Published Resources Details
Site Exhibition
- Title
- Where are the Women in Australian Science?
- In
- Exhibition of the Encyclopedia of Australian Science and Innovation
- Edition
- First published 2003 with lists updated regulary
- Imprint
- Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre, Melbourne, Victoria, 2003
- Url
- Format
- Contains
- Images
- Description
Where are the Women in Australian Science? provides information about women and the roles they played in the history of Australian science, technology and medicine from the earliest periods of European engagement to the present day. The original exhibition linked to biographical, bibliographical and archival information held in the Encyclopedia of Australian Science database (2010-2019).
This exhibition was a project of the National Foundation for Australian Women and the Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre of the University of Melbourne. Work on this project was generously funded by a 2002-2003 capacity building grant under the Women's Development Programme administered by the Commonwealth Office of the Status of Women.
From March 2022 the exhibition has been regenerated with each edition of the Encyclopedia of Australian Science and Innovation so that the lists of women in the various catagories reflects the current data.
The original edition can be found at:
The links to people below is the list of women who formed the focus of the original exhibition. The following link goes to the updated list of women registered in the Encyclopedia
Related entries
Corporate Bodies
- à Beckett, Ada Mary (1872 - 1948)
- Abbott, Gertrude (1846 - 1934)
- Abbott, Joan Stevenson (1899 - 1975)
- Abell, Elizabeth-Anne Stuart (1926 - )
- Adams, Bronwyn Jane (1950 - 1999)
- Adams, Lyn (1949 - )
- Aitken, Yvonne (1911 - 2004)
- Alcorn, Daine (1949 - )
- Alder, Valerie (Val) (1942 - )
- Alexander, Jean Logan (1892 - 1977)
- Alexander, Jennifer Anne (1950 - )
- Allan, Catherine Mabel Joyce (1896 - 1966)
- Allan, Frances Elizabeth (Betty) (1905 - 1952)
- Allan, Maria Marjory Alberta (Maida) (1884 - ?)
- Allen, Natalie Constance Bowen (1894 - 1972)
- Andersen, Betty Margaret (1930 - )
- Anderson, Charlotte Morrison (1915 - 2002)
- Anderson, Joan Mary (Jan) (1932 - 2015)
- Anderson, Margaret Cordue (1937 - )
- Anderson, Mary Nairne (1921 - )
- Anderson, Phyllis Margery (1901 - 1957)
- Andrews, Shirley (1915 - 2001)
- Anstee, Dorothy Rae (1932 - )
- Anstey, Olive Eva (1920 - 1983)
- Appleford, Alice Ross (1891 - 1968)
- Archer, Mary Ellinor Lucy (1893 - 1979)
- Arnall-Williams, Suzanne Kay (1941 - )
- Asche, Leila Valerie (1927 - 2019)
- Ashby, Alison Marjorie (1901 - 1987)
- Ashford, Anne Elizabeth (1944 - )
- Ashworth, Phyllis (1902 - 1996)
- Aspinall, Jessie Strahorn (1880 - 1953)
- Atkinson, Caroline Louisa Waring (1834 - 1872)
- Atkinson, Nancy (1910 - 1999)
- Avery, Leitha Mavis (Mavis) (1911 - 1993)
- Bage, Anna Frederika (1883 - 1970)
- Bailey, Dora Helen Marguerite (1910 - 2001)
- Baker, Edith Clarice (1899 - 1983)
- Bale, Patricia Marea (1931 - )
- Ball, Madeleine Joyce
- Balmford, Rosemary Anne (1933 - )
- Barclay, Lesley
- Barker, Joanna Mary (Jo) (1942 - )
- Barnard, Marjorie Faith (1897 - 1987)
- Barnard, Mildred Macfarlan (1908 - 2000)
- Barr, Yvonne M. (1932 - )
- Barrell, Susan Lesley (1953 - )
- Barrett, Edith Helen (1872 - 1939)
- Barron, Ellen (1875 - 1951)
- Barry, Veronica Lesley
- Basford, Kaye (1952 - )
- Bashir, Marie Roslyn (1930 - )
- Batch, Jennifer Anne
- Bate, Mary Harriet (1855 - 1951)
- Bates, Daisy May (1863 - 1951)
- Baum, Frances Elaine (Fran)
- Beal, Susan (1935 - )
- Bear, Isabel (Joy) (1927 - 2021)
- Beazley, Lynda Dent (Lyn) (1944 - )
- Bechervaise, Shirley
- Beder, Sharon
- Bell, Diane (1943 - )
- Bell, Jane (1873 - 1959)
- Bell, Pamela F.
