Browse Functions - T

Browse Functions

List of Functions

Alder, Anthony (1838 - 1915), Ornithological artist and Taxidermist
Barnes, Henry (1838 - 1898), Museum preparator, Photographer and Taxidermist
Haines, Lawrence Courtney (Courtney) (1920? - 1996), Ornithologist, Oologist and Taxidermist
Leadbeater, John (1831 - 1888), Taxidermist
Spalding, Edward, Entomologist and Taxidermist
Taxonomic botanist
Albrecht, David Edward (1962 - ), Taxonomic botanist
Aston, Helen Isobel (1934 - 2020), Ornithologist and Taxonomic botanist
Brass, Leonard J. (1900 - 1971), Botanical collector, Taxonomic botanist and Explorer
Chappill, Jennifer Anne (Jenny) (1959 - 2006), Taxonomic botanist
Chippendale, George McCartney (1921 - 2010), Taxonomic botanist
Cowley, Kirsten J., Taxonomic botanist
Craven, Lyndley Alan (Lyn) (1945 - 2014), Taxonomic botanist
Davis, Dorothy Gwenda Louise (Gwenda) (1911 - 1993), Plant embryologist and Taxonomic botanist
Henderson, Rodney John Francis (Rod) (1938 - ), Taxonomic botanist
Maiden, Joseph Henry (1859 - 1925), Botanic gardens director, Economic botanist, Taxonomic botanist and Museum director
Perry, Gillian (1943 - 2011), Taxonomic botanist
Tindale, Mary Douglas (1920 - 2011), Taxonomic botanist
Taxonomic botany
Muelleria (1956 - )
Nuytsia (1971 - )
State Herbarium of South Australia (1954 - )
Taxonomic zoologist
Nicholls, Aubrey Gordon (1904 - 1986), Marine biologist and Taxonomic zoologist
Bancroft, Thomas Lane (1860 - 1933), Physician, Taxonomist and Naturalist
Blaxell, Donald Frederick (1934 - ), Botanical collector, Botanist and Taxonomist
Cavanilles, Antonio Jose (1745 - 1804), Botanist and Taxonomist
Colless, Donald Henry (Don) (1922 - 2012), Entomologist and Taxonomist
Curtis, Winifred (1905 - 2005), Author, Botanist, Educator and Plant taxonomist
Desfontaines, Rene Louiche (1752 - 1833), Botanist and Taxonomist
French, Malcolm E., Eucalyptologist and Taxonomist
George, Alexander Segger (1939 - ), Botanist and Taxonomist
Gray, Alan Maurice (1943 - ), Botanist and Taxonomist
Kleinig, David, Botanist and Taxonomist
Ladiges, Pauline Yvonne (1948 - ), Botanist, Phylogenetic systematist, Taxonomist and University Administrator
Morris, Dennis Ivor (1924 - 2005), Botanist, Plant taxonomist and Weed scientist
Nicolle, Dean (1974 - ), Botanist and Taxonomist
Ogilby, James Douglas (1853 - 1925), Ichthyologist and Taxonomist
Rule, Kevin James (1941 - ), Botanical collector and Taxonomist
Vickery, Joyce Winifred (1908 - 1979), Plant taxonomist
Watson, Les (1938 - ), Plant taxonomist
Williams, William Thomas (1913 - 1995), Botanist and Plant taxonomist
Aberdeen, Joseph (1889 - 1951), Teacher and Physicist
Adcock, George Henry (1860 - 1931), Horticulturist, Science educator, Teacher and Viticulturist
Best, Effie Wyllie (1905 - ), Zoologist and Teacher
Bewsher, William Gordon (Bill) (1924 - 2012), Antarctic explorer, Explorer and Teacher
Biggs, Alfred Barrett (1825 - 1900), Inventor, Teacher and Astronomer
Bonwick, James (1817 - 1906), Anthropologist, Educational writer, Environmentalist and Teacher
Braine, Arthur Belgrave (1854 - 1945), Teacher and Orchidologist
Brooks, Albert Ellison (1908 - 1978), Environmental writer and Teacher
Bunyan, Ruth Elizabeth (1940 - ), Mathematics teacher, Educator and Haematologist
Burbidge, Gwendolen Norah (Gwen) (1904 - 2000), Activist, Teacher and Nurse
