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Browse all women in the Encyclopedia of Australian Science and Innovation
- Abbott, Gertrude (1846 - 1934) - Medical administrator, Nun
- Abbott, Joan Stevenson (1899 - 1975) - Nurse, Nurse educator
- Abell, Elizabeth-Anne Stuart (1926 - ) - Nurse administrator, Nurse
- Adams, Bronwyn Jane (1950 - 1999) - Chemical engineer
- Adams, Lyn (1949 - ) - Educator
- Aitken, Yvonne (1911 - 2004) - Agricultural scientist
- Alcorn, Daine (1949 - ) - Medical scientist, Educator
- Alder, Valerie (Val) (1942 - ) - Ophthalmologist, Educator
- Alexander, Jean Logan (1892 - 1977) - Chemist
- Alexander, Jennifer Anne (1950 - ) - Physician, Medical administrator
- Alexander, Lilian Helen (1861 - 1934) - Medical practitioner
- Allan, Catherine Mabel Joyce (1896 - 1966) - Conchologist, Museum curator, Zoological artist
- Allan, Frances Elizabeth (Betty) (1905 - 1952) - Biometrician, Statistician
- Allan, Maria Marjory Alberta (Maida) (1884 - ?) - Zoological collector
- Allen, Natalie Constance Bowen (1894 - 1972) - Physicist
- Allen, Nessy - Science historian
- Allender, Marie (1921 - 1995) - Naturalist
- Amal, Rose (1965 - ) - Chemical engineer, University Administrator
- Andersen, Betty Margaret (1930 - ) - Nurse educator
- Anderson, Alecia Elizabeth Foley (Alice) (1897 - 1926) - Business woman, mechanic
- Anderson, Charlotte Morrison (1915 - 2002) - Paediatric Gastroenterologist
- Anderson, Joan Mary (Jan) (1932 - 2015) - Plant Biochemist
- Anderson, Margaret Cordue (1937 - ) - Botanist, Ecologist
- Anderson, Mary Nairne (1921 - ) - Dental scientist
- Anderson, Phyllis Margery (1901 - 1957) - Pathologist
- Andrews, Shirley (1915 - 2001) - Biochemist
- Angel, Laura Madeline (Madeline) (1908 - 1990) - Parasitologist, Pathologist
- Anstee, Dorothy Rae (1932 - ) - Nurse
- Anstey, Olive Eva (1920 - 1983) - Nurse, Nurse educator, Nurse advocate
- Appleford, Alice Ross (1891 - 1968) - Nurse, Nurse administrator
- Archer, Mary Ellinor Lucy (1893 - 1979) - Librarian
- Armand, Leanne (1968 - 2022) - Marine micropalaeontologist
- Arnall-Williams, Suzanne Kay (1941 - ) - Company director
- Asche, Leila Valerie (1927 - 2019) - Microbiologist
- Ashby, Alison Marjorie (1901 - 1987) - Botanical artist, Botanical collector
- Ashford, Anne Elizabeth (1944 - ) - Educator, Botanist
- Ashworth, Phyllis (1902 - 1996) - Bacteriologist, Biochemist
- Aspinall, Jessie Strahorn (1880 - 1953) - Physician
- Aston, Helen Isobel (1934 - 2020) - Ornithologist, Taxonomic botanist
- Atkinson, Caroline Louisa Waring (1834 - 1872) - Naturalist, Writer
- Atkinson, Nancy (1910 - 1999) - Bacteriologist
- Attenbrow, Valerie (Val) (1942 - ) - Archaeologist
- Avery, Leitha Mavis (Mavis) (1911 - 1993) - Nurse, Nurse administrator, Nurse advocate
- Bage, Anna Frederika (1883 - 1970) - Biologist
- Bailey, Dora Helen Marguerite (1910 - 2001) - Nurse educator
- Baker, Edith Clarice (1899 - 1983) - Nurse
- Bale, Patricia Marea (1931 - ) - Pathologist
- Ball, Madeleine Joyce - Nutritionist
- Balmford, Rosemary Anne (1933 - ) - Judge, Ornithologist
- Bankier, Agnes - Geneticist
- Barclay, Lesley - Educator, Midwife
- Bardsley, Doris (1895 - 1968) - Midwife, Nurse, Public servant
- Barker, Joanna Mary (Jo) (1942 - ) - Occupational therapist, Educator
- Barnard, Amanda (1971 - ) - Computational physicist
- Barnard, Marjorie Faith (1897 - 1987) - Librarian, Writer
- Barnard, Mildred Macfarlan (1908 - 2000) - Biometrician, Mathematician
- Barnett, Emily Caroline (1860 - 1944) - Explorer
- Barr, Yvonne M. (1932 - ) - Scientist
- Barrell, Susan Lesley (1953 - ) - Meteorologist
- Barrett, Edith Helen (1872 - 1939) - Physician
- Barron, Ellen (1875 - 1951) - Nurse, Health administrator
- Barry, Veronica Lesley - Nurse
- Barwick, Diane Elizabeth (1938 - 1986) - Anthropologist, Author, Historian
- Basford, Kaye (1952 - ) - Statistician, University Administrator, Biometrician
- Bashir, Marie Roslyn (1930 - ) - Governor, University Chancellor, Educator, Psychiatrist
- Batch, Jennifer Anne - Educator
- Bate, Mary Harriet (1855 - 1951) - Botanical collector
- Bates, Daisy May (1863 - 1951) - Anthropologist
- Baudinet, Dora Isabel (1883 - 1945) - Nurse, Public servant
- Baum, Frances Elaine (Fran) - Educator
- Beal, Susan (1935 - ) - Paediatrician
- Bear, Isabel (Joy) (1927 - 2021) - Mineral chemist
- Beazley, Lynda Dent (Lyn) (1944 - ) - Educator
- Bechervaise, Shirley - Nurse
- Beder, Sharon - Civil engineer, Environmental scientist
- Bell, Diane (1943 - ) - Anthropologist
- Bell, Genevieve (1967 - ) - Anthropologist, Social scientist, Vice-Chancellor
- Bell, Jane (1873 - 1959) - Nurse
- Bell, Nicole (1975 - ) - Theoretical physicist
- Bell, Pamela F. - Nurse educator
- Belov, Katherine (1973 - ) - Geneticist
- Benger, Lesley Dora (1949 - 2000) - Physiotherapist, Medical administrator
- Benham, Ellen Ida (1871 - 1917) - Educator, Botanist
- Benkendorff, Kirsten (1973 - ) - Marine biologist
- Bennett, Agnes Elizabeth Lloyd (1872 - 1960) - Physician
- Bennett, Isobel Ida Toon (1909 - 2008) - Marine scientist
- Bennett, Margaret Joyce (1937 - ) - Nurse educator
- Berger, Lee (1970 - ) - Veterinary scientist
- Berndt, Catherine Helen (1918 - 1994) - Social anthropologist
- Berne, Dagmar (1865 - 1900) - Physician
- Besly, Mary Ann Catherine (1929 - 1994) - Zoologist
- Best, Effie Wyllie (1905 - ) - Zoologist, Teacher
- Best, Kathleen Annie Louise (1910 - 1957) - Nurse
- Beveridge, Christine - Plant physiologist
- Biddulph, Ellen Caroline (1855 - 1917) - Botanical collector
- Biddulph, Harriette (1839 - 1940) - Botanical collector
- Bilek, Marcela (1968 - ) - Educator, Physicist
- Billard, Lynne (1943 - ) - Statistician, Educator
- Billings, Evelyn Livingston (Lyn) (1918 - ) - Physician
- Birkett, Rowena (1860 - 1915) - Natural history artist
- Bishop, Ruth Frances (1933 - 2022) - Microbiologist, Virologist
- Black, Jessica Hope (Hope) (1919 - 2018) - Malacologist, Marine biologist
- Black, Judith Lee - Pharmacologist, Educator
- Black, Mary Ethna (1958 - ) - Medical educator
- Blackburn, Elizabeth (1948 - ) - Biochemist, Biophysicist, Educator
- Blackwell, Jenefer - Parasitologist
- Blackwood, Margaret (1909 - 1986) - Academic, Botanist, Geneticist
- Blanch, Mona Margaret - Physician
- Blomfield, Isla Stuart (1865 - 1959) - health visitor, Nurse, sanitary inspector
- Bodi, Anna (1954 - ) - Social scientist
- Boelke, Grace Fairley (1870 - 1948) - Physician
- Boland, Natashia (1967 - ) - Operations researcher
