Browse Entries by Repository - U
- Uniting Church in Australia, Victorian Synod
- Williams, William (1848 - 1913), Naturalist
- University College Archives, University of Melbourne
- Buchanan, Gwynneth Vaughan (1886 - 1945), Zoologist
- The University of Adelaide Archives
- Atkinson, Nancy (1910 - 1999), Bacteriologist
- University of Adelaide Archives
- Best, Effie Wyllie (1905 - ), Zoologist and Teacher
- The University of Adelaide Archives
- Lamb, Horace (1849 - 1934), Mathematician
- Rennie, Edward Henry (1852 - 1927), Chemist and University Administrator
- Verco, Joseph Cooke (1851 - 1933), Physician, University Administrator and Conchologist
- University of Adelaide, Physics Department
- Carver, John Henry (1926 - 2004), Physicist
- Grant, Kerr (1878 - 1967), Physicist
- Huxley, Leonard George Holden (1902 - 1988), Physicist and Vice-Chancellor
- Lyle, Thomas Ranken (1860 - 1944), Physicist and Mathematician
- Massey, Harrie Stewart Wilson (1908 - 1983), Mathematical physicist and Physicist
- The University of Melbourne Archives
- à Beckett, Ada Mary (1872 - 1948), Biologist and Educator
- Adam, George Rothwell Wilson (Rothwell) (1853 - 1924), Gynaecologist and Obstetrician
- Adelaide Chemical Works (1883 - ?)
- Allan, Robert Marshall (1886 - 1946), Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
- Allen, Harry Brookes (1854 - 1926), Pathologist and Anatomist
- Amalgamated Zinc (de Bavay's) Ltd (1909 - ?)
- Amies, Arthur Barton Pilgrim (1902 - 1976), Dentist and Dental surgeon
- Ampt, Gustav Adolph (1886 - 1953), Chemist
- Anderson, James Robert Valentine (1881 - 1969), Mining engineer
- Anderson, Valentine George (1885 - 1969), Analytical chemist
- Anderson, Victor A., Engineer
- Andrew, Henry Martyn (1845 - 1888), Mathematician and Headmaster
- Appleby, Cyril Angus (1928 - ), Plant biochemist
- Archer, William Henry (1825 - 1909), Actuary, Microscopist, Naturalist and Statistician
- Ashby, Eric (1904 - 1992), Botanist
- Associated Pulp and Paper Mills (APPM) (1936 - 1980s)
- Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (1893 - )
- Australian Academy of Science (1954 - )
- Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science (ANZAAS) (1930 - )
- Australian Mineral Development Laboratories (AMDEL) (1959 - 1987)
- Australian Mining Industry Council (1960 - 1995)
- Australian Science Archives Project (1985 - 1999), The University of Melbourne
- Australian Society of Animal Production Incorporated (1951 - )
- Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee (AVCC) (1920 - )
- Avery, David (1871 - 1956), Industrial chemist
- Bage, Anna Frederika (1883 - 1970), Biologist
- Barrett, James William (1862 - 1945), Physician, University Chancellor and Medical scientist
- Barton, John Colin (1918 - ), Mathematician
- Bates, Smart and McCutcheon Pty Ltd (1852 - ?)
- Behrend, Felix Adalbert (1911 - 1962), Mathematician
- Belz, Maurice Henry (1897 - 1975), Statistician and Mathematician
- Bionic Ear Institute (1983 - 2011)
- Bird, Frederic Dougan (1858 - 1929), Surgeon and Anatomist
- Bird, Samuel Dougan (1832 - 1904), Surgeon
- Black, Raymond C.
- Blackwood, Margaret (1909 - 1986), Academic, Botanist and Geneticist
- Blamey, Peter J., Bioengineer
- Borrell, William (1916 - ), Botanist
- Bosisto, Joseph (1824 - 1898), Chemist and Pharmacist
- Bougainville Copper Ltd (1967 - 1970s)
- Broken Hill Associated Smelters Pty Ltd (BHAS) (1915 - )
- Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited (1885 - 2000)
- Broken Hill South Ltd (1885 - 1972)
- Brown, Vera Scantlebury (1889 - 1946), Physician and Paediatrician
- Brownless, Anthony Colling (1817 - 1897), Educator and Physician
- Buchanan, Gwynneth Vaughan (1886 - 1945), Zoologist
- Burnet, Frank Macfarlane (1899 - 1985), Medical scientist and Biologist
- Busby, Peter A.
