Browse Functions - J

Browse Functions

List of Functions

Jam manufacturer
Camm, Philip John (1892 - 1959), Engineer and Jam manufacturer
Peacock, Ernest Alfred, Jam manufacturer
Peacock, George (1824 - 1900), Jam manufacturer
Alcheringa: an Australasian journal of palaeontology (1975 - ), Association of Australasian Palaeontologists
ANZIAM journal (2000 - )
Austral entomology (1967 - )
Australasian herbarium news (1947 - 1954)
Australasian Journal of Water Resources (1995 - )
Australasian Science (1998 - 2019)
Australian bird bander: journal of the Bird Banders' Association of Australia (1962 - 1972)
Australian entomologist (1972 - ), Entomological Society of Queensland
Australian Geomechanics (1986 - )
Australian Journal of Civil Engineering (2003 - )
Australian Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering (2004 - )
Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering (2003 - )
Australian Journal of Multi-disciplinary Engineering (2003 - )
Australian Journal of Structural Engineering (1998 - )
Australian mammalogy (1972 - )
Australian Mathematical Society Gazette (1974 - )
Australian Systematic Botany Society newsletter (1974 - )
The Australian Welding Engineer (1927 - 1928)
Australian zoologist (1914 - )
Austrobaileya (1977 - )
Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society (1969 - )
Civil Engineering Transactions (1959 - 2002)
Corella: journal of the Australian Bird Study Association (1977 - )
Coresearch (1958 - 2003), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Create : The Journal For Engineers Australia (2015 - )
Electrical Engineering Transactions (1959 - 1981)
Engineering Heritage Australia magazine (2013 - )
General Engineering Transactions (1977 - 2002)
Historical Records of Australian Science (1980 - )
Journal and proceedings of the Mueller Botanic Society (1899 - 1903)
Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Australia (1981 - 2003)
Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society (1959 - )
Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia (1929 - 2014)
Journal of the Natural History and Science Society of Western Australia (1910 - 1914)
Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia (1914 - )
Journal of the Western Australian Natural History Society (1904 - 1909)
Mechanical and Chemical Engineering Transactions (1965 - 1975)
Mechanical and Welding Engineer (1928 - )
Mechanical Engineering Transactions (1965 - 2002)
Muelleria (1956 - )
Newsletter of Engineering Heritage Australia (1992 - 2012)
Nuytsia (1971 - )
Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, South Australian Branch (1891 - 1986)
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, new series (1889 - )
Proceedings of the Victorian Institute of Engineers (1886 - 1948)
Proceedings of the Western Australian Institution of Engineers
Queensland naturalist (1908 - )
Records of the Australian Academy of Science (1966 - 1980)
South Australian Institute of Engineers: Biennial proceedings (1913 - 1918)
South Australian ornithologist (1914 - )
Southern science record and magazine of natural history (1881 - 1886)
Tasmanian journal of natural science, agriculture, statistics, etc (1841 - 1849)
Transactions and proceedings and report of the Adelaide Philosophical Society (1878 - 1879)
Transactions and proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria (1860 - 1888)
Transactions and Proceedings of the Victorian Engineers' Association (1883 - 1885)
Transactions and proceedings of the Victorian Institution for the Advancement of Science (1855 - )
Transactions of the Institution of Engineers, Australia (1920 - 1928)
Transactions of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria (1857 - 1860)
Transactions of the Philosophical Society of Victoria (1855 - )
Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia (1880 - )
Transactions of the Royal Society of Victoria, new series (1888 - 1914)
Victorian agricultural and horticultural gazette (1857 - 1861)
The Victorian naturalist (1884 - )
Armit, Henry William (1870 - 1930), Medical scientist and Medical journalist
Ashton, Julian Howard (1877 - 1964), Entomologist and Journalist
Beale, Bob (1952 - ), Conservationist and Journalist
Boyd, William Alexander Jenyns (1842 - 1928), Agricultural journalist and Schoolmaster
Brady, Edwin James (1869 - 1952), Journalist and Poet and author
Bruck, Ludwig, Physician and Medical journalist
Chisholm, Alexander Hugh (Alec) (1890 - 1977), Naturalist, Journalist and Ornithologist
Cilento, Lady Phyllis Dorothy (1894 - 1987), Author, Educator, Journalist, Medical practitioner and Obstetrician
Cribb, Julian, Journalist and Science Communication
Favenc, Ernest (1845 - 1908), Explorer and Journalist
Grasby, William Catton (1859 - 1930), Agricultural journalist and Educator
Greener, Herbert Leslie (1900 - 1974), Archaeologist, Educator, Journalist and Writer
Griffith, Sturt De Burgh (1905 - 1979), Engineer, Journalist and Patent attorney
Harrison, James (1816? - 1893), Inventor and journalist
Hodgkinson, William Oswald (1835 - 1900), Explorer, Journalist, Politician and Sailor
Jose, Arthur Wilberforce (1863 - 1956), Historian and Journalist
Macdonald, Donald Alaster (1859 - 1932), Journalist and Science writer
McCombie, Thomas (1819 - 1869), Journalist and Social scientist
Meston, Archibald (1851 - 1924), Explorer and Journalist
Mitchell, Josiah (1822 - 1887), Horticulturist and Journalist
Mussen, Gerald (1872 - 1960), Entrepreneur and Journalist
Neild, James Edward (1824 - 1906), Forensic pathologist and Journalist
Roberts, Noel Lee (1890 - 1967), Journalist and Ornithologist
Ryan, James Francis (1925 - 2004), Journalist and Radiologist
Sharland, Michael (1899 - 1987), Naturalist, Journalist and Ornithologist
Sutherland, Alexander (1852 - 1902), Headmaster, Historian and Journalist
Sutherland, George (1855 - 1905), Inventor and Journalist
Tardent, Henry Alexis (1853 - 1929), Agricultural journalist, Farmer and Vigneron
Taylor, George Augustine (1872 - 1928), Journalist
Turnbull, Stanley Clive Perry (Clive) (1906 - 1975), Journalist
West, John (1856 - 1926), Journalist and Horticulturist
Windeyer, Richard (1806 - 1847), Barrister, Journalist and Agriculturalist
Balmford, Rosemary Anne (1933 - ), Judge and Ornithologist
Barry, Redmond (1813 - 1880), Judge and Science patron
Casey, James Joseph (1831 - 1913), Politician and Judge
Madden, Frank (1847 - 1921), Judge and Parliamentarian
Piddington, Albert Bathurst (1862 - 1945), Judge
Stawell, William Foster (1815 - 1889), Science patron, Member of Parliament and Judge

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Published by Swinburne University of Technology.
This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
For earlier editions see the Internet Archive at:*/

The Encyclopedia of Australian Science and Innovation uses the Online Heritage Resource Manager (OHRM), a relational data curation and web publication system developed by the eScholarship Research Centre and its predecessors at the University of Melbourne 1999-2020. The OHRM has been maintained by Gavan McCarthy since 2020.

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"Pathways to betterment and wisdom hide in the most obvious of places, encoded in the natural order all around us, for anyone who takes care to find them." Marcia Langton and Aaron Corn (2023) Law: the way of the ancestors p190