Browse Entries - C
- C. D. Haywood Pty Ltd (1875 - 1950)
- Cable and Wireless (C&W)
- Cable Makers Australia Pty Ltd (1940 - ?)
- Cade, Jack
- see Cade, John Frederick Joseph (1912 - 1980), Psychiatrist - Cade, John Frederick Joseph (1912 - 1980), Psychiatrist
- Cadell, Francis (1822 - 1879), Explorer and Navigator
- Cahill, John Terence (1918 - 2001), Physician
- Cahn, Audrey Josephine (1905 - 2008), Dietician and Nutritionist
- Caire, Nicholas John (1837 - 1918), Photographer
- Cairn, Edward James, Natural history collector
- Cairns, Hugh William Bell (1896 - 1952), Neurosurgeon
- Cairns, John Edwin Ingliston (1901 - ), Physicist and Company director
- Calaby, John Henry (1922 - 1998), Naturalist and Ornithologist
- Calcutt, Francis Macnamara (1870 - 1950), Civil engineer and Railway engineer
- Calder, William (1860 - 1928), Civil engineer and Surveyor
- Calderbank, Kingsley Edward (1928 - 1979), Chemist
- Caldicott, Helen Mary (1938 - ), Paediatrician, Writer and Activist
- Caley, George (1770 - 1829), Botanist and Explorer
- Callaghan, Allan Robert (1903 - 1993), Agricultural scientist and Public servant
- Callaghan, Jeff (1943? - ), Climate scientist and Meteorologist
- Callcott, Thomas George (Tom) (1924 - 2014), Inorganic chemist
- Callinan, Bernard James (1913 - 1995), Civil engineer
- Callinan, James Clifford (1905 - 1972), Electrical engineer
- Callister, Cyril Percy (1893 - 1949), Chemist and Food technologist
- Callow, Joseph Royal (1910 - 1947), Electrical engineer
- see Western Australian Department of Conservation and Land Management (1985 - 2006), State of Western Australia - Calvary North Adelaide Hospital
- see North Adelaide Hospital (1884 - ) - Calver, Michael C., Ecologist and Zoologist
- Calvert Scientific Exploring Expedition (1896)
- Calvert, Betty
- see Allan, Frances Elizabeth (Betty) (1905 - 1952), Biometrician and Statistician - Calvert, Caroline
- see Atkinson, Caroline Louisa Waring (1834 - 1872), Naturalist and Writer - Calvert, James Snowden (1825 - 1884), Explorer and Botanist
- Calvert, John (1814 - 1897), Mineralogist
- Calvert, Joseph (1906 - 1988), Botanist and Plant physiologist
- Calvert, Pat
- see Calvert, Joseph (1906 - 1988), Botanist and Plant physiologist - Camaldoli garden
- see L'Hortus Camaldulensis di Napoli (1816 - ) - Camaldoli Gardens
- Cambage, Richard Hind (1859 - 1928), Public servant, Surveyor and Botanist
- Cameron McNamara Pty Ltd
- Cameron, Ann (1939 - 1998), Toxinologist
- Cameron, Donald William (1935 - ), Organic chemist
- Cameron, Fiona Grant (1942 - ), Radiotherapist
- Cameron, Ian George Dewar (1929 - 2023), Civil engineer
- Cameron, John Brewer (1843 - 1897), Surveyor
- Cameron, Margaret Alison (1937 - 2023), Librarian, University Administrator and Ornithologist
- Cameron, Samuel Sherwen (1866 - 1933), Veterinary surgeon and Agricultural administrator
- Cameron-Traub, Elizabeth (1943 - ), Nurse educator
- Camfield, Julius Henry (1852 - 1916), Horticulturist and Plant collector
- Camm, Philip John (1892 - 1959), Engineer and Jam manufacturer
- Campbell, Alfred Walter (Snowy) (1868 - 1937), Neurologist and Pathologist
- Campbell, Allan (1836 - 1898), Homeopath, Medical practitioner and Politician