- Benger, Lesley Dora (1949 - 2000)
- Benham, Ellen Ida (1871 - 1917)
- Benkendorff, Kirsten (1973 - )
- Bennett, Agnes Elizabeth Lloyd (1872 - 1960)
- Bennett, Isobel Ida Toon (1909 - 2008)
- Bennett, Margaret Joyce (1937 - )
- Berger, Lee (1970 - )
- Berne, Dagmar (1865 - 1900)
- Besly, Mary Ann Catherine (1929 - 1994)
- Best, Effie Wyllie (1905 - )
- Best, Kathleen Annie Louise (1910 - 1957)
- Biddulph, Harriette (1839 - 1940)
- Bilek, Marcela (1968 - )
- Billard, Lynne (1943 - )
- Billings, Evelyn Livingston (Lyn) (1918 - )
- Birkett, Rowena (1860 - 1915)
- Bishop, Ruth Frances (1933 - 2022)
- Black, Jessica Hope (Hope) (1919 - 2018)
- Black, Judith Lee
- Black, Mary Ethna (1958 - )
- Blackburn, Elizabeth (1948 - )
- Blackwood, Margaret (1909 - 1986)
- Blanch, Mona Margaret
- Bodi, Anna (1954 - )
- Boelke, Grace Fairley (1870 - 1948)
- Booth, Mary (1869 - 1956)
- Bourne, Eleanor Elizabeth (1878 - 1957)
- Bowdler, Sandra (1946 - )
- Bowmer, Kathleen
- Boyce, Una Parry (1911 - 2003)
- Branson, Jan E.
- Bray, Nancy
- Brewer, Ann Maree
- Brewer, Ilma Mary (1915 - 2006)
- Briggs, Barbara Gillian (1934 - )
- Britz, Margaret (1952 - )
- Brookes, Helen May (1917 - 2008)
- Brown, Ida Alison (1900 - 1976)
- Brown, Marie (1883 - 1949)
- Brown, Valerie Anne (1930 - )
- Brown, Vera Scantlebury (1889 - 1946)
- Browne, Elaine Joy (1931 - 1993)
- Browne, Grace Cuthbert (1900 - 1988)
- Bryce, Lucy Meredith (1897 - 1968)
- Buchanan, Gwynneth Vaughan (1886 - 1945)
- Bull, Hilda Wager
- Bullock, Margaret Irene (1933 - )
- Bullwinkel, Vivian (1915 - 2000)
- Bunyan, Ruth Elizabeth (1940 - )
- Burbidge, Gwendolen Norah (Gwen) (1904 - 2000)
- Burbidge, Nancy Tyson (1912 - 1977)
- Burchill, Dora Elizabeth (Elizabeth) (1904 - 2003)
- Burnell, Mary Taylor (1907 - 1996)
- Bush, Thelma (1908 - 1993)
- Butchart, Eva (1875 - 1955)
- Butler, Edith Dorothy Kate (1908 - )
- Butler, Hildred Mary (1906 - 1975)
- Cahn, Audrey Josephine (1905 - 2008)
- Caldicott, Helen Mary (1938 - )
- Cameron, Fiona Grant (1942 - )
- Cameron, Margaret Alison (1937 - 2023)
- Cameron-Traub, Elizabeth (1943 - )
- Campbell, Julie Hazel (1946 - )
- Campbell, Kate Isabel (1899 - 1986)
- Carey, Gladys
- Carman, Jean Kathleen (1909 - 2005)
- Carnell, Anne Katherine (Kate) (1955 - )
- Carr, Stella Grace Maisie (Maisie) (1912 - 1988)
- Carter, Kathleen Janet (Jan) (1941 - )
- Carter, Susan Jill
- Cattermole, Margaret Lyndsey (1948 - )
- Chadim, Helen
- Chamberlain, Marie Elizabeth
- Chapple, Phoebe (1879 - 1967)
- Charlwood, Robyn Anne (1956 - )
- Chase, Eleanor Emily (1896 - 1926)
- Chatfield, Florence (1867 - 1949)
- Christie, Thelma Isabel (1913 - 1966)
- Cilento, Lady Phyllis Dorothy (1894 - 1987)
- Clare, Judith Mary
- Clark, Doreen Veronica
- Clark, Ellen (1915 - 1988)
- Clark, Marie Coutts (1908 - 1991)
- Clarke, Adrienne Elizabeth (1938 - )
- Clemens, Mary Strong (1873 - 1968)
- Cliff, Julie Laraine (1944 - )
- Clyne, Densey (1926 - )
- Cockburn, Jill (1961 - )
- Cohen, Fanny (1887 - 1975)
- Coldicutt, Elizabeth Boyle (Beth) ( - 1995)
- Cole, Joan Helen
- Collie, Jean Patricia (1944 - )
- Conyers, Evelyn Augusta (1870 - 1944)
- Cookson, Isabel Clifton (1893 - 1973)
- Cooper, Joan (1949 - )
- Cooper, Lilian Violet (1861 - 1947)
