Browse Functions - F

Browse Functions

List of Functions

Stephen, George Milner (1812 - 1894), Geologist and Faith-healer
Atkinson, James (1795 - 1834), Farmer
Barnard, Charles Ashmale (1867 - 1942), Farmer and Ornithologist
Batt, John David (1843 - 1919), Botanical collector and Farmer
Blackman, James (1792? - 1868), Farmer and Explorer
Blackman, John, Farmer and Explorer
Blaxland, John (1799 - 1884), Farmer
Courtney, John Edgar (1934 - ), Farmer and Ornithologist
Doley, Alison Betty (1938 - 2019), Conservationist and Farmer
Edgell, Robert Gordon (Gordon) (1866 - 1948), Civil engineer, Farmer and Manufacturer
Henty, Thomas (1775 - 1839), Farmer
Hopson, John (1867 - 1928), Entomologist and Farmer
Ingold, Beryl Elizabeth (1927 - ), Farmer
Jones, Inigo Owen (1872 - 1954), Farmer, Forecaster and Meteorologist
McArthur, Archibald John (Archie) (1922 - 2016), Entomologist and Farmer
Molineux, Albert (1832 - 1909), Agriculturalist and Farmer
Pedler, Lynn, Farmer and Ornithologist
Robinson, Angus Hargreaves (1907 - 1973), Farmer and Ornithologist
Ross, John (1817 - 1903), Explorer and Farmer
Squire, James (1755? - 1822), Brewer and Farmer
Tardent, Henry Alexis (1853 - 1929), Agricultural journalist, Farmer and Vigneron
Whittell, Hubert Massey (1883 - 1954), Ornithologist and Farmer
Festival or Event
Australian Innovation Festival (2002 - )
Australian Science Festival Limited (1993 - )
Intercolonial Exhibition of Australasia (1866 - 1867)
National Science Week (1998 - )
First Nations Leader
Unaipon, David (1872 - 1967), Author, First Nations Leader and Inventor
Fish biologist
Weatherley, Alan Harold (1928 - 2012), Fish biologist and Limnologist
Fisheries expert
Dannevig, Harald Kristian (1871 - 1914), Fisheries expert and Applied scientist
Dichmont, Catherine Mary, Fisheries expert and Oceanographer
Olsen, Albert Mervyn (1917 - 2008), Fisheries expert
Tubb, John Alan (1913 - 1985), Fisheries expert
Fisheries Research or Regulation
Bureau of Rural Sciences (1998 - )
CSIR Fisheries Investigations Section (c. 1937 - 1939), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
CSIR/O Division of Fisheries (1939 - 1956), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Division of Fisheries (1988 - 1997), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Division of Fisheries and Oceanography (1956 - 1981), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Division of Fisheries Research (1981 - 1988), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Meat, Dairy and Aquaculture Sector (1996 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Department of Home and Territories, Central Office (1916 - 1928), Commonwealth of Australia
Department of the Interior [I], Central Administration (1932 - 1939), Commonwealth of Australia
South Australian Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (1975 - 1979), State of South Australia
South Australian Department of Fisheries [I] (1912 - 1919), State of South Australia
South Australian Department of Fisheries [II] (1979 - 1992), State of South Australia
South Australian Department of Fisheries and Fauna Conservation (1965 - 1972), State of South Australia
South Australian Fisheries and Game Department (1919 - 1964), State of South Australia
Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries and Water (2006 - 2009), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (2009 - ), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment (1998 - 2006), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of Primary Industry (1989 - 1992), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries (1993 - 1998), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of Primary Industry, Fisheries and Energy (1992 - 1993), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of Sea Fisheries (1985 - 1989), State of Tasmania
Victorian Fisheries Research Institute (? - 1996), Department of Natural Resources and Environment
Western Australian Department of Lands and Surveys (1890 - 1986), Colony and State of Western Australia
Fisheries scientist
Lake, John Sydney (1930? - 1978), Fisheries scientist and Ichthyologist
Fitter and turner
Colliver, Frederick Stanley (Stan) (1908 - 1991), Fitter and turner, Museum curator, Natural history collector and Naturalist
Gulliver, Susannah (1857 - 1938), Botanical collector and Florist
Flour miller
Degraves, Peter (1778 - 1852), Civil engineer, Flour miller and Shipbuilder
Love, Nigel Borland (1892 - 1979), Aviator and Flour miller
Ridley, John (1806 - 1887), Flour miller, Inventor and Preacher
Wilkinson, James, Flour miller
Food or Beverage Industry
Allison and Knight (1841 - ?)