- Campbell, Allan John (1911 - 1979), Radio engineer
- Campbell, Archibald George (1880 - 1954), Orchardist and Ornithologist
- Campbell, Archibald James (1853 - 1929), Ornithologist and Photographer
- Campbell, Archibald Stewart (1898 - 1978), Electrical engineer
- Campbell, Archie, Manufacturer
- Campbell, Frank (? - 1987), Science writer
- Campbell, Frederick Harper (1879 - 1958), Chemist
- Campbell, G. S., Forester
- Campbell, John Fauna (1853 - 1938), Surveyor and Botanist
- Campbell, Julie Hazel (1946 - ), Biologist
- Campbell, Kate Isabel (1899 - 1986), Paediatrician
- Campbell, Ken
- see Campbell, Kenton Stewart Wall (1927 - 2017), Geologist and Palaeontologist - Campbell, Kenton Stewart Wall (1927 - 2017), Geologist and Palaeontologist
- Campbell, Robert, Naval architect
- Campbell, Roderick Samuel Fisher (1924 - 2018), Veterinary scientist
- Campbell, Thomas Draper (1893 - 1967), Dentist and Anthropologist
- Campbell, Thomas Graham (1904 - ), Entomologist
- Campbell, Walter Scott (1844 - 1935), Public servant
- Canavan, Frank (1909 - 1995), Geologist
- Canberra Botanic Gardens
- see Australian National Botanic Gardens (1949 - ) - Canberra Botanic Gardens (1930s - 1978)
- Canberra College of Advanced Education (1967 - 1990)
- Cancer and Haematology Division (1996 - ), The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
- Cancer Council of Victoria
- see Anti-Cancer Council of Victoria (1934 - 2002) - The Cancer Council Victoria (2002 - )
- Cancer Institute, Melbourne (1949 - 1986)
- Cancer Research Unit (1965 - 1996), The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
- Cancer Trials Australia (1993 - )
- Candolle, Augustus Pyramus de (1778 - 1841), Botanist
- Candy, Michael Philip (1928 - 1994), Astronomer
- Cane, William Lancashire (1911 - 1987), Horticulturist
- Canning, Estelle Margaret (1936 - 2021), Botanist and Plant collector
- Cannon, Jack Richard (1927 - 2014), Organic chemist
- Cannon, Lester Robert Glen (1940 - ), Parasitologist
- Cannon, Robert (Bob) (1923 - 2001), Dentist
- Cantor, T., Entomologist
- Canty, Allan James, Chemist
- Cape Lambert Power Station
- Cape, Ronald (1921 - 2007), Geriatrician and Medical practitioner
- Capell, Arthur (1902 - 1986), Anthropologist, Linguist and Minister of religion
- Capital Markets Cooperative Research Centre (2007 - 2014)
- Capital Markets CRC
- see Capital Markets Cooperative Research Centre (2007 - 2014) - Capricornia Electricity Board
- Capricornia Institute of Advanced Education (1967 - 1990)
- Carba Dry Ice (Australia) (c. 1929 - ?)
- Carbide and Electro Products Limited (c. 1920 - ?)
- Carey Medal
- see S. W. Carey Medal (1992 - ), Geological Society of Australia - Carey, Alan Lawrence (1949 - ), Mathematician
- Carey, Gladys, Botanist
- Carey, Harvey McKay (1917 - 1989), Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
- Carey, Henry Charles (1793 - 1879), Economist and Social scientist
- Carey, Samuel Warren (Warren) (1911 - 2002), Geologist
- Carey, Warren
- see Carey, Samuel Warren (Warren) (1911 - 2002), Geologist - Carleylle, A.C.L., Museum curator
- Carlisle, Edward Arthur (1900 - 1966), Chemist
- Carlton and United Breweries Limited (CUB) (1950 - )
- Carlton Brewery Ltd (1896 - ?)
