Browse Functions - I
- Ichthyologist
- Bellwood, David Roy, Ichthyologist
- Lake, John Sydney (1930? - 1978), Fisheries scientist and Ichthyologist
- Laporte, François Louis (1810 - 1880), Diplomat, Entomologist and Ichthyologist
- Marshall, Thomas Claude (1896 - 1976), Ichthyologist and Museum preparator
- McCulloch, Allan Riverstone (1885 - 1925), Ichthyologist and Entomologist
- Munro, Ian Stafford Ross (1919 - 1994), Ichthyologist and Marine biologist
- Ogilby, James Douglas (1853 - 1925), Ichthyologist and Taxonomist
- Talbot, Frank Hamilton (1930 - 2024), Ichthyologist and Museum director
- Wade, Robert Thompson (1884 - 1967), Headmaster and Ichthyologist
- Waite, Edgar Ravenswood (1866 - 1928), Herpetologist, Ichthyologist and Museum curator
- Whitley, Gilbert Percy (1903 - 1975), Ichthyologist and Entomologist
- Immunologist
- Ada, Gordon Leslie (1922 - 2012), Microbiologist, Virologist and Immunologist
- Blanden, Robert Vincent (1938 - ), Immunologist
- Burgess, Margaret Anne (1937 - ), Immunologist and Paediatrician
- Cooper, David Albert (1949 - 2018), Advocacy and Immunologist
- Crabb, Brendan Scott (1966 - ), Immunologist
- Doherty, Peter Charles (1940 - ), Immunologist
- Frazer, Ian Hector (1953 - ), Immunologist
- Lascelles, Alexander Kirk (Alick) (1930 - 2015), Immunologist and Science administrator
- Lowenthal, John, Immunologist
- Mackay, Laura, Immunologist
- McKern, Neil Moreton (1946 - 2014), Chemist, Immunologist and Virologist
- Mitchell, Graham Frank (1941 - ), Immunologist
- Morris, Bede (1927 - 1988), Immunologist and Pathologist
- Nossal, Gustav Joseph Victor (1931 - ), Medical scientist and Immunologist
- Ogilvie, Bridget Margaret (1938 - ), Immunologist and Parasitologist
- Penny, Ronald (1936 - ), Physician and Immunologist
- Shellam, Geoffrey Randolph (1943 - 2015), Immunologist and Microbiologist
- Smyth, Mark John (1963 - ), Immunologist
- Stocker, John Wilcox (1945 - ), Chief Scientist, Immunologist and Medical scientist
- Trapani, Joseph Albert, Immunologist
- Wiener, Saul (1923 - 2010), Cytogeneticist and Immunologist
- Immunoparasitologist
- Murray, Peter Keith (Keith) (1946 - ), Immunoparasitologist, Parasitologist, Veterinary scientist and Veterinary surgeon
- Indigenous Affairs
- Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (1990 - )
- Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies (1964 - 1990)
- CRC for Aboriginal and Tropical Health (1997 - 2003)
- CRC for Aboriginal Health (2003 - 2009)
- Department of Health (1921 - 1987), Commonwealth of Australia
- Department of Health and Aged Care (1998 - 2001), Commonwealth of Australia
- Indigenous Rights Activist
- Pittock, Albert (Barrie) (1938 - ), Climate scientist, Environmental scientist and Indigenous Rights Activist
- Industrial chemist
- Arkinstall, Alan Leigh (1915 - 1982), Industrial chemist
- Avery, David (1871 - 1956), Industrial chemist
- Baker, Kingsley F. (1920 - 1963), Industrial chemist
- Baklien, Asbjorn (1929 - 2005), Industrial chemist
- Barclay, John Thomas Evaine (1913 - 1944), Industrial chemist
- Barraclough, Edward (1915 - 1972), Industrial chemist
- Battaerd, Hendrik Adriaan Jacobus (Hans) (c. 1920 - 1981), Industrial chemist
- Batty, Alton McAllan (1913 - 1984), Industrial chemist
- Baudinet, W.E.C. (? - 1941), Industrial chemist
- Bellingham, Frank Frederick (1918 - 1984), Industrial chemist
- Benjamin, Louis Reginald Samuel (1892 - 1970), Industrial chemist and Technologist
- Bernard, William (1915 - 1967), Industrial chemist
- Bromly, John ( - 2024), Industrial chemist
- Challis, Charles Clifford (1901 - 1965), Industrial chemist
- Coggan, Tom Colston (1897? - 1952), Industrial chemist
- Cohen, Wilby Edison (1902 - 1969), Industrial chemist
- Collie, George (1893 - 1961), Industrial chemist
- Crawford, John Maxwell (1946 - 1975), Industrial chemist
- Croft, Robert Clyde (1918 - 1991), Industrial chemist
- Cuming, George James (1886 - 1969), Industrial chemist
- Cuming, James (1) (1861 - 1920), Industrial chemist and Company director
- Cuming, James (2) (1900 - 1952), Industrial chemist
- Davies-Graham, Lewis Richard (1903 - 1976), Industrial chemist
- Davis, Douglas Eric (1904 - 1967), Industrial chemist
- Davis, Winfield George (1892? - 1948), Industrial chemist
- de Bavay, John Francis Xavier (1888 - 1955), Industrial chemist
- Dewar, Robert Alfred (1908 - 1981), Industrial chemist
- Drummond, Leonard James (1925 - 1982), Industrial chemist
- Edquist, Richard Courtney (1913 - 1996), Industrial chemist
- Elliott, James Frederick (1858 - 1928), Industrial chemist and Chemical engineer
- Falvey, William John (1927? - 1961), Industrial chemist
- Finch, Raymond Frederick (1917 - 1982), Industrial chemist
- Finn, A. E., Industrial chemist
- Fisher, Nellie Ivy (Jackie) (1907 - 1995), Industrial chemist
- Foxton, John Hugh (1931? - 1993), Industrial chemist
- Freeman, Erwin Felix (1916 - 1971), Industrial chemist
- Garran, Richard Randolph (1903 - 1991), Industrial chemist
- Gentles, William Cockburn (c. 1876 - 1954), Industrial chemist
- Gibson, John, Industrial chemist
- Goddard, Charles Henry (? - 1947), Industrial chemist
