Browse Functions - V

Browse Functions

List of Functions

Vertebrate palaeontologist
Bartholomai, Alan (1938 - 2015), Museum director and Vertebrate palaeontologist
Vertebrate zoologist
Haswell, William Aitcheson (1854 - 1925), Biologist and Vertebrate zoologist
Bagust, Trevor John (1944 - 2014), Science administrator and Veterinarian
Blood, Douglas Charles (1920 - 2013), Veterinarian
Boyden, Stephen Vickers, Ecologist and Veterinarian
Bryden, Michael MacLaren (1938 - ), Veterinarian
Butterfield, Rex Milton (1921 - 2014), Veterinarian
Edgar, Grahame (1901 - 1985), Public servant and Veterinarian
English, Anthony William (Tony) (1943 - 2015), Veterinarian
Gawler, Ian James (1950 - ), Veterinarian
Gee, Robert William (Bill) (1927 - 2004), Veterinarian
Johnstone, Robert Nairn (1884 - 1935), Veterinarian
Keats, Margaret Gwendoline (1895 - 1970), Veterinarian
Lewis, Claude Ernest, Veterinarian
Lewis, Phillip Frank (Phil) (1919 - 2015), Veterinarian
Littlejohn, Patricia Kathleen (1913 - 1998), Veterinarian, Veterinary pathologist and Veterinary scientist
Manusu, Howard Pericles (Perry) (1929 - 2017), Veterinarian
Murray-Jones, Frederick (1882 - 1944), Veterinarian
Patten, Robert Anthony (1889 - 1959), Veterinarian
Reid, Isabelle Bruce (Belle) (1883 - 1945), Veterinarian
Studdert, Virginia Perryman, Veterinarian and Educator
Titchen, Donald Alexander (1924 - 2001), Veterinarian
Weston, Edward Alexander (1877 - 1940), Veterinarian
Whittem, James Harrington (1921 - 2014), Science administrator and Veterinarian
Wishart, David Sutcliffe (1916 - 2013), Science administrator and Veterinarian
Veterinary inspector
McEachran, John Fraser, Chemical analyst and Veterinary inspector
Morris, John Malcolm, Veterinary inspector
Veterinary or Animal Health Industries
Animal Health Scheme
Animal Nutrition Laboratory - CSIR, Adelaide South Australia (1936 - 1944), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
Australian Animal Health Laboratory (AAHL) - CSIRO (1985 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Australian Biosecurity CRC for Emerging Infectious Disease (2003 - 2010)
Australian National Animal Health Laboratory (ANAHL) - CSIRO (1970s - 1985), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service (1975 - 1993?), Commonwealth of Australia
Australian Nature Conservation Agency (c. 1993 - c. 1998), Commonwealth of Australia
Coopers Animal Health (c. 1881 - )
CRC for Aquaculture (1993 - 2000)
CRC for Australian Sheep Industry (2001 - 2007)
CRC for Cattle and Beef Quality (1999 - 2005)
CRC for Conservation and Management of Marsupials (1995 - 2003)
CRC for Ecologically Sustainable Development of the Great Barrier Reef (1993 - 1999)
CRC for Freshwater Ecology (1993 - 2005)
CRC for Sustainable Aquaculture of Finfish (2001 - 2007)
CRC for the Cattle and Beef Industry (Meat Quality) (1993 - 1999)
CRC for The Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area (1999 - 2006)
CRC for Tropical Pest Management (1991 - 1998)
CSIR Division of Animal Health (1930 - 1936), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
CSIR Division of Animal Health and Nutrition (1936 - 1944), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
CSIR Division of Animal Nutrition (1927 - 1936), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
CSIR/O Division of Animal Health and Production (1944 - 1959), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIR/O Division of Economic Entomology (1928 - 1949), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
CSIRO Animal Genetics Section (1951 - 1959), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Division of Animal Genetics (1959 - 1975), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Division of Animal Health (1959 - 2000), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Division of Animal Physiology (1959 - 1975), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Division of Animal Production (1975 - 2000), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Division of Entomology (1950 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Division of Tropical Animal Production (1980 - 1996), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Division of Wildlife and Ecology (1987 - 2000), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Division of Wildlife and Rangelands Research (1982 - 1987), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Division of Wildlife Research (1962 - 1982), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Livestock Industries (2000 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Rangeland Research Centre (1986? - 1995?), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Sheep Biology Laboratory (1953 - 1959), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO Wildlife Survey Section (1949 - 1962), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Department of Animal Production (1997? - ), The University of Melbourne
Department of Zoology, The University of Melbourne
Department of Zoology (1998? - ), La Trobe University
Eli Lilly Australia Pty Ltd (1958 - )
F. D. McMaster Animal Health Laboratory - CSIR/O (1931 - 1963), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
F. D. McMaster Laboratory, Chiswick - CSIRO (2001 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Faculty of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Veterinary Science, The University of Queensland
Faculty of Veterinary Science (1920 - ), The University of Sydney
Freshwater Ecology Group (? - 1996), Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research
Gatton Campus (1990 - ), The University of Queensland
Healesville Sanctuary (1934 - )
Heard Island Station (1947 - 1955), Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions
Institute of Animal and Food Sciences - CSIRO (1978 - 1987), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Institute of Animal Production and Processing - CSIRO (1988 - 1996), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Invasive Animals CRC (2004 - )
McMaster Laboratory - CSIRO (1963 - 2001), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Melbourne Zoological Gardens (c. 1857 - 1977)
National Cattle Breeding Centre (1952 - ?)