- Carman, Jean Kathleen (1909 - 2005), Artist and Dyemaker
- Carmichael, Archibald Drummond, Metallurgist
- Carnarvon Power Station (c. 1968 - )
- Carne, Alan McArthur (1887 - 1975?), Botanist and Sugar pioneer
- Carne, Harold Roy (1901 - 1990), Veterinary scientist
- Carne, Joseph Edmund (1855 - 1922), Geologist and Museum curator
- Carne, P. B., Entomologist
- Carne, Walter Mervyn (1885 - 1952), Botanical collector, Botanist and Plant pathologist
- Carnegie, David Wynford (1871 - 1900), Explorer
- Carnell, Anne Katherine (Kate) (1955 - ), Pharmacist and Politician
- Caro, David Edmund (1922 - 2011), Physicist, University Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor
- Carr, Denis John (1915 - 2008), Botanist
- Carr, Stella Grace Maisie (Maisie) (1912 - 1988), Botanist and Ecologist
- Carrick, Robert (? - 1988), Biologist and Ornithologist
- Carrington Slipways Pty Ltd (1958 - ?)
- Carroll, Alan (c. 1823 - 1911), Anthropologist and Physician
- Carron, William (1821 - 1876), Botanist and Forester
- see Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety - Queensland (CARRS-Q) (1996 - ), Queensland University of Technology - Carslaw, Horatio Scott (1870 - 1954), Mathematician
- Carswell, Douglas John (1929 - 1994), Chemist
- Carter, Alan Norval (1926 - 1989), Geologist and Marine scientist
- Carter, Charles Ernest (1885 - 1976), Forester and Botanist
- Carter, E., Viticulturist
- Carter, Herbert James (1858 - 1940), Entomologist and Teacher
- Carter, Kathleen Janet (Jan) (1941 - ), Social scientist and Sociologist
- Carter, R. S., Engineer
- Carter, Robert Merlin (Bob) (1942 - 2016), Marine geologist and Palaeontologist
- Carter, Sarah Henriette (Henriette) (1822 - 1925), Botanical collector
- Carter, Susan Jill, Nurse and Politician
- Carter, Thomas (1863 - 1931), Ornithologist
- Caruso, Frank (1968 - ), Materials scientist and Physical chemist
- Carver, John Henry (1926 - 2004), Physicist
- Casey Station (1969 - ), Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions
- Casey, Cornelius Gavin (1810 - 1896), Surgeon
- Casey, Dermot Armstrong (1897 - 1977), Anthropologist
- Casey, James Joseph (1831 - 1913), Politician and Judge
- Casey, Richard Gavin Gardiner (1890 - 1976), Engineer, Science administrator and Governor-General
- Casimir, D. J., Food scientist
- CAST Cooperative Research Centre
- see CAST CRC (c. 2005 - c. 2012) - CAST CRC (c. 2005 - c. 2012)
- Castelnau, Francis de la Porte (1810 - 1880), Explorer
- Catani, Carlo Giorgio Domenico Enrico (1852 - 1918), Civil engineer
- Catcheside, David Guthrie (1907 - 1994), Geneticist, University Administrator and Microbiologist
- Cattermole, Margaret Lyndsey (1948 - ), Company director and Software engineer
- Caughley, Graeme James (1937 - 1994), Conservation biologist, Ecologist and Mammalogist
- Caulfield, Harold (1918 - 1994), Botanic gardens director and Horticulturist
- Cavallucci, V. L., Electronic engineer
- Cavanilles, Antonio Jose (1745 - 1804), Botanist and Taxonomist
- Cavill, George William Kenneth (Ken) (1922 - 2017), Chemist
- Cawood, Peter, Geologist
- Cawthorne, William Anderson (1825 - 1897), Conchologist, Headmaster and Teacher
- Cawthron, Edward Robert, Electronic engineer
- Cayley, Neville Henry Pennington (1853 - 1903), Ornithological artist and Ornithologist
- Cayley, Neville William (1886 - 1950), Natural history artist and Ornithologist
- Cazneaux, Harold Pierce (1878 - 1953), Photographer
- CBH Grain Terminal
- see Canberra College of Advanced Education (1967 - 1990) - Celanese Corporation
- Cell Therapies Pty Ltd (2003 - )
- Cellular Immunology Unit (1965 - 1996), The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
- Cellulose Australia Limited (1940s - 1969)
- Cement Linings Limited (1936 - ?)
- Central Analysis Office (1941 - 1960s)
- Central Queensland Meat Export Company ( - 1883?)