- Graham, Colin Leslie (1937 - 1983), Industrial chemist and Science educator
- Haimann, Ernst (1910 - 1987), Industrial chemist
- Hampshire, Noel Macquarie (1912 - 1967), Industrial chemist
- Harper, Gordon Denholm (1896 - 1969), Industrial chemist
- Harry, Frederick Craig (1899 - 1960), Industrial chemist
- Hawkins, Jack (c. 1910 - 1991), Metallurgist and Industrial chemist
- Henderson, Thomas W. (1901 - 1960), Industrial chemist
- Henry, Rodney Wilton (1915 - 1994), Industrial chemist
- Higginson, William Arthur (1912 - 1993), Industrial chemist
- Hoare, Martin John (1896? - 1942), Industrial chemist
- Hufton, Harold Seward (? - 1947), Industrial chemist
- Hull, Seymour Dunlap (1900 - 1950), Industrial chemist
- Hunt, Philip Charles Holmes (1874 - 1941), Industrial chemist
- Jack, Andrew Keith (1885 - 1966), Industrial chemist
- Jackson, William J. (1880 - 1966), Industrial chemist
- Kaufler, Felix (1878 - 1957), Industrial chemist
- Kiss, Louis Tibor (1929 - 1984), Industrial chemist
- Latimer, Roy Wooster (1891 - 1962), Industrial chemist
- Lavers, Henry, Industrial chemist
- Lavis, David Milton (1925? - 1992), Industrial chemist and Science administrator
- Le Mesurier, C.R. (1896 - 1955), Industrial chemist
- Leach, Stephen Laurence (1906 - 1967), Industrial chemist
- Lipson, Menzie (1915 - 2004), Industrial chemist
- Mansfield, William Walladge (1924 - 1974), Industrial chemist
- Marr, Horace Victor (c. 1883 - 1960), Industrial chemist
- Mayne, Tom (1901 - 1995), Industrial chemist
- Meakins, Reginald John (1913 - 1994), Industrial chemist
- Meehan, Francis Thomas (c. 1898 - 1957), Industrial chemist
- Melhuish, Theodore d'Aveline (1897 - 1969), Industrial chemist
- Meller, Alexander (1906 - 1969), Industrial chemist
- Mellers, Alan Charles (1917 - 1979), Industrial chemist
- Money, Catherine Anne (1940 - ), Industrial chemist
- Moore, Humphrey Owen (1908 - 1963), Industrial chemist
- Morgan, Harold Leslie (1901 - 1967), Industrial chemist
- Mossop, John Garland (1879 - 1957), Industrial chemist
- Newbery, James Cosmo (1843 - 1895), Industrial chemist, Metallurgist and Public servant
- Norgard, John Davey (1914 - 2010), Mining chemist and Industrial chemist
- Northey, Harold (? - 1970), Industrial chemist
- Owen, T. M., Industrial chemist
- Scott, Robert Steel, Industrial chemist
- Shmith, Harry Woolf, Industrial chemist
- Somerset, Henry Beaufort (1906 - 1995), Industrial chemist, University Chancellor and Company director
- Taylor, Norman (1885 - 1960), Industrial chemist
- Todhunter, Benjamin Edward (1865 - 1952), Industrial chemist
- Varcoe, Graeme Laurence (1937 - ), Research scientist and Industrial chemist
- Vernon, James (1910 - 2000), Company director and Industrial chemist
- Walton, Thomas Utrick (1852 - 1917), Industrial chemist
- Wark, Ian William (1899 - 1985), Industrial chemist and Science administrator
- Weiss, Donald Eric (1924 - 2008), Industrial chemist
- Whitton, William Ivo (Bill) (1924 - 2019), Industrial chemist
- Wright, Peter George, Industrial chemist
- Industrial designer
- Beauvais, Charles Frederick, Industrial designer, Artist and Futurist
- Industrial innovator
- Shoobridge, William Ebenezer (1846 - 1940), Agriculturalist and Industrial innovator
- Industrial or Scientific Research
- A. E. Bishop Holdings Pty Ltd (1945 - )
- A. J. Parker CRC for Hydrometallurgy (1992 - 2005)
- Accident Research Centre (1987 - ), Monash University
- Advanced Engineering Centre for Manufacturing (1993 - )
- Advanced Minerals Products Research Centre (1991 - 1999), The University of Melbourne
- Advisory Council of Science and Industry (1916 - 1920), Commonwealth of Australia
- Aeronautical and Maritime Research Laboratory (1994 - 2002), Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO)
- Aeronautical Research Laboratories (1949 - 1994), Department of Supply and Development
- Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand (1993 - 2001), Commonwealth of Australia
- Animal Nutrition Laboratory - CSIR, Adelaide South Australia (1936 - 1944), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems CRC (2003 - 2019)
- Antarctic Division (1949 - ), Commonwealth of Australia
- ARRB Transport Research Ltd (1995 - )
- Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research, Department of Natural Resources and Environment
- Australasian CRC for Interaction Design Pty Ltd (2003 - )
- Australia Telescope National Facility - CSIRO (1988 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Australian Animal Health Laboratory (AAHL) - CSIRO (1985 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Australian Atomic Energy Commission Research Laboratories (1981 - 1987), Commonwealth of Australia
- Australian Atomic Energy Commission, Research Establishment (1958 - 1981), Commonwealth of Australia
- Australian Biosecurity CRC for Emerging Infectious Disease (2003 - 2010)
- Australian Cotton CRC (1999 - 2005)
- Australian Cotton Textile Industries Ltd (ACTIL) (1910s - 1970s)
- Australian CRC for Renewable Energy (1996 - 2004)
- Australian Geodynamics CRC (1993 - 2000)
- Australian Inoculant Research and Control Service (AIRCS) (1950s - ?)
