
Colman, Peter Malcolm (1944 - )


3 April 1944
Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Biologist, Biomolecular engineer, Medical chemist and Virologist


Peter Colman is a biologist and protein specialist whose research interests are in structural biology. He was an integral member of the CSIRO team that defined the structure of the influenza virus neuraminidase in 1983. This discovery made possible the formulation of the first drugs to be effective against all strains of influenza, Relenza® and Tamiflu™. In 2001 he left the CSIRO and established the Structural Biology Division at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of which he remains head of staff in 2012.


In 1985 Coleman was awarded the CSIRO Medal for Research Achievement for the determination of the three dimensional structure of influenza virus neuraminidase, and its recognition as a potential drug target by rational drug design.


Award - Philips prize for Honours Physics in 1965, University of Adelaide
Education - Bachelor of Science (BSc), University of Adelaide
1965 - 1969
Education - Doctor of Philosophy in Physics, University of Adelaide
1969 - 1972
Career position - Post Doctoral Fellow, University of Oregon, United States of America
1972 - 1975
Career position - Post Doctoral Fellow at the Max Planck Institute, Munich
Award - Queen Elizabeth II Fellowship to study with Professor Hans Freeman, University of Sydney
Career position - Embo Fellow, Max Planck Institute, Munich, Germany
1977 - 1978
Career position - Principal Researcher, National Health and Medical Research Council, University of Sydney
1978 - 1989
Career position - Research Officer, CSIRO Division of Protein Chemistry, Parkville
Award - Inaugural Frederick White Prize, Australian Academy of Science
1984 - 1987
Career position - Member, National Committee for Biophysics, Australian Academy of Science
Award - CSIRO Medal for Research Achievement
Award - Royal Society of Victoria Medal for Excellence in Scientific Research
1985 - 1991
Career position - Founding Member of the Board of Directors of Biota Holdings Ltd
1988 -
Career position - Member, Asia-Pacific International Molecular Biology Network
Award - Lemberg Medal and Oration, Australian Biochemical Society
1988 - 1998
Career position - Professorial Associate, University of Melbourne
Award - Fellow, Australian Academy of Science (FAA)
1989 - 1997
Career position - Foundation Chief of the CSIRO Division of Biomolecular Engineering
Career event - Foundation Director of the Biomedical Research Institute
1990 - 1992
Career position - Member, Board of Directors, Gene Shears Pty Ltd
1990 - 1992
Career position - Member, National Committee for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Australian Academy of Science
1990 - 1992
Career position - Member, Sectional & Committee (Cellular and Molecular Biology Fellowship), Australian Academy of Science
1992 - 1995
Career position - Council Member (representing biological sciences), Australian Academy of Science
Award - Macfarlane Burnet Medal and Lecture, Australian Academy of Science
Award - Australia Prize in the field of Pharmaceutical Design (shared), Commonwealth of Australia
Award - Fellow, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (FTSE)
1997 - 2008
Career position - Founding Member of the Board of Directors of Starpharma Ltd
1998 - 2003
Career position - Professorial Fellow, University of Melbourne
1998 - 2008
Career position - Adjunct Professor, La Trobe University
Award - James Cook Medal, Royal Society of New South Wales
1999 - 2000
Career position - Member, National Committee for Crystallography, Australian Academy of Science
Award - DSc (honoris causa), University of Sydney
2001 -
Career position - Head of the Structural Biology Division, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Parkville
2001 -
Career position - Board Member, Macfarlane Burnet Institute for Medical Research and Public Health
Award - Centenary Medal - for service to Australian society and science in structural biology
2001 - 2006
Career position - Fraser Fellowship, Cancer Council of Victoria
Career position - National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Senior Principal Research Fellow
2002 - 2005
Career position - Member, National Committee for Crystallography, Australian Academy of Science
Award - Florey Medal, Australian Institute of Political Science
2005 - 2011
Career position - Member, Executive Committee, International Union of Crystallography
2007 - 2010
Career position - Member, Sectional 3 Committee (Chemistry Fellowship), Australian Academy of Science
Award - Victoria Prize, Victorian Government
2008 - 2011
Career position - Vice-President, International Union of Crystallography
2009 - 2013
Career position - Board Member, Australian Synchroton
Award - Honorary Doctorate, University of Adelaide
Award - Bragg Medal, Society of Crystallographers in Australian and New Zealand
2013 - 2015
Career position - Member, Sectional 3 Committee (Chemistry Fellowship), Australian Academy of Science
Award - Fellow, The Royal Society, London (FRS)
Award - Companion of the Order of Australia (AC) - for eminent service to medical research, particularly in the fields of structural biology and medicinal chemistry, as a leader in the commercial translation of scientific discoveries, to professional organisations, and as a mentor of young scientists

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Journal Articles


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See also

Rebecca Rigby and Helen Cohn

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This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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