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Caro, David Edmund (1922 - 2011)


29 June 1922
Victoria, Australia
15 August 2011
Physicist, University Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor


David Edmund Caro was Vice-Chancellor of the University of Ballarat, University of Melbourne, University of Tasmania and interim Vice-Chancellor of Northern Territory University. He was also an active board or council member of many scientific institutes within Australia. Professor Caro was educated at the University of Melbourne and Birmingham University, UK where he completed a Masters of Science (MSc) and a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). He was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Science from the University of Melbourne and an Honorary Doctor of Laws from both the Universities of Melbourne and Tasmania. His contributions to science and academia have been nationally and internationally acknowledged with his appointments as Officer in the Order of the British Empire (OBE) and Officer in the Order of Australia (AO).



1947 - 1949
Career position - Demonstrator in University of Melbourne
Career position - Lecturer, University of Melbourne
Career position - Senior Lecturer, University of Melbourne
Career position - Reader, University of Melbourne
1961 - 1972
Career position - Professor of Experimental Physics, University of Melbourne
1969 - 1970
Career position - President, Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering
1972 - 1977
Career position - Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of Melbourne
Award - Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE)
Award - Doctor of Laws (LLD), honoris causa, University of Melbourne
1978 - 1982
Career position - Vice-Chancellor of the University of Tasmania
1979 - 1982
Career position - Member of the Tertiary Education Commission of Tasmania
1979 - 1984
Career position - Chairman, Antarctic Research Policy Advisory Committee
1982 - 1986
Career position - Member of the Management Committee of the Royal Melbourne Hospital
1982 - 1987
Career position - Vice-Chancellor, University of Melbourne
1984 -
Career position - Chairman, Superannuation Scheme for Australian Universities (SSAU) Nominees Pty. Limited
Award - Officer of the Order of Australia (AO)
Award - Doctor of Science (DSc), honoris causa, University of Melbourne
1988 - 1989
Career position - Interim Vice-Chancellor at Northern Territory University
c. 1998 - c. 2005
Career position - Chancellor, University of Ballarat
10 May 2005
Award - Honorary Doctorate, University of Ballarat

Related Corporate Bodies

Published resources

Journal Articles

  • Caro, D. E.; Martin, R. L., 'Leslie Harold Martin 1900-1983', Historical Records of Australian Science, 7 (1) (1987), 97-107. Details
  • Caro, D. E.; Martin, R. L.; and Oliphant, M., 'Leslie Harold Martin 21 December 1900 - 1 February 1983', Biographical memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 33 (1987), 399-409, Details
  • Caro, D.E., 'Sir Leslie Harold Martin (1900-1983) - Obituary', Australian Physicist, 20 (May) (1983), 91-92. Details

Newspaper Articles


Annette Alafaci

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Published by Swinburne University of Technology.
This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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