Browse Functions - T
- Taxidermist
- Alder, Anthony (1838 - 1915), Ornithological artist and Taxidermist
- Barnes, Henry (1838 - 1898), Museum preparator, Photographer and Taxidermist
- Haines, Lawrence Courtney (Courtney) (1920? - 1996), Ornithologist, Oologist and Taxidermist
- Leadbeater, John (1831 - 1888), Taxidermist
- Spalding, Edward, Entomologist and Taxidermist
- Taxonomic botanist
- Albrecht, David Edward (1962 - ), Taxonomic botanist
- Aston, Helen Isobel (1934 - 2020), Ornithologist and Taxonomic botanist
- Brass, Leonard J. (1900 - 1971), Botanical collector, Taxonomic botanist and Explorer
- Chappill, Jennifer Anne (Jenny) (1959 - 2006), Taxonomic botanist
- Chippendale, George McCartney (1921 - 2010), Taxonomic botanist
- Cowley, Kirsten J., Taxonomic botanist
- Craven, Lyndley Alan (Lyn) (1945 - 2014), Taxonomic botanist
- Davis, Dorothy Gwenda Louise (Gwenda) (1911 - 1993), Plant embryologist and Taxonomic botanist
- Henderson, Rodney John Francis (Rod) (1938 - ), Taxonomic botanist
- Maiden, Joseph Henry (1859 - 1925), Botanic gardens director, Economic botanist, Taxonomic botanist and Museum director
- Perry, Gillian (1943 - 2011), Taxonomic botanist
- Tindale, Mary Douglas (1920 - 2011), Taxonomic botanist
- Taxonomic zoologist
- Nicholls, Aubrey Gordon (1904 - 1986), Marine biologist and Taxonomic zoologist
- Taxonomist
- Bancroft, Thomas Lane (1860 - 1933), Physician, Taxonomist and Naturalist
- Blaxell, Donald Frederick (1934 - ), Botanical collector, Botanist and Taxonomist
- Cavanilles, Antonio Jose (1745 - 1804), Botanist and Taxonomist
- Colless, Donald Henry (Don) (1922 - 2012), Entomologist and Taxonomist
- Curtis, Winifred (1905 - 2005), Author, Botanist, Educator and Plant taxonomist
- Desfontaines, Rene Louiche (1752 - 1833), Botanist and Taxonomist
- French, Malcolm E., Eucalyptologist and Taxonomist
- George, Alexander Segger (1939 - ), Botanist and Taxonomist
- Gray, Alan Maurice (1943 - ), Botanist and Taxonomist
- Kleinig, David, Botanist and Taxonomist
- Ladiges, Pauline Yvonne (1948 - ), Botanist, Phylogenetic systematist, Taxonomist and University Administrator
- Morris, Dennis Ivor (1924 - 2005), Botanist, Plant taxonomist and Weed scientist
- Nicolle, Dean (1974 - ), Botanist and Taxonomist
- Ogilby, James Douglas (1853 - 1925), Ichthyologist and Taxonomist
- Rule, Kevin James (1941 - ), Botanical collector and Taxonomist
- Vickery, Joyce Winifred (1908 - 1979), Plant taxonomist
- Watson, Les (1938 - ), Plant taxonomist
- Williams, William Thomas (1913 - 1995), Botanist and Plant taxonomist
- Teacher
- Aberdeen, Joseph (1889 - 1951), Teacher and Physicist
- Adcock, George Henry (1860 - 1931), Horticulturist, Science educator, Teacher and Viticulturist
- Best, Effie Wyllie (1905 - ), Zoologist and Teacher
- Bewsher, William Gordon (Bill) (1924 - 2012), Antarctic explorer, Explorer and Teacher
- Biggs, Alfred Barrett (1825 - 1900), Inventor, Teacher and Astronomer
- Bonwick, James (1817 - 1906), Anthropologist, Educational writer, Environmentalist and Teacher
- Braine, Arthur Belgrave (1854 - 1945), Teacher and Orchidologist
- Brooks, Albert Ellison (1908 - 1978), Environmental writer and Teacher
- Bunyan, Ruth Elizabeth (1940 - ), Mathematics teacher, Educator and Haematologist
- Burbidge, Gwendolen Norah (Gwen) (1904 - 2000), Activist, Teacher and Nurse
- Carter, Herbert James (1858 - 1940), Entomologist and Teacher