- Booth, Angela Elizabeth Josephine (1869 - 1954) - Eugenist
- Booth, Mary (1869 - 1956) - Physician, Public health worker
- Bourne, Eleanor Elizabeth (1878 - 1957) - Physician, Public health worker
- Bowdler, Sandra (1946 - ) - Educator, Archaeologist
- Bowe, Ethel Jessie (1906 - 1961) - Army matron-in-chief, army nurse, Nurse educator
- Bowmer, Kathleen - Aquatic Scientist
- Boyce, Una Parry (1911 - 2003) - Nurse
- Bradley, Claudia Portia Burton (1909 - 1967) - orthopaedist
- Bradley, Eileen Burton (1911 - 1976) - bush regenerator
- Bradley, Joan Burton (1916 - 1982) - bush regenerator
- Brand-Miller, Janette Cecile (Jennie) (1952 - ) - Nutrition scientist
- Branson, Jan E. - Linguist
- Bray, Nancy - Marine scientist
- Bremmell, Kristen (1970 - ) - Chemical engineer
- Brewer, Ann Maree - Educator
- Brewer, Ilma Mary (1915 - 2006) - Botanist, Educator
- Brewster, Sarah Agnes Angus (1874 - 1957) - headmistress, Naturalist
- Briggs, Barbara Gillian (1934 - ) - Botanist, Phylogenetic systematist
- Britz, Margaret (1952 - ) - Educator, Food scientist, Microbiologist
- Brodie, Jean P. - Astrophysicist
- Brookes, Helen May (1917 - 2008) - Entomological artist, Entomologist
- Brooks, Sarah Theresa (1850 - 1928) - Plant collector
- Brown, Elizabeth (1956 - 2013) - Bryologist
- Brown, Ida Alison (1900 - 1976) - Palaeontologist
- Brown, Marie (1883 - 1949) - Physician
- Brown, Valerie Anne (1930 - ) - Educator, Environmental scientist
- Brown, Vera Scantlebury (1889 - 1946) - Physician, Paediatrician
- Browne, Elaine Joy (1931 - 1993) - Organic chemist
- Browne, Grace Cuthbert (1900 - 1988) - Obstetrician, Gynaecologist
- Bryce, Lucy Meredith (1897 - 1968) - Haematologist
- Buchanan, Gwynneth Vaughan (1886 - 1945) - Zoologist
- Bull, Hilda Wager - Physician
- Bullock, Margaret Irene (1933 - ) - Educator, Physiotherapist
- Bullwinkel, Vivian (1915 - 2000) - Nurse, Health administrator
- Bunbury, Diana Richardson (1811 - 1898) - Botanical collector
- Bunyan, Ruth Elizabeth (1940 - ) - Mathematics teacher, Educator, Haematologist
- Burbidge, Gwendolen Norah (Gwen) (1904 - 2000) - Activist, Teacher, Nurse
- Burbidge, Nancy Tyson (1912 - 1977) - Botanist
- Burchill, Dora Elizabeth (Elizabeth) (1904 - 2003) - Nurse, Author
- Burgess, Margaret Anne (1937 - ) - Immunologist, Paediatrician
- Burnell, Mary Taylor (1907 - 1996) - Anaesthetist
- Bush, Thelma (1908 - 1993) - Science educator
- Butchart, Eva (1875 - 1955) - Artist, Dyemaker
- Butler, Edith Dorothy Kate (1908 - ) - Nurse
- Butler, Hildred Mary (1906 - 1975) - Microbiologist
- Byrne, Margaret Mary (1960 - ) - Biogeographer, Ecology and Conservation, Plant geneticist
- Byrne, Maria - Marine zoologist
- Cahn, Audrey Josephine (1905 - 2008) - Dietician, Nutritionist
- Caldicott, Helen Mary (1938 - ) - Paediatrician, Writer, Activist
- Cameron, Ann (1939 - 1998) - Toxinologist
- Cameron, Fiona Grant (1942 - ) - Radiotherapist
- Cameron, Margaret Alison (1937 - 2023) - Librarian, University Administrator, Ornithologist
- Cameron-Traub, Elizabeth (1943 - ) - Nurse educator
- Campbell, Julie Hazel (1946 - ) - Biologist
- Campbell, Kate Isabel (1899 - 1986) - Paediatrician
- Canning, Estelle Margaret (1936 - 2021) - Botanist, Plant collector
- Carey, Gladys - Botanist
- Carman, Jean Kathleen (1909 - 2005) - Artist, Dyemaker
- Carnell, Anne Katherine (Kate) (1955 - ) - Pharmacist, Politician
- Carr, Stella Grace Maisie (Maisie) (1912 - 1988) - Botanist, Ecologist
- Carter, Kathleen Janet (Jan) (1941 - ) - Social scientist, Sociologist
- Carter, Sarah Henriette (Henriette) (1822 - 1925) - Botanical collector
- Carter, Susan Jill - Nurse, Politician
- Cattermole, Margaret Lyndsey (1948 - ) - Company director, Software engineer
- Chamberlain, Marie Elizabeth - Nurse educator
- Chappill, Jennifer Anne (Jenny) (1959 - 2006) - Taxonomic botanist
- Chapple, Phoebe (1879 - 1967) - Physician
- Charles, Christine (1955 - ) - Physicist
- Charlwood, Robyn Anne (1956 - ) - Dietician
- Charsley, Fanny Anne (1828 - 1915) - Botanical artist, Botanical collector
- Chase, Eleanor Emily (1896 - 1926) - Zoologist
- Chatfield, Florence (1867 - 1949) - Nurse, Hospital administrator
- Christie, Thelma Isabel (1913 - 1966) - Analytical chemist
- Cilento, Lady Phyllis Dorothy (1894 - 1987) - Author, Educator, Journalist, Medical practitioner, Obstetrician
- Clare, Judith Mary - Nurse educator
- Clark, Doreen Veronica - Company director
- Clark, Marie Coutts (1908 - 1991) - Physicist, Spectrochemist
- Clark, Susan J. - Medical scientist
- Clarke, Adrienne Elizabeth (1938 - ) - Botanist, Plant geneticist, Science administrator, University Chancellor
- Clayton, Margaret Nancy - Phycologist, University Administrator
- Clemens, Mary Strong (1873 - 1968) - Botanical collector, Explorer
- Cliff, Julie Laraine (1944 - ) - Physician, Medical educator, Epidemiologist
- Clyne, Densey (1926 - ) - Naturalist
- Cockburn, Jill (1961 - ) - Psychologist, Educator
- Cohen, Fanny (1887 - 1975) - Mathematician, Educator
- Cohn, Helen Margaret (1951 - ) - Bibliographer, Science historian
- Coldicutt, Elizabeth Boyle (Beth) ( - 1995) - Educator, Engineering teacher
- Cole, Joan Helen - Physiotherapist, Educator
- Coleman, Edith (1874 - 1951) - Naturalist, Teacher
- Collie, Jean Patricia (1944 - ) - Medical administrator
- Conyers, Evelyn Augusta (1870 - 1944) - Nurse
- Cookson, Isabel Clifton (1893 - 1973) - Botanist
- Cooper, Joan (1949 - ) - Educator, Information technologist
- Cooper, Lilian Violet (1861 - 1947) - Physician
- Coote, Michelle Louise - Polymer chemist
- Cornforth, Rita (1915 - 2012) - Chemist
- Cornish, Edwina Cecily (1955 - ) - Educator, Science administrator, University Administrator, Biotechnologist
- Corrick, Margaret Georgina (1922 - 2020) - Botanist, Naturalist
- Cory, Suzanne (1942 - ) - Biochemist, Molecular oncologist
- Cossart, Yvonne Edna (1934 - 2014) - University Administrator, Virologist
- Covacevich, Jeanette Adelaide (1945 - 2015) - Herpetologist, Museum curator
- Cowle, Kate Julia (1863 - 1916) - Botanist, Conservationist, Naturalist
- Cowley, Kirsten J. - Taxonomic botanist
- Coxen, Elizabeth Frances (1825 - 1906) - Naturalist, Meteorologist
- Coyle, Patricia Margaret - Anaesthetist, Physician
- Craik, Wendy (1949 - ) - Company director, Zoologist
- Cramond, Teresa Rita O'Rourke (Tess) (1926 - 2015) - Anaesthetist, Educator
- Creaghe, Emily Caroline - Explorer
- Crespin, Irene (1896 - 1980) - Micropalaeontologist, Geologist
- Cribb, Joan Winnifred (1930 - ) - Botanist