- Chambers, Thomas Carrick (1930 - ), Botanic gardens director and Botanist
- Cherry, Thomas Macfarland (1898 - 1966), Mathematician
- Clark, Graeme Milbourne (1935 - ), Otolaryngologist, Neuroscientist, Speech Scientist and Bioengineer
- Cochlear Limited (1985 - )
- Cochlear Pty Ltd (1983 - 1984)
- Comalco Industries Pty Ltd (1960 - 1970)
- Commonwealth Fertilisers (1929 - )
- Commonwealth of Australia (1901 - )
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) (1949 - ), Commonwealth of Australia
- Commonwealth Serum Laboratories Commission (1961 - 1990), Commonwealth of Australia
- Conzinc Riotinto of Australia Ltd (1962 - 1997)
- Cooperative Research Centres Program (1990 - )
- Cuming Smith and Company Limited (c. 1872 - 1980)
- Cummins, John Edward (Jack) (1902 - 1989), Chemist and Science administrator
- Deafness Foundation of Victoria
- Department of Metallurgy (1880s - 1960s), The University of Melbourne
- Department of Otolaryngology (1970 - 2013?), The University of Melbourne
- Derham, Alfred Plumley (1891 - 1962), Physician
- Drug Houses of Australia Ltd (DHA) (1930 - 1974)
- Ducker, Sophie Charlotte (1909 - 2004), Botanist and Science historian
- Duerdin and Sainsbury Ltd (? - 1930)
- Dyason, Diana Joan (1919 - 1989), Science historian and Medical historian
- Edwards, Edward, Mining engineer
- Electrolytic Refining and Smelting Co of Australia (ER&S) Ltd (1907 - 1994)
- Espie, Frank Fletcher (1917 - 2004), Company director
- Faculty of Medicine (1876 - 1991), The University of Melbourne
- Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences (1991 - ), The University of Melbourne
- Felton Grimwade & Co (1867 - 1930)
- Felton, Alfred (1831 - 1904), Philanthropist and Business executive
- Fitts, Clive (1900 - 1984), Physician
- Forster, Howard Carlyle (1903 - 1981), Agricultural scientist
- Forster, Ian C.
- Fraser, Colin (1875 - 1944), Geologist and Company director
- Gasking, Elizabeth, Science historian and Botanist
- Gold Mines of Australia Ltd (c. 1930 - 1998)
- Gray, Chester, Nuclear technologist
- Grayson, Henry Joseph (1856 - 1918), Nurseryman and Geologist
- Greenwood, John Neill (Neill) (1894 - 1981), Metallurgist
- Gregory, John Walter (1864 - 1932), Geologist and Geographer
- Grimwade, Wilfrid Russell (1879 - 1955), Chemist, Business executive and Pharmaceutical manufacturer
- Guilfoyle, William Robert (1840 - 1912), Horticulturist and Landscape gardener
- Halford, George Britton (1824 - 1910), Anatomist and Physiologist
- Hamersley Iron Pty Ltd (1964 - )
- Hargreaves, Maxwell Edgar (1923 - 1976), Metallurgist
- Hartnett, Laurence John (1898 - 1986), Mechanical engineer and Business executive
- Hartung, Ernst Johannes (1893 - 1979), Chemist
- Hercus, Eric Oswald (1891 - 1962), Physicist
- Higgins, George (1856 - 1943), Engineer
- Holeproof Hosiery Ltd (1920s - )
- Hopper, Victor David (1913 - 2005), Physicist and University Administrator
- Hunt, Philip Charles Holmes (1874 - 1941), Industrial chemist
- Hutchinson, Raymond Charles, Biochemist and Food scientist
- Ian Clunies Ross Memorial Foundation (1959 - 2004)
- International Harvester Co Aust Pty Ltd (1912 - ?)