National Zoo and Aquarium Canberra (1990 - )
Royal Melbourne Zoological Gardens (1977 - )
The Royal Zoological Society of South Australia (1878 - )
School of Zoology ( - 1998?), La Trobe University
Taronga Conservation Society Australia (Taronga Zoo and Taronga Western Plains Zoo) (1913 - )
Tasmania Zoo (2003 - )
Veterinary Practitioners Registration Board of Victoria (1888 - )
Veterinary School (1909 - 1920), The University of Sydney
Victoria's Open Range Zoo (1975 - )
Wildlife Australia Branch, Commonwealth of Australia
Zoological Board of Victoria (1937 - 1996)
Zoological Parks and Gardens Board (1996 - )
The Zoological Parks Authority (1919 - )
Zoological Society of Victoria (1857 - 1861)
Veterinary parasitologist
Anderson, Norman (1937 - 2018), Veterinary parasitologist
Boray, Joseph Coloman (Joe) (1926 - 2018), Veterinary parasitologist
Veterinary pathologist
Dodd, Sydney (1874 - 1926), Bacteriologist and Veterinary pathologist
Hartley, William John (Bill) (1922 - 2014), Veterinary pathologist
Jubb, Kenneth Vincent (1928 - 2013), University Administrator and Veterinary pathologist
Littlejohn, Patricia Kathleen (1913 - 1998), Veterinarian, Veterinary pathologist and Veterinary scientist
Lloyd, Leonard Charles (1928 - 2018), Veterinary pathologist
McKenzie, Ross Andrew (1949 - ), Toxicologist and Veterinary pathologist
Veterinary physiologist
Emmens, Clifford Walter (1913 - 1999), Veterinary physiologist
Veterinary scientist
Albiston, Harold Edward (1897 - 1994), Veterinary scientist
Belschner, Herman Godfrey (1895 - 1976), Veterinary scientist
Bennetts, Harold William (1898 - 1970), Veterinary scientist
Berger, Lee (1970 - ), Veterinary scientist
Beveridge, Ian W. (1948 - ), Veterinary scientist
Bull, Lionel Batley (1889 - 1978), Veterinary scientist
Burrage, T.A. (? - 1907), Veterinary scientist
Campbell, Roderick Samuel Fisher (1924 - 2018), Veterinary scientist
Carne, Harold Roy (1901 - 1990), Veterinary scientist
Clunies Ross, William Ian (1899 - 1959), Parasitologist and Veterinary scientist
Dunkin, A. C., Veterinary scientist
Entwhistle, Keith William, Veterinary scientist
Filmer, J. F., Veterinary scientist
French, Eric Lancelot (1914 - 2002), Medical scientist, Veterinary scientist and Virologist
Gill, Dudley Arthur (1901 - 1973), Veterinary scientist
Gilruth, John Anderson (1871 - 1937), Veterinary scientist and Bacteriologist
Gordon, Hugh McLeod (1909 - 2002), Veterinary scientist
Gunn, Reginald Montagu Cairns (1893 - 1974), Veterinary scientist
Hindmarsh, William Lloyd (1889 - 1980), Veterinary scientist
Howell, John McCormack (1932 - 2017), Veterinary scientist
Keep, John Malcolm, Veterinary scientist
Kendall, Ernest Arthur (1876 - 1938), Veterinary scientist
Kendall, William Tyson (1851 - 1936), Veterinary scientist
Ladds, Philip William (1939 - 2018), Veterinary scientist
Littlejohn, Patricia Kathleen (1913 - 1998), Veterinarian, Veterinary pathologist and Veterinary scientist
Miller, Sydney John (Syd) (1926 - 2017), Veterinary scientist
Morley, Frederick Harold William (1918 - 2001), Veterinary scientist
Murray, Mitchell Durno (Durno) (1925 - 2009), Veterinary scientist and Ornithologist
Murray, Peter Keith (Keith) (1946 - ), Immunoparasitologist, Parasitologist, Veterinary scientist and Veterinary surgeon
Porges, W.L., Veterinary scientist
Salisbury, Ralph (1938 - 2017), Veterinary scientist