- Cawthorne, William Anderson (1825 - 1897), Conchologist, Headmaster and Teacher
- Coldicutt, Elizabeth Boyle (Beth) ( - 1995), Educator and Engineering teacher
- Coleman, Edith (1874 - 1951), Naturalist and Teacher
- Cooke, Frank Basil (1892 - 1967), Electrical engineer and Mathematics teacher
- Daley, Charles (1859 - 1947), Historian, Naturalist and Teacher
- Davey, William Wilkin (1912 - 2004), Surgeon and Teacher
- Dickson, Flora, Teacher
- Dornwell, Edith Emily (1865 - 1945), Teacher
- Downing, Harold Leslie (1913 - 2004), Electrical engineer and Teacher
- Dumigan, Edward Jarrett (1878 - 1969), Entomologist and Teacher
- Edmunds, Percy J., Teacher
- Erickson, Frederica Lucy (Rica) (1908 - 2009), Naturalist, Botanical artist and Teacher
- Fallon, Robert (1903 - ), Teacher
- Fitzpatrick, Aileen (1898 - 1974), Community worker and Teacher
- Fraser, Harold Douglas (1921 - ), Teacher
- George, T.E., Botanist and Teacher
- Gibson, Ernest Stephen Harvey (1905 - 1949), Teacher
- Gilbert, Lionel Arthur (1924 - 2015), Science historian and Teacher
- Graham, Beryl Ada, Teacher
- Groom, Alyson (1950 - ), Teacher
- Hadley, Margaret (1950 - ), Teacher
- Hancock, Judith Anne (1937 - ), Teacher
- Hansen, Norman Reginald (1917 - 1980), Teacher
- Harker, George Percy (1878 - 1957), Chemist and Teacher
- Harris, William John (1886 - 1957), Geologist and Teacher
- Hart, Alfred (1870 - 1950), Teacher
- Hawkesworth, Alfred, Wool expert and Teacher
- Henderson, John Brownlie (1869 - 1950), Chemist and Teacher
- Hosking, Richard (1877 - 1971), Teacher and Physicist
- Hunt, Annemarie Jean (Anne), Teacher
- Hunt, Glenn Stuart (1944 - 1999), Arachnologist and Teacher
- Hyett, Jack (1915 - 2001), Teacher, Naturalist and Ornithologist
- Hynes, Sarah (Sally) (1859 - 1938), Botanist and Teacher
- Johnston, John (1908 - 1980), Meteorologist and Teacher
- Jones, Barry Owen (1932 - ), Government minister, Politician, Polymath and Teacher
- Kelly, William (1823 - 1909), Minister of religion, Scientist and Teacher
- Leach, John Albert (1870 - 1929), Naturalist, Teacher and Ornithologist
- Lovell, Selina Frances Nanette Louise (1827 - 1905), Natural history collector and Teacher
- Mackie, Frederick (1812 - 1893), Naturalist, School teacher and Nurseryman
- Martin, Stanley Leonard (1903 - 1982), Teacher and Physicist
- McMichael, Jessie, Teacher and Ornithologist
- Mepham, William Gordon (1896 - ), Teacher
- Meyrick, Edward (1854 - 1938), Entomologist and Teacher
- Moore, Olive Gwenne (1921 - 2007), Author, Mathematician and Teacher
- Mortensen, Kevin Newman (1917 - ), Teacher
- Mulholland, C.A., Chemist, Minister of religion and Teacher
- Musson, Charles Tucker (1856 - 1928), Naturalist and Teacher
- Olsen, Gerald Richard (Jerry) (1949 - 2021), Ornithologist and Teacher
- Parker, Judith Milburn (1936 - ), Nurse, Teacher and Scholar
- Payne-Scott, Ruby Violet (1912 - 1981), Radio astronomer, Teacher and Physicist
- Reed, Jack Wilson (1917 - ), Physicist and Teacher
- Rennick, Stefanie (1918 - 2001), Conservationist and Teacher
- Sayce, Edna Dorothy (1895 - 1983), Physicist and Teacher
- Semmens, Edwin James (1886 - 1980), Forester and Teacher
- Shields, Archibald John (1914 - 1995), Meteorologist and Teacher
- Simpson, Ken (1938 - 2014), Ornithologist and Teacher
- Slattery, Joseph Patrick (1866 - 1931), Minister of religion, Physicist and Teacher
- Smith, Alfred Mica (Micaiah) (1844 - 1926), Chemist and Teacher
- Smith, Ivy Blanche Irene (1884 - 1975), Teacher and Community worker
