Corporate Body

Australian Science Archives Project (1985 - 1999)

The University of Melbourne

4 March 1985
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
2 May 1999
History of Australian Engineering, History of Australian Science and History of Australian Technology
Alternative Names
  • ASAP (Acronym)
Melbourne, Victoria


The Australian Science Archives Project was established in the Department of History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Melbourne and had the aim of improving access to Australia's scientific, technological and medical heritage. It did this by helping to preserve records and artefacts and communicating the existence of this heritage to a wide audience. In May 1999 ASAP was incorporated into the Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre of the University of Melbourne.


The Australian Science Archives Project (ASAP) was established in 1985 through the efforts of Professor R.W. Home in the Department of History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Melbourne. It subsequently established a Canberra office in 1993 based at the Australian Academy of Science, however, this office closed in the late 1990s.

ASAP was an organisation that aimed to provide access to Australia's scientific, technological and medical heritage. It had links with Australia's major scientific and cultural institutions including the National Library of Australia, Australian Archives, the Australian Academy of Science and the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering.

ASAP's products and services were designed to meet the specific needs of its individual and corporate clients, within the framework of its national cultural responsibilities. As a professional archival body, ASAP used and developed leading-edge database and computer technologies to ensure that its products were efficient, effective and matched archival and business needs.

ASAP made information about Australia's scientific heritage widely available and acted as a national information resource centre. It was one of the first to use the Internet and provided a variety of resources relating to the history of science, technology and medicine. ASAP promoted the use of the World Wide Web within the archival and heritage communities and offered guidance and support to related organisations seeking to develop their own online resources.


 1985 - 1999 Australian Science Archives Project
       1999 - 2006 Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre
             2007 - 2020 eScholarship Research Centre

Related People

Related Registries

Archival resources

The University of Melbourne Archives

  • Department of Otolaryngology - Bionic Ear Records, 1949 - 2000, 2004.0043 at U77/46-55; The University of Melbourne Archives. Details