APV-Bell Bryant (1982 - )
Arnott's Biscuits Limited (c. 1865 - )
Australasian Grain Science Association (2009 - )
Australasian Sugar Company (1842 - 1855)
Australian Biscuit Company (1950s - ?)
Australian Frozen Meat Export Company (1880 - 1886)
Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology (1967 - )
Australian Meat and Livestock Research Development Corporation (1985 - 1991), Commonwealth of Australia
Australian Meat Board (1936 - 1977), Commonwealth of Australia
Australian Meat Company (1865 - ?)
Australian Meat Research Committee (1966 - 1985), Commonwealth of Australia
Australian Meat Technology Pty Ltd (c. 1992 - )
Australian Seafood Industry Council (ASIC)
Australian Wine Board (1936 - 1981)
Australian Wine Research Institute (1955 - ), The University of Adelaide
Bacchus Marsh Concentrated Milk Company (1890 - ?)
Ballarat Meat Preserving Company (1860s - ?)
Barretts Aerated Waters (1870s - ?)
Birds Eye (Aust) Ltd (1947 - ?)
Botany Meat Preserving Company (1875 - ?)
Bread Research Institute of Australia Limited (1947 - ?)
BRI Australia Limited
Bureau of Sugar Experiment Stations (1900 - 2003), Colony and State of Queensland
Burston and Company (1870s - )
C. D. Haywood Pty Ltd (1875 - 1950)
Carlton and United Breweries Limited (CUB) (1950 - )
Carlton Brewery Ltd (1896 - ?)
CBH Grain Terminal
Central Queensland Meat Export Company ( - 1883?)
Central Queensland Meat Preserving Company
Centre for Bioprocessing and Food Technology, Victoria University of Technology
Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture (CLIMA) (2000 - )
Cheese Industry Productivity Improvement Project (CIPIP) (1980s - ?)
Cherry and Sons (1890s - ?)
Colonial Sugar Refining Company (1855 - 1974)
Commonwealth Citrus Research Station, Griffith NSW (1924 - 1927), Commonwealth Institute of Science and Industry
CRC for an Internationally Competitive Pork Industry (2005 - 2011)
CRC for Australian Sheep Industry (2001 - 2007)
CRC for Bioproducts (1999 - 2006)
CRC for Food Industry Innovation (1993 - 2001)
CRC for Innovative Dairy Products (2001 - 2009)
CRC for Innovative Grain Food Products (2003 - 2010)
CRC for International Food Manufacture and Packaging Science (1995 - 2001)
CRC for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture (1992 - 2000)
CRC for Sugar Industry Innovation through Biotechnology (2003 - 2010)
CRC for Sustainable Rice Production (1997 - 2005)
CRC for the Cattle and Beef Industry (Meat Quality) (1993 - 1999)
CRC for Value Added Wheat (2001 - 2008)
CSIR Cold Storage Investigations (c. 1926 - 1931), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
CSIR Food Preservation and Transport Section (1931 - 1940), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
CSIR/O Division of Food Preservation and Transport (1940 - 1960), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Division of Dairy Research (1962 - 1971), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Division of Food Preservation (1962 - 1971), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Division of Food Processing (1988 - 1992), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Division of Food Research (1971 - 1988), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Division of Food Science and Technology (1992 - 1997), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Food Processing Sector (1995? - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Human Nutrition (2005 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Meat, Dairy and Aquaculture Sector (1996 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSR Limited (1974 - )
Dairy Process Engineering Centre (1970s - ), Monash University
Dairy Research Centre (? - 1970s), State of New South Wales
Dangar, Gedye and Malloch Limited (? - 1961)
Davis Gelatine (Australia) Pty Ltd (1917 - 1990s)
Department of Biological and Food Sciences, Victoria University of Technology
Department of Food Science (1994 - ?), RMIT University
Department of Food Science and Agribusiness (1997? - ), The University of Melbourne
Department of Food Technology, Victoria University of Technology
Dyasons (1880s - ?)