- Central Queensland Meat Preserving Company
- Central Queensland University (1994 - )
- Central Research Laboratories (1956 - 1990s), ICI Australia Ltd
- Central Studies Establishment (CSE) (1969 - ?), Department of Defence
- Central TAFE, Advanced Manufacturing Technologies Centre
- Central Wool Committee (1939 - 1945), Commonwealth of Australia
- Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety - Queensland (CARRS-Q) (1996 - ), Queensland University of Technology
- Centre for Advanced Materials Technology (1989 - ), Monash University
- Centre for Advanced Technology in Telecommunications (1987 - ?), RMIT University
- Centre for Applied Colloid and Biocolloid Science (1986 - 2006), Swinburne University of Technology
- Centre for Applied Colloid Science (1980 - ), Swinburne University of Technology
- Centre for Applied Social Research (CASR), RMIT University
- Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing (1998 - ), Swinburne University of Technology
- Centre for Australian National Biodiversity Research (CANBR) (2010 - )
- Centre for Biomedical Engineering, Monash University
- Centre for Biomedical Instrumentation, Swinburne University of Technology
- Centre for Bioprocessing and Food Technology, Victoria University of Technology
- Centre for Computer Integrated Manufacture (CIM Centre), Swinburne University of Technology
- Centre for Design at RMIT (c. 1990 - ), RMIT University
- Centre for Developmental Cancer Thereputics (CDCT)
- see Cancer Trials Australia (1993 - ) - Centre for Environmental Applied Hydrology (CEAH), The University of Melbourne
- Centre for Environmental Management, The University of Ballarat
- Centre for Environmental Mechanics
- see CSIRO Division of Environmental Mechanics (1971 - 1997), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - Centre for Environmental Studies (1975 - ), The University of Tasmania
- Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health Research (CEPHR), Burnet Institute
- Centre for Eye Research Australia (CERA) Limited (1996 - )
- Centre for Forest Tree Technology (CFTT)
- see Forest Research and Development Branch (1983? - 1998), State of Victoria - Centre for Green Chemistry (2000 - ), Monash University
- Centre for Harm Reduction, Burnet Institute
- Centre for Human Development, Monash University
- Centre for Industrial Design (1990s - ), Monash University
- Centre for International Health (1992 - ), Burnet Institute
- Centre for Irrigation and Freshwater Research - CSIRO (1987 - 1988), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Centre for Irrigation Research - CSIRO (1982 - 1987), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture (CLIMA) (2000 - )
- Centre for Packaging, Transportation and Storage (1994 - ), Victoria University
- Centre for Palliative Care (1996 - )
- Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research (1993 - 2010)
- Centre for Rehabilitation, Exercise and Sport Science (CRESS), Victoria University
- Centre for Telecommunications and Information Engineering (CTIE) (1993 - ), Monash University
- Centre for Water Studies (1976 - ), Monash University
- Ceramic Society of New South Wales
- see Australian Ceramic Society (II) (1961 - ) - Chadim, Helen
- Chadim, V.A., Orchidologist
- Chadwick, Clarence Earl (Clarry) (1909 - 2004), Entomologist
- Chaffer, Norman (1899 - 1992), Business executive, Photographer and Ornithologist
- Chaffey, George (1848 - 1932), Irrigation expert
- Chaffey, William Benjamin (1856 - 1926), Irrigation expert
- Chairman’s Medal, CSIRO