Published resources

Encyclopedia of Australian Science and Innovation Exhibitions


  • Alvarez, Jane; Hutchinson, Fabian; McCarthy, Gavan, The Records of Esmond Venner Keogh (1895-1970) (Melbourne: Australian Science Archives Project, 1990), 74 pp. Details
  • Brash, Stuart; Conde Anne-Marie; Robin, Libby; McCarthy, Gavan; Sherratt, Tim, A Guide to the Records of Philip Crosbie Morrison (Melbourne: Australian Science Archives Project, 1993), 178 pp. Details
  • Buchanan, Rod; McCarthy, Gavan; Scillio, Mark; O'Sullivan, Lisa, A Guide to the Records of Albert Lloyd George Rees (Melbourne: Australian Science Archives Project, 1993), 142 pp. Details
  • Buchanan, Roderick; McCarthy, Gavan; Manhal, Oscar, The Records of Currency Note Research and Development Project, CSIRO, Division of Chemicals and Polymers (Melbourne: Australian Science Archives Project, 1991), 103 pp. Details
  • Conde, Anne-Marie and Robin, Libby, A guide to the records of Frederick Cyril Nerk deposited with the State Library of Victoria, Melbourne [a model finding aid for the invented records of a fictitious entity] (Parkville (Vic.): Australian Science Archives Project, 1992), 12 pp. Details
  • Johnson, Mandy; Scillio, Mark; Taylor, Angela; Buchanan, Rod; O'Sullivan, Lisa; McCarthy, Gavan, A Guide to the Records of Lawrence Percival Coombes (Melbourne: Australian Science Archives Project, 1993), 86 pp. Details
  • Kamenev, Natasha, A guide to the historical records of Australia science collection currently held with the Australian Science Archives Project, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, The University of Melbourne (Parkville (Vic.): Australian Science Archives Project, [s.d.]), 16 pp. Details
  • King, Bill; McCarthy, Gavan, The Records of Albert Cherbury David Rivett (1885-161) and the British Association for the Advancement of Science Australian Meeting, 1914 (Melbourne: Australian Science Archives Project, 1988), 37 pp. Details
  • King, Bill; McCarthy, Gavan; Spink, John, The Records of The Royal Australian Chemical Institute 1916-1980 (Melbourne: Australian Science Archives Project, 1988), 65 pp. Details
  • McCann, Doug; McCarthy, Gavan, The Records of Ronald Gordon Giovanelli (1915-1984) (Melbourne: Australian Science Archives Project, 1989), 62 pp. Details
  • McCarthy, Gavan, The Papers of Maxwell Edgar Hargreaves (1923-1976) (Melbourne: Australian Science Archives Project, 1986), 16 pp. Details
  • McCarthy, Gavan, The Papers of John Neill Greenwood (1894-1981) (Melbourne: Australian Science Archives Project, 1987), 16 pp. Details
  • McCarthy, Gavan, The Papers of Nancye Enid Kent Perry (1918-) (Melbourne: Australian Science Archives Project, 1987), 13 pp. Details
  • McCarthy, Gavan, The Papers of Sir Ian William Wark, 1899-1985 (Melbourne: Australian Science Archives Project, 1987), 51 pp. Details
  • McCarthy, Gavan, The Records of Andrew Crowther Hurley (1926-1988) (Melbourne: Australian Science Archives Project, 1989), 41 pp. Details
  • McCarthy, Gavan; Manhal, Oscar, The Papers of Ian Jeffreys Wood (1903-1986) (Melbourne: Australian Science Archives Project, 1987), 38 pp. Details
  • McCarthy, Gavan; Manhal, Oscar, The Records of Michael James Denham White (1910-1983) (Melbourne: Australian Science Archives Project, 1989), 112 pp. Details
  • McCarthy, Gavan; Manhal, Oscar; O'Sullivan, Lisa; Sherratt, Tim, A Guide to the Records of Frank Macfarlane Burnet (Melbourne: Australian Science Archives Project, 1993), 156 pp. Details
  • McCarthy, Gavan; Sankey Howard, The Papers of Victor Martin Trikojus (1902-1985), 2 vols (Melbourne: Australian Science Archives Project, 1987). Details
  • McCarthy, Gavan; Sankey, Howard, The Papers of Walter Geoffrey Duffield (1879-1929) (Melbourne: Australian Science Archives Project, 1987), 29 pp. Details
  • O'Sullivan, Lisa, A guide to the records of Frederick Cyril Nerk deposited with the Bloogs Library, Wagga Wagga, NSW [a model finding aid for the invented records of a fictitious entity] (Parkville (Vic.): Australian Science Archives Project, 1992), 10 pp. Details
  • O'Sullivan, Lisa; McCarthy, Gavan; Sherratt, Tim, A Brief Guide to the Records of Armin Aleksander Öpik (Melbourne: Australian Science Archives Project, 1992), 47 pp. Details
  • Scillio, Mark; McCarthy, Gavan; Sherratt,Tim, A Brief Guide to the Records of Minerals Separation Ltd (Melbourne: Australian Science Archives Project, 1992), 29 pp. Details
  • Sherratt, Tim; McCarthy, Gavan, A Guide to the Records of Edwin Sherbon Hills (Melbourne: Australian Science Archives Project, 1992), 150 pp. Details

