Appleby, Cyril Angus (1928 - )
- Born
- 6 July 1928
Victor Harbour, South Australia, Australia - Occupation
- Plant biochemist
Cyrill Appleby was Chief Research Scientist at the Division of Plant industry at CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) during the 1960s and beyond. His research expertise was the origin and functions of haemoglobin in the plant kingdom.
- 1950
- Education - Bachelor of Science with Honours (BSc(Hons)), University of Adelaide
- 1950 - 1952
- Career position - Demonstrator in Biochemistry, University of Adelaide
- 1952 - 1953
- Career position - Research Assistant, Queensland Institute of Medical Research in Brisbane
- 1953 - 1958
- Education - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), University of Melbourne
- 1956 -
- Career position - Research Scientist then Chief Research Scientist, Division of Plant industry at CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation)
- 1959 - 1960
- Career position - Rockefeller Foundation Fellow in the Graduate Department of Biochemistry at Brandeis University in Boston, USA
- 1971
- Career position - Visiting Associate Professor of Physiology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York (six months)
- 1977 -
- Career position - Selection Committee member of the Rudi Lemberg Travelling Fellowship of the Australian Academy of Science
- 1979
- Award - LKB Medal and Travelling Lecturer for the Australian Biochemical Society
- 1979 - 1982
- Career position - Chairman, Biochemistry Section of the Division of Plant Industry at CSIRO
- 1984
- Award - Fellow, Australian Academy of Science (FAA)
Related entries
Archival resources
Adolph Basser Library, Australian Academy of Science
- Cyril Angus Appleby - Records, 1988 - 1993, MS 186; Adolph Basser Library, Australian Academy of Science. Details
The University of Melbourne Archives
Published resources
Encyclopedia of Australian Science and Innovation Exhibitions
- Smith, Ailie, Adolph Basser Library Manuscript Collection, eScholarship Research Centre, Melbourne, 2012, Details
Journal Articles
- Appleby, C. A., 'Obituary: Dr. J. E. Falk (1917-1970)', Search, 1 (6) (1970), 318. Details
- 'Cyril Appleby - Citation at year of election, 1984', Fellows of the Academy, Australian Academy of Science, 2019, Details
- 'Appleby, Cyrill Angus (19280706-)', Trove, National Library of Australia, 2009, Details
Annette Alafaci
Created: 12 September 2005, Last modified: 14 December 2022