F. J. Walker Ltd (1910 - 1983)
Fielders Ltd (1973 - 1978)
Filtration and Water Softening Pty Ltd (1928 - ?)
Food Additives Committee (1953 - ?)
Food Science and Technology (Reference) Sub-committee (FTS)
Food Science Australia - CSIRO (1997 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Food Standards Committee (FCS)
Foster's (1888 - )
Fred Walker and Company (1921? - 1935)
Fuller and Co
Geelong Meat Preserving Company (1871 - 1874)
Gilbert Chandler Campus (1939 - ), The University of Melbourne
Gilbert Chandler Institute of Dairy Technology (1967 - ), The University of Melbourne
H. J. Heinz Co Australia Ltd (1935 - 1998)
Henry Jones & Co
Hogarth Australian Meat Preserving Company
Institute of Animal and Food Sciences - CSIRO (1978 - 1987), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Institute of Land and Food Resources (1997 - 2005), The University of Melbourne
James Bell Machinery Co (1960s - 1965)
Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives, United Nations
Joshua Brothers (1874 - ?)
Kensington Meat Preserving Company (c. 1915 - c. 1916)
Kimpton's Flour Mills
Koroit and Tower Hill Butter and Cheese Factory Company Limited (1890s - ?)
Kraft Foods Limited (1950 - )
Kraft Walker Cheese Company Limited (1935? - 1950?)
Kraft Walker Cheese Company Proprietary Limited (1926 - 1935)
Mauri Foods
Meat and Livestock Australia (1998 - )
Meat Research Corporation (1991 - 1998), Commonwealth of Australia
Meat Research Laboratory - CSIRO (1969 - c. 1992), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Melbourne Meat Preserving Company (1867 - 1880s)
Melbourne Milk Supply Company (1880? - ?)
Mittagong Creamery
Monsanto Australia Limited
Nestlé Australia Ltd (1908 - )
Nicholas Kiwi Limited (1981 - 1984)
North Queensland Meat Export Company
Otto Madsen Dairy Research Laboratories
Patent Preserved Meat Manufactory (1846 - ?)
Peanut Company of Australia (1997 - )
Peanut Marketing Board (1924 - 1992)
PMB Australia Limited (1992 - 1997)
Queensland Butter Board (1946 - 1990)
Queensland Horticulture Branch (1945 - ), State of Queensland
Queensland Meat Industry Board (c. 1931 - )
Queensland Sugar Board ( - 2004)
Robert Corbett Pty Ltd
School of Dairy Technology (1939 - c. 1967), The University of Melbourne
Smorgon Consolidated Industries (SCI) (1970s - 1990s)
Sugar Research Institute (1949 - )
Swallow and Ariell Pty Ltd (1854? - 1965)
Sydney Flour Company
Sydney Jam Company
Sydney Meat Preserving Company (1869 - 1930s)
Sydney Salting Company (1843 - ?)
Tarax Pty Ltd (c. 1950 - 1972)
Victoria Institute of Brewing (1907 - ?)
Victoria Meat Preserving Company
Victorian Sugar Company (1857 - ?)
W. Duffield and Co
Water Mill Company (1880s - ?)