- Cornforth, Rita (1915 - 2012)
- Cornish, Edwina Cecily (1955 - )
- Cory, Suzanne (1942 - )
- Coxen, Elizabeth Frances (1825 - 1906)
- Coyle, Patricia Margaret
- Craik, Wendy (1949 - )
- Cramond, Teresa Rita O'Rourke (Tess) (1926 - 2015)
- Creaghe, Emily Caroline
- Crespin, Irene (1896 - 1980)
- Cribb, Joan Winnifred (1930 - )
- Crocker, Ann D (1942 - )
- Crockford, Joan Marian (1919 - 2015)
- Croll, Joan (Una) (1928 - )
- Crommelin, Minard Fannie (1881 - 1972)
- Cross, Jean Alison
- Cross, Patricia Anne (1959 - )
- Crossley, Stella Ann (1933 - 2007)
- Crowley, Rosemary Anne (1938 - )
- Curley, Sylvia (1898 - 1999)
- Curtis, Winifred (1905 - 2005)
- Dale, Elizabeth Charlotte (1934 - )
- Daly, Anne (1860 - 1924)
- Dalyell, Elsie Jean (1881 - 1948)
- D'Arcy, Constance Elizabeth (1879 - 1950)
- Darling, Marilyn Ann (1943 - )
- Davey, Constance Muriel (1882 - 1963)
- Davidson, Dianne Margaret
- Davies, Valerie Ethel (1920 - 2012)
- Daw, Lucy Compson (1883 - 1958)
- Dawbarn, Mary Campbell (1902 - 1982)
- Dawe, Kathleen Edith (1915 - 1999)
- Daws, Joyce Margaretta (1925 - 2007)
- De Garis, Mary Clementina (1881 - 1963)
- de la Hunty, Shirley Barbara (1925 - 2004)
- De Mole, Fanny Elizabeth (1835 - 1866)
- de Silva, Pamela Elizabeth (1930 - 1997)
- Deane, Elizabeth M
- Delves, Angela
- Demediuk, Taisa (1922 - 2011)
- Dennerstein, Lorraine (1947 - )
- Dennis, Elizabeth Salisbury (1943 - )
- Dey, Judith Elizabeth (1923 - 2011)
- Dick, Margaret Isabella Brownlee (1918 - 2008)
- Dickson, Flora
- Dietrich, Koncordie Amalie (1821 - 1891)
- Dixon, Bettye
- Doherty, Muriel Knox (1896 - 1988)
- Dohnt, Lynley Eva (1900 - 1966?)
- Domin, Ella
- Donald, Gwendolene Alice Margaret (Gwen) (1914 - 2000)
- Dorsch, Susan Evelyn (1935 - )
- Dubs, Rosalind Vivienne (1952 - )
- Ducker, Sophie Charlotte (1909 - 2004)
- Duffield, Christine Margaret (1950 - )
- Dunlop, Blanche
- Dunlop, Eliza Hamilton (1796 - 1880)
- Durdin, Dorothy Joan (1922 - )
- Dwyer, Catherine Winifred (Kate) (1861 - 1949)
- Dyason, Diana Joan (1919 - 1989)
- Eardley, Constance Margaret (1910 - 1978)
- Eden, Eva Gizella (1924 - 2014)
- Edwards, Frances (1957 - )
- Edwards, Liz
- Ellis, Constance (1872 - 1942)
- Erickson, Frederica Lucy (Rica) (1908 - 2009)
- Essex-Cohen, Elizabeth Annette (1940 - 2004)
- Evans, Barbara K
- Evans, Evelyn Paget (1881 - 1960)
- Ewan, Christine Elizabeth (1948 - )
- Exley, Elizabeth Morris (1927 - 2007)
- Fall, Constance Amy (1903 - 1998)
- Fanning, Elizabeth Ann (1918 - )
- Farman, Margaret Alyson (1928 - 2001)
- Fasano, Carla (1942 - )
- Fatin, Wendy Frances (1941 - )
- Fawkes, Barbara Noel (1915 - 2002)
- Fearnley, Cecily Lydia (1925 - )
- Feilman, Patricia Edith (1925 - )
- Fenner, Ellen Margaret Bobbie (Bobbie) (1911 - 1995)
- Ferguson, Jessie Amy (1911 - 1996)
- Fielding, Una Lucy (1888 - 1969)
- Fisher, Nellie Ivy (Jackie) (1907 - 1995)
- Fitzmaurice, Kerry Clare (1951 - )
- Fitzpatrick, Aileen (1898 - 1974)
- Fiveash, Rosa Catherine (1854 - 1938)
- Fletcher, Jane Ada (Ada) (1870 - 1956)
- Flett, Penny
- Flint, India (1958 - )
- Flockton, Lilian Margaret (Margaret) (1861 - 1953)
- Florey, Mary Ethel Hayter (1900 - 1966)
- Foley, Catherine Patricia (Cathy) (1957 - )
- Ford, Joan Munro (1918 - 1992?)