- Irlicht, Laurence
- Jack, Robert Lockhart ( - 1964), Geologist
- Johnson, William Alexander, Electrical engineer
- Kendall, Ernest Arthur (1876 - 1938), Veterinary scientist
- Kendall, William Tyson (1851 - 1936), Veterinary scientist
- Kilvington, Basil (1877 - 1947), Medical Research, Surgeon and Anatomist
- King, Haddon Forrester (1905 - 1990), Geologist and Business executive
- Laby, Thomas Howell (1880 - 1946), Chemist and Physicist
- Law, Phillip Garth (1912 - 2010), Antarctic explorer and Physicist
- Leeper, Geoffrey Winthrop (1903 - 1986), Agricultural chemist
- Lewis, Claude Ernest, Veterinarian
- Lewis, Essington (1881 - 1961), Metallurgist and Company director
- Loewe, Fritz Philipp (1895 - 1974), Meteorologist and Explorer
- Lovering, John Francis (1930 - 2023), Geologist and Vice-Chancellor
- Lucas, Arthur Henry Shakespeare (1853 - 1936), Explorer, Naturalist, Schoolmaster and Ornithologist
- Macadam, John (1827 - 1865), Chemist and Physician
- MacCallum, Peter (1885 - 1974), Pathologist
- Mary Kathleen Uranium (1954 - 1980s)
- Masson, David Orme (1858 - 1937), Chemist
- Mathews, John
- Mathison, Gordon Clunes McKay (1883 - 1915), Physiologist
- Matthaei, Ernst Artur Franz Joseph (1904 - 1966), Microscopist and Optical technician
- Mawby, Maurice Alan Edgar (1904 - 1977), Mineralogist and Business executive
- McCoy Society for Research and Investigation (1935 - 1999?)
- McDermott, Hugh J.
- McKay, Hugh Victor (1865 - 1926), Manufacturer
- McLennan, Ethel Irene (1891 - 1983), Botanist and Plant pathologist
- McLennan, Ian Munro (1909 - 1998), Engineer and Business executive
- McNeill, John James (1916 - 1980), Chemical physicist
- Melbourne University Agricultural Society (1922 - ?), The University of Melbourne
- Melbourne University Chemical Society (1904 - ), The University of Melbourne
- Melbourne University Engineering Students' Club (1889 - ), The University of Melbourne
- Melbourne University Medical Students' Society (1880 - ?), The University of Melbourne
- Melbourne University Mining and Metallurgy Students' Society (1932 - ?), The University of Melbourne
- Melbourne University Research Students' Association (1964 - ?), The University of Melbourne
- Melbourne University Science Club (1888 - 1960s), The University of Melbourne
- Melbourne University Science Students' Society (1960s - ?), The University of Melbourne
- Meyer, Felix Henry (1858 - 1937), Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
- Michell, John Henry (1863 - 1940), Mathematician
- Millar, John Bruce
- Minerals Separation Ltd (1900s - )
- Monash, John (1865 - 1931), Engineer, Public servant, Vice-Chancellor and Administrator
- Money, David
- Moorhouse, Charles Edmund (1911 - 2002), Electrical engineer
- Morton, Robert Kerford (1920 - 1963), Biochemist
- Mount Lyell Mining and Railway Company Ltd (1893 - 1960s)
- Movement Against Uranium Mining (c. 1976 - )
- Mueller, Ferdinand Jakob Heinrich von (1825 - 1896), Botanic gardens director, Botanist and Naturalist
- Multi-channel Cochlear Implant (Bionic Ear) (1978 - )
- Murphy, Brian Thomas, Surveyor
- Museum of Victoria (1983 - 1998)
- Nanson, Edward John (1850 - 1936), Mathematician
- National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) (1936 - ), Commonwealth of Australia
- National Museum of Australia (1980 - )
- Newton, Hibbert Alan Stephen (1887 - 1949), Surgeon
- North Broken Hill Ltd (1895 - 1976)
- O'Leary, Stephen John
- Ord, I.G., Psychologist
- Osborn, Cyril John, Metallurgist
- Osborne, William Alexander (1873 - 1967), Physiologist and Medical educator
- Pacific Dunlop Limited (1986 - 2002)
- Patrick, James (Jim) Finlay
- Patton, Reuben Tom (1883 - 1962), Botanist
- Perry, John William ( - 1965), Pathologist
- Perry, Nancye Enid Kent (1918 - 2011), Entomologist and Artist
- Phoenix Foundry Co Ltd (1854 - 1900s)
- Powerhouse Museum (1988 - ), State of New South Wales
- Prestige Ltd (1922 - c. 1964)
- Priestley, Raymond Edward (1886 - 1974), Geologist, Vice-Chancellor and Antarctic explorer
- Rayment, Percy Tarlton (1882 - 1964), Naturalist and Author
- Reinforced Concrete and Monier Pipe Construction Co Pty Ltd (1905 - )
- Repco Limited (1937 - ?)