Western Australian Central Board of Health (1886 - 1911), Colony and State of Western Australia
Food scientist
Accum, Friedrich Christian (1796 - 1838), Food scientist
Bottomley, Robert Alwyn (1912 - 2004), Chemist and Food scientist
Britz, Margaret (1952 - ), Educator, Food scientist and Microbiologist
Bullot, Louis Frederick, Food scientist
Casimir, D. J., Food scientist
Chandler, B. V., Food scientist
Cook, G. A, Food scientist
Danne, H. A., Food scientist
Dixon, B. D., Food scientist
Eyles, Michael, Food scientist
Farrer, Keith Thomas Henry (1916 - 2012), Chemist, Food Scientist and Science historian
Gibbons, William Sydney (1825 - 1917), Food scientist
Heath, Bernard Verrell (1904 - 1984), Food scientist
Hodge, Alan John (1926 - ), Food scientist
Holmes, Kenneth Edwin (1914 - 1994), Food scientist and Chemist
Hutchinson, Raymond Charles, Biochemist and Food scientist
Jones, William Lewis (1922 - 1987), Food scientist
Kefford, Jack Frederick, Food scientist
Kraft, James L., Food scientist
Linklater, Peter Munro, Food scientist
Loftus, William Robert (1908 - 1972), Food scientist
Lynch, L. J. (1900 - 1974), Food scientist
Mendelsohn, Oscar Adolf (1896 - 1978), Analytical chemist and Food scientist
Mitchell, John, Food scientist
Mitchell, R. S., Food scientist
Muller, Lawrence Louis (1922 - ), Food scientist
O'Brien, Robert Gordon (1897? - 1956), Food scientist and Analytical chemist
Olley, June Norma (1924 - 2019), Biochemist, Food scientist and Marine scientist
Parodi, Peter W., Food scientist
Pattison, Henry, Food scientist
Pitt, John Ingram (1937 - 2022), Food scientist and Microbiologist
Pont, Edward George, Food scientist
Richards, R., Food scientist
Ridge, M. J., Food scientist
Smithers, Geoffrey Welsford (Geoff), Dairy expert and Food scientist
Sykes, Stephen Myles (1918 - 1969), Food scientist
Timms, R. E., Food scientist
Vickery, James Richard (1902 - 1997), Food scientist
Food technologist
Anderson, William, Food technologist
Callister, Cyril Percy (1893 - 1949), Chemist and Food technologist
Cordingley, Thomas, Food technologist
Crowe, Robert (1867 - 1955), Food technologist and Agricultural administrator
Cullen, R. N., Food technologist
Czulak, Józef Karol (1915 - 1985), Bacteriologist and Food technologist
Elsworth, Frank Cadwallader (1907 - 1973), Food technologist
Fielder, George, Food technologist
Gibson, David, Food technologist
Jessep, Hugh Gordon (1902 - 1971), Food technologist
Kerr, Henry William (Bill) (1901 - 1993), Food technologist, Soil expert and Sugar technologist
Manning, James, Food technologist
McCracken, Robert, Food technologist
Reuter, Fritz Henry (1905 - 2001), Food technologist and Chemical engineer
Sharkey, J. E., Food technologist
Spawn, A. F., Food technologist
Tindal, Charles Grant (1823 - 1914), Cattle breeder and Food technologist
Tong, W. S., Food technologist
Glendinning, Colin (Col) (1920 - 1996), Forecaster
Jones, Inigo Owen (1872 - 1954), Farmer, Forecaster and Meteorologist
Ogg, J. Cumming, Forecaster
Russell, Ian, Meteorologist and Forecaster
Smith, Len (1920 - ), Forecaster and Meteorological observer
Smith, W. T. P. (1920 - ), Technical officer and Forecaster
Storer, Harold Reginald (Harry) (1907 - 1985), Meteorological observer and Forecaster
Swan, Keith (1916 - 1996), Educator and Forecaster
Walker, Robert Lennox (Lennox) (1925 - 2000), Forecaster
White, Arthur Charles, Forecaster
Forensic pathologist
McCallum, Norman Elliott White (1915 - 1976), Forensic pathologist
Neild, James Edward (1824 - 1906), Forensic pathologist and Journalist
Forensic psychiatrist
Barnes, David Thomas (1923 - 2000), Forensic psychiatrist
Forensic psychologist
Hayes, Susan Carol (1946 - ), Forensic psychologist and Educator
Forensic science
Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine (1985 - ), State of Victoria
Forensic scientist
Mollison, Crawford Henry (1863 - 1949), Pathologist and Forensic scientist
Scroggie, James Gilbert (Jim) (1932 - ), Forensic scientist and Organic chemist
forest ecologist
Shields, James Michael (Jim) (1952 - 2019), forest ecologist and Wildlife manager
Forest entomologist
Howick, Charles Douglas (Doug) (1935 - 2018), Forest entomologist
Neumann, Frederick Gerhard (1937 - ), Forest entomologist
Forest Historian
Dargavel, John (1932 - 2024), Forest Historian and Forester
Hateley, Ronald Francis (1948 - 2011), Forest Historian and Forest scientist
Forest or Timber Industries
A. E. Gibson Pty Ltd (1960s - ?)
Australian Forest Industries (1973 - ?)
Australian Forest League, New South Wales Branch (1923 - ?)
