
Espie, Frank Fletcher (1917 - 2004)


8 May 1917
13 January 2004
South Australia, Australia
Company director



1940 - 1945
Military service - Served in the Australian Imperial Force (AIF)
1957 - 1961
Career position - Assistant General Manager of production at the Zinc Corporation
1961 - 1962
Career position - General Manager of Comalco Products
1962 - 1964
Career position - General Manager of Conzinc Riotinto of Australia, Sydney
1964 - ?
Career position - Director of Mary Kathleen Uranium Ltd.
1964 - 1965
Career position - General Manager of the Industrial Division of Conzinc Riotinto of Australia Ltd.
Career position - Director of Kembla Coal & Coke
1967 - 1985
Career position - Director of Bougainville Copper Ltd.
1968 - 1979
Career position - Executive Director of Conzinc Riotinto of Australia Ltd.
1970 - 1980
Career position - Member of the Council of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
Award - Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) - In recognition of service to the mining industry.
1971 - 1979
Career position - Chairman of Bougainville Copper Ltd.
1974 - 1979
Career position - Deputy chairman of Conzinc Riotinto of Australia Ltd.
Career position - President, Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
1977 - 1990
Career position - Director of the Westpac banking Corporation (formerly the Commercial Bank of Australia Ltd.)
Award - Kernot Memorial Medal, for distinguished engineering achievement in Australia. Faculty of Engineering, University of Melbourne
1978 - 1980
Career position - President, Australian Mining Industries Council
1978 - 1987
Award - Fellow, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences (FTS)
1978 - 1990
Career position - Member of the Council of the Australian Mineral Foundation
Award - Knight Bachelor (Kt) - In recognition of service to the mining industry.
1979 - 1983
Career position - Member of the Council of the Australian Mineral Industry Research Association Ltd.
1979 - 1985
Career position - Non-Executive Director of Conzinc Riotinto of Australia Ltd.
1979 - 1987
Career position - Chairman, National Petroleum Advisory Committee
1979 - 1987
Career position - Director of ICI Australia Ltd.
Award - The Institute Medal, Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
1980 - 1987
Career position - Director, Tubemakers of Australia Ltd.
1980 - 1989
Career position - Member of the Council of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
1981 - 1989
Career position - Director, Woodside Petroleum Ltd.
Award - William Lawrence Saunders Gold Medalist of the American Institute of Mining Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers
1983 - 1986
Career position - Vice-President, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences
1985 - 1988
Career position - Director, Westralian Sands Ltd.
Award - Fellow, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (FTSE) [Awarded by AATS 1978]
1988 - 1990
Career position - Chairman, Australian Mineral Foundation

Related Awards

Related Corporate Bodies

Archival resources

The University of Melbourne Archives

  • Sir Frank Fletcher Espie - Recods, 1966 - 1979, UMA-ACE-19900136; The University of Melbourne Archives. Details
  • Sir Frank Fletcher Espie - Recods, 1952 - 1988, 1992.0120; The University of Melbourne Archives. Details

Published resources


Ailie Smith

EOAS ID: biogs/P004557b.htm

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Published by Swinburne University of Technology.
This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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"... the rengitj, as a visible mark or imprint on the land, is characterised as a place of origin, the repository of all names, as well as a kind of mapped visual expression of the connection between people and places which is to be carried out in the temporal sequence of the journey." Fanca Tamisari (1998) 'Body, Vision and Movement: In the footprints of the ancestors'. Oceania 68(4) p260