Conference Papers

  • Alvarez, Amaya, 'Invisible Workers and the Archives of the History of Science', in Recovering Science: Strategies and Models for the Past, Present and Future: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the University of Melbourne, October 1992 edited by Tim Sherratt, Lisa Jooste and Rosanne Clayton (Canberra: Australian Science Archives Project, 1995), pp. 71-78.. Details
  • Brazier, Jan, 'Archives, Objects, Museums: Points of Intersection', in Recovering Science: Strategies and Models for the Past, Present and Future: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the University of Melbourne, October 1992 edited by Tim Sherratt, Lisa Jooste and Rosanne Clayton (Canberra: Australian Science Archives Project, 1995), pp. 93-100.. Details
  • Brumby, Margaret, 'A Case Study: the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research', in Recovering Science: Strategies and Models for the Past, Present and Future: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the University of Melbourne, October 1992 edited by Tim Sherratt, Lisa Jooste and Rosanne Clayton (Canberra: Australian Science Archives Project, 1995), pp. 57-60.. Details
  • Clayton, Rosanne, 'Biographical Memoirs Published in Historical Records of Australian Science', in Recovering Science: Strategies and Models for the Past, Present and Future: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the University of Melbourne, October 1992 edited by Tim Sherratt, Lisa Jooste and Rosanne Clayton (Canberra: Australian Science Archives Project, 1995), pp. 19-24.. Details
  • Gardiner, Lyndsay, 'Esmond Venner Keogh', in Recovering Science: Strategies and Models for the Past, Present and Future: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the University of Melbourne, October 1992 edited by Tim Sherratt, Lisa Jooste and Rosanne Clayton (Canberra: Australian Science Archives Project, 1995), pp. 25-28.. Details
  • Hallett, Martin, 'The Objects of Science and Technology - Working with "Things"', in Recovering Science: Strategies and Models for the Past, Present and Future: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the University of Melbourne, October 1992 edited by Tim Sherratt, Lisa Jooste and Rosanne Clayton (Canberra: Australian Science Archives Project, 1995), pp. 87-93.. Details
  • Hicks, Shauna and Frankland, Kathryn, 'Amateur Scientists: Finding and Preserving their Contributions to the Growth of Scientific Research in Australia', in Recovering Science: Strategies and Models for the Past, Present and Future: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the University of Melbourne, October 1992 edited by Tim Sherratt, Lisa Jooste and Rosanne Clayton (Canberra: Australian Science Archives Project, 1995), pp. 79-82.. Details
  • Holland, Julian, 'Scientific Instruments for Sydney University in the 19th Century', in Recovering Science: Strategies and Models for the Past, Present and Future: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the University of Melbourne, October 1992 edited by Tim Sherratt, Lisa Jooste and Rosanne Clayton (Canberra: Australian Science Archives Project, 1995), pp. 83-86.. Details
  • Marshall, Janie, 'Jock Marshall', in Recovering Science: Strategies and Models for the Past, Present and Future: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the University of Melbourne, October 1992 edited by Tim Sherratt, Lisa Jooste and Rosanne Clayton (Canberra: Australian Science Archives Project, 1995), pp. 15-18.. Details
  • McCann, Doug, 'Notes on Biography and Historiography of Science - the Life and Work of Michael White', in Recovering Science: Strategies and Models for the Past, Present and Future: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the University of Melbourne, October 1992 edited by Tim Sherratt, Lisa Jooste and Rosanne Clayton (Canberra: Australian Science Archives Project, 1995), pp. 29-34.. Details
  • McCarthy, Gavan, 'The Australian Science Archives Project: its role, its future', in The National and International Environment, Proceedings of the 6th Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Archivists, Perth 21-25 April 1987 edited by Matthews, P. (Perth: Australian Society of Archivists Inc., 1988), pp. 77-81.. Details
  • McCarthy, Gavan, 'The Origin and future development of the Australian Science Archives Project', in Presented to the Australasian Association for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science Annual Conference, 25-27 September 1990 (1990).. Details
  • McCarthy, Gavan, 'Recovering Science: Progress in the 1990s', in Recovering Science: Strategies and Models for the Past, Present and Future: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the University of Melbourne, October 1992 edited by Tim Sherratt, Lisa Jooste and Rosanne Clayton (Canberra: Australian Science Archives Project, 1995), pp. 9-14.. Details
  • McCarthy, Gavan, 'Australian Science Archives Project; Power, drugs and glamour in the Nineties', in International Council on Archives conference of the Science Archives Subgroup, 29 August 1995, American Institute of Physics, Washington DC, USA (1995).. Details
  • McCarthy, Gavan, 'Visualizing the Textual Landscape: Preparing the ground, creating the landscape', in Working with Knowledge - International Archives Conference, 6-7 May 1998, Canberra (Canberra: Australian Science Archives Project, 1998).. Details
  • McCubbin, Maryanne, 'Revolutionary Marvels or Cursed Machines? - Some Museological Approaches to Industrial Science and Technology', in Recovering Science: Strategies and Models for the Past, Present and Future: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the University of Melbourne, October 1992 edited by Tim Sherratt, Lisa Jooste and Rosanne Clayton (Canberra: Australian Science Archives Project, 1995), pp. 115-120.. Details
  • Morton, Peter, 'Engaging with Leviathan: a Historian's Perspective on Using the Scientific Archives of the Department of Defence', in Recovering Science: Strategies and Models for the Past, Present and Future: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the University of Melbourne, October 1992 edited by Tim Sherratt, Lisa Jooste and Rosanne Clayton (Canberra: Australian Science Archives Project, 1995), pp. 51-56.. Details
  • Purtnell, Maureen, '"The Union of Science and Practical Skills": 100 Years of Documentation of Science and Technology in CSR', in Recovering Science: Strategies and Models for the Past, Present and Future: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the University of Melbourne, October 1992 edited by Tim Sherratt, Lisa Jooste and Rosanne Clayton (Canberra: Australian Science Archives Project, 1995), pp. 101-108.. Details
  • Sherratt, Tim, '"On the beach": Australia's nuclear history' (1996).. Details
  • Southern, Wendy, 'Dealing with Commonwealth Science and Technology Records', in Recovering Science: Strategies and Models for the Past, Present and Future: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the University of Melbourne, October 1992 edited by Tim Sherratt, Lisa Jooste and Rosanne Clayton (Canberra: Australian Science Archives Project, 1995), pp. 61-70.. Details
  • Sydenham, Diane, 'Despair and Delight: the Historians' Search for Evidence', in Recovering Science: Strategies and Models for the Past, Present and Future: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the University of Melbourne, October 1992 edited by Tim Sherratt, Lisa Jooste and Rosanne Clayton (Canberra: Australian Science Archives Project, 1995), pp. 109-114.. Details
  • Warnow-Blewett, Joan, 'Documenting Postwar Science: the Challenge of Change', in Recovering Science: Strategies and Models for the Past, Present and Future: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the University of Melbourne, October 1992 edited by Tim Sherratt, Lisa Jooste and Rosanne Clayton (Canberra: Australian Science Archives Project, 1995), pp. 39-50.. Details