- Richardson, Joseph Falding (1916 - 1989), Physicist
- Rio Tinto Limited (1997 - )
- Robinson, William Sydney (1876 - 1963), Industrialist
- Robison Bros & Co Pty Ltd (1854 - ?)
- Rosenhain, Walter (1875 - 1934), Metallurgist
- Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) (1927 - )
- Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI) (1953 - )
- Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital (1863 - )
- Saunders, Rod
- Seldon, Henry Lee
- Seligman, Peter M.
- Shepherd, Robert Keith
- Steel, James Davidson, Veterinary scientist
- Stone, William (1858 - 1949), Electrical engineer
- Sulphide Corporation Pty Ltd (1897 - 1990s)
- Summers, Herbert St John (1876 - 1963), Geologist
- Swallow and Ariell Pty Ltd (1854? - 1965)
- Sweet, Georgina (1875 - 1946), Zoologist
- Thomson, Donald Finlay Fergusson (1901 - 1970), Anthropologist
- Thomson, Gladys (1900 - ?), Natural history artist
- Thorn, William, Electrical engineer
- Tong, Yit Chow (Joe), Mechanical engineer
- Trikojus, Victor Martin (1902 - 1985), Biochemist and University Administrator
- Turner, John Stewart (1908 - 1991), Botanist, University Administrator and Plant physiologist
- Vasey, Gilbert Howard (1904 - 1986), Agricultural engineer
- Victorian Department of Crown Lands and Survey (1857 - 1983), Colony and State of Victoria
- Victorian National Parks Association Inc (1952 - )
- Wadham, Samuel MacMahon (1891 - 1972), Agricultural scientist and University Administrator
- Waterhouse, Walter Lawry (1887 - 1969), Agricultural scientist and Wheat propagator
- Watson, Rodger Henry (1910 - 1999), Agricultural scientist
- Weickhardt, Leonard William (Len) (1908 - 2000), Chemist, University Chancellor and Business executive
- Western Mining Corporation Ltd (1933 - 1996)
- White, Michael James Denham (1910 - 1983), Geneticist and Zoologist
- Wishart, Edward R., Physicist
- Wood, Ian Jeffreys (1903 - 1986), Medical scientist and Physician
- Woodward, Oliver Holmes (1885 - 1966), Mining engineer and Metallurgist
- Wright, Roy Douglas (Pansy) (1907 - 1990), Pathologist and University Chancellor
- Xu, Shi-Ang
- Zenith Medical Supply Company Pty Ltd
- University of Melbourne Central Registry
- Anstey, Olive Eva (1920 - 1983), Nurse, Nurse educator and Nurse advocate
- Sweet, Georgina (1875 - 1946), Zoologist
- Young, William John (1878 - 1942), Biochemist
- University of Melbourne Museum of Art
- Skeats, Ernest Willington (1875 - 1953), Geologist and University Administrator
- University of Melbourne, Botany School
- Rupp, Herman Montague Rucker (1872 - 1956), Botanist and Minister of religion
- University of Melbourne, Brownless Medical Library
- De Garis, Mary Clementina (1881 - 1963), Physician
- Embley, Edward Henry (1861 - 1924), Anaesthetist
- Hewlett, Herbert Maunsell (1872 - 1957), Radiologist
- University of New England and Regional Archives, Heritage Centre
- Armidale College of Advanced Education (1971 - 1989)
- Armidale Teachers' College (1928 - 1971)
- Franklin, Margaret, Sociologist and Author
- New England University College (1938 - 1954), The University of Sydney
- The University of New England (1954 - )
- University of New England Library
- O'Farrell, Antony Frederick Louis (1917 - ), Zoologist and Entomologist
- University of New South Wales Archives
- Angyal, Stephen John (1914 - 2012), Organic chemist