- see CSIRO Chairman's Medal for Science and Engineering Excellence (1991 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - Chalk, Aubrey Stubbing (1883 - 1957), Business executive and Ornithologist
- Challen, M.B. (? - 1961), Analytical chemist
- Challinor, Richard Westman (1874 - 1951), Chemist
- Challis, Charles Clifford (1901 - 1965), Industrial chemist
- Challis, Louis Aron (1936 - 2017), Acoustical engineer
- Chalmers, John Phillip (1937 - ), Medical researcher
- Chalmers, Robert Oliver (1911 - 2006), Geologist and Mineralogist
- Chalmers, William Edward (Bill) (1924 - 2001), Orthodontist
- Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia Inc (1960s - )
- Chamber of Mines of Western Australia (1901 - 1960s)
- Chamberlain, Albert William, Manufacturer
- Chamberlain, Marie Elizabeth, Nurse educator
- Chamberlain, Noel Gordon (1916 - ), Geophysicist
- Chamberlain, William John (1896 - 1983), Chemist
- Chambers, Enoch, Manufacturer
- Chambers, Thomas Carrick (1930 - ), Botanic gardens director and Botanist
- Champ, Bruce Richard (1930 - 2017), Entomologist
- Champion de Crespigny, Constantine Trent (1882 - 1952), Physician and University Administrator
- Chandler, B. V., Food scientist
- Chandler, Leslie Gordon (1888 - 1980), Ornithologist and Photographer
- Chang, Victor Peter (1936 - 1991), Cardiologist and Surgeon
- Chapman, A., Biologist
- Chapman, Frederick (1864 - 1943), Palaeontologist
- Chapman, Henry George (1879 - 1934), Physiologist
- Chapman, Robert William (1866 - 1942), Engineer and Mathematician
- Chapman, W. S. (? - 1958), Analyst
- Chapman, Wilfrid Dinsey (1891 - 1955), Civil engineer
- Chappell, Bruce William (1936 - 2012), Geologist and Geochemist
- Chappell, John Michael Arthur (1940 - 2018), Geoscientist
- Chappill, Jennifer Anne (Jenny) (1959 - 2006), Taxonomic botanist
- Chapple, M. A., Computer scientist
- Chapple, Phoebe (1879 - 1967), Physician
- Charles Atkins Pty Ltd
- Charles Brothers Museum (1950s - 1980s), Mental Health Library, Office of Psychiatric Services
- Charles Darwin University (2004 - )
- Charles Darwin University, Menzies School of Health Research (1985 - )
- Charles Sturt University (1989 - )
- Charles, Christine (1955 - ), Physicist
- Charlwood, Robyn Anne (1956 - ), Dietician
- Charsley, Fanny Anne (1828 - 1915), Botanical artist and Botanical collector
- Charters, William Wallace Stewart (Bill) (1935 - 2017), Engineer
- Chase, Eleanor Emily (1896 - 1926), Zoologist
- Chatfield, Florence (1867 - 1949), Nurse and Hospital administrator
- Chauncy, Philip Lamothe Snell (1816 - 1880), Surveyor and Anthropologist
- Checchi, Ettore (1853 - 1946), Engineer
- Cheek, Donald Brook (1924 - 1990), Medical scientist and Paediatrician
- Cheel, Edwin (1872 - 1951), Botanist
- Cheese Industry Productivity Improvement Project (CIPIP) (1980s - ?)
- Cheetham, R., Pharmaceutical manufacturer
- ChemCentre (2007 - )
- Chemeca Medal (1982 - ), Australian and New Zealand Federation of Chemical Engineers [from 1997]
- Chemical Engineering Prize (1964 - 1975), Institution of Engineers Australia
- Chemical Research Laboratories - CSIRO (1958 - 1970), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Chemistry and Physics Research Laboratory (1949 - 1955)
- Chemistry and Physics Research Laboratory, Electronics Research Laboratory (1949 - 1955)
- Chemistry and Physics Research Laboratory, High Speed Aerodynamics Laboratory (1949 - 1955)
- Chemistry and Physics Research Laboratory, Propulsion Research Laboratory (1949 - 1955)
- Chemistry Australia (2017 - )
- Chemistry Centre (WA) (1988 - 2007)
- Chemistry in Australia Bibliography (2006 - )
- Chenery, Arthur (1869 - 1948), Physician and Ornithologist
- Cherry and Sons (1890s - ?)