- Somerville, Janet (1887 - 1969), Plant collector, Science historian and Teacher
- Symington, David John (1935 - 2021), Science educator and Teacher
- Tepper, Johann Gottlieb Otto (1841 - 1923), Naturalist and Teacher
- Thomas, William (1793 - 1867), Teacher and Protector of aboriginals
- Thompson, Roland Dale (1895 - 1950), Physicist and Teacher
- Tideman, Ruth (1932 - ), Teacher
- Tillyard, Robin John (1881 - 1937), Entomologist and Teacher
- Tisdall, Henry Thomas Normanton (1836 - 1905), Botanist and Teacher
- Wait, George Ray (1886 - 1953), Physicist and Teacher
- Wakefield, Norman Arthur (1918 - 1972), Naturalist and Teacher
- Wieneke, Jo, School teacher and Ornithologist
- Williamson, Herbert Bennett (1860 - 1931), Botanist and School teacher
- Wyndham, Edmund (1943 - ), Ecologist, Teacher and Ornithologist
- Technical officer
- Bell, Fred (1911? - 1979), Technical officer
- Burn, John, Technical officer
- Duncum, Neil William (1938 - 1970), Chemist and Technical officer
- Lourensz, Robert S. (Bob), Technical officer
- McKay, Roley, Technical officer
- Otway, Ken (? - 1993), Technical officer
- Smith, W. T. P. (1920 - ), Technical officer and Forecaster
- Stibbs, Keith, Technical officer
- Stout, Reginald William (Reg) (1921 - 2001), Technical officer
- Technical sales representative
- Kopsch, Karl Frederick (1897 - 1963), Technical sales representative
- Technologist
- Anderson, William, Food technologist
- Barnet, James Johnstone (1827 - 1904), Architect, Conchologist and Technologist
- Benjamin, Louis Reginald Samuel (1892 - 1970), Industrial chemist and Technologist
- Callister, Cyril Percy (1893 - 1949), Chemist and Food technologist
- Cooper, Joan (1949 - ), Educator and Information technologist
- Cordingley, Thomas, Food technologist
- Crowe, Robert (1867 - 1955), Food technologist and Agricultural administrator
- Cullen, R. N., Food technologist
- Czulak, Józef Karol (1915 - 1985), Bacteriologist and Food technologist
- Elsworth, Frank Cadwallader (1907 - 1973), Food technologist
- Fielder, George, Food technologist
- Gee, Alban (1847 - 1917), Technologist
- Gibson, David, Food technologist
- Gray, Chester, Nuclear technologist
- Jessep, Hugh Gordon (1902 - 1971), Food technologist
- Kerr, Henry William (Bill) (1901 - 1993), Food technologist, Soil expert and Sugar technologist
- Manning, James, Food technologist
- McCracken, Robert, Food technologist
- Moody, James (1976 - ), Engineer and Information technologist
- Percival, Terence, Electrical engineer, Information technologist and Wireless expert
- Reuter, Fritz Henry (1905 - 2001), Food technologist and Chemical engineer
- Sharkey, J. E., Food technologist
- Spawn, A. F., Food technologist
- Tindal, Charles Grant (1823 - 1914), Cattle breeder and Food technologist
- Tong, W. S., Food technologist
- Technolology
- Clunies Ross Innovation Award (2016 - ), Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
- Clunies Ross Lifetime Achievement Award (1999 - ), Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
- Coresearch (1958 - 2003), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Telecommunications
- Alcatel Australia Limited (1912 - )
- Amalgamated Wireless (Australasia) Ltd (AWA) (1913 - 1988)
- AUSSAT Pty Ltd (1979 - 1992)
- Austral Standard Cables Pty Ltd (1948 - 1988)
- Australian and Overseas Telecommunications Corporation (1992 - 1993)
- Australian Broadband Communications Network (1959 - ?)