- Bosworth, Richard Charles Leslie (1907 - 1964), Physical chemist
- Cavill, George William Kenneth (Ken) (1922 - 2017), Chemist
- Godfrey, Gordon Hay (1892 - 1979), Applied physicist and Optometrist
- Hawkins, Laric Villier, Geophysicist
- Hogan, Thomas Kevin (1914 - 1983), Engineer
- Korner, Paul Ivan (1925 - 2012), Medical scientist and Physiologist
- Lederer, Josef (1921 - ), Physicist and Optometrist
- Mellor, David Paver (1903 - 1980), Inorganic chemist
- Milner, Christopher John (Kit) (1912 - 1998), Educator and Physicist
- Muir, Hugh (1923 - 1984), Academic and Metallurgist
- Reuter, Fritz Henry (1905 - 2001), Food technologist and Chemical engineer
- Rundle, Francis Felix (1910 - 1993), Medical scientist and Surgeon
- Walsh, Robert John (1917 - 1983), Geneticist and Medical scientist
- The University of Queensland Archives
- Bage, Anna Frederika (1883 - 1970), Biologist
- Hill, Dorothy (1907 - 1997), Geologist and Palaeontologist
- Pearn, John Hemsley (1940 - ), Academic, Army officer and Medical scientist
- Richards, Henry Caselli (1884 - 1947), Geologist, University Administrator and Chemist
- Steele, Bertram Dillon (1870 - 1931), Chemist and Pharmacist
- University of Queensland, Geology Department Library
- Richards, Henry Caselli (1884 - 1947), Geologist, University Administrator and Chemist
- Whitehouse, Frederick William (1900 - 1973), Geologist
- University of Sydney, Archives
- Alexander, Albert Ernest (1914 - 1970), Chemist
- Bailey, Victor Albert (1895 - 1964), Physicist
- Barnet, James Johnstone (1827 - 1904), Architect, Conchologist and Technologist
- Barraclough, Samuel Henry Egerton (Henry) (1871 - 1958), Academic, Civil engineer, Consulting engineer and Mechanical engineer
- Birch, Louis Charles (Charles) (1918 - 2009), Ecologist, Geneticist and Zoologist
- Boelke, Grace Fairley (1870 - 1948), Physician
- Branagan, David Francis (1930 - 2022), Geologist and Historian
- Branagan, John King, Engineer
- Brewer, Ilma Mary (1915 - 2006), Botanist and Educator
- Briggs, Edward Alfred (1890 - 1969), Zoologist
- Brown, Robert Hanbury (1916 - 2002), Physicist
- Browne, William Rowan (1884 - 1975), Mineralogist
- Bullen, Keith Edward (1906 - 1976), Mathematician and Seismologist
- Burkitt, Arthur Neville St George Handcock (1891 - 1959), Anatomist
- Childe, Vere Gordon (1892 - 1957), Archaeologist and Political theorist
- Christiansen, Wilbur Norman (Chris) (1913 - 2007), Electrical engineer and Radio astronomer
- Clark, Marie Coutts (1908 - 1991), Physicist and Spectrochemist
- Cohen, Fanny (1887 - 1975), Mathematician and Educator
- Coppleson, Victor Marcus (1893 - 1965), Surgeon
- Cotton, Frank Stanley (1890 - 1955), Physiologist
- Cotton, Leo Arthur (1883 - 1963), Geologist, University Administrator and Geographer
- Crocker, Robert Langdon (1914 - 1963), Biologist and Plant ecologist
- Crommelin, Minard Fannie (1881 - 1972), Conservationist and Postmistress
- Dalyell, Elsie Jean (1881 - 1948), Pathologist and Microbiologist
- D'Arcy, Constance Elizabeth (1879 - 1950), Obstetrician, University Administrator and Gynaecologist
- David, Tannatt William Edgeworth (1858 - 1934), Geologist and Surveyor
- Dintenfass, Leopold (1921 - 1990), Physical chemist and Medical scientist
- Earl, John Campbell (1890 - 1978), Organic chemist