- Cherry, Brian Wilson (1935 - 2018), Engineering historian and Materials scientist
- Cherry, Francis, Surveyor
- Cherry, Richard Ormond (1903 - 1996), Physicist
- Cherry, Thomas (1861 - 1945), Bacteriologist and Agricultural scientist
- Cherry, Thomas Macfarland (1898 - 1966), Mathematician
- Cherry-Garrard, Apsley G.B. (1886 - 1959), Zoologist
- Cheuychit, Pradit (1926 - 1988), Organic chemist
- Chevert Expedition (1875)
- Chewings, Charles (1859 - 1937), Geologist and Anthropologist
- Chidley, William James (1860? - 1916), Philosopher
- Chief Scientist of Australia (1989 - )
- Child, William Knox (1793 - 1874), Company director
- Childe, Vere Gordon (1892 - 1957), Archaeologist and Political theorist
- Children's Hospital (1870 - 1953)
- Chinn, Henry (1858 - 1940), Engineer and Surveyor
- Chinner, John Harding (1915 - 2001), Forest scientist and University Administrator
- Chippendale, George McCartney (1921 - 2010), Taxonomic botanist
- Chisholm Institute
- Chisholm, Alexander Hugh (Alec) (1890 - 1977), Naturalist, Journalist and Ornithologist
- Chisholm, Edwin Claude (c. 1880 - 1944), Botanical collector, Entomologist and Medical practitioner
- Christensen, F. J., Forester
- Christian, Chris
- see Christian, Clifford Stuart (Chris) (1907 - 1996), Agricultural scientist and Science administrator - Christian, Clifford Stuart (Chris) (1907 - 1996), Agricultural scientist and Science administrator
- Christian, John Hinton Bassett (1925 - 2024), Microbiologist and Science administrator
- Christiansen, Wilbur Norman (Chris) (1913 - 2007), Electrical engineer and Radio astronomer
- Christidis, Leslie (Les) (1959 - ), Ornithologist
- Christie, George Lawrence (1924 - 2006)
- Christie, Thelma Isabel (1913 - 1966), Analytical chemist
- Christopher Heyde Medal (2011 - ), Australian Academy of Science
- Chubb, Ian (1943 - ), Chief Scientist, Neuroscientist and Vice-Chancellor
- Church, John Alexander (1951 - ), Climate scientist and Oceanographer
- Churchill, David Maughan (1933 - 2019), Botanic gardens director, Botanist and Science administrator
- Churchward, Clifton Reed (1883 - 1962), Analytical chemist
- see CRC for Infrastructure and Engineering Asset Management (2010 - 2013) - CIEAM
- see CRC for Integrated Engineering Asset Management (2003 - 2013) - CIG
- see Commonwealth Industrial Gases Ltd (CIG) (1935 - 1994) - CIGRE Australian National Committee (1953 - )
- Cilento, Lady Phyllis Dorothy (1894 - 1987), Author, Educator, Journalist, Medical practitioner and Obstetrician
- Cilento, Raphael West (1893 - 1985), Medical administrator and Public servant
- City of Melbourne Gas Coke Company (1850 - ?)
- Civil and Civic (1951 - )
- Civil Engineering Transactions (1959 - 2002)
- Clapp, Francis Boardman (1833 - 1920), Business executive and Tramway engineer
- Clapp, Harold Winthrop (1875 - 1952), Administrator
- Clare, Judith Mary, Nurse educator
- Clarebrough, Leo Michael (1924 - 2015), Metallurgist and Science administrator
- Clarey, Janine Catherine
- Clark, Arthur Temple, Land inspector
- Clark, Donald (1864 - 1932), Metallurgist and Science educator
- Clark, Doreen Veronica, Company director
- Clark, Edward Vincent (1876 - 1952), Electrical engineer
- Clark, Ellen (1915 - 1988)
- Clark, Gordon Colvin Lindesay (Lindesay) (1896 - 1986), Mining engineer and Company director
- Clark, Graeme Milbourne (1935 - ), Otolaryngologist, Neuroscientist, Speech Scientist and Bioengineer
- Clark, Gregory John (Greg), Physicist
- Clark, Heaton Carr (1889 - 1968), Civil engineer
- Clark, Henry William (1865 - 1930?), Mining engineer
- Clark, Hubert Lyman (1870 - 1947), Zoologist
- Clark, John (1885 - 1956), Entomologist
- Clark, John Howard (1830 - 1878), Assayer and Merchant
- Clark, Marie Coutts (1908 - 1991), Physicist and Spectrochemist
