Doley, Alison Betty (1938 - 2019)
- Born
- 28 October 1938
Western Australia, Australia - Died
- 20 February 2019
Western Australia, Australia - Occupation
- Conservationist and Farmer
Alison Doley was a farmer and conservationist who from 1966 managed, with her husband John, the family's wheat and sheep property Koobabbie in the northern wheatbelt of Western Australia. They worked to make the property ecologically and economically sustainable. Among the issues they dealt with were rising water-tables, soil salinity, over-clearing of land, the value of shelterbelts, and revegetation. Integral to this was a monitoring program, and surveys of the property's indigenous flora and fauna including the identification of threatened species. Doley was keen to facilitate wider scientific studies and field trials on the property. She was a long-term member and active participant in various local naturalists and conservation groups and for nearly 30 years participated in the Western Australia Government's Carnaby's Cockatoo Recovery Team. Doley published a number of papers on the fauna and ecology of Koobabbie.
- 1965? -
- Education - Bachelor of Economics, University of Western Australia
- 1970 - 2019
- Career position - Member, Western Australian Naturalists' Club
- 1979 - 2019
- Career position - Founding Member, Coorow Wildflower Group
- 1986 - 1995
- Career position - Member, Waddy Forest Land Conservation District Committee
- 1990 - 2019
- Career position - Member, Carnaby's Cockatoo Recovery Team, Western Australian Department of Conservation and Land Management
- 1995 - 2019
- Career position - President, Waddy Forest Land Conservation District Committee
- 1996 - 2017
- Career position - Inaugural President, Coorow Heritage Committee
- 1996 - 2019
- Career position - Member, Western Australian Land for Wildlife Scheme
- 1999 - 2002
- Career position - Member, Northern Agricultural Region Regional Assessment Panel. Natural Heritage Trust
- 2001 - 2019
- Career position - Founding Member, Buntine Marchagee Recovery Catchment Steering Committee
- 2017
- Award - Member of the Order of Australia (AM) for significant service to conservation and the environment in Western Australia through revegetation and catchment recovery initiatives
Related entries
Published resources
Journal Articles
- Saunders, Denis A., 'Tribute to Alison Betty Doley AM: farmer and conservationist (28 October 1938 to 20 February 2019)', Pacific conservation biology, 25 (2) (2019), iii-v. Details
Helen Cohn
Created: 6 August 2019, Last modified: 14 August 2019