
Turner, John (1947 - )

Dr (PhD)

Yorkshire, England
Forest scientist


Dr John Turner has been a forester, Senior Research Scientist (with Forestry Commission of NSW) and Director of Research (Forests NSW), then Director and Senior Scientist with the private forestry research company Forsci Pty Ltd. His research interests have been nutrition, nutrient cycling and nutritional management of forest plantations and native forests within Australia and overseas. This has included relationships of eucalypts species with soil types, use of fertilizers to improve productivity and health, and the impact of management and harvesting on forest nutrient status. While working as a Research Scientist, John Turner was involved in a number of environmental cases including Terania Creek, the Border Ranges and the south-east forests of NSW. An important part of his research has been the use of site classification for the development of site specific management and the long term changes in the distribution and cycling of nutrients in eucalypt forests.



Education - Bachelor of Science (Forestry), Australian National University
Education - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), University of Washington, Seattle, USA
1975 - 1986
Career position - Senior Research Scientist, Forestry Commission of NSW
1986 - 1996
Career position - Director of Research, Forests NSW
1996 -
Career position - Director, Forsci Pty Ltd.
Career event - Admitted as Registered Professional Forester of IFA
Award - Awarded IUFRO (International Union Forest Research Organisations) Scientific Achievement Award

Published resources

Encyclopedia of Australian Science and Innovation Exhibitions


  • Lambert, M.; and Turner, J., Commercial Forest Plantations on Saline Lands (Collingwood, Vic.: CSIRO Publishing, 2000), 216 pp. Details

Book Sections

  • Lambert, M.J.; and Turner, J., 'Sulfur nutrition and cycling in southern hemisphere temperate and sub-tropical forest ecosystems.' in Sulfur in the Environment, Marnard, D., ed. (New York: Marcel Dekker Inc., 1996). Details

Journal Articles

  • Braithwaite, L.W.; Turner, J.; and Kelly, J., 'Studies on the arboreal marsupial fauna of eucalypt forests being harvested for woodpulp at Eden, NSW III. Relationship between faunal densities, eucalypt occurrence and foliage nutrients and soil parent materials.', Australian Wildlife Research, 11 (1984), 41-48. Details
  • Lambert, M.J.; and Turner, J., 'Soil nutrient-vegetation relationships in the Eden area, N.S.W. III. Foliage nutrient relationships with particular reference to Eucalyptus subgenera.', Australian Forestry, 46 (1983), 200-209. Details
  • Turner, J.; and Lambert, M. J., 'Effects of forest harvesting nutrient removals on soil nutrient reserves in the Eden area, New South Wales.', Oecologia, 70 (1) (1986), 140-148. Details
  • Turner, J.; and Lambert, M.J., 'Nutrient cycling within a 27-year-old Eucalyptus grandis plantation in New South Wales.', Forest Ecology and Management, 6 (1983), 156-168. Details
  • Turner, J.; Lambert, M.J.; Jurskis, V.; and Bi, H., 'Long term accumulation of nitrogen in soils of dry mixed eucalypt forest in the absence of fire.', Forest Ecology and Management, 256 (2008), 1133-1142. Details



John Turner and Peter Fagg

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This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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