- Clark, Matthew Symonds, Ornithologist and Aviculturalist
- Clark, Meredith Joan
- see Smith, Meredith Joan (1943 - 1998), Mammalogist and Zoologist - Clark, Merial Carr
- see Morton, Merial Carr (1921 - ), Chemist - Clark, Mortimer
- Clark, Susan J., Medical scientist
- Clarke Medal (1878 - ), Royal Society of New South Wales
- Clarke, Adrienne Elizabeth (1938 - ), Botanist, Plant geneticist, Science administrator and University Chancellor
- Clarke, Andrew (1824 - 1902), Science patron, Surveyor and Politician
- Clarke, Benjamin
- Clarke, John Russell (1916 - 1995), Chemist and Polymath
- Clarke, Michael Fraser, Conservation ecologist, Ornithologist and University Administrator
- Clarke, Raymond W. (1930 - ), Meteorologist
- Clarke, Reginald Henry (1914 - 1990), Meteorologist
- Clarke, William Branwhite (1798 - 1878), Geologist and Minister of religion
- Clarke, William John (1831 - 1897), Stud-breeder, Philanthropist and Agriculturalist
- Clark-Lewis, John William (1920 - 2001), Organic chemist
- Clarkson, Barnard Drummond (1836 - 1909), Botanical collector and Parliamentarian
- Clarkson, William (1859 - 1934), Naval officer
- Clayton, Eric Elwin Samuel (Sam) (1896 - 1987), Soil conservationist
- Clayton, Margaret Nancy, Phycologist and University Administrator
- Clegg, Jack, Physical chemist
- Cleland, Joan
- see Paton, Joan (1916? - 2000), Ornithologist - Cleland, John Burton (1878 - 1971), Botanical collector, Pathologist, Epidemiologist and Ornithologist
- Cleland, William Lennox (1847 - 1918), Medical practitioner
- Clemens, Mary Strong (1873 - 1968), Botanical collector and Explorer
- Clement, Dixie Paumier (1879 - 1935), Physician and Obstetrician
- Clements, Francis William (1864 - 1939), Civil engineer and Electrical engineer
- Clements, Frederick Moore (1859 - 1920), Pharmacist and Manufacturing chemist
- Clements, Frederick William (Fred) (1904 - 1995)
- Clements, Hubert Ingham (1886 - 1969), Engineer
- Clendinnen, F. W. J., Chemist
- Clendinnen, Frederick John (1860 - 1913), Radiologist
- Clendinnen, Leslie John (Jack) (1887 - 1954), Radiologist
- Clerehan, Brian (1918 - 2001), Physician and Military doctor
- Clerk, Henry, Marine surveyor and Naval officer
- Cliff, Julie Laraine (1944 - ), Physician, Medical educator and Epidemiologist
- Clifford, Harold Trevor (Trevor) (1927 - 2019), Botanist
- Climie, Colin Richmond (Dick) (1923 - 2013), Anaesthetist
- Clinical Research Unit (1945 - 1996), The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
- Clive and Vera Ramaciotti Foundation (1970 - )
- Clive and Vera Research Foundation, Ramaciotti Medal for Excellence in Biomedical Research (1996 - )
- Clive Lord Memorial Medal (1930 - ), Royal Society of Tasmania
- Cloez, Francois Stanislas (1817 - 1883), Chemist
- Close, John Campbell (1881 - 1953), Electrical engineer
- Close, John Henry Collinson (1871 - 1949), Antarctic explorer
- Clothier, William Keith (1914 - ), Physicist
- Cloud, Thomas Charles (1848 - 1918), Assayer and Metallurgist
- Clubbe, Charles Percy Barlee (1854 - 1932), Paediatrician
- Clunies Ross Foundation
- see Ian Clunies Ross Memorial Foundation (1959 - 2004) - Clunies Ross House
- see National Science Centre (1967 - 1990) - Clunies Ross Innovation Award (2016 - ), Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
- Clunies Ross Knowledge Commercialisation Award (2016 - ), Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
- Clunies Ross Lifetime Achievement Award (1999 - ), Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
- Clunies Ross National Science and Technology Award (1991 - 2015), Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
- Clunies Ross, William Ian (1899 - 1959), Parasitologist and Veterinary scientist
- Clunies Ross, William John (1850 - 1914), Science educator
- Clyde - Ryley Dodds Pty Ltd (1970s - ?)