Carter, Herbert James (1858 - 1940), Entomologist and Teacher
Cawthorne, William Anderson (1825 - 1897), Conchologist, Headmaster and Teacher
Coldicutt, Elizabeth Boyle (Beth) ( - 1995), Educator and Engineering teacher
Coleman, Edith (1874 - 1951), Naturalist and Teacher
Cooke, Frank Basil (1892 - 1967), Electrical engineer and Mathematics teacher
Daley, Charles (1859 - 1947), Historian, Naturalist and Teacher
Davey, William Wilkin (1912 - 2004), Surgeon and Teacher
Dickson, Flora, Teacher
Dornwell, Edith Emily (1865 - 1945), Teacher
Downing, Harold Leslie (1913 - 2004), Electrical engineer and Teacher
Dumigan, Edward Jarrett (1878 - 1969), Entomologist and Teacher
Edmunds, Percy J., Teacher
Erickson, Frederica Lucy (Rica) (1908 - 2009), Naturalist, Botanical artist and Teacher
Fallon, Robert (1903 - ), Teacher
Fitzpatrick, Aileen (1898 - 1974), Community worker and Teacher
Fraser, Harold Douglas (1921 - ), Teacher
George, T.E., Botanist and Teacher
Gibson, Ernest Stephen Harvey (1905 - 1949), Teacher
Gilbert, Lionel Arthur (1924 - 2015), Science historian and Teacher
Graham, Beryl Ada, Teacher
Groom, Alyson (1950 - ), Teacher
Hadley, Margaret (1950 - ), Teacher
Hancock, Judith Anne (1937 - ), Teacher
Hansen, Norman Reginald (1917 - 1980), Teacher
Harker, George Percy (1878 - 1957), Chemist and Teacher
Harris, William John (1886 - 1957), Geologist and Teacher
Hart, Alfred (1870 - 1950), Teacher
Hawkesworth, Alfred, Wool expert and Teacher
Henderson, John Brownlie (1869 - 1950), Chemist and Teacher
Hosking, Richard (1877 - 1971), Teacher and Physicist
Hunt, Annemarie Jean (Anne), Teacher
Hunt, Glenn Stuart (1944 - 1999), Arachnologist and Teacher
Hyett, Jack (1915 - 2001), Teacher, Naturalist and Ornithologist
Hynes, Sarah (Sally) (1859 - 1938), Botanist and Teacher
Johnston, John (1908 - 1980), Meteorologist and Teacher
Jones, Barry Owen (1932 - ), Government minister, Politician, Polymath and Teacher
Kelly, William (1823 - 1909), Minister of religion, Scientist and Teacher
Leach, John Albert (1870 - 1929), Naturalist, Teacher and Ornithologist
Lovell, Selina Frances Nanette Louise (1827 - 1905), Natural history collector and Teacher
Mackie, Frederick (1812 - 1893), Naturalist, School teacher and Nurseryman
Martin, Stanley Leonard (1903 - 1982), Teacher and Physicist
McMichael, Jessie, Teacher and Ornithologist
Mepham, William Gordon (1896 - ), Teacher
Meyrick, Edward (1854 - 1938), Entomologist and Teacher
Moore, Olive Gwenne (1921 - 2007), Author, Mathematician and Teacher
Mortensen, Kevin Newman (1917 - ), Teacher
Mulholland, C.A., Chemist, Minister of religion and Teacher
Musson, Charles Tucker (1856 - 1928), Naturalist and Teacher
Olsen, Gerald Richard (Jerry) (1949 - 2021), Ornithologist and Teacher
Parker, Judith Milburn (1936 - ), Nurse, Teacher and Scholar
Payne-Scott, Ruby Violet (1912 - 1981), Radio astronomer, Teacher and Physicist
Reed, Jack Wilson (1917 - ), Physicist and Teacher
Rennick, Stefanie (1918 - 2001), Conservationist and Teacher
Sayce, Edna Dorothy (1895 - 1983), Physicist and Teacher
Semmens, Edwin James (1886 - 1980), Forester and Teacher
Shields, Archibald John (1914 - 1995), Meteorologist and Teacher
Simpson, Ken (1938 - 2014), Ornithologist and Teacher
Slattery, Joseph Patrick (1866 - 1931), Minister of religion, Physicist and Teacher
Smith, Alfred Mica (Micaiah) (1844 - 1926), Chemist and Teacher