Commonwealth Forestry Bureau (1927 - 1946)
CRC for Forestry (2005 - 2013)
CRC for Innovative Wood Manufacturing (2001 - 2008)
CRC for Premium Quality Wool (1993 - 2000)
CRC for Sustainable Production Forestry (1997 - 2005)
CRC for Temperate Hardwood Forestry (1991 - 1997)
CSIR/O Division of Forest Products (mark I) (1928 - 1971), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Division of Chemical and Wood Technology (1983 - 1988), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Division of Forest Products (mark II) (1990 - 1995), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Division of Forest Research (1975 - 1987), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Division of Forestry (1991 - 1995), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Division of Forestry and Forest Products (mark I) (1988 - 1990), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Division of Forestry and Forest Products (mark II) (1995 - 2007), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Forestry, Wood and Paper Industries Sector (c. 1995 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Department of Forestry (1997 - 2005), The University of Melbourne
ENSIS (2004 - 2007)
Forest Research Institute (1964 - 1975)
Forest Resources
Gunmorrow Forrest and Company (1890s - ?)
Gunn's Plantations Limited (GPL) (1999 - )
H. C. Sleigh Resources Ltd
Harris-Daishowa (Australia) Pty Ltd (1970? - )
Hicksons (Aust) Pty Ltd (1957? - )
Institute of Foresters of Australia (IFA) (1935 - )
Masonite Corporation (Australia) Ltd (1938 - 1955)
Museu do Eucalipto (1916 - )
New South Wales Forest Conservancy Branch (1882 - 1900s), Colony and State of New South Wales
Northern Woodchips Pty Ltd (1970s - )
Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (2015 - ), State of Queensland
Queensland Department of Forestry (1957 - 1989), State of Queensland
Queensland Forest Service (1989 - ), State of Queensland
Softwood Holdings Limited (1952 - 1988)
South Australian Forest Board (1875 - 1882), Colony of South Australia
South Australian Timber Corporation ( - c. 1993)
South Australian Woods and Forests Department (1883 - 1992), Colony and State of South Australia
Timber Sectional Committee (1930 - ?), Standards Association of Australia
Westralian Forest Industries (WFI) (1950 - 2006?)
Forest pathologist
Kile, Glen Ashley (1946 - ), Forest pathologist and Forest research leader
Marks, Geoffrey Charles (1932 - 1990), Forest pathologist
Smith, Ian William (1954 - ), Forest pathologist
Forest research leader
Kile, Glen Ashley (1946 - ), Forest pathologist and Forest research leader
Forest Science
Australian Tree Seed Centre (1962 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Bassett, Owen David (1964 - ), Forest Science and Silviculture consultant
Bowman, David, Academic, Ecology and Conservation and Forest Science
ENSIS (2004 - 2007)
Institute of Foresters of Australia (IFA) (1935 - )
Museu do Eucalipto (1916 - )
Queensland Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (2012 - 2015), State of Queensland
Forest scientist
Adams, Mark Andrew, Academic, Botanist, Conservationist, Ecologist and Forest scientist
Andrade, Edmundo Navarro de (1881 - 1941), Agricultural engineer, Ecologist and Forest scientist
Attiwill, Peter Muecke, Botanist, Conservationist, Ecologist and Forest scientist
Brown, Alan Gordon John (1931 - 2023), Forest scientist and Science administrator
Chinner, John Harding (1915 - 2001), Forest scientist and University Administrator
Cremer, Kurt Wilhelm (1934 - 2005), Forest scientist
Cromer, Robin N., Forest scientist and Forester
Dexter, Barrie Donald, Forest scientist
Eldridge, Kenneth George, Agricultural scientist, Forest Scientist and Plant geneticist
Ellis, Robert (Bob) C., Forest scientist
Ferguson, Ian Stewart (1935 - 2019), Forest scientist and University Administrator
Flinn, David William (1944 - ), Forest scientist
Hateley, Ronald Francis (1948 - 2011), Forest Historian and Forest scientist
Hickey, John E. (1956 - ), Forest scientist