- Elkin, Adolphus Peter (1891 - 1979), Anthropologist and Minister of religion
- Esserman, Norman Abraham (1896 - 1982), Physicist and Metrologist
- Fawsitt, Charles Edward (1878 - 1960), Chemist and University Administrator
- Graham, Beryl Ada, Teacher
- Gunn, Reginald Montagu Cairns (1893 - 1974), Veterinary scientist
- Haswell, William Aitcheson (1854 - 1925), Biologist and Vertebrate zoologist
- Hogbin, Herbert Ian Priestley (1904 - 1989), Anthropologist
- Iredale, Thomas William (1897 - 1971), Physical chemist
- Irwin-Smith, Vera Adelaide, Entomologist
- Keep, John Malcolm, Veterinary scientist
- Kuchel, Philip William (1946 - ), Biochemist
- Lamberton, John Andrew
- Lawrence, Peter (1921 - 1987), Anthropologist
- Lawson, Abercrombie Anstruther (1870 - 1927), Botanist
- Le Fèvre, Raymond James Wood (1905 - 1986), Chemist
- Leech, Thomas David James (1902 - 1973), Civil engineer and Scientist
- Liversidge, Archibald (1846 - 1927), Chemist and Geologist
- Lovell, Henry Tasman (1878 - 1958), Psychologist
- Ma, Shih Taun, Physicist
- Mackay, Iven Giffard (1882 - 1966), Physicist
- MacLaurin, Henry Normand (1835 - 1914), Physician and Vice-Chancellor
- Makinson, Kathleen Rachel (1917 - 2014), Physicist
- Makinson, Richard Elliss Bodenham (1913 - 1979), Physicist
- Martin, Florence (1867 - 1957), Physicist
- McCusker, Charles Brian Anthony (1919 - ), Physicist
- McLuckie, John (1890 - 1956), Botanist
- Megaw, John Vincent Stanley (Vincent) (1934 - ), Archaeologist
- Messel, Harry (1922 - 2015), Physicist and University Chancellor
- Mills, Arthur Edward (1865 - 1940), Physician and University Administrator
- Mills, Bernard Yarnton (1920 - 2011), Physicist and Radio astronomer
- Moore, Walter John (1918 - 2001), Physical chemist
- Munro, Andrew Watson (1858 - 1944), Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
- Myers, David Milton (1911 - 1999), Electrical engineer
- Nicholson, Charles (1808 - 1903), Physician and Statesman
- Nicol, Phyllis Mary (1903 - 1964), Academic, Educator and Physicist
- Noble, Robert Jackson (1894 - 1981), Agricultural scientist, Plant pathologist and Public service administrator
- Ogilvie, Florinda Katherine, Medical social worker
- Pell, Morris Birkbeck (1827 - 1879), Mathematician
- Pollak, John Kurt, Biochemist and Embryologist
- Radcliffe-Brown, Alfred Reginald (1881 - 1955), Anthropologist
- Room, Thomas Gerald (Gerald) (1902 - 1986), Mathematician
- Sandes, Francis Percival (1876 - 1945), Surgeon
- Schafroth, M.R., Physicist
- Schlink, Herbert Henry (1883 - 1962), Gynaecologist
- Smith, Grafton Elliot (1871 - 1937), Anatomist and Anthropologist
- Smith, John (1821 - 1885), Chemist and University Administrator
- Stephens, William John (1829 - 1890), Naturalist and Geologist
- Stewart, James Douglas (1869 - 1955), Veterinary scientist
- Still, Jack Leslie (1911 - 2001), Biochemist
- Stuart, Thomas Peter Anderson (1856 - 1920), Physiologist and University Administrator
- Stump, Claude Witherington (1891 - 1971), Medical scientist
- Taylor, Thomas Griffith (1880 - 1963), Geographer and Meteorologist
- Thomson, Alexander Morrison (1841 - 1871), Geologist and Chemist
- Thomson, Richard J., Psychologist
- Threlfall, Richard (1861 - 1932), Physicist and Chemical engineer
- Troughton, Ellis Le Geyt (1893 - 1974), Zoologist
