
Thompson, Harold (1890 - 1957)

12 October 1890
Aberdeen, Scotland
29 May 1957
Edinburgh, Scotland
Fisheries expert


Harold Thompson was the Officer-in-Charge of the CSIR Fisheries Investigations Section 9 November 1936 (prior to its formal establishement) to 9 May 1940. He was then made Chief of the CSIR/O Division of Fisheries 10 May 1940 to 15 December 1954. Prior to coming to Australia, Thompson was the British Government Fisheries Expert in Newfoundland, Canada, Dakin noted that he "is the best man that the British Empire can offer, and this view is shared by authorities in England, America and Norway" From "CSIRO at sea" (1988) page 19.


Chronology events from "CSIRO at sea" (1988) page 212


March 1937
Career position - Harold Thompson takes up duties as OIC ofCSIR "Fisheries Investigation Section"
August 1937
Event - Thompson recommends Port Hacking site for the fisheries laboratory, Council approves appointment ofE. J. Ferguson Wood, bacteriologist
May 1940
Career position - CSIR "Fisheries Investigation Section" renamed "Division of Fisheries "ยท Chief Harold Thompson
August 1943
Career position - Thompson appointed Controller of Fisheries during war period
December 1954
Career event - Harold Thompson retires; Maurice Blackburn appointed Acting Chief

Published resources


Edited Books

  • Mawson, Vivienne, Tranter, David J.; and Pearce, Alan F. eds, CSIRO at Sea: 50 Years of Marine Science (Hobart: CSIRO Marine Laboratories, 1988), 216 pp. Details

Journal Articles

Resource Sections

  • Anon, 'Development of fisheries: Australia's great possibilites', in The Chronicle : with which is incorporated the Weekly Mail, 1937, March 25 edn, Advertiser Newspapers Limited, Adelaide, South Australia, 1937. Details

Gavan McCarthy

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Published by Swinburne University of Technology.
This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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