
Bowes, Glenn (1948 - 2025)


2 November 1948
Frankston, Victoria, Australia
16 January 2025
Victoria, Australia
Physician, Respiratory specialist and University Administrator


Glenn Bowes was an highly respected specialist in respiratory medicine. He was associated with several of Melbourne's principal hospitals, including the Austin Hospital where he was Director of Respiratory Services and developed Australia's first adult cystic fibrosis program. In 1991 he moved to the royal Children's Hospital where he headed the Buckland Adolescent Medical Unit and the Youth Substance Abuse Service. He was Executive Director of the Hospital from 2000 to 2002. From 1991 Bowes was concurrently Professor of Adolescent Health at the University of Melbourne and later was Stevenson Chair in Paediatrics, a joint position between the University and the Hospital. At the University he held a number of senior positions in the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, including that of Deputy Dean, and was a member of Council from 2008 to 2012. Bowes made significant contributions in the wider health field in Victoria. He was a member of the Victorian Premier's Drug Prevention Council and chaired the Victorian Child Death Review Committee. Professional organisations in which he held office included the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand, the Victorian Health Promotion Foundation and the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine.



1983 - 1988
Career position - Member, Victorian State Committee, Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand
1985 - 1990
Career position - Director of Respiratory Services, Austin Hospital
1985 - 1991
Career position - Committee Member, Cystic Fibrosis Association Victoria
1991 - 1997
Career position - Professor, Adolescent Health, University of Melbourne
1991 - 1997
Career position - Head, Buckland Adolescent Medical Unit, Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne
1991 - 1997
Career position - Director, Centre for Adolescent Health, Victorian Health Promotion Foundation
1992 - 2002
Career position - Patron, Cystic Fibrosis Association Victoria
1996 - 2000
Career position - Chairman, Victorian Child Death Review Committee
1997 - 2002
Career position - Network Executive Director (Medical), Women's and Children's Health Care Network
1997 - 2007
Career position - Governor, Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne Foundation
1998 - 2007
Career position - Chair and Member, Youth Substance Abuse Service, Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne
1999 - 2004
Career position - Chair, Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne Education Institute
1999 - 2006
Career position - Board Member, Victorian Health Promotion Foundation
2000 - 2002
Career position - Executive Director, Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne
2000 - 2002
Career position - Chief Medical Officer, Women's and Children's Health, Victoria
2001 - 2004
Career position - Member, Premier's Drug Prevention Council, Victoria
2002 - 2007
Career position - Director, Postgraduate Education and Training, Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne
2002 - 2007
Career position - Stevenson Chair in Paediatrics, University of Melbourne and Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne
2003 - 2006
Career position - Member, Consultative Council of Obstetrics and Paediatric Morbidity and Mortality, Victoria
2003 - 2006
Career position - Inaugural Director, Centre for Adolescent Health, Victorian Health Promotion Foundation
2003 - 2007
Career position - Director, Murdoch Children's Research Institute
2004 - 2025
Award - Fellow, Royal Australasian College of Physicians
2005 - 2007
Career position - Associate Dean, Medicine and Department Head, School of Medicine, University of Melbourne
2005 - 2007
Career position - Member, Australian Council for Children and Parenting
2007 - ?
Career position - Senior Associate Dean (Engagement) and Deputy Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, University of Melbourne
2007 - 2009
Career position - Associate Dean (Advancement), Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, University of Melbourne
2008 - 2012
Career position - Council Member, University of Melbourne
2009 - 2013
Career position - Associate Dean (External Relations), School of Medicine, University of Melbourne
2011 - 2013
Career position - Chair, Northern Health, Melbourne
Award - Gold Medal, Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne
2014 - 2015
Career position - Associate Dean (Engagement), Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, University of Melbourne
2015 - 2017
Career position - Deputy Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, University of Melbourne
Award - Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) for distinguished service to medical education and its administration, to the advancement of child health and welfare, and through contributions to government and professional organisations
2017 - 2022
Career position - Member of Council, Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine
2018 - 2019
Career position - Associate Dean (Advancement), Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, University of Melbourne
Career event - Retired

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Published resources

See also

  • Robson, Alexandra K.; Production Manager and Editor eds, Who's who in Australia 2019 (Southbank, Vic.: AAP Directories, 2018), 1788 pp. Details

Helen Cohn

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Published by Swinburne University of Technology.
This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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