- Turner, Ivan Stewart, Science student
- Vogan, Harold James (1894 - 1981), Civil engineer
- Vonwiller, Oscar Ulrich (1882 - 1972), Physicist and University Administrator
- Warren, William Henry (1852 - 1926), Engineer and University Administrator
- Wedgwood, Camilla Hildegarde (1901 - 1955), Anthropologist
- Welsh, David Arthur (1865 - 1948), Pathologist and University Administrator
- Wilson, James Thomas (1861 - 1945), Anatomist and Naturalist
- University of Sydney, Engineering School
- Bradfield, John Job Crew (1867 - 1943), Civil engineer
- University of Tasmania Library
- Denison, William Thomas (1804 - 1871), Governor, Royal engineer, Science patron and Civil engineer
- Royal Society of Tasmania (1843 - )
- Smart, Thomas Christie (1816 - 1896), Surgeon and Politician
- University of Tasmania Library, Special/Rare Collection
- Archer, William (1820 - 1874), Botanist, Politician and Architect
- Atkinson, Henry Brune (1874 - 1960), Orchidologist
- Burn, Alan (1889 - 1959), Engineer
- Carey, Samuel Warren (Warren) (1911 - 2002), Geologist
- Cradle Mountain Reserve Board (1927 - 1947)
- Dunbabin, Robert Leslie (1869 - 1949), Psychologist and Naturalist
- Gregory, Malcolm Spencer, Engineer
- Guiler, Eric Rowland, Zoologist
- Hellyer, Henry (1790 - 1832), Surveyor
- Hutchinson, Raymond Charles, Biochemist and Food scientist
- Johnston, Robert Mackenzie (1843 - 1918), Statistician and Naturalist
- Kingsmill, Henry Charles (1843 - 1909), Meteorologist and Surveyor
- Lewis, Arndell Neil (1897 - 1943), Geologist and Lawyer
- McAulay, Alexander (1863 - 1931), Mathematician and Physicist
- McAulay, Alexander Leicester (1895 - 1969), Physicist
- Miller, Edmund Morris (1881 - 1964), Philosopher, Scholar and Psychologist
- Mueller, Ferdinand Jakob Heinrich von (1825 - 1896), Botanic gardens director, Botanist and Naturalist
- Patterson, James Harold, Surgeon
- Pink, Olive Muriel (1884 - 1975), Anthropologist and Botanical artist
- Pitman, Edwin James George (1897 - 1993), Mathematician
- Shoobridge, William Ebenezer (1846 - 1940), Agriculturalist and Industrial innovator
- Story, George Fordyce (1800 - 1885), Naturalist and Physician
- Unwin, Ernest Ewart (1881 - 1944), Biologist and Schoolmaster
- Young, Frederick Mortimer (1860 - 1927), Astronomer and Geographer
- University of Western Australia, University Archives
- Curnow, David Henry (1921 - 2004), Biochemist
- Fowler, Hugh Lionel (1891 - 1946), Psychologist
- Kaldor, Imre (1920 - 1982), Physiologist
- Lockett, Mary Fauriel (Fauriel) (1911 - 1982), Pharmacologist
- Paterson, John Waugh (1869 - 1958), Agricultural scientist and Vice-Chancellor
- Posner, Alan Meyer ( - 1980), Agricultural scientist
- Ross, Alexander David (1883 - 1966), Physicist
- Underwood, Eric John (1905 - 1980), Agricultural scientist
- Waring, Horace (Harry) (1910 - 1980), Zoologist
- University of Wollongong Archives
- Australian Iron and Steel Pty Ltd (AIS) (1928 - 1985)
- Berry Agricultural Association (c. 1890 - c. 1932)
- Clarke, William Branwhite (1798 - 1878), Geologist and Minister of religion
- Cooper, W. T.
- Facer, Richard A., Geologist
- Fackender, Melville Norman (Mel), Naturalist
- Halpern, Berthold (1923 - 1980), Chemist
- Keane, Austin (1927 - 1979), Mathematician
- Morgan, John
- Phillips, Evan Raymond (1936 - ), Geologist