- Forsaith, Dorothy Frances (1901 - 1977)
- Fountaine, Margaret Elizabeth (1862 - 1940)
- Franklin, Margaret
- Franks, Shirley M.
- Fraser, Lilian Ross (c. 1908 - 1987)
- Freeman, Joan (1918 - 1998)
- Freeman, Mavis
- Frey, Dorothea
- Frith, Dawn Whyatt (1943 - )
- Fulton, Elizabeth (Beth)
- Galbraith, Jean (1906 - 1999)
- Gall, Ruth Edna (1923 - 2017)
- Gallois, Cynthia (Cindy) (1945 - )
- Garde, Mary
- Garnett, Helen Margaret (1946 - )
- Garnsey, Pamela Margaret
- Garson, Mary J. (1953 - )
- Garson, Olga Margaret (Margaret) (1927 - 2020)
- Gasking, Elizabeth
- Geissmann, Hilda Gladys (1890 - 1988)
- Gent, Betty Lovell (1921 - 2003)
- Gething, Lindsay
- Gething, Mary-Jane
- Gibson, Barbara June
- Gilbert, Gwendolyn Lesley (Lyn) (1942 - )
- Gillies, Belinda Jane (1956 - )
- Glover-Fleay, Maude Edith Victoria (1869 - 1965)
- Goatcher, Phyllis Marion Elliott (1922 - )
- Goddard, Ellen
- Godfrey, Joan Estelle (1922 - )
- Goodnow, Jacqueline Mary Jarrett (1924 - 2014)
- Gott, Margaret (Beth) (1922 - 2022)
- Gould, Elizabeth (1804 - 1841)
- Gould, Ellen Julia (1860 - 1941)
- Goulston, Daphne Lydia (1905 - 1985)
- Goy, Doris Alma (1912 - 1999)
- Graham, Beryl Ada
- Graham, Jennifer Margaret (Jenny) (1950 - )
- Graham, June Elizabeth (1941 - 2018)
- Grant, Beryl (1921 - )
- Grant, Mary Elizabeth (1930 - 2023)
- Grant, Ruth Elinor
- Graves, Jennifer Ann Marshall (1941 - )
- Gray, Ethel (1876 - 1962)
- Gray, Genevieve Isabel (1943 - )
- Green, Adele
- Green, Leila Ada
- Green, Lorna
- Greig, Jane Stocks (1872 - 1939)
- Greig, Janet Lindsay (1874 - 1950)
- Griffith, June Clare (1924 - 1978)
- Grimwade, Joan Elizabeth (1934 - )
- Grogan, Gertrude Urquhart (1899? - 1977?)
- Groom, Alyson (1950 - )
- Gullett, Lucy Edith (1876 - 1949)
- Guy, Margaret Frances (1910 - 1988)
- Hadley, Margaret (1950 - )
- Hainline, Lydia Jane
- Hall, Ruth Milne (1945 - )
- Halley, Ida Gertrude Margaret (1867 - 1939)
- Halliday, June
- Hamlin, Elinor Catherine (1924 - 2020)
- Hammer, Julie Margaret (1955 - )
- Hancock, Judith Anne (1937 - )
- Hanna, Margaret Jean (1902 - 2000)
- Hardham, Adrienne Ruth
- Harding, Sandra Lee (1957 - )
- Hardy, Barbara Rosemary (1927 - )
- Harper, Margaret Hilda (1879 - 1964)
- Harriott, Vicki Joy (1955 - 2005)
- Harris, Thistle Yolette (1902 - 1990)
- Harslett, Morwenna Jean (Jean) (1925 - 2015)
- Hartley, Margaret (1954 - )
- Harvey, Suzanne MacLeod (Sue) (1946 - )
- Hassell, Ethel
- Hayes, Barbara Ann (1941 - )
- Hayes, Susan Carol (1946 - )
- Hayter, Lorna (1897 - 1989)
- Hayward, Nancy Joan (1916 - 1989)
- Hebestreit, Lydia Karola Ludewine (1925 - )
- Hegney, Desley (1949 - )
- Heighway, Freida Ruth (Ruth) (1907 - 1963)
- Heij, Elizabeth Gordon (1943 - )
- Helms, Sabine
- Henderson, Judy Isobel (1945 - )
- Henderson, Margaret Helen
- Henderson, Margaret Mary (1915 - 2017)
- Henderson-Sellers, Ann (1952 - )
- Henry, Elaine (1945 - )
- Hensley, Annie (1901 - 1989)
- Herrman, Helen Edith (1947 - )
- Higgs, Joy
- Hill, Dorothy (1907 - 1997)
- Hill, Kate (1859 - 1933)
- Hill, Kim Narelle
- Hillyard, Carmel Judith
- Hobler, Mabel Theodore (1871 - 1925)
- Holden, Frances Gillam (1843 - 1924)
- Holman, Mollie Elizabeth (1930 - 2010)
- Holmes a Court, Janet Lee (1943 - )
- Horadam, Eleanor Mollie (1921 - 2002)
- Horvath, Diana Glen (1944 - )
- Howqua, June Louise (1921 - )
- Hristova, Valerie Joyce (1939 - )
- Hughe, Stella Teresa
- Hughes, Helen (1928 - )
- Hunt, Annemarie Jean (Anne)
- Hunt, Fanny
- Hutchison, Nancy Laura (1902 - 1984)
- Inglis, Andrea (1962 - )
- Ingold, Beryl Elizabeth (1927 - )
- Ingram, M. A.
