
Kellas, John Douglas (1948 - )

Dr (PhD)

1 October 1948
Maffra, Victoria, Australia
Forest scientist


John Kellas has focused on forest pathology, studying the impact of Armillaria luteobubalina (Australian honey fungus) on forest regeneration and management. In his later career, he studied the effect of partial harvesting methods on the eucalypt species Eucalyptus obliqua and Eucalyptus radiata, and held several senior positions in the plantation management and forestry education sectors. He has recently been a forestry consultant in Vietnam.


John Kellas graduated from the Victorian School of Forestry, Creswick, in 1969. He joined the Forest Commission of Victoria, supervising thinning, harvesting and regeneration of native forests in East Gippsland. His research interest in the fungus Armillaria luteobubalina in native Australian forests led him to complete a Master of Science with a focus on forest pathology at University of British Columbia, Canada (1979). In Australia he continued his research on Armillaria and its impacts on the regeneration and silviculture of mixed species forests in western Victoria. He further established a study investigating the impact of partial harvesting methods on the regeneration and establishment of Eucalyptus obliqua and Euclyptus radiata. John Kellas then moved towards agroforestry and plantation management, holding senior positions at the Centre for Forest Tree Technology, formerly at the School of Forestry in Creswick, Victoria, where he managed plantation research and academic forestry training programs. From 2004-2009, he worked at the Green Triangle Regional Plantation Committee in Mount Gambier, followed by a General Manager position at Plantation Timbers Group, Mount Gambier. John Kellas was a forestry consultant at the Vietnamese Academy of Forest Sciences between 2011-2012..


1967 - 1969
Education - Diploma of Forestry, Creswick
1970 - 1973
Career position - Field work with Forest Commission of Victoria
1973 - 1974
Education - Bachelor of Science (Forestry), University of Melbourne
1975 - 1977
Career position - Research Officer position
1977 - 1979
Education - Master of Science (Forest Pathology), University of British Columbia, Canada
1987 - 1993
Education - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), University of Melbourne
1996 - 2001
Career position - Deputy Director, Centre for Forest Tree Technology; international consultancies in India for fire management, agroforestry and farm forestry
2001 - 2003
Career position - Deputy Manager of the School of Forestry Creswick, managing the academic program for technical forestry training for the University of Melbourne.
2004 - 2009
Career position - Executive Officer, Green Triangle Regional Plantation Committee, Mount Gambier; promoting plantation development, management, employment, training and education in the Green Triangle region
2009 - 2011
Career position - General Manager, Plantation Timbers Group, Mount Gambier
2011 - 2012
Career position - Volunteer Forestry Advisor, Vietnamese Academy of Forest Sciences, Ha Noi, Viet Nam

Published resources

Encyclopedia of Australian Science and Innovation Exhibitions

Conference Papers

  • Kellas, J. D.; and Hateley, R. F., 'Management of dry sclerophyll forests in Victoria 1. Low elevation mixed species forests.', in Forest Management in Australia edited by McKinnell, Hopkins and Fox (Sydney, NSW: Surrey Beatty & Sons, 1991), pp. 146-162.. Details
  • Kellas, J.D.; Kile, G.A.; Oswin D.O.; and Ashton, A.K., 'Growth and mortality, 1978 to 1996, in an Armillaria root rot control experiment in the Mount Cole State Forest, Victoria.', in Root and butt rots of forests trees. Proceedings of 9th International Conference on root and butt rots, Carcans-Maubuisson (France), September 1-7, 1997 edited by Delatour, C., Guillaumin, J.J., Lung-Escarment, B. and Marcais, B. (Versailles: INRA Éditions (Institute National de la Recherche Agronomique), 1998), pp. 363-374.. Details

Conference Proceedings

  • Forest Management in Australia edited by McKinnell, E.R. Hopkins, Fox, J.E.D. (Chipping Norton, NSW: Surrey Beatty &​ Sons in association with Institute of Foresters of Australia, Western Australian Division, 1991). Chapter 8: Management of dry sclerophyll forests in Victoria. 1. Low elevation mixed species forests. Details

Journal Articles

  • Kellas, J.D.; and Edgar, J.G., 'Effects of sowing time and container type on height growth and survival of seedlings of Eucalyptus regnans.', Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 9 (1979), 478-483. Details
  • Kellas, J.D.; Edgar, J.G.; and Squire, R.O., 'Response of messmate stringybark regrowth to release in irregular stands of mixed eucalypts.', Australian Forestry, 50 (1987), 253-259.. Details
  • Kellas, J.D.; Incoll, W.D.; and Squire, R.O., 'Reduction in basal increment of Eucalyptus obliqua following crown scorch.', Australian Forestry, 47 (1984), 179-183. Details
  • Kellas, J.D.; Jarrett, R.G.; and Morgan, B.J.T., 'Changes in species composition following recent shelterwood cutting in mixed eucalypt stands in the Wombat Forest, Victoria.', Australian Forestry, 51 (1988), 112-118. Details
  • Kellas, J.D.; Kile, G.A.; Jarrett, R.G.; and Morgan, B.J.T., 'Occurrence and effects of Armillaria luteobubalina following partial cutting in mixed eucalypt stands in the Wombat Forest, Victoria.', Australian Forest Research, 17 (1987), 263-276. Details
  • Kile, G.A., 'Behaviour of an Armillaria in some Eucalyptus obliqua - Eucalyptus regnans forests in Tasmania and its role in their decline.', European Journal of Forest Pathology, 5 (1980), 278 - 296. Details
  • Mwanza, E.J.M.; and Kellas, J.D., 'Identification of the fungi associated with the regeneration of Eucalyptus obliqua and E. radiata in a central Victorian forest.', European Journal of Forest Pathology, 17 (1987), 237-245. Details


John Kellas

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