Smith, Ivy Blanche Irene (1884 - 1975), Teacher and Community worker
Somerville, Janet (1887 - 1969), Plant collector, Science historian and Teacher
Symington, David John (1935 - 2021), Science educator and Teacher
Tepper, Johann Gottlieb Otto (1841 - 1923), Naturalist and Teacher
Thomas, William (1793 - 1867), Teacher and Protector of aboriginals
Thompson, Roland Dale (1895 - 1950), Physicist and Teacher
Tideman, Ruth (1932 - ), Teacher
Tillyard, Robin John (1881 - 1937), Entomologist and Teacher
Tisdall, Henry Thomas Normanton (1836 - 1905), Botanist and Teacher
Wait, George Ray (1886 - 1953), Physicist and Teacher
Wakefield, Norman Arthur (1918 - 1972), Naturalist and Teacher
Wieneke, Jo, School teacher and Ornithologist
Williamson, Herbert Bennett (1860 - 1931), Botanist and School teacher
Wyndham, Edmund (1943 - ), Ecologist, Teacher and Ornithologist
Technical officer
Bell, Fred (1911? - 1979), Technical officer
Burn, John, Technical officer
Duncum, Neil William (1938 - 1970), Chemist and Technical officer
Lourensz, Robert S. (Bob), Technical officer
McKay, Roley, Technical officer
Otway, Ken (? - 1993), Technical officer
Smith, W. T. P. (1920 - ), Technical officer and Forecaster
Stibbs, Keith, Technical officer
Stout, Reginald William (Reg) (1921 - 2001), Technical officer
Technical sales representative
Kopsch, Karl Frederick (1897 - 1963), Technical sales representative
Anderson, William, Food technologist
Barnet, James Johnstone (1827 - 1904), Architect, Conchologist and Technologist
Benjamin, Louis Reginald Samuel (1892 - 1970), Industrial chemist and Technologist
Callister, Cyril Percy (1893 - 1949), Chemist and Food technologist
Cooper, Joan (1949 - ), Educator and Information technologist
Cordingley, Thomas, Food technologist
Crowe, Robert (1867 - 1955), Food technologist and Agricultural administrator
Cullen, R. N., Food technologist
Czulak, Józef Karol (1915 - 1985), Bacteriologist and Food technologist
Elsworth, Frank Cadwallader (1907 - 1973), Food technologist
Fielder, George, Food technologist
Gee, Alban (1847 - 1917), Technologist
Gibson, David, Food technologist
Gray, Chester, Nuclear technologist
Jessep, Hugh Gordon (1902 - 1971), Food technologist
Kerr, Henry William (Bill) (1901 - 1993), Food technologist, Soil expert and Sugar technologist
Manning, James, Food technologist
McCracken, Robert, Food technologist
Moody, James (1976 - ), Engineer and Information technologist
Percival, Terence, Electrical engineer, Information technologist and Wireless expert
Reuter, Fritz Henry (1905 - 2001), Food technologist and Chemical engineer
Sharkey, J. E., Food technologist
Spawn, A. F., Food technologist
Tindal, Charles Grant (1823 - 1914), Cattle breeder and Food technologist
Tong, W. S., Food technologist
Clunies Ross Innovation Award (2016 - ), Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
Clunies Ross Lifetime Achievement Award (1999 - ), Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
Coresearch (1958 - 2003), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Alcatel Australia Limited (1912 - )
Amalgamated Wireless (Australasia) Ltd (AWA) (1913 - 1988)
AUSSAT Pty Ltd (1979 - 1992)
Austral Standard Cables Pty Ltd (1948 - 1988)
Australian and Overseas Telecommunications Corporation (1992 - 1993)
Australian Broadband Communications Network (1959 - ?)