- Irwin-Smith, Vera Adelaide
- Isbister, Jean Sinclair (1915 - 2008)
- Jackson, Audrey (1947 - )
- Jackson, Mavis (1913 - 2000)
- Jacob, Freda Elizabeth (1919 - )
- James, Elizabeth Ann (1956 - )
- Jamison, Jennifer
- Jeffrey, Agnes Betty (1908 - 2000)
- Jeffrey, Shirley Winifred (1930 - 2014)
- Johnson, Cynthia Mary (1921 - )
- Jones, Rhondda Elizabeth (1945 - )
- Joyce, Pamela Mary (Pam) (1928 - )
- Jull, Roberta Henrietta Margaritta (1872 - 1961)
- Kailis, Patricia Verne (1933 - 2020)
- Karskens, Grace
- Kearns, Margot
- Keep, Myra
- Kellett, Adelaide Maud (1873 - 1945)
- Kenny, Elizabeth (1880 - 1952)
- Kerley, Lucy Frances (1908 - 1996)
- Kernohan, Elizabeth Anne (Liz) (1939 - )
- Keto, Aila Inkeri (1943 - )
- Khyentse, Margaret
- Kibble, Gabrielle (1939 - )
- Kincaid, Hilda Estelle (1886 - 1967)
- Kincaid-Smith, Priscilla Sheath (1926 - 2015)
- King, Georgina (1845 - 1932)
- King, Margaret
- Kinnear, Judith Fay (1939 - )
- Kirkcaldie, Rosa Angela (1887 - 1972)
- Kloot, Tess
- Knip, Pauline de Courcelles (1781 - 1851)
- Koribalski, Bärbel
- Krautil, Fiona Lea (1956 - )
- Krefft, Annie
- Laby, Jean (1915 - 2008)
- Ladiges, Pauline Yvonne (1948 - )
- Laidlaw, Annie Ina (1889 - 1978)
- Lang, Margaret Irene (1893 - 1983)
- Langridge, Marjory
- Larke, Elizabeth Robson
- Lawler, Jocalyn (1949 - )
- Le Fèvre, Catherine Gunn (1909 - 1998)
- Leary, Cecilia
- Lee, Alma Theodora (1912 - 1990)
- Lee, Ida Louisa (1865 - 1943)
- Levine, Michele (1957 - )
- Lewis, Nancy (1913 - 2002)
- Linn, Jeanette Thrush Brentnall (1930 - )
- Lions, Agnes Mary (1908 - 1992)
- Livingstone, Catherine Brighid (1955 - )
- Lloyd, Elizabeth Gertrude (Beth) (1927 - 2000)
- Lloyd-Green, Lorna (1910 - 2002)
- Lockett, Mary Fauriel (Fauriel) (1911 - 1982)
- Lomax-Smith, Jane (1950 - )
- Lovell, Selina Frances Nanette Louise (1827 - 1905)
- Lumbers, Eugenie R. (1941 - )
- Lumley, Judith Mary
- Lush, Dora Mary (1910 - 1943)
- Lynch, Annie (1870 - 1938)
- MacArthur-Onslow, Dorothy Wolseley (1922 - )
- Mackay, Kate
- Mackay, Patricia (1926 - )
- Mackenzie, Catherine Margaret (1915 - )
- Mackenzie, Helen Pearl (1913 - 2009)
- Mackenzie, Winifred Iris Evelyn (1900 - 1972)
- Mackerras, Mabel Josephine (Josephine) (1896 - 1971)
- Macleay, Fanny (1793 - 1836)
- Macnamara, Annie Jean (1899 - 1968)
- Maj, Sophie
- Makinson, Kathleen Rachel (1917 - 2014)
- Malinek, Malvina (1937 - )
- Mankin, Winifred Roby (1902 - 1972)
- Marceglia, Albina Zora (1919 - )
- Marks, Elizabeth Nesta (1918 - 2002)
- Marsh, Helene Denise (1945 - )
- Marshall, Ann (1909 - 2001)
- Martin, Florence (1867 - 1957)
- Martin, Marjory-Dore (1933 - )
- Mason, Elizabeth Robyn (1946 - )
- Masson, Mary (1862 - 1945)
- Mather, Patricia (1925 - 2012)
- May, Valerie (1916 - 2007)
- Mayo, Helen Mary (1878 - 1967)
- McArthur, Netta Agnes (Agnes) (1940 - )
- McCarthy, Doreen (1936 - )
- McCarthy, Emma Maud (1859 - 1949)
- McCarthy, Gavan John (1956 - )
- McComb, Jennifer Anne
- McConnel, Ursula Hope (1888 - 1957)
- McCready, Georgina (1888 - 1980)
- McCulloch, Ellen Margery (1930 - 2005)
- McCulloch, Jennifer
- McDonald, Meg (1956 - )
- McDonald, Sue
- McDonald, Tracey Therese Anne (1949 - )
- McGovern, Margaret Mary (1932 - )
- McGrath, Katherine Monica (1948 - )
- McKeon, Gwladys Yvonne (1897 - 1979)
- McKinley, Sharon