- Crocker, Ann D (1942 - ) - Educator, Pharmacologist
- Crockford, Joan Marian (1919 - 2015) - Palaeontologist
- Croll, Joan (Una) (1928 - ) - Pathologist, Radiologist
- Crommelin, Minard Fannie (1881 - 1972) - Conservationist, Postmistress
- Cronin, Mary Ann (1871 - 1974) - Botanical collector
- Cross, Jean Alison - Educator
- Cross, Patricia Anne (1959 - ) - Company director
- Crossley, Stella Ann (1933 - 2007) - Educator, Psychologist, Zoologist
- Crowley, Rosemary Anne (1938 - ) - Politician, Physician
- Curley, Sylvia (1898 - 1999) - Nurse, Nurse administrator, Activist
- Curtis, Winifred (1905 - 2005) - Author, Botanist, Educator, Plant taxonomist
- Dale, Elizabeth Charlotte (1934 - ) - Educator
- Daly, Anne (1860 - 1924) - Medical administrator
- Dalyell, Elsie Jean (1881 - 1948) - Pathologist, Microbiologist
- D'Arcy, Constance Elizabeth (1879 - 1950) - Obstetrician, University Administrator, Gynaecologist
- Darling, Marilyn Ann (1943 - ) - Microbiologist
- Davenport, Marjory Winifred (1924 - 2003) - Marine engineer
- Davey, Constance Muriel (1882 - 1963) - Psychologist
- Davidson, Dianne Margaret - Viticulturist, Company director
- Davies, Margaret (1944 - ) - Herpetologist
- Davies, Valerie Ethel (1920 - 2012) - Arachnologist, Museum curator, Zoologist
- Davis, Dorothy Gwenda Louise (Gwenda) (1911 - 1993) - Plant embryologist, Taxonomic botanist
- Daw, Lucy Compson (1883 - 1958) - Nurse
- Dawbarn, Mary Campbell (1902 - 1982) - Biochemist, Nutritional physiologist
- Dawe, Kathleen Edith (1915 - 1999) - Social worker
- Dawes-Gromadzki, Tracy - Ecologist
- Daws, Joyce Margaretta (1925 - 2007) - Thoracic surgeon
- De Garis, Mary Clementina (1881 - 1963) - Physician
- de la Hunty, Shirley Barbara (1925 - 2004) - Conservationist, Educator
- De Mole, Fanny Elizabeth (1835 - 1866) - Botanical artist
- de Silva, Pamela Elizabeth (1930 - 1997) - Occupational hygienist
- Deane, Elizabeth M - Educator, Biologist
- Delves, Angela - Educator
- Demediuk, Taisa (1922 - 2011) - Chemist
- Dennerstein, Lorraine (1947 - ) - Medical educator, Psychiatrist
- Dennis, Elizabeth Salisbury (1943 - ) - Plant biologist
- Dey, Judith Elizabeth (1923 - 2011) - Paediatrician
- Dick, Margaret Isabella Brownlee (1918 - 2008) - Microbiologist
- Dickson, Flora - Teacher
- Dietrich, Koncordie Amalie (1821 - 1891) - Botanist, Naturalist
- Dipierro, Serena - Mathematician
- Dixon, Bettye - Meteorologist
- Dixon, Joan Maureen (1937 - 2019) - Mammalogist, Museum curator, Zoologist
- Doherty, Muriel Knox (1896 - 1988) - Nurse, Nurse educator
- Dohnt, Lynley Eva (1900 - 1966?) - Nurse
- Doley, Alison Betty (1938 - 2019) - Conservationist, Farmer
- Domin, Ella - Botanical artist
- Donald, Gwendolene Alice Margaret (Gwen) (1914 - 2000) - Physician
- Dornwell, Edith Emily (1865 - 1945) - Teacher
- Dorsch, Susan Evelyn (1935 - ) - Physician, Educator
- Downie, Laura - Ophthalmologist
- Dubs, Rosalind Vivienne (1952 - ) - Company director
- Ducker, Sophie Charlotte (1909 - 2004) - Botanist, Science historian
- Duffield, Christine Margaret (1950 - ) - Nurse educator
- Duncan, Annabelle (1953 - ) - Microbiologist, Science administrator, Vice-Chancellor
- Dunlop, Blanche - Science historian
- Dunlop, Eliza Hamilton (1796 - 1880) - Ethnographer
- Durdin, Dorothy Joan (1922 - ) - Medical historian, Nurse, Educator
- Dwyer, Catherine Winifred (Kate) (1861 - 1949) - Welfare worker
- Dyason, Diana Joan (1919 - 1989) - Science historian, Medical historian
- Eardley, Constance Margaret (1910 - 1978) - Botanist, Educator
- Eaton, Alice (1870 - 1932) - Botanical collector
- Eaton, Mary Martha (1868 - 1941) - Botanical collector
- Eden, Eva Gizella (1924 - 2014) - Educator
- Edwards, Frances (1957 - ) - Physiologist
- Edwards, Liz - Artist
- Elith, Jane - Ecologist
- Elliott, Daphne Claire (1926 - 2016) - Biochemist
- Ellis, Constance (1872 - 1942) - Physician
- Erickson, Frederica Lucy (Rica) (1908 - 2009) - Naturalist, Botanical artist, Teacher
- Essex-Cohen, Elizabeth Annette (1940 - 2004) - Physicist
- Evans, Barbara K - Educator, Zoologist
- Evans, Evelyn Paget (1881 - 1960) - Medical administrator
- Ewan, Christine Elizabeth (1948 - ) - Medical educator
- Exley, Elizabeth Morris (1927 - 2007) - Entomologist
- Fall, Constance Amy (1903 - 1998) - Nurse
- Fanning, Elizabeth Ann (1918 - ) - Dentist, Dental surgeon
- Farman, Margaret Alyson (1928 - 2001) - Nurse educator
- Fasano, Carla (1942 - ) - Educator
- Fatin, Wendy Frances (1941 - ) - Politician, Nurse
- Fawkes, Barbara Noel (1915 - 2002) - Nurse, Educator
- Fearnley, Cecily Lydia (1925 - ) - Natural history artist
- Feilman, Patricia Edith (1925 - ) - Secretary
- Fenner, Ellen Margaret Bobbie (Bobbie) (1911 - 1995) - Medical scientist
- Ferguson, Jessie Amy (1911 - 1996) - Analytical chemist
- Fielding, Una Lucy (1888 - 1969) - Neuroanatomist
- Fildes, Joyce Eleanor (1921 - 2013) - Analytical chemist
- Fisher, Nellie Ivy (Jackie) (1907 - 1995) - Industrial chemist
- Fitzmaurice, Kerry Clare (1951 - ) - Orthoptist, Educator
- Fitzpatrick, Aileen (1898 - 1974) - Community worker, Teacher
- Fiveash, Rosa Catherine (1854 - 1938) - Botanical artist
- Fletcher, Jane Ada (Ada) (1870 - 1956) - Ornithologist, Poet
- Flett, Penny - Medical administrator
- Flint, India (1958 - ) - Artist, Dyemaker
- Flockton, Lilian Margaret (Margaret) (1861 - 1953) - Botanical artist
- Flood, Josephine Mary (1936 - ) - Archaeologist
- Foley, Catherine Patricia (Cathy) (1957 - ) - Chief Scientist, Physicist, Science administrator
- Ford, Joan Munro (1918 - 1992?) - Biologist
- Forrest, Margaret Elvire (1844 - 1929) - Botanical artist, Botanical collector
- Forsaith, Dorothy Frances (1901 - 1977) - Science administrator, Scientist
- Fountaine, Margaret Elizabeth (1862 - 1940) - Entomological artist, Lepidopterist
- Fowler, Laura Margaret (1868 - 1952) - Medical practitioner, Missionary
- Fox, Bronwyn - Materials scientist, Science administrator, Vice-Chancellor
- Franklin, Jane (1791 - 1875) - Explorer, Natural history collector, Science patron
- Franklin, Margaret - Sociologist, Author
- Franks, Shirley M. - Unknown
- Fraser, Lilian Ross (c. 1908 - 1987) - Botanist, Public servant
- Freeman, Joan (1918 - 1998) - Physicist
- Freeman, Mavis - Bacteriologist, Biochemist
- Frey, Dorothea - Author, Medical mycologist, Pathologist
- Friedel, Margaret Hilda - Rangeland Ecologist
- Frith, Dawn Whyatt (1943 - ) - Ornithologist
- Fulton, Elizabeth (Beth) - Ecologist, Marine biologist
- Galbraith, Jean (1906 - 1999) - Naturalist, Botanical collector