- Australian Broadband Network
- Australian Telecommunications and Electronics Research Board (1985 - ?)
- Australian Telecommunications Commission (1975 - 1989)
- Australian Telecommunications Corporation (1989 - 1992)
- Australian Telecommunications CRC (1999 - 2006)
- Australian Wireless Company (? - 1913)
- Automatic Network and Switching Objectives (ANSO) (1957 - ?)
- AWA Limited (1988 - )
- Cable and Wireless (C&W)
- Centre for Advanced Technology in Telecommunications (1987 - ?), RMIT University
- Centre for Telecommunications and Information Engineering (CTIE) (1993 - ), Monash University
- Commonwealth Cable Management Committee (1960s - ?)
- CRC for Broadband Telecommunications and Networking (1993 - 1999)
- CRC for Optical Fibre and Photonic Technology ( - 1992)
- CRC for Satellite Systems (1998 - 2005)
- CRC for Sensor Signal and Information Processing (1992 - 2006)
- CRC for Smart Internet Technology (2001 - 2007)
- CSIR/O Division of Radiophysics (1940 - 1996), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Telecommunications and Industrial Physics (1996 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Ericsson Australia (1951 - )
- ETSA Corporation (1995 - 2000), State of South Australia
- European Launcher Development Organisation (ELDO) (c. 1960 - c. 1974)
- Guo, Yingjie Jay (Jay) (1958 - ), Business executive, Telecommunications and Wireless expert
- International Maritime Satellite Organisation (INMARSAT) (1974 - )
- John Holland Group Pty Ltd (1949 - )
- L. M. Ericsson
- Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co Ltd (1900 - 1913)
- Maritime Wireless (1900s - c. 1914)
- MM Cables Telecommunications (1988 - c. 2000)
- NEC Australia (1969 - )
- Optus (1992 - )
- Optus Networks Pty Ltd
- Overseas Telecommunications Commission (1946 - 1992)
- Pearcey Foundation (1998 - )
- Postmaster-General's Department (1901 - 1975)
- Radio Research Board (1927 - 1985)
- Seyler, Albert Jakob (1913 - 1977), Telecommunications and Wireless expert
- Siemens (Australia) Ltd (1872 - )
- South Australian Observatory and Telegraph Department (1856 - 1869), Colony of South Australia
- South Australian Post and Telegraph Department (1870 - 1975), Colony and State of South Australia
- Sperry Rand Australia Limited (? - 1975)
- Standard Telephones and Cables Pty Ltd (1937 - 1970s)
- Telecom Australia International Limited (1970s - )
- Telephone & Electrical Industries (TEI)
- Telephone Manufacturing Company (Australia)
- Telstra Corporation Limited (1993 - )
- Victorian Telegraph Service
- Telecommunications engineer
- Banks, Edgar Roger (Roger) (1930 - 2018), Telecommunications engineer
- Telegraphic engineer
- Cracknell, Edward Charles (1831 - 1893), Electrical engineer and Telegraphic engineer
- Cracknell, William John (1832 - 1896), Electrical engineer and Telegraphic engineer
- Telegraphic scientist
- Davy, Edward (1806 - 1885), Physician and Telegraphic scientist
- McGowan, Samuel Walker (1829 - 1887), Public servant, Telegraphic scientist and Administrator
- Textile technologist
- Henshaw, David Ernest (1931 - 2008), Physicist and Textile technologist
- King, David, Physical chemist and Textile technologist
- Plate, Dieter Erich Alexander (c. 1935 - 2011), Textile technologist and Wool expert
- Prins, Martin Willem (1949 - ), Textile technologist and Wool expert