- McLachlan, Elspeth Mary (1942 - )
- McLaughlin, Ada Mary (1881 - 1963)
- McLennan, Ethel Irene (1891 - 1983)
- McMeeken, Joan Merrilyn
- McMichael, Jessie
- McMillan, Margaret Anna
- McMillen, Isabella Caroline (1954 - )
- McMullen, Gabrielle Lucy (1952 - )
- McMurray, Anne (1943 - )
- McNaughton, Jean Wise (1919 - 2003)
- Mead, Gertrude Ella (1867 - 1919)
- Meares, Mary Emma Goldsmith (1889 - 1964)
- Medland, Lilian Marguerite (1880 - 1955)
- Medley, Gabriele (1935 - )
- Menzies, Mona (1920 - )
- Meredith, Louisa Ann (1812 - 1895)
- Miller, Joan C.
- Millis, Nancy Fannie (1922 - 2012)
- Mitchell, Ruby Frances (Mitch) (1916 - 2001)
- Moait, Sandra
- Molloy, Georgiana (1805 - 1843)
- Moncrieff, Perrine Millais (1893 - 1979)
- Money, Catherine Anne (1940 - )
- Monkivitch, Helen (1942 - )
- Moore, Susan (1945 - )
- Morawska-Ahearn, Jennifer Madeleine Alice (Jenny) (1954 - )
- Morey, Patricia Sue (1942 - )
- Moriarty, Barbara Ierne (1902 - 1979)
- Morton, Merial Carr (1921 - )
- Mountford, Carolyn
- Moyal, Ann Veronica (1926 - 2019)
- Mühl, Anita Mary
- Mumaw, Laura (1951 - )
- Munns, Rana Ellen
- Munro, Heather May (1943 - )
- Mushin, Rose (1905 - 2002)
- Nash, Gwendolyn Ruth (1904 - 2001)
- Nashar, Beryl (1923 - 2012)
- Nay, Rhonda
- Nelson, Edith Alice (1890 - 1976)
- Nelson, Eva (1923 - 2019)
- Neuhäuser, Gabriele (1911 - )
- Neumann, Hanna (1914 - 1971)
- Nicholls, Yvonne
- Nicol, Phyllis Mary (1903 - 1964)
- Nieman, Pam (1950 - 2007)
- Nightingale, Florence (1820 - 1910)
- Noble, Janette Rosalind (Jan) (1933 - )
- North, Marianne (1830 - 1890)
- Nowland, Kathleen (1889 - )
- Nyman, Veronika Anne (1959 - 1984)
- O'Donnell, Stella Rayner (1938 - )
- O'Dwyer, Ida (1880 - 1960)
- Officer, Doris Lyne (1898 - 1967)
- Ogilvie, Florinda Katherine
- O'Hehir, Robyn Elizabeth
- O'Kane, Mary Josephine (1954 - )
- O'Keefe, Christine Margaret
- Olley, June Norma (1924 - 2019)
- Olsen, Penelope Diane (1949 - )
- O'Neil, Pamela Frances (1945 - )
- O'Neill, Antoinette L. (1945 - 1999)
- Oppenheim, Victoria Marie Jane (1959 - )
- O'Reilly, Susannah Hennessy (1881 - 1960)
- O'Reilly, Suzanne Yvette (1946 - )
- Orlowska, Maria Elzbieta (1951 - )
- Osburn, Lucy (1836 - 1891)
- O'Sullivan, Donna M C (1956 - )
- Parker, Judith Milburn (1936 - )
- Parkes, Merle Elicia (1927 - )
- Parry, Eileen Francis (1913 - )
- Parsons, Robin June (1932 - )
- Paton, Joan (1916? - 2000)
- Paton, Penelope Ann (Penny)
- Payne-Scott, Ruby Violet (1912 - 1981)
- Pearce, Helen (1952 - )
- Penridge, Joan Elizabeth (1937 - 1994)
- Percival, Elizabeth Claire (1943 - )
- Perry, Grace (1927 - 1987)
- Perry, Nancye Enid Kent (1918 - 2011)
- Phelps, Kerryn (1957 - )
- Piddington, Marion Louisa (1869 - 1950)
- Pink, Olive Muriel (1884 - 1975)
- Plante, Enid Campbell (1918 - 2007)
- Pond, Susan Margaret
- Pope, Elizabeth (1912 - 1993)
- Praed, Annie (1873? - 1948)
- Praeger, Cheryl Elisabeth (1948 - )
- Pressley, Lynne (1953 - )
- Price, Joyce Ethel (1915 - 2009)
- Price, Mrs Eleanor
- Prime, Catherine Mary (1942 - 2004)
- Prior, Margot Ruth
- Probert, Belinda (1949 - )
- Pucci, Alessandra Alberta (1942 - )
- Quodling, Florrie Mabel (1901 - 1985)
- Radcliffe-Taylor, Marion Aroha (1898 - )
- Ramsay, Lynnette B (Lynne) (1940 - )
- Ransom, Dorothy Ellen (1917 - )
- Raper, Judy Agnes (1954 - )