- Australian Maritime Engineering CRC (1992 - 2000)
- Australian Mineral Development Laboratories (AMDEL) (1959 - 1987)
- Australian National Animal Health Laboratory (ANAHL) - CSIRO (1970s - 1985), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions (ANARE) (1947 - ), Antarctic Division
- Australian National Insect Collection (1962 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Australian National Wildlife Collection (ANWC) (1966 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Australian Objective Measurement Project (AOMP) - CSIRO (1970 - 1971), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Australian Photonics CRC (1992 - 2006)
- Australian Research Laboratories
- Australian Road Research Board (ARRB) (1960 - 1995)
- Australian Technology Engineering and Processes Pty Ltd (AUSTEP)
- Australian Telecommunications and Electronics Research Board (1985 - ?)
- Australian Telecommunications CRC (1999 - 2006)
- Australian Wine Research Institute (1955 - ), The University of Adelaide
- Baas Becking Geobiological Laboratory (c. 1968 - c. 1985)
- BHP Melbourne Research Laboratories (c. 1960 - ?)
- BHP Shortland Laboratories (1956 - ?)
- Biotechnology Australia Pty Ltd
- Bushfire CRC (2003 - 2013)
- Casey Station (1969 - ), Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions
- Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety - Queensland (CARRS-Q) (1996 - ), Queensland University of Technology
- Centre for Advanced Materials Technology (1989 - ), Monash University
- Centre for Advanced Technology in Telecommunications (1987 - ?), RMIT University
- Centre for Applied Colloid and Biocolloid Science (1986 - 2006), Swinburne University of Technology
- Centre for Applied Colloid Science (1980 - ), Swinburne University of Technology
- Centre for Biomedical Engineering, Monash University
- Centre for Biomedical Instrumentation, Swinburne University of Technology
- Centre for Bioprocessing and Food Technology, Victoria University of Technology
- Centre for Computer Integrated Manufacture (CIM Centre), Swinburne University of Technology
- Centre for Environmental Applied Hydrology (CEAH), The University of Melbourne
- Centre for Irrigation and Freshwater Research - CSIRO (1987 - 1988), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Centre for Irrigation Research - CSIRO (1982 - 1987), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Chemical Research Laboratories - CSIRO (1958 - 1970), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Chemistry and Physics Research Laboratory (1949 - 1955)
- Commonwealth Acoustic Laboratories (1947 - 1974), Commonwealth of Australia
- Commonwealth Citrus Research Station, Griffith NSW (1924 - 1927), Commonwealth Institute of Science and Industry
- Commonwealth Institute of Science and Industry (1920 - 1926), Commonwealth of Australia
- Commonwealth Research Station, Merbein Victoria - CSIR/O (1920 - 1962), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Commonwealth Research Station, Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area - CSIR (1927 - 1939), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) (1949 - ), Commonwealth of Australia
- Commonwealth X-ray and Radium Laboratory (1935 - 1972)
- Cooperative Research Centres Program (1990 - )
- Cotton Catchment Communities CRC (2005 - 2012)
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) (1926 - 1949), Commonwealth of Australia
- CRC for Advanced Composite Structures (1996 - 2015)
- CRC for Advanced Computational Systems (1993 - 2000)
- CRC for Aerospace Structures (1991 - 1996)
- CRC for Alloy and Solidification Technology (1993 - 1999)
- CRC for an Internationally Competitive Pork Industry (2005 - 2011)
- CRC for Antarctica and the Southern Ocean (1997 - 2003)
- CRC for Aquaculture (1993 - 2000)
- CRC for Australian Mineral Exploration Technologies (1992 - 2000)
- CRC for Australian Sheep Industry (2001 - 2007)
- CRC for Australian Weed Management (2001 - 2008)
- CRC for Biological Control of Pest Animals (1999 - 2004)
- CRC for Biological Control of Vertebrate Pest Populations (1992 - 1999)
- CRC for Bioproducts (1999 - 2006)
- CRC for Black Coal Utilisation (1995 - 2001)
- CRC for Broadband Telecommunications and Networking (1993 - 1999)
- CRC for CAST Metals Manufacturing (1999 - 2005)
- CRC for Catchment Hydrology (1992 - 2005)
- CRC for Cattle and Beef Quality (1999 - 2005)
- CRC for Clean Power from Lignite (1999 - 2006)
- CRC for Coal in Sustainable Development (2001 - 2008)
- CRC for Coastal Zone, Estuary and Waterway Management (1999 - 2006)
- CRC for Conservation and Management of Marsupials (1995 - 2003)
- CRC for Construction Innovation (2001 - 2009)
- CRC for Diagnostic Technologies (1995 - 2001)
- CRC for Diagnostics (2001 - 2007)
- CRC for Distributed System Technology (1992 - 1999)
- CRC for Ecologically Sustainable Development of the Great Barrier Reef (1993 - 1999)
- CRC for Enterprise Distributed Systems Technology (1999 - 2006)
- CRC for Food Industry Innovation (1993 - 2001)
- CRC for Forestry (2005 - 2013)
- CRC for Freshwater Ecology (1993 - 2005)
- CRC for Functional Communications Surfaces (2001 - 2008)
- CRC for Greenhouse Accounting (1999 - 2006)
- CRC for Greenhouse Gas Technologies (2003 - 2014)
- CRC for Hardwood Fibre and Paper Science (1992 - 1998)
- CRC for Industrial Plant Biopolymers (1992 - 1999)
- CRC for Innovative Dairy Products (2001 - 2009)
- CRC for Innovative Grain Food Products (2003 - 2010)
- CRC for Innovative Wood Manufacturing (2001 - 2008)
- CRC for Integrated Engineering Asset Management (2003 - 2013)
- CRC for Intelligent Decision Systems (1991 - 1995)
- CRC for Intelligent Manufacturing Systems and Technologies (1993 - 2006)
- CRC for International Food Manufacture and Packaging Science (1995 - 2001)
- CRC for Irrigation Futures (2003 - 2010)
- CRC for Landscape Environments and Mineral Exploration (2001 - 2008)
- CRC for Landscape Evolution and Mineral Exploration (1995 - 2001)
- CRC for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture (1992 - 2000)
- CRC for Materials Welding and Joining (1992 - 1999)
- CRC for Micro Technology (1999 - 2006)
- CRC for Mining Technology and Equipment (1991 - 2003)
- CRC for Molecular Engineering and Technology: Sensing and Diagnostic Technologies (1992 - 1998)
- CRC for Molecular Plant Breeding (1997 - 2003)
- CRC for New Technologies for Power Generation from Low-Rank Coal (1993 - 1999)
- CRC for Optical Fibre and Photonic Technology ( - 1992)
- CRC for Plant science (1991 - 1998)
- CRC for Plant-based Management of Dryland Salinity (2001 - 2007)
- CRC for Polymer Blends (1992 - 1999)
- CRC for Polymers (1999 - 2017)
- CRC for Predictive Mineral Discovery (2001 - 2008)
- CRC for Premium Quality Wool (1993 - 2000)
- CRC for Quality Wheat Products and Processes (1995 - 2001)
- CRC for Railway Engineering and Technologies (2001 - 2007)
- CRC for Robust and Adaptive Systems (1991 - 1998)
- CRC for Satellite Systems (1998 - 2005)
- CRC for Sensor Signal and Information Processing (1992 - 2006)
- CRC for Smart Internet Technology (2001 - 2007)
- CRC for Soil and Land Management (1991 - 1998)
- CRC for Southern Hemisphere Meteorology (1993 - 2000)
- CRC for Spatial Information (2003 - 2010)
- CRC for Sugar Industry Innovation through Biotechnology (2003 - 2010)
- CRC for Sustainable Aquaculture of Finfish (2001 - 2007)
- CRC for Sustainable Cotton Production (1993 - 1999)
- CRC for Sustainable Production Forestry (1997 - 2005)
- CRC for Sustainable Resource Processing (2003 - 2010)
- CRC for Sustainable Rice Production (1997 - 2005)
- CRC for Sustainable Sugar Production (1995 - 2003)
- CRC for Sustainable Tourism (1997 - 2010)
- CRC for Technology Enabled Capital Markets (2001 - 2007)
- CRC for Temperate Hardwood Forestry (1991 - 1997)
- CRC for the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Environment (1991 - 1997)
- CRC for the Australian Poultry Industries (2003 - 2017)
- CRC for the Cattle and Beef Industry (Meat Quality) (1993 - 1999)