- Gall, Ruth Edna (1923 - 2017) - Chemist
- Gallois, Cynthia (Cindy) (1945 - ) - Educator, Psychologist
- Gandolfo, Maria Alejandra - Evolutionary biologist, Palaeobotanist
- Gardner, Hilda Josephine (1890 - 1953) - Bacteriologist
- Gardner, Jennifer Anne - Botanist, Environmentalist
- Garnett, Helen Margaret (1946 - ) - Company director, Microbiologist
- Garnsey, Pamela Margaret - Company director
- Garson, Mary J. (1953 - ) - Chemist, University Administrator
- Garson, Olga Margaret (Margaret) (1927 - 2020) - Cytogeneticist, Pathologist, Educator
- Gasking, Elizabeth - Science historian, Botanist
- Geissmann, Hilda Gladys (1890 - 1988) - Naturalist, Photographer
- Gent, Betty Lovell (1921 - 2003) - Applied mathematician, University Administrator
- George, Elizabeth (1935 - 2012) - Botanist
- Gething, Lindsay - Educator, Psychologist
- Gething, Mary-Jane - Educator
- Gibson, Barbara June - Company director
- Gilbert, Gwendolyn Lesley (Lyn) (1942 - ) - Pathologist
- Gillies, Belinda Jane (1956 - ) - Museum curator, Naturalist
- Glover-Fleay, Maude Edith Victoria (1869 - 1965) - Natural history artist
- Goatcher, Phyllis Marion Elliott (1922 - ) - Physician
- Goddard, Ellen - Educator, Agricultural administrator
- Godfrey, Joan Estelle (1922 - ) - Medical historian, Nurse, Nurse educator, Author
- Goodnow, Jacqueline Mary Jarrett (1924 - 2014) - Psychologist, Educator
- Gott, Margaret (Beth) (1922 - 2022) - Author, Botanist, Ethnobotanist
- Gould, Elizabeth (1804 - 1841) - Natural history artist
- Gould, Ellen Julia (1860 - 1941) - Nurse, Hospital administrator
- Goulston, Daphne Lydia (1905 - 1985) - Biochemist
- Goy, Doris Alma (1912 - 1999) - Botanical collector
- Graham, Beryl Ada - Teacher
- Graham, Jennifer Margaret (Jenny) (1950 - ) - Occupational therapist, Educator
- Graham, June Elizabeth (1941 - 2018) - Nurse, Nurse educator, Nurse administrator
- Grant, Beryl (1921 - ) - Nurse
- Grant, Mary Elizabeth (1930 - 2023) - Pharmacist, Politician
- Grant, Ruth Elinor - Educator
- Graves, Jennifer Ann Marshall (1941 - ) - Geneticist
- Gray, Ethel (1876 - 1962) - Nurse
- Gray, Genevieve Isabel (1943 - ) - Nurse, Nurse educator
- Green, Adele - Epidemiologist
- Green, Leila Ada - Educator
- Green, Lorna - Histologist
- Greenhill, Catherine - Mathematician
- Greig, Jane Stocks (1872 - 1939) - Physician, Health worker
- Greig, Janet Lindsay (1874 - 1950) - Physician, Anaesthetist
- Gribble, Mary Ann Elizabeth (1848 - 1929) - Botanical collector
- Grice, Kliti - Organic chemist
- Grierson, Pauline - Academic, Botanist, Ecology and Conservation
- Griffith, June Clare (1924 - 1978) - Chemist, Science educator
- Grimwade, Joan Elizabeth (1934 - ) - Grazier
- Grogan, Gertrude Urquhart (1899? - 1977?) - Physician
- Groom, Alyson (1950 - ) - Teacher
- Guerin, Jane (1846 - 1890) - Botanical collector
- Gullett, Lucy Edith (1876 - 1949) - Physician
- Gulliver, Susannah (1857 - 1938) - Botanical collector, Florist
- Guy, Margaret Frances (1910 - 1988) - Nurse, Nurse administrator, Nurse educator
- Haber, Michelle (1956 - ) - Medical scientist
- Hadley, Margaret (1950 - ) - Teacher
- Haglund, Laila B. - Archaeologist
- Hailes, Dorothy Jean (Jean) (1926 - 1988) - Medical practitioner
- Hainline, Lydia Jane - Anthropologist
- Hall, Ruth Milne (1945 - ) - Educator, Microbiologist
- Hallam, Sylvia Joy (1927 - 2019) - Archaeologist
- Halley, Ida Gertrude Margaret (1867 - 1939) - Physician
- Halliday, June - Biochemist
- Hamlin, Elinor Catherine (1924 - 2020) - Obstetrician, Gynaecologist
- Hammer, Julie Margaret (1955 - ) - Engineer
- Hancock, Judith Anne (1937 - ) - Teacher
- Hanna, Margaret Jean (1902 - 2000) - Nurse
- Hapgood, Karen - Chemical engineer, University Administrator
- Hardham, Adrienne Ruth - Botanist
- Harding, Sandra Lee (1957 - ) - Educator
- Hardy, Barbara Rosemary (1927 - ) - Conservationist
- Harper, Margaret Hilda (1879 - 1964) - Paediatrician
- Harriott, Vicki Joy (1955 - 2005) - Marine biologist
- Harris, Thistle Yolette (1902 - 1990) - Author, Botanist, Conservationist
- Harslett, Morwenna Jean (Jean) (1925 - 2015) - Natural history collector, Historian
- Hartley, Margaret (1954 - ) - Toxicologist
- Harvey, Suzanne MacLeod (Sue) (1946 - ) - Nurse, Nurse administrator
- Hassell, Ethel - Anthropologist
- Hayes, Barbara Ann (1941 - ) - Nurse educator
- Hayes, Susan Carol (1946 - ) - Forensic psychologist, Educator
- Hayter, Lorna (1897 - 1989) - Agriculturalist
- Hayward, Nancy Joan (1916 - 1989) - Educator, Microbiologist
- Hebestreit, Lydia Karola Ludewine (1925 - ) - Nurse educator
- Hegney, Desley (1949 - ) - Nurse educator
- Heighway, Freida Ruth (Ruth) (1907 - 1963) - Gynaecologist, Obstetrician
- Heij, Elizabeth Gordon (1943 - ) - Research scientist
- Hellicar, Jane (1840 - 1914) - Nurse
- Helms, Sabine - Botanical artist
- Henderson, Judy Isobel (1945 - ) - Paediatrician
- Henderson, Margaret Helen - Zoologist
- Henderson, Margaret Mary (1915 - 2017) - Physician
- Henderson-Sellers, Ann (1952 - ) - Climate scientist, Geographer, University Administrator
- Henry, Elaine (1945 - ) - Company director
- Hensley, Annie (1901 - 1989) - Medical practitioner, Public health worker, Surgeon
- Hercus, Luise Anna (1926 - 2018) - Ethnologist, Linguist
- Herrman, Helen Edith (1947 - ) - Psychiatrist, Educator
- Hewish, Marilyn - Entomologist, Ornithologist
- Hewson, Helen (1938 - 2007) - Botanical artist, Botanist, Scientific editor
- Higgins, Frances Georgina Watts (Ina) (1860 - 1948) - Landscape gardener
- Higgs, Joy - Educator, Physiotherapist
- Hill, Dorothy (1907 - 1997) - Geologist, Palaeontologist
- Hill, Kate (1859 - 1933) - Nurse, Hospital administrator
- Hill, Kim Narelle - Medical administrator
- Hillyard, Carmel Judith - Company director
- Hobler, Mabel Theodore (1871 - 1925) - Zoological collector
- Hodgkinson, Lorna Myrtle (1887 - 1951) - Educator, Psychologist
- Hodgkinson, Mary (c. 1824 - 1889) - Botanical collector
- Holden, Frances Gillam (1843 - 1924) - Nurse, Hospital administrator
- Holding, Charlotte Elizabeth (c. 1828 - 1916) - Botanical collector
- Holman, Mollie Elizabeth (1930 - 2010) - Physiologist
- Holmes a Court, Janet Lee (1943 - ) - Company director
- Horadam, Eleanor Mollie (1921 - 2002) - Mathematician
- Horak, Marianne (1944 - ) - Lepidopterist
- Horton, Helen Patricia - Naturalist
- Horvath, Diana Glen (1944 - ) - Medical administrator
- Howitt, Julia A. ( - 2020) - Environmental scientist
- Howqua, June Louise (1921 - ) - Physician