Seddon, Herbert Robert (1887 - 1964), Veterinary scientist
Sprent, John Frederick Adrian (1915 - 2010), Veterinary scientist
Steel, James Davidson, Veterinary scientist
Stewart, James Douglas (1869 - 1955), Veterinary scientist
Swan, Ralph Alexander (1936 - 2016), Veterinary scientist
Turner, Arthur William (1900 - 1989), Veterinary scientist and Bacteriologist
Woodruff, Harold Addison (1877 - 1966), Veterinary scientist and Bacteriologist
Veterinary surgeon
Cameron, Samuel Sherwen (1866 - 1933), Veterinary surgeon and Agricultural administrator
Henry, Max (1883 - 1959), Veterinary surgeon
Hutchins, David Robert (1926 - 2019), Veterinary surgeon
Irving, James (1852 - 1910), Veterinary surgeon
Irving, James Washington (1871 - 1948), Veterinary surgeon
Legg, John (1892 - 1984), Veterinary surgeon
Murray, Peter Keith (Keith) (1946 - ), Immunoparasitologist, Parasitologist, Veterinary scientist and Veterinary surgeon
Pottie, John (1832? - 1908), Veterinary surgeon
Stewart, John (1810 - 1896), Veterinary surgeon and Politician
Stewart, John (1832 - 1904), Veterinary surgeon
Weir, Robert Edgar (1863 - 1947), Public servant and Veterinary surgeon
Badger, Geoffrey Malcolm (1916 - 2002), Organic chemist, Vice-Chancellor and Science administrator
Barber, Michael Newton (1947 - ), Physicist, Vice-Chancellor and Science administrator
Basten, Henry Bolton (1903 - 1992), Administrator and Vice-Chancellor
Bell, Genevieve (1967 - ), Anthropologist, Social scientist and Vice-Chancellor
Brown, Gavin (1942 - 2010), Mathematician, University Administrator, Vice-Chancellor and Science administrator
Caro, David Edmund (1922 - 2011), Physicist, University Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor
Chubb, Ian (1943 - ), Chief Scientist, Neuroscientist and Vice-Chancellor
Currie, George Alexander (1896 - 1984), Agricultural scientist and Vice-Chancellor
Duncan, Annabelle (1953 - ), Microbiologist, Science administrator and Vice-Chancellor
Endersbee, Lance Aubrey (1925 - 2009), Academic, Civil engineer and Vice-Chancellor
Fox, Bronwyn, Materials scientist, Science administrator and Vice-Chancellor
Huxley, Leonard George Holden (1902 - 1988), Physicist and Vice-Chancellor
Larkins, Richard (1943 - ), Physician, Science administrator, University Administrator and Vice-Chancellor
Lovering, John Francis (1930 - 2023), Geologist and Vice-Chancellor
MacLaurin, Henry Normand (1835 - 1914), Physician and Vice-Chancellor
Martin, Leslie Harold (1900 - 1983), Physicist and Vice-Chancellor
Matheson, James Adam Louis (Louis) (1912 - 2002), Vice-Chancellor and Civil engineer
Monash, John (1865 - 1931), Engineer, Public servant, Vice-Chancellor and Administrator
Nichol, Lawrence Walter (1935 - 2015), Biochemist and Vice-Chancellor
O'Kane, Mary Josephine (1954 - ), Computer scientist and Vice-Chancellor
Paterson, John Waugh (1869 - 1958), Agricultural scientist and Vice-Chancellor
Penington, David Geoffrey (1930 - 2023), Medical scientist and Vice-Chancellor
Porter, Robert (1932 - ), Medical scientist, Vice-Chancellor and Physiologist
Priestley, Raymond Edward (1886 - 1974), Geologist, Vice-Chancellor and Antarctic explorer
Robson, Alan David (1945 - ), Agricultural consultant, Agricultural scientist and Vice-Chancellor
Ross, Ian Gordon (1926 - 2006), Chemist and Vice-Chancellor
Schmidt, Brian (1967 - ), Astrophysicist, Educator and Vice-Chancellor