- Theoretical chemist
- Gale, Julian David, Theoretical chemist
- Theoretical physicist
- Barker, John Adair (1925 - 1995), Theoretical physicist
- Baxter, Rodney James (1940 - ), Theoretical physicist
- Bell, Nicole (1975 - ), Theoretical physicist
- Bolton, Herbert Cairns (1921 - 2000), Theoretical physicist and Science historian
- Bray, Igor, Theoretical physicist
- Butler, Stuart Thomas (1926 - 1982), Science administrator, Theoretical physicist and University Administrator
- Davies, Paul Charles William (1946 - ), Theoretical physicist and Cosmologist
- Einstein, Albert (1879 - 1955), Theoretical physicist
- Fletcher, Geoffrey Charles, Theoretical physicist
- Le Couteur, Kenneth James (1920 - 2011), Theoretical physicist
- Mohr, Courtney Balthazar Oppenheim (1906 - 1986), Theoretical physicist
- O'Mara, Jim, Astronomer and Theoretical physicist
- Scott, Susan, Astrophysicist and Theoretical physicist
- Therapist
- Alexander, Frederick Matthias (1869 - 1955), Educator and Therapist
- Barker, Joanna Mary (Jo) (1942 - ), Occupational therapist and Educator
- Graham, Jennifer Margaret (Jenny) (1950 - ), Occupational therapist and Educator
- Jacob, Freda Elizabeth (1919 - ), Occupational therapist
- Strong, Jennifer (1959 - ), Occupational therapist and Educator
- Thoracic surgeon
- Burns, Michael W. (1935 - 2016), Thoracic surgeon
- Daws, Joyce Margaretta (1925 - 2007), Thoracic surgeon
- Timber mill owner
- Ezard, James Francis (Frank) (1877 - 1960), Timber mill owner
- Town clerk
- Green, William Allan McInnes (1896 - 1972), Civil engineer and Town clerk
- Worsnop, Thomas (1821 - 1898), Town clerk
- Town Planner
- Andrews, William Charles (Bill) (1908 - 1988), Engineer, Surveying or Mapping and Town Planner
- Borrie, Edwin Fullarton (1894 - 1968), Civil engineer and Town Planner
- Toxicologist
- Barnes, John Handyside (Jack) (1922 - 1985), Medical practitioner, Soldier and Toxicologist
- Hartley, Margaret (1954 - ), Toxicologist
- McKenzie, Ross Andrew (1949 - ), Toxicologist and Veterinary pathologist
- Rand, Michael (1927 - 2002), Pharmacologist and Toxicologist
- Stauber, Jennifer (Jenny), Ecotoxicologist, Environmental scientist and Toxicologist
- Toxicology
- Queensland Agricultural Chemical Laboratory Branch, Plant Industry Division, Department of Agriculture and Stock (1897 - 1963), Colony and State of Queensland
- Toxinologist
- Cameron, Ann (1939 - 1998), Toxinologist
- Endean, Robert (Bob) (1925 - 1997), Marine biologist and Toxinologist
- Flecker, Hugo (1884 - 1957), Medical practitioner, Radiotherapist and Toxinologist
- Tramway engineer
- Clapp, Francis Boardman (1833 - 1920), Business executive and Tramway engineer
- Nelson, William Muir (1871 - 1926), Civil engineer, Electrical engineer and Tramway Engineer
- Risson, Robert Joseph Henry (1901 - 1992), Civil engineer, Military engineer and Tramway Engineer
- Transport
- Acco Transport (1883? - 2002)
- Ansett Transport Industries Ltd
- ARRB Transport Research Ltd (1995 - )
- Australasian Steam Navigation Company (1851 - 1887)
- Australasian United Steam Navigation Company Ltd (1887 - 1960s)
- Australian Airlines (1986 - 1992)
- Australian Motoring Association (1903 - 1924)
- Australian National Airways (1928 - 1930s)
- Australian National Airways (ANA) (1930s - ?)