- Hoy, Wendy - Nephrologist
- Hristova, Valerie Joyce (1939 - ) - Economist
- Hughe, Stella Teresa - Nurse
- Hughes, Helen (1928 - ) - Author
- Hunt, Annemarie Jean (Anne) - Teacher
- Hussey, Jessie (1862 - 1899) - Botanical collector
- Hutchison, Nancy Laura (1902 - 1984) - Physicist
- Hynes, Sarah (Sally) (1859 - 1938) - Botanist, Teacher
- Jackson, Audrey (1947 - ) - Educator
- Jackson, Lilias (1887 - 1972) - Biochemist
- Jackson, Mavis (1913 - 2000) - Scientist
- Jacob, Freda Elizabeth (1919 - ) - Occupational therapist
- James, Elizabeth Ann (1956 - ) - Conservation geneticist
- Jamison, Jennifer - Educator
- Jeffrey, Agnes Betty (1908 - 2000) - Nurse, Nurse administrator, Author
- Jeffrey, Shirley Winifred (1930 - 2014) - Marine scientist
- Johnson, Cynthia Mary (1921 - ) - Physicist
- Jolliffe, Katrina (Kate) - Organic chemist
- Jolly, Violet Hilary (Hilary) (1906 - 1975) - Freshwater biologist
- Jones, Rhondda Elizabeth (1945 - ) - Entomologist, Educator
- Joshi, Nalini - Mathematician, University Administrator
- Joyce, Pamela Mary (Pam) (1928 - ) - Nurse administrator, Nurse educator, Nurse
- Jull, Roberta Henrietta Margaritta (1872 - 1961) - Physician
- Kaberry, Phyllis (1910 - 1977) - Anthropologist
- Kailis, Patricia Verne (1933 - 2020) - Company director, Geneticist, Neurologist
- Kalucy, Elizabeth Carment (Libby) - Entomologist, Health care researcher
- Karskens, Grace - Author
- Kavallaris, Maria - Medical scientist, Molecular biologist
- Kearns, Margot - Medical researcher
- Keep, Myra - Geologist
- Kellett, Adelaide Maud (1873 - 1945) - Nurse, Hospital administrator
- Kelso, Anne - Medical scientist, Science administrator
- Kemp, Rosea Lilian (1941 - 2015) - Meteorologist
- Kenny, Elizabeth (1880 - 1952) - Nurse, Health administrator
- Kerley, Lucy Frances (1908 - 1996) - Chemist
- Kernohan, Elizabeth Anne (Liz) (1939 - ) - Politician, Agricultural educator
- Keto, Aila Inkeri (1943 - ) - Conservationist
- Khyentse, Margaret - Educator
- Kibble, Gabrielle (1939 - ) - Company director
- Kilborn, Virginia A. - Radio astronomer, University Administrator
- Kincaid, Hilda Estelle (1886 - 1967) - Physician
- Kincaid-Smith, Priscilla Sheath (1926 - 2015) - Medical scientist
- King, Georgina (1845 - 1932) - Anthropologist, Geologist
- King, Margaret - Anthropologist
- Kinnear, Judith Fay (1939 - ) - Science educator
- Kirkcaldie, Rosa Angela (1887 - 1972) - Nurse, Hospital administrator
- Kleindorfer, Sonia M. - Ornithologist
- Kloot, Tess - Librarian, Ornithologist
- Knight, Ann Augusta (Gussie) (1840 - 1904) - Botanical collector
- Knihinicki, Danuta Krystyna (1964 - 2021) - Acarologist
- Knip, Pauline de Courcelles (1781 - 1851) - Ornithological artist
- Koltunow, Anna M. G. - Plant physiologist
- Koribalski, Bärbel - Astrophysicist
- Krautil, Fiona Lea (1956 - ) - Company director
- Kuo, Frances Y. - Applied mathematician
- Laby, Jean (1915 - 2008) - Physicist
- Lach, Lori - Entomologist
- Ladiges, Pauline Yvonne (1948 - ) - Botanist, Phylogenetic systematist, Taxonomist, University Administrator
- Laidlaw, Annie Ina (1889 - 1978) - Nurse
- Lambert, Marcia Joan (1942 - ) - Forest scientist
- Lang, Margaret Irene (1893 - 1983) - Nurse
- Langridge, Marjory - Author, Science biographer
- Lawler, Jocalyn (1949 - ) - Nurse educator
- Le Fèvre, Catherine Gunn (1909 - 1998) - Microbiologist
- Leary, Cecilia - Geophysicist
- Lee, Alma Theodora (1912 - 1990) - Botanical collector, Botanist
- Lee, Ida Louisa (1865 - 1943) - Historian
- Legge, Sarah M. - Ornithologist
- Levine, Michele (1957 - ) - Company director
- Lewis, Lillian Emblad (1878 - ) - Astronomical observer
- Lewis, Nancy (1913 - 2002) - Ophthalmologist
- Linn, Jeanette Thrush Brentnall (1930 - ) - Physician
- Lions, Agnes Mary (1908 - 1992) - Nurse, Unionist
- Lithgow, Muriel Grace - Natural history artist, Naturalist
- Little, Elaine Marjory (Marjory) (1884 - 1974) - Pathologist
- Little, Melissa Helen (1963 - ) - Medical scientist, Molecular biologist
- Livingstone, Catherine Brighid (1955 - ) - Accountant, Science administrator
- Lloyd, Elizabeth Gertrude (Beth) (1927 - 2000) - Dietician
- Lloyd, Sarah Jane (1955 - ) - Naturalist, Wildlife photographer
- Lloyd-Green, Lorna (1910 - 2002) - Gynaecologist
- Lockett, Mary Fauriel (Fauriel) (1911 - 1982) - Pharmacologist
- Locock, Katherine E. S. (1982 - ) - Materials science, Polymer chemist
- Lomax-Smith, Jane (1950 - ) - Pathologist
- Lovell, Selina Frances Nanette Louise (1827 - 1905) - Natural history collector, Teacher
- Ludbrook, Nelly Hooper (1907 - 1995) - Geologist, Palaeontologist
- Lumbers, Eugenie R. (1941 - ) - Medical scientist, University Administrator
- Lumley, Judith Mary - Physician
- Lush, Dora Mary (1910 - 1943) - Bacteriologist
- Lynch, Annie (1870 - 1938) - Hospital administrator
- MacArthur-Onslow, Dorothy Wolseley (1922 - ) - Physician
- Mackay, Kate - Physician
- Mackay, Laura - Immunologist
- Mackay, Patricia (1926 - ) - Anaesthetist
- Mackenzie, Catherine Margaret (1915 - ) - Nurse, Missionary
- Mackenzie, Helen Pearl (1913 - 2009) - Physician, Missionary
- Mackenzie, Winifred Iris Evelyn (1900 - 1972) - Physician
- Mackerras, Mabel Josephine (Josephine) (1896 - 1971) - Parasitologist
- Macleay, Fanny (1793 - 1836) - Botanical artist, Naturalist
- Macnamara, Annie Jean (1899 - 1968) - Medical scientist
- Main, Barbara York (1929 - 2019) - Arachnologist
- Maj, Sophie - Aeronautical engineer
- Makinson, Kathleen Rachel (1917 - 2014) - Physicist
- Malinek, Malvina (1937 - ) - Medical scientist, Biochemist
- Mankin, Winifred Roby (1902 - 1972) - Biochemist, Surgeon
- Mann, Ida Caroline (1893 - 1983) - Ophthalmologist
- Marceglia, Albina Zora (1919 - ) - Clerk
- Marks, Elizabeth Nesta (1918 - 2002) - Entomologist, Ecologist
- Marlay, Elaine (1915 - 1977) - Dentist
- Maroske, Sara (1961 - ) - Science historian
- Marsh, Helene Denise (1945 - ) - Zoologist
- Marshall, Ann (1909 - 2001) - Geographer
- Martin, Florence (1867 - 1957) - Physicist
- Martin, Jennifer Louise - Biochemist, Crystallographer
- Martin, Marjory-Dore (1933 - ) - Science educator
- Mason, Elizabeth Robyn (1946 - ) - Medical administrator
- Masson, Mary (1862 - 1945) - Community service
- Mather, Patricia (1925 - 2012) - Museum curator, Marine biologist
- Mawson, Jessica Paquita (Quita) (1917 - 2004) - Bacteriologist
- Mawson, Patricia Marietje (1915 - 1999) - Conservationist, Museum curator, Parasitologist, Zoologist
- May, Valerie (1916 - 2007) - Phycologist
