Williams, William Thomas (1913 - 1995)
- Born
- 18 April 1913
London, England - Died
- 15 October 1995
- Occupation
- Botanist and Plant taxonomist
William Williams held many positions in the United Kingdom including Professor of Botany at the University of Southampton from 1951 to 1965. He then moved to Australia to join the CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) Division of Computing Research 1966-1968, and later the Division of Tropical Pastures 1968-1973. Williams was a leading authority on the use of numerical methods for classifying biological data. After his retirement he worked as a consultant to James Cook University of North Queensland, Davies Laboratory (CSIRO) and the Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville. He was also a qualified piano teacher.
- 1933
- Education - Bachelor of Science (BSc), Imperial College of Science and Technology in London
- 1933 - 1936
- Career position - Taught at Imperial College
- 1936 - 1940
- Career position - Teacher at Sir John Cass Technical College
- 1940
- Education - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Imperial College of Science and Technology in London
- 1940
- Education - Diploma of Imperial College (DIC) completed
- 1941 - 1946
- Career position - Military service with the Royal Artillery (Sergeant), Royal Army Ordnance Corps (Second Lieutenant) and Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (Major)
- 1946 - 1951
- Career position - Lecturer at Bedford College for Women
- 1951 - 1956
- Career position - Professor of Botany and Head of the Department of Botany, University of Southampton
- 1956
- Education - Doctor of Science (DSc), Imperial College of Science and Technology in London
- 1966 - 1968
- Career position - Senior Principal Research Scientist at the CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) Division of Computing Research
- 1968 - 1973
- Career position - Senior Principal Research Scientist at the CSIRO Division of Tropical Pastures
- 1978 - 1995
- Award - Fellow, Australian Academy of Science (FAA)
- 1980
- Award - Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE)
Related entries
Archival resources
Adolph Basser Library, Australian Academy of Science
Published resources
Book Sections
- Burt, R. L.; Williams, W. T., 'Plant Introduction in Australia' in Australian Science in the Making, R. W. Home, ed. (Sydney: Cambridge University Press, 1988), pp. 252-276. Details
- Rae, Ian D., 'Williams, William Thomas (Bill) (1913 - 1995), biologist' in Australian dictionary of biography, volume 19: 1991 - 1995 A-Z, Melanie Nolan, ed. (Canberra: Australian National University Press, 2021), Details
Journal Articles
- Clifford, H. Trevor, 'William Thomas Williams 1913-1995', Historical Records of Australian Science, 12 (1) (1998), 99-118. Details
- Clifford, H.T.; and Williams, W.T., 'Classificatory dendrograms and their interpretation.', Australian Journal of Botany, 21 (1973), 151-162.. Details
- Wikidata, Details
- 'Williams, W T (19130418-19951015)', Trove, National Library of Australia, 2009, Details
Resource Sections
- Ward, C., 'William Thomas Williams', in CSIROpedia, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), 2011, Details
Rosanne Walker
Created: 30 June 1997, Last modified: 2 March 2018