- CRC for The Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area (1999 - 2006)
- CRC for the Sustainable Development of Tropical Savannahs (1995 - 2001)
- CRC for Tropical Pest Management (1991 - 1998)
- CRC for Tropical Plant Pathology (1992 - 2000)
- CRC for Tropical Plant Protection (1999 - 2006)
- CRC for Tropical Rainforest Ecology and Management (1993 - 2006)
- CRC for Tropical Savannah Management (2001 - 2009)
- CRC for Value Added Wheat (2001 - 2008)
- CRC for Viticulture (1992 - 2007)
- CRC for Waste Management and Pollution Control (1991 - 2003)
- CRC for Water Quality and Treatment (1995 - 2008)
- CRC for Weed Management Systems (1995 - 2001)
- CRC for Welded Structures (1999 - 2006)
- CRC Mining (2003 - )
- CSIR Biometrics Section (1941 - 1944), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIR Cold Storage Investigations (c. 1926 - 1931), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIR Division of Aeronautics (1940 - 1949), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIR Division of Animal Health (1930 - 1936), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIR Division of Animal Health and Nutrition (1936 - 1944), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIR Division of Animal Nutrition (1927 - 1936), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIR Division of Economic Botany (1927 - 1929), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIR Electrotechnology Section (1939 - 1945), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIR Fisheries Investigations Section (c. 1937 - 1939), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIR Food Preservation and Transport Section (1931 - 1940), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIR Lubricants and Bearings Section (1939 - 1946), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIR Metrology Section (1939 - 1945), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIR Murray River Soil Investigation Unit (1927 - 1929), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIR Physics Section (1939 - 1945), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIR Soil Physics Section (c. 1933 - c. 1943), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIR Tribophysics Section (1946 - 1948), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIR Wool Processing Section (? - c. 1939), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIR/O Building Material Research Section (1945 - 1950), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Chemical Engineering Section (c. 1941 - 1962), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Chemical Physics Section (1944 - 1958), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Coal Research Section (1948 - 1960), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Dairy Research Section (1939 - 1962), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Division of Animal Health and Production (1944 - 1959), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Division of Biochemistry and General Nutrition (1944 - 1965), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Division of Economic Entomology (1928 - 1949), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIR/O Division of Electrotechnology (1945 - 1962), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Division of Fisheries (1939 - 1956), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Division of Food Preservation and Transport (1940 - 1960), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Division of Forest Products (mark I) (1928 - 1971), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Division of Industrial Chemistry (1940 - 1958), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Division of Metrology (1945 - 1962), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Division of Physics (1945 - 1973), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Division of Plant Industry (1929 - c. 2014), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Division of Radiophysics (1940 - 1996), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Division of Soils (1929 - 1997), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Division of Tribophysics (1948 - 1978), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Mathematical Statistics Section (1944 - 1954), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Mineragraphic Investigations (1927 - 1966), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Northern Australian Regional Survey Section (1946 - 1950), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Agricultural Physics Section (1955 - 1971), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Animal Genetics Section (1951 - 1959), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Biochemistry Unit, Wool Textile Research Laboratories (1949 - 1958), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Built Environment Sector (1995 - 2002), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Canberra Laboratories, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Cement and Ceramic Section (c. 1958 - 1960), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Cement and Refractories Section (1960 - 1962), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Central Experimental Workshops (1949 - 1955), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Chairman's Medal for Science and Engineering Excellence (1991 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Computing Research Section (c. 1956 - c. 1967), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Computing Services (CSIRONET) (1963 - c. 1985), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Animal Genetics (1959 - 1975), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Animal Health (1959 - 2000), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Animal Physiology (1959 - 1975), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Animal Production (1975 - 2000), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Applied Chemistry (1966 - 1974), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Applied Geomechanics (1970 - 1983), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Applied Mineralogy (1962? - 1970), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Applied Organic Chemistry (1974 - 1988), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Applied Physics [I] (1962 - 1974), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Applied Physics [II] (1979 - 1996), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Physics (1971 - 1988), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research (1988 - 2005), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Biomolecular Engineering (1989 - 1997), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Biotechnology (1988 - 1989), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Building Research [I] (1950 - 1971), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Building Research [II] (1971 - 1987), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Building, Construction and Engineering (1988 - 2002), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Chemical and Wood Technology (1983 - 1988), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Chemical Engineering (1962 - 1978), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Chemical Physics (1958 - 1987), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Chemical Technology (1974 - 1987?), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Chemicals and Polymers (1988 - 1997), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Cloud Physics (1972 - 1983), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Coal and Energy Technology (1990 - c. 1995), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Coal Research (1959 - 1967), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Coal Technology (1988 - 1990), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Computing Research (c. 1967 - 1986), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Construction and Engineering (1988), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Dairy Research (1962 - 1971), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Energy Chemistry (1981 - 1987), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Energy Technology (1981 - 1990), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Entomology (1950 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Environmental Mechanics (1971 - 1997), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Exploration and Geoscience (1988 - 1993), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Exploration and Mining (1993 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Fisheries (1988 - 1997), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Fisheries and Oceanography (1956 - 1981), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Fisheries Research (1981 - 1988), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Food Preservation (1962 - 1971), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Food Processing (1988 - 1992), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Food Research (1971 - 1988), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Food Science and Technology (1992 - 1997), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Forest Products (mark II) (1990 - 1995), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Forest Research (1975 - 1987), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Forestry (1991 - 1995), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Forestry and Forest Products (mark I) (1988 - 1990), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Forestry and Forest Products (mark II) (1995 - 2007), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Fossil Fuels (1980 - 1987), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Fuel Technology (1988 - 1990), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Geomechanics (1983 - 1993), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Groundwater Research (1982 - 1986), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Health Sciences and Nutrition (c. 1996 - 2005), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Horticultural Research (1967 - 1988), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Horticulture (1988 - 1997), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Human Nutrition (1975 - c. 1996), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Irrigation Research (1967 - 1982), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Land and Water (1997 - 2014), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Land Assessment (1973), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Land Research (1965 - 1973), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Land Research and Regional Survey (1957 - 1965), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Land Resources Management (1973 - 1982), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Land Use Research (1973 - 1982), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Manufacturing and Infrastructure Technology (2002 - 2006), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Manufacturing Science and Technology (1997 - 2002), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Manufacturing Technology (1980 - 1997), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Materials Science (1978 - 1986), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Materials Science and Technology (1987 - 1997), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Mathematical and Information Sciences (1997 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Mathematical Statistics (1954 - 1974), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Mathematics and Statistics (1974 - 1997), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Mechanical Engineering (1963 - 1981), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Meteorological Physics (1954 - 1971), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Mineral and Process Engineering (1987 - 1995), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Mineral Chemistry (1959 - 1988), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Mineral Engineering (1978 - 1987), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Mineral Physics (1972 - 1986), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Mineral Products (1988 - 1995), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Mineralogy (1971 - 1984), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Mineralogy and Geochemistry (1984 - 1985), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Minerals and Geochemistry (1985 - 1987), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Molecular Biology (1983 - 1987), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Molecular Science (1997 - 2005), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Nutritional Biochemistry (1965 - 1975), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Oceanography (1981 - 1997), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Organic Chemistry (1961 - 1966), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Petroleum Resources (1993 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Physical Chemistry (1958 - 1966), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Process Technology (1975 - c. 1980), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Protein Chemistry (1958 - 1988), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Soil Mechanics (1967 - 1970), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Telecommunications and Industrial Physics (1996 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Textile and Fibre Technology (1999 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Textile Industry (1958 - 1988), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Textile Physics (1958 - 1988), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Tropical Agriculture (1996 - 2000), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Tropical Agronomy (1973 - 1976), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Tropical Animal Production (1980 - 1996), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Tropical Crops and Pastures (1976 - c. 1995), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Tropical Pastures (1959 - 1973), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Water and Land Resources (1982 - 1988), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Water Resources (1988 - 1997), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Wildlife and Ecology (1987 - 2000), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Wildlife and Rangelands Research (1982 - 1987), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Wildlife Research (1962 - 1982), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Wool Technology (1988 - 1999), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Earth Observations Centre (1995 - 2004), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Energy Technology (c. 1995 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Engineering Section (1955 - 1963), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Food Processing Sector (1995? - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Forestry, Wood and Paper Industries Sector (c. 1995 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Fuel Geoscience Unit (1977 - 1980), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Grain Quality Research Laboratory (1992 - 1998), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Horticultural Research Section (1962 - 1967), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Land Research and Regional Survey Section (1950 - 1957), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Livestock Industries (2000 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Manufacturing and Infrastructure Technology (CMIT) (2002 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research (2005 - 2014), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Marine Research (1997 - 2005), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Marine Sector ( - 