- Raphael, Beverley (1934 - 2018)
- Raphael, Margaret Betty
- Read, Leanna Christine
- Redpath, Margaret Ruth (1940 - )
- Reid, Janice Clare (Jan) (1947 - )
- Reilly, Pauline Neura (1918 - 2011)
- Renfree, Marilyn Bernice (1947 - )
- Rennick, Stefanie (1918 - 2001)
- Rickard, Pamela Athalie Deidre (1928 - 2002)
- Ridge, Kathryn Elizabeth (Kathy) (1970 - )
- Rivett, Amy Christine (1891 - 1962)
- Rivett, Doris Mary (Mary) (1896 - 1969)
- Roberts, Judith Mary (1936 - )
- Roberts, Kathryn Louise (1943 - )
- Robin, Elizabeth Anne de Quetteville (Libby) (1956 - )
- Robinson, Denise
- Rogers, Lesley Joy (1943 - )
- Ronalds, Beverley Frances (1958 - )
- Ronaldson, Susan Mary (Sue) (1953 - )
- Rose, Mary Esther
- Rosenthal Schneider, Ilse (1891 - 1990)
- Ross, Euphemia Welch (1889 - 1971)
- Rosser, Celia Elizabeth (1930 - )
- Rountree, Phyllis Margaret (1911 - 1994)
- Rowan, Marian Ellis (1848 - 1922)
- Rubinstein, Gertrude (1918 - )
- Russell, Boyne Marie (1931 - 2022)
- Sage, Annie Moriah (1895 - 1969)
- Sai, Jennifer
- Sanger, Ruth Ann (1918 - 2001)
- Sara, Vicki Rubian
- Sargeant, Valeska Marie (1902 - )
- Savage, Joan Katherine (1913 - )
- Sayce, Edna Dorothy (1895 - 1983)
- Scarth-Johnson, Vera (1912 - 1999)
- Schlink, Margaret (1916 - 2001?)
- Scott, Harriet (1830 - 1907)
- Scott, Helena (1832 - 1910)
- Seberry, Jennifer Roma (1944 - )
- Sefton, Ann Elizabeth (1936 - )
- Serjeantson, Susan Wyber (1946 - )
- Sevimli, Oya
- Sexton, Hannah Mary Helen (1862 - 1950)
- Sharfstein, Lottie
- Shaw, Edna Mary Anna Jane (1891 - 1974)
- Shean, Ruth (1953 - )
- Shepherd, Else Egede (1944 - 2023)
- Shergold, Una
- Sherrard, Kathleen Margaret Maria (1898 - 1975)
- Shiels, Marjorie (1895 - 1970)
- Shipton, Eva Adeline (1900 - 1984)
- Siedlecky, Stefania Winifred (1921 - )
- Sisely, Lorna Verdun (1916 - 2004)
- Skyllas-Kazakos, Maria (1951 - )
- Slater, Patricia Violet (Pat) (1918 - 1990)
- Sleigh, Merilyn Joy (1948 - )
- Sloan, Judith (1954 - )
- Smairl, Lilian
- Smith, Ivy Blanche Irene (1884 - 1975)
- Smith, Sarah Elizabeth (Sally) (1941 - 2019)
- Snodgrass, Rosemary (1943 - )
- Sorrell, Tania Christine (1947 - )
- Specht, Alison
- Speedy, Sandra (1946 - )
- Spence, Susan Hilary (1953 - )
- Splatt, Beryl Audrey Pickering
- Stack, Ellen Mary (Ella)
- Stack, Judith Olga (Judi) (1952 - )
- Stainton, Mary Colleen (1938 - )
- Stang, Eleanor Margrethe (1894 - 1978)
- Stanley, Fiona Juliet (1946 - )
- Stanton, Rosemary Alison (1944 - )
- Stauber, Jennifer (Jenny)
- Staunton, Patricia Jane (1946 - )
- Stocklmayer, Sue
- Stodart, Eleanor
- Stone, Emma Constance (Constance) (1856 - 1902)
- Stone, Ilma Grace (1913 - 2001)
- Stoneman, Ethel Turner (1890 - 1973)
- Stones, Elsie Margaret (Margaret) (1920 - 2018)
- Street, Anne Penfold (1932 - 2016)
- Street, Annette Fay (1948 - )
- Strong, Jennifer (1959 - )
- Stuckey, Joan
- Studdert, Virginia Perryman
- Stuhlmiller, Cynthia (1956 - )
- Sutherland, Sulina Murray MacDonald (1839 - 1909)
- Sutton, Fay (1926 - 2000)
- Swan, Ailsa Macvey (1922 - 1998)
- Sweet, Georgina (1875 - 1946)
- Tabart, Jillian Claire (Jill) (1941 - )
- Taylor, Beverley Joan (1951 - )
- Taylor, Marjory Alice Hamlet (1920 - )
- Temple, Diana (1925 - )
- Thomas, Faith (1933 - )
- Thomson, Estelle (1894 - 1953)
- Thomson, Gladys (1900 - ?)