Australian Broadband Network
Australian Telecommunications and Electronics Research Board (1985 - ?)
Australian Telecommunications Commission (1975 - 1989)
Australian Telecommunications Corporation (1989 - 1992)
Australian Telecommunications CRC (1999 - 2006)
Australian Wireless Company (? - 1913)
Automatic Network and Switching Objectives (ANSO) (1957 - ?)
AWA Limited (1988 - )
Cable and Wireless (C&W)
Centre for Advanced Technology in Telecommunications (1987 - ?), RMIT University
Centre for Telecommunications and Information Engineering (CTIE) (1993 - ), Monash University
Commonwealth Cable Management Committee (1960s - ?)
CRC for Broadband Telecommunications and Networking (1993 - 1999)
CRC for Optical Fibre and Photonic Technology ( - 1992)
CRC for Satellite Systems (1998 - 2005)
CRC for Sensor Signal and Information Processing (1992 - 2006)
CRC for Smart Internet Technology (2001 - 2007)
CSIR/O Division of Radiophysics (1940 - 1996), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Division of Telecommunications and Industrial Physics (1996 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Ericsson Australia (1951 - )
ETSA Corporation (1995 - 2000), State of South Australia
European Launcher Development Organisation (ELDO) (c. 1960 - c. 1974)
Guo, Yingjie Jay (Jay) (1958 - ), Business executive, Telecommunications and Wireless expert
International Maritime Satellite Organisation (INMARSAT) (1974 - )
John Holland Group Pty Ltd (1949 - )
L. M. Ericsson
Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co Ltd (1900 - 1913)
Maritime Wireless (1900s - c. 1914)
MM Cables Telecommunications (1988 - c. 2000)
NEC Australia (1969 - )
Optus (1992 - )
Optus Networks Pty Ltd
Overseas Telecommunications Commission (1946 - 1992)
Pearcey Foundation (1998 - )
Postmaster-General's Department (1901 - 1975)
Radio Research Board (1927 - 1985)
Seyler, Albert Jakob (1913 - 1977), Telecommunications and Wireless expert
Siemens (Australia) Ltd (1872 - )
South Australian Observatory and Telegraph Department (1856 - 1869), Colony of South Australia
South Australian Post and Telegraph Department (1870 - 1975), Colony and State of South Australia
Sperry Rand Australia Limited (? - 1975)
Standard Telephones and Cables Pty Ltd (1937 - 1970s)
Telecom Australia International Limited (1970s - )
Telephone & Electrical Industries (TEI)
Telephone Manufacturing Company (Australia)
Telstra Corporation Limited (1993 - )
Victorian Telegraph Service
Telecommunications engineer
Banks, Edgar Roger (Roger) (1930 - 2018), Telecommunications engineer
Telegraphic engineer
Cracknell, Edward Charles (1831 - 1893), Electrical engineer and Telegraphic engineer
Cracknell, William John (1832 - 1896), Electrical engineer and Telegraphic engineer
Telegraphic scientist
Davy, Edward (1806 - 1885), Physician and Telegraphic scientist
McGowan, Samuel Walker (1829 - 1887), Public servant, Telegraphic scientist and Administrator
Hooke, Lionel George Alfred (1895 - 1974), Telegraphist and Business executive
Textile technologist
Henshaw, David Ernest (1931 - 2008), Physicist and Textile technologist
King, David, Physical chemist and Textile technologist
Plate, Dieter Erich Alexander (c. 1935 - 2011), Textile technologist and Wool expert
Prins, Martin Willem (1949 - ), Textile technologist and Wool expert