2005), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Meat, Dairy and Aquaculture Sector (1996 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Medal for Lifetime Achievement (2002 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Meteorological Physics Research Section (1949 - 1954), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Mineral Physics Section (1971 - 1972), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Minerals Division (c. 1995 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Minerals Utilization Section (1958 - 1959), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Molecular and Cellular Biology Unit (1975 - 1983), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Office of Space Science and Applications (COSSA) (1988 - 1996), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Organic Chemistry Section (1958 - 1961), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Petroleum Sector (c. 1995 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Physical Technology Unit (c. 1980 - c. 1988), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Physics and Engineering Unit (1949 - 1958), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Plastic Banknote Project (1988 - ?), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Project Ambassador, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Pulp and Paper Section, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Rangeland Research Centre (1986? - 1995?), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Section of Mathematical Instruments (1950 - 1959), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Sheep Biology Laboratory (1953 - 1959), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Soil Mechanics Section (1955 - 1967), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Soil Physics and Mechanics Section (c. 1943 - 1955), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems (2000 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Textiles Clothing and Footwear Sector (c. 1995 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Water Resources Research Section (1987 - 1989), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Wheat Germplasm and Grain Quality Laboratory (1998 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Wheat Research Unit (c. 1947 - 1992), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Wildlife Survey Section (1949 - 1962), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Wool Textile Research Laboratories (1949 - 1958), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Dairy Process Engineering Centre (1970s - ), Monash University
- Dairy Research Centre (? - 1970s), State of New South Wales
- Department of Applied Biology and Institute of Land and Food Resources, Burnley, RMIT University
- Department of Applied Physics (1950 - ), RMIT University
- Department of Genetics (1950s - ), The University of Melbourne
- Department of Industry, Science and Resources (1998 - ), Commonwealth of Australia
- Department of Microbiology, Monash University
- Department of Microbiology (1998? - ), La Trobe University
- Department of Microbiology and Immunology, The University of Melbourne
- Department of Physics ( - c. 2001), Monash University
- Department of Post-War Reconstruction (1942 - 1950), Commonwealth of Australia
- Department of Science [I], Central Office (1972 - 1975), Commonwealth of Australia
- Department of Science [II], Central Office (1975 - 1978), Commonwealth of Australia
- Department of Science [III], Central Office (1984 - 1987), Commonwealth of Australia
- Department of Science and Consumer Affairs, Central Office (1975), Commonwealth of Australia
- Department of Science and Technology, Central Office (1980 - 1984), Commonwealth of Australia
- Department of Science and the Environment, Central Office (1978 - 1980), Commonwealth of Australia
- Department of Trade and Customs (1901 - 1956), Commonwealth of Australia
- Desert Knowledge CRC (2003 - )
- Division of Physical Sciences and Engineering, La Trobe University
- Division of Science, Engineering and Design, Swinburne University of Technology
- Electronics Research Laboratory (1949 - 1955), Chemistry and Physics Research Laboratory
- Electronics Research Laboratory (1978 - 1987), Defence Research Centre Salisbury
- Environment and Biotechnology Centre (2002 - ), Swinburne University of Technology
- Environmental Biotechnology CRC (2003 - )
- Environmental Engineering & Technology Group, Deakin University
- European Launcher Development Organisation (ELDO) (c. 1960 - c. 1974)
- eWater CRC (2005 - )
- F. D. McMaster Animal Health Laboratory - CSIR/O (1931 - 1963), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- F. D. McMaster Laboratory, Chiswick - CSIRO (2001 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Faculty of Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences (1991 - ), The University of Adelaide
- Faculty of Applied Science (1967 - ), RMIT University
- Faculty of Engineering and Science (1997 - ), Victoria University
- Faculty of Engineering, Physical Sciences and Architecture, The University of Queensland
- Faculty of Science (1903 - ), The University of Melbourne
- Faculty of Science (1915? - 1997), Victoria University of Technology
- Faculty of Science (1960s - ), Monash University
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, The University of Tasmania
- Faculty of Science and Technology, Deakin University
- Faculty of Science, Technology and Engineering (1994 - ), La Trobe University
- Food Science Australia - CSIRO (1997 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Forest Research Institute (1964 - 1975)
- G K Williams CRC for Extractive Metallurgy (1991 - 2001)
- G. K. Williams Laboratory, The University of Melbourne
- High Speed Aerodynamics Laboratory (1949 - 1955), Chemistry and Physics Research Laboratory
- Ian Wark Research Institute (1994 - ), The University of South Australia
- Industrial Research Institute Swinburne (IRIS), Swinburne University of Technology
- Industrial Sciences Department, Swinburne University of Technology
- Institute of Animal and Food Sciences - CSIRO (1978 - 1987), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Institute of Animal Production and Processing - CSIRO (1988 - 1996), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Institute of Biological Resources - CSIRO (? - 1986), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Institute of Earth Resources - CSIRO (? - 1981), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Institute of Energy and Earth Resources - CSIRO (1981 - 1987), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Institute of Industrial Technologies - CSIRO (1986 - 1995), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Institute of Industrial Technology - CSIRO (c. 1978 - c. 1986), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Institute of Information Science and Engineering - CSIRO (c. 1986 - c. 1995), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Institute of Land and Food Resources (1997 - 2005), The University of Melbourne
- Institute of Minerals, Energy and Construction (IMEC) - CSIRO (1988 - 1996), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Institute of Natural Resources and Environment - CSIRO (1988 - 1996), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Institute of Physical Sciences - CSIRO (1978 - 1988), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Institute of Plant Production and Processing - CSIRO (1988 - c. 1995), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- International Antarctic Analysis Centre (IAAC) (1959 - 1965)
- International Antarctic Meteorological Research Centre (1965 - 1969)
- Invasive Animals CRC (2004 - )
- Irrigation Research Laboratory. Griffith - CSIRO (1961 - 1967), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Irrigation Research Station, Griffith - CSIR/O (1939 - 1961), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Joint Microelectronics Research Centre (1981? - ?)