- Mayo, Helen Mary (1878 - 1967) - Physician
- McArthur, Annie Margaret (Margaret) (1919 - 2002) - Anthropologist, Nutritionist
- McArthur, Netta Agnes (Agnes) (1940 - ) - Nurse administrator
- McBriar, Elizabeth Maud (Maud) (1922 - 2014) - Geologist
- McBryde, Isabel (1934 - ) - Archaeologist
- McCann, Annie Bellew (1838 - 1924) - Botanical collector
- McCarthy, Doreen (1936 - ) - Nurse administrator
- McCarthy, Emma Maud (1859 - 1949) - Nurse
- McClure-Griffiths, Naomi Melissa (1975 - ) - Radio astronomer
- McComb, Jennifer Anne - Educator
- McConnel, Ursula Hope (1888 - 1957) - Anthropologist, Ethnographer
- McCready, Georgina (1888 - 1980) - Nurse, Nurse administrator, Unionist
- McCulloch, Ellen Margery (1930 - 2005) - Ornithologist
- McCulloch, Jennifer - Science historian
- McCusker, Alison (1933 - 2015) - Botanist, Science administrator
- McDonald, Sue - Nurse educator
- McDonald, Tracey Therese Anne (1949 - ) - Nurse administrator, Nurse educator
- McGovern, Margaret Mary (1932 - ) - Medical administrator
- McGrath, Katherine Monica (1948 - ) - Medical administrator
- McHard, Mary Ann (1825 - 1912) - Botanical collector
- McKenzie, Florence Violet (1890 - 1982) - Electrical engineer
- McKeon, Gwladys Yvonne (1897 - 1979) - Biologist, Natural history artist
- McKinley, Sharon - Nurse educator
- McKinnon, Gay E. - Plant ecologist
- McLachlan, Elspeth Mary (1942 - ) - Physiologist, University Administrator
- McLaughlin, Ada Mary (1881 - 1963) - Botanical collector
- McLennan, Ethel Irene (1891 - 1983) - Botanist, Plant pathologist
- McMeeken, Joan Merrilyn - Physiotherapist, Educator
- McMichael, Jessie - Teacher, Ornithologist
- McMillan, Margaret Anna - Nurse educator
- McMillen, Isabella Caroline (1954 - ) - Physiologist, University Administrator
- McMullen, Gabrielle Lucy (1952 - ) - Biochemist
- McMurray, Anne (1943 - ) - Nurse educator
- McNaughton, Jean Wise (1919 - 2003) - Nutritionist
- Mead, Gertrude Ella (1867 - 1919) - Physician
- Meares, Mary Emma Goldsmith (1889 - 1964) - Welfare worker
- Medland, Lilian Marguerite (1880 - 1955) - Ornithological artist, Ornithologist
- Medley, Gabriele (1935 - ) - Pathologist
- Meehan, Betty Francis (1933 - ) - Anthropologist, Archaeologist
- Mengersen, Kerrie (1962 - ) - Statistician
- Menzies, Mona (1920 - ) - Nurse administrator
- Meredith, Louisa Ann (1812 - 1895) - Author, Botanical artist
- Middleton, Margaret (1928 - 2019) - Philanthropist
- Miller, Mirka (1949 - 2016) - Mathematician
- Millis, Nancy Fannie (1922 - 2012) - Microbiologist, University Chancellor
- Mitchell, Christina Anne - Haematologist, Medical researcher, University Administrator
- Mitchell, Ruby Frances (Mitch) (1916 - 2001) - Nurse
- Moait, Sandra - Nurse administrator
- Molloy, Georgiana (1805 - 1843) - Botanist
- Moncrieff, Perrine Millais (1893 - 1979) - Ornithologist
- Money, Catherine Anne (1940 - ) - Industrial chemist
- Monkivitch, Helen (1942 - ) - Medical administrator
- Monro, Tanya Mary - Optical physicist, Science administrator
- Moore, Olive Gwenne (1921 - 2007) - Author, Mathematician, Teacher
- Moore, Susan (1945 - ) - Educator
- Morawska-Ahearn, Jennifer Madeleine Alice (Jenny) (1954 - ) - Company director
- Morey, Elwyn Aisne (1914 - 1968) - Psychologist
- Morey, Patricia Sue (1942 - ) - Health administrator
- Moriarty, Barbara Ierne (1902 - 1979) - Welfare worker
- Morton, Merial Carr (1921 - ) - Chemist
- Mountford, Carolyn - Medical scientist
- Moyal, Ann Veronica (1926 - 2019) - Science historian
- Mühl, Anita Mary - Psychiatrist
- Mumaw, Laura (1951 - ) - Zoo director
- Munns, Rana Ellen - Botanist, Plant breeder, Plant physiologist
- Munro, Heather May (1943 - ) - Obstetrician, Gynaecologist
- Murphy, Patricia Joan (Pat) (1930 - 2006) - Botanical collector
- Nash, Gwendolyn Ruth (1904 - 2001) - Psychiatrist
- Nashar, Beryl (1923 - 2012) - Geologist
- Nay, Rhonda - Nurse educator
- Nelson, Edith Alice (1890 - 1976) - Physicist
- Nelson, Eva (1923 - 2019) - Applied chemist
- Neuhäuser, Gabriele (1911 - ) - Zoological collector, Zoologist
- Neumann, Hanna (1914 - 1971) - Mathematician
- New, Elizabeth Joy - Physical chemist
- Nicol, Phyllis Mary (1903 - 1964) - Academic, Educator, Physicist
- Nieman, Pam (1950 - 2007) - Pharmacist
- Nightingale, Florence (1820 - 1910) - Nurse, Hospital administrator
- Nobile, Silvia Renata Vera (1916 - 1990s) - Chemist, Nutrition scientist
- Noble, Janette Rosalind (Jan) (1933 - ) - Health administrator
- North, Kathryn Nance - Geneticist, Neurologist
- North, Marianne (1830 - 1890) - Botanical artist
- Nowland, Kathleen (1889 - ) - Nurse
- Nyman, Veronika Anne (1959 - 1984) - Applied chemist
- Oakden, Emma (1848 - 1889) - Botanical collector
- O'Bryan, Moira (1966 - ) - Medical scientist, Reproductive biologist
- O'Donnell, Stella Rayner (1938 - ) - Pharmacologist, Educator
- O'Dwyer, Ida (1880 - 1960) - Nurse
- Officer, Doris Lyne (1898 - 1967) - Physician
- Officer, Edith - Nurse, Plant collector
- Ogilvie, Florinda Katherine - Medical social worker
- O'Hehir, Robyn Elizabeth - Pathologist
- O'Kane, Mary Josephine (1954 - ) - Computer scientist, Vice-Chancellor
- O'Keefe, Christine Margaret - Mathematician
- Olley, June Norma (1924 - 2019) - Biochemist, Food scientist, Marine scientist
- Olsen, Penelope Diane (1949 - ) - Ornithologist
- O'Neil, Pamela Frances (1945 - ) - Politician, Biochemist
- O'Neill, Antoinette L. (1945 - 1999) - Ecologist, Geographer, Biologist
- Oppenheim, Victoria Marie Jane (1959 - ) - Science administrator
- O'Reilly, Susannah Hennessy (1881 - 1960) - Physician, Obstetrician
- O'Reilly, Suzanne Yvette (1946 - ) - Educator, Earth scientist
- Orlowska, Maria Elzbieta (1951 - ) - Educator, Computer scientist
- Osburn, Lucy (1836 - 1891) - Nurse manager
- Oshlack, Alicia (1975 - ) - bioinformatician
- O'Sullivan, Donna M C (1956 - ) - Medical administrator
- Parker, Judith Milburn (1936 - ) - Nurse, Teacher, Scholar
- Parkes, Merle Elicia (1927 - ) - Nurse, Nurse educator
- Parry, Eileen Francis (1913 - ) - Nurse
- Parsons, Robin June (1932 - ) - Nurse educator
- Paton, Joan (1916? - 2000) - Ornithologist
- Paton, Penelope Ann (Penny) - Ornithologist
- Payne-Scott, Ruby Violet (1912 - 1981) - Radio astronomer, Teacher, Physicist
- Pearce, Helen (1952 - ) - Meteorologist
- Peel, Charlotte Emily Fforde (1876 - 1974) - Astronomical observer
- Penridge, Joan Elizabeth (1937 - 1994) - Nurse, Nurse educator, Educational administrator
- Percival, Elizabeth Claire (1943 - ) - Nurse administrator