Theoretical chemist
Gale, Julian David, Theoretical chemist
Theoretical physicist
Barker, John Adair (1925 - 1995), Theoretical physicist
Baxter, Rodney James (1940 - ), Theoretical physicist
Bell, Nicole (1975 - ), Theoretical physicist
Bolton, Herbert Cairns (1921 - 2000), Theoretical physicist and Science historian
Bray, Igor, Theoretical physicist
Butler, Stuart Thomas (1926 - 1982), Science administrator, Theoretical physicist and University Administrator
Davies, Paul Charles William (1946 - ), Theoretical physicist and Cosmologist
Einstein, Albert (1879 - 1955), Theoretical physicist
Fletcher, Geoffrey Charles, Theoretical physicist
Le Couteur, Kenneth James (1920 - 2011), Theoretical physicist
Mohr, Courtney Balthazar Oppenheim (1906 - 1986), Theoretical physicist
O'Mara, Jim, Astronomer and Theoretical physicist
Scott, Susan, Astrophysicist and Theoretical physicist
Alexander, Frederick Matthias (1869 - 1955), Educator and Therapist
Barker, Joanna Mary (Jo) (1942 - ), Occupational therapist and Educator
Graham, Jennifer Margaret (Jenny) (1950 - ), Occupational therapist and Educator
Jacob, Freda Elizabeth (1919 - ), Occupational therapist
Strong, Jennifer (1959 - ), Occupational therapist and Educator
Thoracic surgeon
Burns, Michael W. (1935 - 2016), Thoracic surgeon
Daws, Joyce Margaretta (1925 - 2007), Thoracic surgeon
Timber merchant
Wardle, Henry Thomas (1857 - 1927), Businessman and Timber merchant
Timber mill owner
Ezard, James Francis (Frank) (1877 - 1960), Timber mill owner
Town clerk
Green, William Allan McInnes (1896 - 1972), Civil engineer and Town clerk
Worsnop, Thomas (1821 - 1898), Town clerk
Town Planner
Andrews, William Charles (Bill) (1908 - 1988), Engineer, Surveying or Mapping and Town Planner
Borrie, Edwin Fullarton (1894 - 1968), Civil engineer and Town Planner
Barnes, John Handyside (Jack) (1922 - 1985), Medical practitioner, Soldier and Toxicologist
Hartley, Margaret (1954 - ), Toxicologist
McKenzie, Ross Andrew (1949 - ), Toxicologist and Veterinary pathologist
Rand, Michael (1927 - 2002), Pharmacologist and Toxicologist
Stauber, Jennifer (Jenny), Ecotoxicologist, Environmental scientist and Toxicologist
Queensland Agricultural Chemical Laboratory Branch, Plant Industry Division, Department of Agriculture and Stock (1897 - 1963), Colony and State of Queensland
Cameron, Ann (1939 - 1998), Toxinologist
Endean, Robert (Bob) (1925 - 1997), Marine biologist and Toxinologist
Flecker, Hugo (1884 - 1957), Medical practitioner, Radiotherapist and Toxinologist
Tramway engineer
Clapp, Francis Boardman (1833 - 1920), Business executive and Tramway engineer
Nelson, William Muir (1871 - 1926), Civil engineer, Electrical engineer and Tramway Engineer
Risson, Robert Joseph Henry (1901 - 1992), Civil engineer, Military engineer and Tramway Engineer
Acco Transport (1883? - 2002)
Ansett Transport Industries Ltd
ARRB Transport Research Ltd (1995 - )
Australasian Steam Navigation Company (1851 - 1887)
Australasian United Steam Navigation Company Ltd (1887 - 1960s)
Australian Airlines (1986 - 1992)
Australian Motoring Association (1903 - 1924)
Australian National Airways (1928 - 1930s)
Australian National Airways (ANA) (1930s - ?)
Australian National Line (ANL) Limited (1989 - ?)