Hillis, William Edwin (Ted) (1921 - 2008), Forest scientist
Hopmans, Peter (1946 - ), Ecology and Conservation and Forest scientist
Kellas, John Douglas (1948 - ), Forest scientist
Kerruish, C.M. (Bill) (1934 - ), Forest scientist
Lambert, Marcia Joan (1942 - ), Forest scientist
Lutze, Mark T. (1957 - ), Forest scientist and Soil scientist
Morris, James D. (1949 - 2006), Forest scientist
Myers, Brian John (1947 - ), Forest scientist
Neyland, Mark Geoffrey (1958 - ), Forest scientist
Pederick, Leon A. (1930 - ), Biogeographer and Forest Scientist
Squire, Ross Ormond (1942 - ), Forest scientist
Stewart, Hugh Thomas Lindsay (1951 - ), Conservation or Environment, Forest scientist and Forestry consultant
Turner, John (1947 - ), Forest scientist
Weston, Thomas Charles George (1866 - 1935), Forest scientist and Horticulturist
Blackburne, James (1839 - 1927), Botanical collector and Forester
Boland, Douglas John (1947 - 2001), Botanical collector, Botanist and Forester
Boomsma, Clifford David (1915 - 2004), Botanical collector and Forester
Bradshaw, Frank J. (Jack) (1941 - ), Forester
Brockway, George Ernest (1902 - 1973), Conservationist and Forester
Brown, John Ednie (1848 - 1899), Botanist and Forester
Burrow, Robert John Gordon (1877 - 1957), Forester
Campbell, G. S., Forester
Carron, William (1821 - 1876), Botanist and Forester
Carter, Charles Ernest (1885 - 1976), Forester and Botanist
Christensen, F. J., Forester
Coleman, John D., Forester
Cromer, Robin N., Forest scientist and Forester
Cunningham, T. Murray, Forester
Dahl, Bjarne Klaus (1898 - 1993), Forester
Dalrymple-Hay, Richard (1861 - 1943), Botanical collector, Conservationist and Forester
Dargavel, John (1932 - 2024), Forest Historian and Forester
de Beuzeville, Wilfred Alexander Watt (1884 - 1954), Botanical collector and Forester
Ellis, Leon MacIntosh (1887 - 1941), Forester
Fagg, Peter Charles (1947 - ), Forester and Silviculture consultant
Fielding, John Mervyn, Forester
Florence, Ross G. (1930 - ), Academic and Forester
Gilbert, John Maxwell (Max) (1913 - 2007), Forester
Grant, J. & G., Forester
Grose, Ronald Jeffrey (1929? - 2007), Forester
Hall, Michael John, Forester
Hall, Norman (1906 - 2005), Botanical collector, Forester and Photographer
Ingram, K.W., Forester
Jacobs, Maxwell Ralph (1905 - 1979), Botanical collector, Botanist and Forester
Johnstone, John (1862 - 1937), Forester
Jolly, Norman William (1882 - 1954), Forester
Jones, Owen (1888 - 1957), Forester and Public servant
Keeves, Andrew (1927 - 2001), Forester
Kessell, Stephen Lackey (1897 - 1979), Ecology and Conservation and Forester
La Gerche, John (1845 - 1914), Forester
Lane-Poole, Charles Edward (1885 - 1970), Botanical collector and Forester
Leech, Jeremy Wilfred (Jerry) (1940 - 2023), Forester
Lewis, Norman Benjamin (1916 - ), Forester
Luke, Robert Henry (Harry) (1909 - 2000), Forester
McArthur, Alan Grant (1923 - 1978), Forester
Mckay, Hugh R, Forester
Middleton, William George Dyer (Bill) (1926 - ), Forester and Ornithologist
Mitchell, James, Forester
Nelson, P. F., Forester
Perrin, George Samuel, Forester
Podger, Francis Denis (1933 - 1999?), Conservationist, Ecologist and Forester
Pryor, Lindsay Dixon (1915 - 1998), Botanist and Forester
Semmens, Edwin James (1886 - 1980), Forester and Teacher
Stoate, Theodore Norman (1895 - 1979), Forester
Swain, Edward Harold Fulcher (1883 - 1970), Botanical collector and Forester
Tiemann, Harry Donald, Forester
Turnbull, John Wright (1940 - ), Botanical collector, Forester and Research scientist
Waring, Hugh Douglas (1917 - 2010), Forester
Watson, C. J. J., Forester
Wilkinson, Graham Richard (1954 - ), Forester
Willing, Rudolf Richard, Forester
Woods, Richard V., Forester
Zentmyer, G. A., Forester
Department of Forest and Ecosystem Science (2008 - ), The University of Melbourne
Department of Primary Industries and Energy (1987 - 1998), Commonwealth of Australia
Department of Primary Industry (1975 - 1987), Commonwealth of Australia
Faculty of Land and Food Resources (2005 - 2008), The University of Melbourne