- Perry, Gillian (1943 - 2011) - Taxonomic botanist
- Perry, Grace (1927 - 1987) - Physician, Poet
- Perry, Nancye Enid Kent (1918 - 2011) - Entomologist, Artist
- Phelps, Kerryn (1957 - ) - Physician
- Piddington, Marion Louisa (1869 - 1950) - Eugenist
- Pieroni, Margaret Edith (1936 - ) - Botanical artist, Photographer
- Piller, Sabine (1970 - ) - Medical scientist
- Pink, Olive Muriel (1884 - 1975) - Anthropologist, Botanical artist
- Plante, Enid Campbell (1918 - 2007) - Chemist
- Pond, Susan Margaret - Pharmacologist
- Pope, Elizabeth (1912 - 1993) - Marine ecologist, Marine zoologist, Museum director
- Praed, Annie (1873? - 1948) - Dentist
- Praeger, Cheryl Elisabeth (1948 - ) - Mathematician, University Administrator
- Pressley, Lynne (1953 - ) - Physician
- Price, Mrs Eleanor - Manufacturer
- Prime, Catherine Mary (1942 - 2004) - Actuary, Lawyer
- Prior, Margot Ruth - Psychologist, Educator
- Probert, Belinda (1949 - ) - Educator, Social scientist
- Pucci, Alessandra Alberta (1942 - ) - Biochemist
- Radcliffe-Taylor, Marion Aroha (1898 - ) - Orthopaedic surgeon
- Ramsay, Helen P. (1928 - ) - Bryologist
- Ramsay, Hilda Eileen (Eileen) (1886 - 1961) - Plant collector
- Ramsay, Lynnette B (Lynne) (1940 - ) - Nurse administrator
- Raper, Judy Agnes (1954 - ) - Chemical engineer, Educator
- Raphael, Beverley (1934 - 2018) - Psychiatrist
- Raphael, Margaret Betty - Physician
- Read, Leanna Christine - Biochemist
- Redpath, Margaret Ruth (1940 - ) - Oncologist
- Refshauge, Joan Janet Brown (1906 - 1979) - Medical administrator, Medical practitioner
- Reid, Janice Clare (Jan) (1947 - ) - Educator
- Reid, Margaret Daphne - Quantum physicist
- Reilly, Pauline Neura (1918 - 2011) - Ornithologist, Writer
- Renfree, Marilyn Bernice (1947 - ) - Zoologist
- Rennick, Stefanie (1918 - 2001) - Conservationist, Teacher
- Richards, Anne Frances (Annie) (1845 - 1930) - Botanical collector
- Richards, Aola Mary (1927 - 2021) - Entomologist
- Richards, Linda Jane - Neurobiologist
- Rickard, Pamela Athalie Deidre (1928 - 2002) - Biochemist, Biotechnologist
- Ridge, Kathryn Elizabeth (Kathy) (1970 - ) - Conservationist
- Rivett, Amy Christine (1891 - 1962) - Physician
- Rivett, Doris Mary (Mary) (1896 - 1969) - Psychologist
- Roberts, Judith Mary (1936 - ) - Nurse
- Roberts, Kathryn Louise (1943 - ) - Nurse educator
- Robertson, Enid Lucy (1925 - 2016) - Systematic botanist
- Robertson, Sarah Anne - Reproductive biologist
- Robertson, Wendy (1927 - 2016) - Mathematician
- Robin, Elizabeth Anne de Quetteville (Libby) (1956 - ) - Environmental Historian, Science historian
- Robinson, Denise - Company director
- Rogers, Lesley Joy (1943 - ) - Physiologist
- Ronalds, Beverley Frances (1958 - ) - Engineer
- Ronaldson, Susan Mary (Sue) (1953 - ) - Nurse educator
- Rose, Mary Esther - Geneticist
- Rosenthal Schneider, Ilse (1891 - 1990) - Physicist
- Ross, Euphemia Welch (1889 - 1971) - Astronomer
- Rosser, Celia Elizabeth (1930 - ) - Botanical artist
- Rountree, Phyllis Margaret (1911 - 1994) - Bacteriologist
- Rowan, Marian Ellis (1848 - 1922) - Botanical artist, Explorer, Botanical collector
- Rubinstein, Gertrude (1918 - ) - Chemical physicist
- Rubinsztein-Dunlop, Halina - Optical physicist
- Russell, Boyne Marie (1931 - 2022) - Physician
- Russell, Emmie (1892 - 1987) - Orthoptist
- Sackett, Penny D. (1956 - ) - Astronomer, Chief Scientist, Physicist
- Sage, Annie Moriah (1895 - 1969) - Nurse
- Sahajwalla, Veena - materials scientist
- Sai, Jennifer - Electrical engineer
- Salamonsen, Lois A. - Reproductive biologist
- Salivin, Irene (1926 - ) - Analytical chemist
- Sanger, Ruth Ann (1918 - 2001) - Haematologist
- Sara, Vicki Rubian - Endocrinologist, University Chancellor
- Sargeant, Valeska Marie (1902 - ) - Nurse
- Savage, Joan Katherine (1913 - ) - Dental scientist
- Sayce, Edna Dorothy (1895 - 1983) - Physicist, Teacher
- Scarth-Johnson, Vera (1912 - 1999) - Botanical collector, Botanical artist
- Scheffer, Ingrid Eileen (1958 - ) - Neurologist
- Schlink, Margaret (1916 - 2001?) - Obstetrician, Gynaecologist
- Schroder, Kate - Medical scientist
- Scott, Harriet (1830 - 1907) - Natural history artist, Naturalist
- Scott, Helena (1832 - 1910) - Natural history artist, Naturalist
- Scott, Susan - Astrophysicist, Theoretical physicist
- Seberry, Jennifer Roma (1944 - ) - Computer scientist, Educator
- Sefton, Ann Elizabeth (1936 - ) - Physiologist, Educator
- Serjeantson, Susan Wyber (1946 - ) - Geneticist, University Administrator
- Sevimli, Oya - Electrical engineer, Wireless expert
- Sewell, Geraldine Allen (1861 - 1900) - Botanical collector
- Sewell, Julia (c. 1847 - 1914) - Botanical collector
- Sexton, Hannah Mary Helen (1862 - 1950) - Surgeon, Gynaecologist
- Sharfstein, Lottie - Physician
- Shaw, Edna Mary Anna Jane (1891 - 1974) - Matron
- Shean, Ruth (1953 - ) - Health administrator, University Administrator
- Sheil, Margaret Mary (1961 - ) - Chemist, University Administrator
- Shepherd, Else Egede (1944 - 2023) - Company director, Electrical engineer
- Shergold, Una - Physician
- Sherrard, Kathleen Margaret Maria (1898 - 1975) - Palaeontologist, Geologist
- Shiels, Marjorie (1895 - 1970) - Ecologist
- Shipton, Eva Adeline (1900 - 1984) - Pathologist
- Siedlecky, Stefania Winifred (1921 - ) - Physician, Gynaecologist, Epidemiologist
- Simmons, Michelle Yvonne (1967 - ) - Quantum physicist
- Sinkora, Doris Martha (1927 - 2017) - Phycologist
- Sisely, Lorna Verdun (1916 - 2004) - Surgeon
- Skyllas-Kazakos, Maria (1951 - ) - Chemical engineer
- Slater, Patricia Violet (Pat) (1918 - 1990) - Nurse, Nurse educator
- Sleigh, Merilyn Joy (1948 - ) - Scientist
- Sloan, Judith (1954 - ) - Company director
- Smairl, Lilian - Nurse
- Smith, Ivy Blanche Irene (1884 - 1975) - Teacher, Community worker
- Smith, Meredith Joan (1943 - 1998) - Mammalogist, Zoologist
- Smith, Sandra Lynette (1946 - 2019) - Entomologist, Scientific illustrator, Zoological artist
- Smith, Sarah Elizabeth (Sally) (1941 - 2019) - Botanist, Mycologist, Soil scientist
- Snodgrass, Rosemary (1943 - ) - Nurse administrator
- Somerville, Janet (1887 - 1969) - Plant collector, Science historian, Teacher
- Sorrell, Tania Christine (1947 - ) - Pathologist
- Specht, Alison - Botanist
- Speedy, Sandra (1946 - ) - Psychologist
- Spence, Susan Hilary (1953 - ) - Educator
- Spencer, Jessie (1859 - 1936) - Botanical collector
- Splatt, Beryl Audrey Pickering - Biochemist
- Stack, Ellen Mary (Ella) - Pastoralist, Physician
- Stack, Judith Olga (Judi) (1952 - ) - Company director
