomas (1804 - 1871), Governor, Royal engineer, Science patron and Civil engineer

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Published by Swinburne University of Technology.
This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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"Pathways to betterment and wisdom hide in the most obvious of places, encoded in the natural order all around us, for anyone who takes care to find them." Marcia Langton and Aaron Corn (2023) Law: the way of the ancestors p190