N. W. Jolly Medal (1959 - ), Institute of Foresters of Australia
Tasmanian Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources (1998 - 2014), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of State Development (1998 - 2002), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of State Development and Resources (1993 - 1994), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of State Growth (2014 - ), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Development and Resources (1994 - 1998), State of Tasmania
Tasmanian Forest Insect Collection (1974 - 2013)
Tasmanian Lands and Surveys Department (1804 - 1970), Colony of Van Diemen's Land, Colony and State of Tasmania
Victorian School of Forestry (1910 - 1973)
Western Australian Department of Lands and Surveys (1890 - 1986), Colony and State of Western Australia
Forestry consultant
Connell, Michael Joseph (Mike) (1954 - ), Forestry consultant
Stewart, Hugh Thomas Lindsay (1951 - ), Conservation or Environment, Forest scientist and Forestry consultant
Forestry Regulation
Australian Forestry Council (1965 - 1994), Commonwealth of Australia
Bureau of Rural Sciences (1998 - )
Commonwealth Forestry Bureau (1927 - 1946)
Department of Home Affairs [II], Central Office (1928 - 1932), Commonwealth of Australia
Department of the Interior [I], Central Administration (1932 - 1939), Commonwealth of Australia
Department of the Interior [II], Central Office (1939 - 1972), Commonwealth of Australia
Forest Research Institute (1964 - 1975)
Forestry and Timber Bureau (1946 - 1978), Commonwealth of Australia
Forestry Commission (of New South Wales) (1916 - 1993), State of New South Wales
Forestry Commission (of Tasmania) (1947 - 1994), State of Tasmania
Forests Commission Victoria (1918 - 1983), State of Victoria
South Australian Department for Primary Industries (1992 - 1997), State of South Australia
Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment (1998 - 2006), State of Tasmania
Western Australia Forests Department (1919 - 1985), State of Western Australia
Fortifications engineer
Blackbourn, John (1842 - 1911), Fortifications engineer and Railway engineer
Freshwater biologist
Jolly, Violet Hilary (Hilary) (1906 - 1975), Freshwater biologist
Freshwater ecologist
Walker, Keith Forbes (1946 - 2016), Freshwater ecologist and Limnologist
Funding Source or Body
AusAID (1995 - ), Commonwealth of Australia
Australian Development Aid Bureau (1976 - )
Australian National Research Fund
Bjarne K Dahl Trust (2007 - )
The Cancer Council Victoria (2002 - )
Commonwealth Bank of Australia (1911 - )
Cooperative Research Centres Association (1994 - )
Empire Marketing Board (1926 - ?)
Energy Research and Development Corporation (ERDC) (1990 - )
Ian Clunies Ross Memorial Foundation (1959 - 2004)
Industries Assistance Commission (1974 - 1990), Commonwealth of Australia
International Development Program of Australian Universities and Colleges Ltd (IDP) (1984 - 1994)
King Edward Memorial Hospital Research Fund (1976 - 1996)
Management Investment Companies (1980s - 1992)
Microsurgery Foundation
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) (1936 - ), Commonwealth of Australia
National Sirex Fund (1960s - ?)
Rural Credits Fund (1960s - ?)
Rural Industry Research Funds (1960s - ?)
State Energy Authority of South Australia, State of South Australia
Wellcome Foundation
Women and Infants Research Foundation (1996 - )
Wool Research Trust Fund (1945 - ?)
World Health Organization (WHO) (1948 - )
Beauvais, Charles Frederick, Industrial designer, Artist and Futurist

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Published by Swinburne University of Technology.
This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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"Pathways to betterment and wisdom hide in the most obvious of places, encoded in the natural order all around us, for anyone who takes care to find them." Marcia Langton and Aaron Corn (2023) Law: the way of the ancestors p190