- Thornton, Mary Ethel Josephine (1897 - 1965)
- Tiddy, Josephine Mary (1938 - )
- Tideman, Ruth (1932 - )
- Tom, Jean Marion (1922 - )
- Tooth, Kathleen Helen (1916 - )
- Trent, Faith Helen Elly (1941 - )
- Trundle, Ailsa Merle (1916 - 2002)
- Truswell, Elizabeth Marchant (1941 - )
- Tuffley, Beth Joan Mavis (nee Money)
- Tully, Joan (1907 - 1973)
- Turnbull, Ann Linda (1950 - )
- Turnbull, Hilda Margaret (1942 - )
- Turner, Alison
- Turner, Gillian (1931 - )
- Turner, Susan (1946 - )
- Turriff, Haldane Coloquhoun (1834 - 1922)
- Vaile, Roberta Anne (Bobbie) (1959 - 1996)
- Vickers-Rich, Patricia (1944 - )
- Vickery, Joyce Winifred (1908 - 1979)
- Vilkinas, Patricia Mary (1949 - )
- Voice, Mary Elizabeth (1946 - )
- Waddell, Winifred (1884 - 1972)
- Waddy, Nanette Stacy
- Wade, Mary Julia (1928 - 2005)
- Walker, Anna Frances
- Wallace, Carden Crea (1946 - )
- Wallace, Sue-Anne
- Warne, Jane O.
- Warner, Lesley Rae (1940 - )
- Warren, Grace (1929 - )
- Watson, Ina Maud (1909 - 1992)
- Webb, Richenda Mary Deborah (1953 - )
- Wedgwood, Camilla Hildegarde (1901 - 1955)
- Welsh, Lynsey (1951 - 1997)
- West, Suzanne Margaret (Sue) (1947 - )
- Weste, Gretna Margaret (1917 - 2006)
- Wheatley, Alice Jean (1904 - 1993)
- White, Elizabeth (1903 - 1992)
- White-Haney, Jean (1877 - 1953)
- Whittle, Nancy Robertson
- Whitworth, Joyce Ethel (1911 - 1998)
- Whitworth, Judith Ann (1944 - )
- Wieneke, Jo
- Wigan, Margaret Louise (1876 - 1970)
- Wilkes, Lesley Marie (1946 - )
- Williams, Elizabeth
- Williams, Fannie Eleanor (1884 - 1963)
- Williams, Mary Boyd Burfitt (1882 - 1956)
- Williams, Meryl Jean (1951 - )
- Willis, Susan Gay (1948 - )
- Wills, Pamela Anne (1927 - 1999)
- Wilmot, Alice Elizabeth (Betty) (1912 - c. 1998)
- Wilson, Clare Eleanor (1947 - )
- Wilson, Ellen Mary Kent
- Wilson, Grace Margaret (1879 - 1957)
- Wilson, Susan Ruth (1948 - 2020)
- Woodhill, Joan Mary (1912 - 1990)
- Woods, Elizabeth Jean (Beth) (1955 - )
- Woolcock, Ann Janet (1937 - 2001)
- Woolley, Patricia Ann (1932 - )
- Workman, Barbara Skeete (1954 - )
- Worth, Patricia Mary (Trish) (1946 - )
- Wright, E. Jane (c. 1954 - )
- Wright, Judith (1915 - 2000)
- Wythes, Jennifer Ruth (1947 - )
- Youatt, Jean (1925 - 2017)
- Young, Christabel