Stranks, Donald Richard (1929 - 1986), Chemist and Vice-Chancellor
Watts, Donald Walter (1934 - 2023), Inorganic chemist, Physical chemist and Vice-Chancellor
Whitfeld, Hubert Edwin (1875 - 1939), Mining engineer and Vice-Chancellor
Wilsmore, Norman Thomas Mortimer (1868 - 1940), Chemist and Vice-Chancellor
Wilson, Brian Graham (1930 - 2019), Astrophysicist, University Administrator and Vice-Chancellor
Auld, Patrick (1811 - 1886), Vigneron
Kelly, Alexander Charles (1811 - 1877), Physician and Vigneron
King, James (1800 - 1857), Merchant and Vigneron
Potts, Frank (1815 - 1890), Shipbuilder and Vigneron
Reymond, Joseph Bernard (1834 - 1918), Vigneron
Schaffer, Philip ( - 1828?), Vigneron
Tardent, Henry Alexis (1853 - 1929), Agricultural journalist, Farmer and Vigneron
Waylen, Alfred Robert (1833 - 1901), Physician and Vigneron
Wynn, David (1915 - 1995), Vigneron
Ada, Gordon Leslie (1922 - 2012), Microbiologist, Virologist and Immunologist
Best, Rupert Jethro (1903 - 1991), Virologist and Agricultural chemist
Bishop, Ruth Frances (1933 - 2022), Microbiologist and Virologist
Colman, Peter Malcolm (1944 - ), Biologist, Biomolecular engineer, Medical chemist and Virologist
Cossart, Yvonne Edna (1934 - 2014), University Administrator and Virologist
Fenner, Frank John (1914 - 2010), Microbiologist and Virologist
French, Eric Lancelot (1914 - 2002), Medical scientist, Veterinary scientist and Virologist
Gibbs, Adrian John (1934 - ), Virologist
Gust, Ian David (1941 - ), Medical scientist, Science administrator and Virologist
Holmes, Edward Charles (1965 - ), Evolutionary biologist and Virologist
Hyatt, Alexander Duncan (Alex) (1952 - ), Physiologist, Virologist and Zoologist
Johnson, Mike, Microbiologist and Virologist
Kay, Brian Herbert (1944 - 2017), Entomologist and Virologist
Marshall, Ian David (1922 - 2010), Virologist
McCrea, John Falding, Virologist
McKern, Neil Moreton (1946 - 2014), Chemist, Immunologist and Virologist
Spradbrow, Peter Bryan (1934 - 2017), Virologist
Stubbs, Lionel Leslie (1916 - 2003), Plant pathologist, University Administrator and Virologist
Varghese, Joseph Noozhumurry (Jose) (1949 - ), Molecular biologist and Virologist
Woodroofe, Gwendolyn Marion (Gwen) (1918 - 2012), Community worker and Virologist
Adams, Philip Francis (1828 - 1901), Surveyor and Viticulturist
Adcock, George Henry (1860 - 1931), Horticulturist, Science educator, Teacher and Viticulturist
Antcliffe, Allan James (1923 - 1985), Agricultural scientist, Author and Viticulturist
Best, Henry (1832 - 1913), Viticulturist
Busby, James (1801 - 1871), Viticulturist and Civil servant
Carter, E., Viticulturist
Davidson, Dianne Margaret, Viticulturist and Company director
Despeissis, Jean Marie Adrian (1860 - 1927), Agricultural expert and Viticulturist
Perkins, Arthur James (1871 - 1944), Agricultural scientist and Viticulturist
Roos, L., Viticulturist
Wyndham, George (1801 - 1870), Viticulturist and Agriculturalist

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Published by Swinburne University of Technology.
This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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"Pathways to betterment and wisdom hide in the most obvious of places, encoded in the natural order all around us, for anyone who takes care to find them." Marcia Langton and Aaron Corn (2023) Law: the way of the ancestors p190