Conference Proceedings

  • Recovering Science: Strategies and Models for the Past, Present and Future: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the University of Melbourne, October 1992 edited by Sherratt, Tim; Jooste, Lisa; Clayton, Rosanne (Canberra: Australian Science Archives Project, 1995), 124 pp. Details

Journal Articles


Resource Sections

Seminar Papers

  • McCarthy, Gavan, 'The Australian Science Archives Project' (1993). Details
  • McCarthy, Gavan, 'The Australian Science Archives Project: Archival and records informatics and its connection with information systems' (Caulfield: 1996). Details

See also

  • Maroske, Sara, 'Regardfully Yours Ferd. von Mueller', in Recovering Science: Strategies and Models for the Past, Present and Future: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the University of Melbourne, October 1992 edited by Tim Sherratt, Lisa Jooste and Rosanne Clayton (Canberra: Australian Science Archives Project, 1995), pp. 35-38.. Details

Joanne Evans

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Published by Swinburne University of Technology.
This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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The Encyclopedia of Australian Science and Innovation uses the Online Heritage Resource Manager (OHRM), a relational data curation and web publication system developed by the eScholarship Research Centre and its predecessors at the University of Melbourne 1999-2020. The OHRM has been maintained by Gavan McCarthy since 2020.

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"... the rengitj, as a visible mark or imprint on the land, is characterised as a place of origin, the repository of all names, as well as a kind of mapped visual expression of the connection between people and places which is to be carried out in the temporal sequence of the journey." Fanca Tamisari (1998) 'Body, Vision and Movement: In the footprints of the ancestors'. Oceania 68(4) p260