Australian National Railways Commission (1975 - 1997), Commonwealth of Australia
Australian Road Research Board (ARRB) (1960 - 1995)
Australian Shipping Board (1946 - 1961), Commonwealth of Australia
Australian Shipping Commission (1974 - 1989), Commonwealth of Australia
Australian Southern Railroad
Brambles Industries Limited (1954 - )
Brambles Transport Company
Bureau of Transport and Communications Economics (1988 - 1998?), Commonwealth of Australia
Bureau of Transport Economics [I] (1970 - 1977), Commonwealth of Australia
Bureau of Transport Economics [II] (1977 - 1988), Commonwealth of Australia
Bureau of Transport Economics [III] (1998? - ?), Commonwealth of Australia
Centre for Packaging, Transportation and Storage (1994 - ), Victoria University
Commonwealth Bureau of Roads (1965 - 1977), Commonwealth of Australia
Country Roads Board (1913 - 1983), State of Victoria
CSIR Food Preservation and Transport Section (1931 - 1940), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
CSIR/O Division of Food Preservation and Transport (1940 - 1960), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Department of Aviation (1982 - 1987), Commonwealth of Australia
Department of Shipping and Transport (1951 - 1972), Commonwealth of Australia
Department of Transport [III] (1972 - 1982), Commonwealth of Australia
Department of Transport [IV] (1983 - 1987), Commonwealth of Australia
Department of Transport [V] (1993 - 1996), Commonwealth of Australia
Department of Transport and Communications (1987 - 1993), Commonwealth of Australia
Department of Transport and Construction (1982 - 1983), Commonwealth of Australia
Department of Transport and Regional Development (1996 - 1998), Commonwealth of Australia
Department of Transport and Regional Services (1998 - 2007), Commonwealth of Australia
Hobart Electric Tramways Company (c. 1884 - )
Howard Smith Limited (1914 - 2001)
Humble and Son
Hunter River Steam Navigation Company (1839 - 1851)
International Catamarans Pty Ltd (1977 - )
Kenworth Australia (1962 - )
Mayne Nickless Limited (1886 - 2002)
Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board (1918 - 1983), State of Victoria
Melbourne Tramway and Omnibus Company (1877 - 1916)
Melbourne Tramways Trust (1883 - 1916)
Municipal Tramways Trust (1907 - 1975), State of South Australia
New South Wales Government Tramways, State of New South Wales
Qantas Airways Limited (1967 - )
Qantas Empire Airways Limited (1934 - 1967), Commonwealth of Australia
Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services Limited (QANTAS) (1920 - 1947)
Queensland Steamship Company Ltd (1881 - 1887)
Randwick Tramway Workshops (1902 - 1960s)
South Australian State Transport Authority Board (1974 - 1994), State of South Australia
Tasmanian Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources (1998 - 2014), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of State Growth (2014 - ), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Government Railways (1872 - 1939), Colony and State of Tasmania
Thomas Nationwide Transport Limited (1946 - 1986)
TNT Limited
Victorian Department of Infrastructure (1996 - ), State of Victoria
Western Australian Department of Works and Railways (1879 - 1890), Colony of Western Australia
Western Australian Government Railways [1] (1890 - 1914), Colony and State of Western Australia
Western Australian Government Railways [2] (1949 - 2000), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Government Railways and Tramways (1914 - 1922), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Government Railways, Tramways and Electricity Supply (1922 - 1930)
Western Australian Government Railways, Tramways, and Ferries (1946 - 1949), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Government Railways, Tramways, Ferries and Electricity Supply (1930 - 1946), State of Western Australia
Western Australian Government Tramways and Ferries (1949 - 1958), State of Western Australia

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Published by Swinburne University of Technology.
This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
For earlier editions see the Internet Archive at:*/

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"Pathways to betterment and wisdom hide in the most obvious of places, encoded in the natural order all around us, for anyone who takes care to find them." Marcia Langton and Aaron Corn (2023) Law: the way of the ancestors p190