- Stainton, Mary Colleen (1938 - ) - Nurse educator
- Stang, Eleanor Margrethe (1894 - 1978) - Physician
- Stanley, Fiona Juliet (1946 - ) - Paediatrician, Epidemiologist
- Stanton, Rosemary Alison (1944 - ) - Nutritionist, Dietician
- Stauber, Jennifer (Jenny) - Ecotoxicologist, Environmental scientist, Toxicologist
- Staunton, Patricia Jane (1946 - ) - Lawyer, Nurse
- Steane, Dorothy A. - Eucalypt geneticist, Plant evolutionary biologist
- Stenzel, Martina - Polymer chemist
- Stewart-Wade, Sally (1969 - ) - Plant pathologist
- Stocklmayer, Sue - Science administrator
- Stodart, Eleanor - Science writer
- Stone, Emma Constance (Constance) (1856 - 1902) - Physician
- Stone, Ilma Grace (1913 - 2001) - Bryologist, Botanist
- Stoneman, Ethel Turner (1890 - 1973) - Psychologist
- Stones, Elsie Margaret (Margaret) (1920 - 2018) - Botanical artist
- Street, Anne Penfold (1932 - 2016) - Mathematician, Educator
- Street, Annette Fay (1948 - ) - Nurse educator
- Strong, Jennifer (1959 - ) - Occupational therapist, Educator
- Stuckey, Joan - Inventor
- Studdert, Virginia Perryman - Veterinarian, Educator
- Stuhlmiller, Cynthia (1956 - ) - Nurse educator
- Sullivan, Sharon Mary (1944 - ) - Archaeologist
- Sutherland, Sulina Murray MacDonald (1839 - 1909) - Nurse, Child welfare worker
- Sutton, Fay (1926 - 2000) - Conservationist
- Swan, Ailsa Macvey (1922 - 1998) - Chemist, Conservationist
- Sweet, Georgina (1875 - 1946) - Zoologist
- Tabart, Jillian Claire (Jill) (1941 - ) - Medical officer
- Taylor, Beverley Joan (1951 - ) - Nurse educator
- Taylor, Joan Margaret (1929 - 2017) - Botanist
- Taylor, Marjory Alice Hamlet (1920 - ) - Nurse administrator
- Temple, Diana (1925 - ) - Pharmacologist
- Thamwattana, Ngamta (Natalie) - Applied mathematician, University Administrator
- Thomas, Faith (1933 - ) - Nurse, Midwife
- Thompson, Joy (1923 - 2018) - Botanist
- Thomson, Estelle (1894 - 1953) - Naturalist, Botanical artist
- Thomson, Gladys (1900 - ?) - Natural history artist
- Thornton, Mary Ethel Josephine (1897 - 1965) - Radiologist
- Tiddy, Josephine Mary (1938 - ) - Nurse
- Tideman, Ruth (1932 - ) - Teacher
- Tindale, Mary Douglas (1920 - 2011) - Taxonomic botanist
- Tom, Jean Marion (1922 - ) - Community worker
- Tooth, Kathleen Helen (1916 - ) - Physician
- Trent, Faith Helen Elly (1941 - ) - Educator
- Trundle, Ailsa Merle (1916 - 2002) - Architect
- Truswell, Elizabeth Marchant (1941 - ) - Palynologist
- Tuffley, Beth Joan Mavis (nee Money) - Biochemist
- Tully, Joan (1907 - 1973) - Agricultural scientist
- Turnbull, Ann Linda (1950 - ) - Hospital administrator
- Turnbull, Hilda Margaret (1942 - ) - Politician
- Turner, Alison - Company director
- Turner, Gillian (1931 - ) - Geneticist
- Turner, Susan (1946 - ) - Science historian, Geologist
- Turriff, Haldane Coloquhoun (1834 - 1922) - Hospital administrator
- Waddell, Winifred (1884 - 1972) - Botanist
- Waddy, Nanette Stacy - Physician
- Wade, Mary Julia (1928 - 2005) - Palaeontologist, Geologist
- Walker, Anna Frances - Botanist
- Wallace, Carden Crea (1946 - ) - Coral scientist, Museum director, Marine scientist
- Wallace, Sue-Anne - Pharmacist, Museum curator, Museum administrator
- Walling, Edna Margaret (1895 - 1973) - Landscape gardener
- Warburton, Mary Egerton (1851 - 1930) - Botanical collector
- Warner, Lesley Rae (1940 - ) - Parasitologist
- Warren, Grace (1929 - ) - Educator, Missionary, Surgeon
- Watson, Ina Maud (1909 - 1992) - Natural history photographer, Ornithologist
- Watson, Jeanette Esther (Jan) (1927 - ) - Marine zoologist, Metallurgist
- Webb, Richenda Mary Deborah (1953 - ) - Medical administrator
- Webster, Betty Louise (1941 - 1990) - Astronomer
- Webster, Nicole (1973 - ) - Marine scientist
- Webster, Rachel (1951 - ) - Astrophysicist
- Wedgwood, Camilla Hildegarde (1901 - 1955) - Anthropologist
- Weekes, Hazel Claire (1903 - 1990) - Medical practitioner, Zoologist
- Wehl, Clara Christine Maria (1833 - 1901) - Botanical collector
- Wehl, Louise Therese (1860 - 1952) - Botanical collector
- Wehl, Marie Magdalene (1862 - 1960) - Botanical artist, Plant collector
- Welsh, Lynsey (1951 - 1997) - Chemist
- West, Judith Gay (Judy) (1949 - ) - Science administrator, Systematic botanist
- West, Suzanne Margaret (Sue) (1947 - ) - Politician, Nurse
- Weste, Gretna Margaret (1917 - 2006) - Botanist
- Wheatley, Alice Jean (1904 - 1993) - Nurse
- White, Elizabeth (1903 - 1992) - Physician
- White, Mary Elizabeth (1926 - 2018) - Palaeobotanist
- White-Haney, Jean (1877 - 1953) - Botanist
- Whitehead, Sylvia Gladys (1921 - 2012) - Mineralogist, Petrologist
- Whittle, Nancy Robertson - Geologist, Archivist
- Whitworth, Joyce Ethel (1911 - 1998) - Nurse
- Whitworth, Judith Ann (1944 - ) - Medical researcher
- Wieneke, Jo - School teacher, Ornithologist
- Wigan, Margaret Louise (1876 - 1970) - Ornithologist, Matron
- Wilkes, Lesley Marie (1946 - ) - Nurse educator
- Williams, Elizabeth - Botanist
- Williams, Fannie Eleanor (1884 - 1963) - Pathologist, Bacteriologist
- Williams, Mary Boyd Burfitt (1882 - 1956) - Physician, Pathologist
- Williams, Meryl Jean (1951 - ) - Marine scientist
- Willis, Susan Gay (1948 - ) - Educator
- Wilmot, Alice Elizabeth (Betty) (1912 - c. 1998) - Medical administrator, Dietician
- Wilson, Clare Eleanor (1947 - ) - Psychologist
- Wilson, Ellen Mary Kent - Physician
- Wilson, Grace Margaret (1879 - 1957) - Nurse
- Wilson, Gwenifer Catherine May (Gwen) (1916 - 1998) - Anaesthetist, Medical historian
- Wilson, Kerrie Ann - Environmental scientist, University Administrator
- Wilson, Susan Ruth (1948 - 2020) - Statistician
- Wing, Marie Naomi (Naomi) (1903 - 1985) - Rheumatologist
- Wolff, Helen A. (1973 - ) - Archivist, Librarian
- Wood, Barbara Grendon (1897 - 1980) - Radiologist
- Wood, Fiona Melanie (1958 - ) - Plastic surgeon
- Woodhill, Joan Mary (1912 - 1990) - Nutritionist, Dietician
- Woodroofe, Gwendolyn Marion (Gwen) (1918 - 2012) - Community worker, Virologist
- Woods, Elizabeth Jean (Beth) (1955 - ) - Agricultural administrator
- Woolcock, Ann Janet (1937 - 2001) - Medical scientist
- Woolley, Patricia Ann (1932 - ) - Mammalogist
- Workman, Barbara Skeete (1954 - ) - Medical administrator, Medical educator
- Worth, Patricia Mary (Trish) (1946 - ) - Politician, Nurse
- Wray, Naomi - Geneticist, Statistician
- Wright, E. Jane (c. 1954 - ) - Entomologist
- Wright, Judith (1915 - 2000) - Author, Conservationist, Poet
- Wythes, Jennifer Ruth (1947 - ) - Agricultural scientist