- Keith Turnbull Research Institute (1967 - ), Victorian Department of Primary Industries
- Key Centre for Applied and Nutritional Toxicology (1980s - ), RMIT University
- Kimberley Research Station - CSIR/O (1946 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Macquarie Island Station (1948 - ), Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions
- Materials Technology Group, Swinburne University of Technology
- Mawson Station (1954 - ), Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions
- McMaster Laboratory - CSIRO (1963 - 2001), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Meat Research Corporation (1991 - 1998), Commonwealth of Australia
- Meat Research Laboratory - CSIRO (1969 - c. 1992), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Minerals Research Laboratories - CSIRO (1972 - c. 1980), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Monier Research and Development Pty Ltd
- Monsanto Australia Limited
- National Acoustic Laboratories (1974 - 1992), Commonwealth of Australia
- National Centre for Theoretical Physics (1994 - 1999), Australian National University
- National Measurement Laboratory - CSIRO (1974 - 1979), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- National Research Collections Australia (2014 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Reseasrch Organisation
- National Standards Laboratory - CSIR/O (1939 - 1973), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Nuclear Research Foundation (1954 - 1967), The University of Sydney
- Ore Dressing Investigations - collaborative venture (1934 - 1970)
- Parker CRC for Integrated Hydrometallurgy Solutions (2005 - )
- Particulate Fluids Processing Centre (2000 - ), The University of Melbourne
- Polymer Technology Centre (1990 - c. 2000), RMIT University
- Propulsion Research Laboratory (1949 - 1955), Chemistry and Physics Research Laboratory
- Radio Research Board (1927 - 1985)
- Radiophysics Laboratory - CSIR (1939 - 1940), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- Research Group, ICI Australia Ltd
- Research Institute for Marine Pharmacology (1974 - 1981)
- Research Laboratories, Postmaster-General's Department
- Research School of Physical Sciences and Engineering (1946 - ), Australian National University
- Rheology and Materials Processing Centre (c. 2002 - ), RMIT University
- School of Applied Sciences (1990 - 2002), Monash University
- School of Applied Sciences and Engineering (2003 - ), Monash University
- School of Biochemistry and Genetics (1972 - 1990s), La Trobe University
- School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Deakin University
- School of Biophysical Sciences and Electrical Engineering, Swinburne University of Technology
- School of Chemical Sciences, Swinburne University of Technology
- School of Chemistry (1880s - ), The University of Melbourne
- School of Chemistry (1967 - ), La Trobe University
- School of Chemistry (c. 2001 - ), Monash University
- School of Engineering and Science, Swinburne University of Technology
- Sirotech Limited - CSIRO (1984 - 1993), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Sugar Research Institute (1949 - )
- Synthetic Coal Oil Products (c. 1926 - )
- Technical Co-operation Program (1967 - )
- Telematics Research and Application Collaboratory Research Team, Swinburne University of Technology
- Victorian Institute for the Advancement of Science (1854 - 1855)
- Victorian Solar Energy Research Committee
- Wilkes Station (1959 - 1969), Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions
- Industrialist
- Blackwood, Robert Rutherford (1906 - 1982), Civil engineer, Industrialist and University Chancellor
- Gepp, Herbert William (1877 - 1954), Metallurgist and Industrialist
- Gillies, James Hynds (1861 - 1942), Industrialist and Inventor
- Hey, Harry (1892 - 1960), Metallurgist and Industrialist
- Knox, Edward William (1847 - 1933), Industrialist
- Krebs, Friedrich, Industrialist
- McKay, Ralph (1885 - 1959), Engineer and Industrialist
- Robertson, Macpherson (1859 - 1945), Science patron and Industrialist
- Robinson, William Sydney (1876 - 1963), Industrialist
- Storey, John Stanley (1896 - 1955), Industrialist
- Tivey, John Proctor (1883 - 1968), Engineer and Industrialist
- Walker, Fred (1884 - 1935), Industrialist
- Industry Liaison Officer
- Boston, William (Stan), Industry Liaison Officer
- Information management
- Australian National Data Service (2009 - )
- Information technologist
- Cooper, Joan (1949 - ), Educator and Information technologist
- Moody, James (1976 - ), Engineer and Information technologist
- Percival, Terence, Electrical engineer, Information technologist and Wireless expert
- Information Technology
- Centre for Telecommunications and Information Engineering (CTIE) (1993 - ), Monash University
- CRC for Advanced Computational Systems (1993 - 2000)
- CRC for Broadband Telecommunications and Networking (1993 - 1999)
- CRC for Enterprise Distributed Systems Technology (1999 - 2006)
- CRC for Spatial Information (2003 - 2010)
- CSIRO Division of Mathematical and Information Sciences (1997 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Faculty of Computing and Information technology, Monash University
- Faculty of Information technology, Monash University
- Gippsland School of Computing and Information technology, Monash University
- Information Electronics Pty Ltd (1968 - 1980s)
- Institute of Information Science and Engineering - CSIRO (c. 1986 - c. 1995), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Pearcey Foundation (1998 - )
- Peninsula School of Computing and Information technology, Monash University
- Research Data Network CRC (1994 - 1998)
- School of Information Management and Systems, Monash University
- School of Information technology, Swinburne University of Technology
- School of Information technology and Mathematical Sciences, The University of Ballarat
- Western Australian Department of Industry and Technology (2001 - 2003), State of Western Australia
- Western Australian Technology and Industry Development Authority (1987 - 1990), State of Western Australia