- Australian National Line (ANL) Limited (1989 - ?)
- Australian National Railways Commission (1975 - 1997), Commonwealth of Australia
- Australian Road Research Board (ARRB) (1960 - 1995)
- Australian Shipping Board (1946 - 1961), Commonwealth of Australia
- Australian Shipping Commission (1974 - 1989), Commonwealth of Australia
- Australian Southern Railroad
- Austroads
- Brambles Industries Limited (1954 - )
- Brambles Transport Company
- Bureau of Transport and Communications Economics (1988 - 1998?), Commonwealth of Australia
- Bureau of Transport Economics [I] (1970 - 1977), Commonwealth of Australia
- Bureau of Transport Economics [II] (1977 - 1988), Commonwealth of Australia
- Bureau of Transport Economics [III] (1998? - ?), Commonwealth of Australia
- Centre for Packaging, Transportation and Storage (1994 - ), Victoria University
- Commonwealth Bureau of Roads (1965 - 1977), Commonwealth of Australia
- Country Roads Board (1913 - 1983), State of Victoria
- CSIR Food Preservation and Transport Section (1931 - 1940), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIR/O Division of Food Preservation and Transport (1940 - 1960), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Department of Aviation (1982 - 1987), Commonwealth of Australia
- Department of Shipping and Transport (1951 - 1972), Commonwealth of Australia
- Department of Transport [III] (1972 - 1982), Commonwealth of Australia
- Department of Transport [IV] (1983 - 1987), Commonwealth of Australia
- Department of Transport [V] (1993 - 1996), Commonwealth of Australia
- Department of Transport and Communications (1987 - 1993), Commonwealth of Australia
- Department of Transport and Construction (1982 - 1983), Commonwealth of Australia
- Department of Transport and Regional Development (1996 - 1998), Commonwealth of Australia
- Department of Transport and Regional Services (1998 - 2007), Commonwealth of Australia
- Hobart Electric Tramways Company (c. 1884 - )
- Howard Smith Limited (1914 - 2001)
- Humble and Son
- Hunter River Steam Navigation Company (1839 - 1851)
- International Catamarans Pty Ltd (1977 - )
- Kenworth Australia (1962 - )
- Mayne Nickless Limited (1886 - 2002)
- Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board (1918 - 1983), State of Victoria
- Melbourne Tramway and Omnibus Company (1877 - 1916)
- Melbourne Tramways Trust (1883 - 1916)
- Municipal Tramways Trust (1907 - 1975), State of South Australia
- New South Wales Government Tramways, State of New South Wales
- Qantas Airways Limited (1967 - )
- Qantas Empire Airways Limited (1934 - 1967), Commonwealth of Australia
- Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services Limited (QANTAS) (1920 - 1947)
- Queensland Steamship Company Ltd (1881 - 1887)
- Randwick Tramway Workshops (1902 - 1960s)
- South Australian State Transport Authority Board (1974 - 1994), State of South Australia
- Tasmanian Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources (1998 - 2014), State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Department of State Growth (2014 - ), State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Government Railways (1872 - 1939), Colony and State of Tasmania
- Thomas Nationwide Transport Limited (1946 - 1986)
- TNT Limited
- Victorian Department of Infrastructure (1996 - ), State of Victoria
- Western Australian Department of Works and Railways (1879 - 1890), Colony of Western Australia
- Western Australian Government Railways [1] (1890 - 1914), Colony and State of Western Australia
- Western Australian Government Railways [2] (1949 - 2000), State of Western Australia
- Western Australian Government Railways and Tramways (1914 - 1922), State of Western Australia
- Western Australian Government Railways, Tramways and Electricity Supply (1922 - 1930)
- Western Australian Government Railways, Tramways, and Ferries (1946 - 1949), State of Western Australia
- Western Australian Government Railways, Tramways, Ferries and Electricity Supply (1930 - 1946), State of Western Australia
- Western Australian Government Tramways and Ferries (1949 - 1958), State of Western Australia