- Innovation
- David and Valerie Solomon Award (2019 - ), Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
- Innovator
- Rowson, R., Innovator
- Shoobridge, Robert Wilkins Giblin (1847 - 1936), Agriculturalist and Innovator
- Shoobridge, William Ebenezer (1846 - 1940), Agriculturalist and Industrial innovator
- Wallace, Gordon (1958 - ), Innovator and Medical scientist
- Inorganic chemist
- Anderson, John Stuart (1908 - 1990), Inorganic chemist
- Batley, Graeme (1941 - ), Chemical analyst and Inorganic chemist
- Bloom, Harry (1921 - 1992), Physical chemist and Inorganic chemist
- Bond, Alan Maxwell (1946 - ), Inorganic chemist and University Administrator
- Callcott, Thomas George (Tom) (1924 - 2014), Inorganic chemist
- Deacon, Glen (1936 - ), Inorganic chemist
- Ewers, Wilfred Ernest (Wilf) (1919 - 2020), Inorganic chemist
- Grant, Michael William (1944 - 1984), Inorganic chemist
- Hanson, Graeme (1955 - 2015), Inorganic chemist
- Harris, Clive Melville (1926 - 1973), Inorganic chemist
- Hyde, Bruce Godfrey (1925 - 2014), Inorganic chemist
- Kolm, Jan Eric (1918 - 2009), Inorganic chemist and Company director
- Mellor, David Paver (1903 - 1980), Inorganic chemist
- O'Connor, Maxwell James (1936 - 1985), Inorganic chemist
- O'Donnell, Thomas Aloysius (Tom) (1923 - 2010), Inorganic chemist and University Administrator
- Ritchie, Ernest (1917 - 1976), Inorganic chemist
- Sargeson, Alan McLeod (1930 - 2008), Inorganic chemist
- Smith, Peter Warnock (1924 - 2017), Inorganic chemist
- Watts, Donald Walter (1934 - 2023), Inorganic chemist, Physical chemist and Vice-Chancellor
- West, Bruce Oswald (1928 - 2020), Inorganic chemist and University Administrator
- Insect collector
- Burns, Alexander Noble (1899 - 1994), Entomologist, Insect collector and Museum curator
- Geary, Neville (1879 - 1958), Insect collector and Naturalist
- Instrument maker
- Alldis, T.C. (Charlie), Instrument maker
- Blanch, James (1784? - 1841), Scientific instrument maker and Metrologist
- Husbands, Henry (1870? - 1890?), Optician and Scientific instrument maker
- Rogers, Arthur Lionel (c. 1860 - 1939), Instrument maker and Scientific technician
- Waterworth, Eric Newham (1905 - ), Physicist and Instrument maker
- William, James Leslie (1915 - 1994), Instrument maker
- Yeates, C.S.S. (1872 - 1961), Astronomer and Scientific instrument maker
- Invasive species
- Invasive Species Council (2002 - )
- Inventor
- Alcock, Alfred Upton (1865 - 1962), Electrical engineer and Inventor
- Allsop, Raymond Cottam (1898 - 1972), Inventor, Naval officer and Radio engineer
- Ashcroft, Edgar Arthur (1864 - 1938), Electrical engineer, Inventor, Mechanical engineer and Metallurgist
- Babbage, Charles (1791 - 1871), Mathematician and Inventor
- Barrett, James Noel (1903 - 1958), Agricultural scientist, Grazier, Inventor and Pastoralist
- Biggs, Alfred Barrett (1825 - 1900), Inventor, Teacher and Astronomer
- Both, Edward Thomas (1908 - 1987), Inventor
- Branson, Charles, Inventor
- Brearley, Maurice Norman (Maurie) (1920 - 2013), Inventor and Mathematician
- Brennan, Louis (1852 - 1932), Mechanical engineer and Inventor
- Buncle, John (1822 - 1889), Inventor and Manufacturer
- Ebsary, Richard Vivian (Viv) (1905 - 1992), Biomedical engineer, Inventor and Philanthropist
- Elliott, Sizar (1814 - 1901), Inventor and Merchant
- Fowler, Thomas Walker (1888 - 1942), Agricultural educator, Agriculturalist, Engineer and Inventor
- Gillies, Alexander, Dairyman and Inventor
- Gillies, James Hynds (1861 - 1942), Industrialist and Inventor
- Harrison, James (1816? - 1893), Inventor and journalist
- Hill, Lance, Inventor and Mechanical engineer
- Hinkler, Herbert John Louis (1892 - 1933), Aviator and Inventor
- Howard, Arthur Clifford (1893 - 1971), Inventor
- Hume, Walter Reginald (1873 - 1943), Inventor and Entrepreneur
- Julius, George Alfred (1873 - 1946), Electrical engineer, Mechanical engineer and Inventor
- Kauper, Henry Alexis (1888 - 1942), Radio engineer and Inventor
- Kirkby, Edward Hope (1853 - 1915), Inventor and Electrical engineer
- Klaphake, Wolf (1900 - 1967), Inventor and Chemist
- McFie, Edward, Inventor
- Michell, Anthony George Maldon (George) (1870 - 1959), Engineer and Inventor
- Moore, John, Inventor
- Morrow, James (1843 - 1910), Inventor and Manufacturer
- Morton, William Lockhart (1820 - 1898), Explorer and Inventor
- Osborne, John Walter (1828 - 1902), Inventor
- Owen, Evelyn Ernest (Evo) (1915 - 1949), Inventor
- Pritchard, Edward (Ted) (1930 - 2007), Educator, Engineer and Inventor
- Richardson, Mervyn Victor (1893 - 1972), Inventor
- Ridley, John (1806 - 1887), Flour miller, Inventor and Preacher
- Savage, Robert (1818 - 1888), Agricultural writer and Inventor
- Schultz, Donald Herbart (1911 - 1987), Inventor and Optical physicist
- Setright, Henry Roy (? - 1942), Engineer and Inventor
- Shearer, David (1850 - 1936), Inventor and Agricultural machinery maker
- Shepherd, George Frederick (1886 - 1971), Benefactor, Engineer and Inventor
- Sinclair, John, Inventor
- Smith, Julian Augustus Romaine (1873 - 1947), Surgeon, Photographer and Inventor
- Stobie, James Cyril (1895 - 1953), Engineer and Inventor
- Stuckey, Joan, Inventor
- Sutherland, George (1855 - 1905), Inventor and Journalist
- Sutton, Henry (1856 - 1912), Inventor
- Thompson, John Low (1847 - 1900), Agricultural educator and Inventor
- Unaipon, David (1872 - 1967), Author, First Nations Leader and Inventor
- Withnall, Gordon, Inventor
- Wolseley, Frederick York (1837 - 1899), Inventor
- Wolskel, Augustus (1867 - 1949), Applied chemist and Inventor
- Woods, John (1822 - 1892), Engineer, Inventor and Politician
- Invertebrate ecologist
- Yen, Alan Louey (1950 - 2017), Entomologist and Invertebrate ecologist
- Invertebrate zoologist
- Bruce, Niel L., Invertebrate zoologist
- Jones, Alan, Invertebrate zoologist and Marine zoologist
- Ironfounder
- Russell, Peter Nicol (1816 - 1905), Ironfounder and Benefactor
- Russell, Robert ( - 1840), Ironfounder
- Walker, John (1823 - 1907), Ironfounder
- Ironmaster
- Sandford, William (1841 - 1932), Ironmaster