- Clyde Engineering Company Pty Ltd (1944 - 1980s)
- Clyde Industries Ltd (1898 - 1949)
- Clyne, Densey (1926 - ), Naturalist
- see CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research (2005 - 2014), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - CMIT
- see CSIRO Division of Manufacturing and Infrastructure Technology (2002 - 2006), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - CMIT
- see CSIRO Manufacturing and Infrastructure Technology (CMIT) (2002 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - CMSE
- see CSIRO Division of Materials Science and Engineering (2007 - 2014), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - CO2CRC
- see CRC for Greenhouse Gas Technologies (2003 - 2014) - Coad, Alan Rawle (1919 - ?), Chemical engineer and Salinity expert
- Coal Industry Tribunal (1947 - 1995), Commonwealth of Australia
- Coal Mines on Tasman's Peninsula (1833 - c. 1877)
- Coane, Henry Edward (1877 - 1923), Civil engineer
- Coane, John Montgomery (1848 - 1923), Surveyor and Civil engineer
- Coastal CRC
- see CRC for Coastal Zone, Estuary and Waterway Management (1999 - 2006) - Coated Products Division (1979 - ), BHP Steel International
- Coates, Albert Ernest (1895 - 1977), Neurosurgeon
- Coates, John (1844 - 1914), Civil engineer, Gas engineer and Hydraulic engineer
- Coates, John Hewlett (1932 - 2016), Biophysical chemist
- Coats Patons (Australia) Ltd (? - 1970)
- Cobb, Freeman (1830 - 1878), Business executive and Coachline proprietor
- Cobb, Nathan Augustus (1859 - 1932), Plant pathologist and Biologist
- Cobbett, William (1763 - 1835), Agriculturalist and Politician
- Cobley, John, Medical historian
- Cochlear Corporation
- see Cochlear Limited (1985 - ) - Cochlear Implant
- see Multi-channel Cochlear Implant (Bionic Ear) (1978 - ) - Cochlear Implant Clinic (1985 - ), Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital
- Cochlear Limited (1985 - )
- Cochlear Pty Ltd (1983 - 1984)
- Cochrane, Harold Clyde, Biochemist and Medical researcher
- Cochrane, John Robert Swan (1891? - 1955), Chemist
- Cockayne, David John Hugh (1942 - 2010), Scientist
- Cockburn, David Michael (1923 - 2016), Optometrist
- Cockburn, Jill (1961 - ), Psychologist and Educator
- Cockerell, J.T., Zoological collector
- Cockle, James (1819 - 1895), Barrister, Chief justice and Mathematician
- Coffey, Shaun, Agricultural scientist
- Coggan, Tom Colston (1897? - 1952), Industrial chemist
- Cogger, Harold George (Hal) (1935 - ), Herpetologist and Museum director
- Coghlan, Timothy Augustine (1855 - 1926), Statistician
- Cohen, Alan, Pharmacist
- Cohen, Dick
- see Kingsland, Richard (1916 - ), Aviator and Public servant - Cohen, Dick (1916 - ), Aviator
- Cohen, Douglas Harry (1920 - 2011), Paediatrician and Surgeon
- Cohen, Fanny (1887 - 1975), Mathematician and Educator
- Cohen, L. H., Computer scientist
- Cohen, Lawrence Thomas
- Cohen, Wilby Edison (1902 - 1969), Industrial chemist
- Cohn, Harry I. (1940 - 2021), Mathematician and University Administrator
- Cohn, Helen Margaret (1951 - ), Bibliographer and Science historian
- Cohns
- Colbeck, William (1871 - 1930), Antarctic explorer and Shipmaster
- Colbran, Robert C. (Bob) (1926 - 2010), Parasitologist
- Coldicutt, Elizabeth Boyle (Beth) ( - 1995), Educator and Engineering teacher
- Cole, Andrew Reginald Howard (Andy) (1924 - 2024), Chemist and University Administrator
- Cole, Frank Hobill (1863 - 1934), Paediatrician
- Cole, Joan Helen, Physiotherapist and Educator
- Cole, Keith David (1929 - 2010), Physicist
- Cole, William Frederick (1917 - ), Physicist
- Colefax, Alan Neville (1908 - 1961), Marine zoologist
- Coleman, Edith (1874 - 1951), Naturalist and Teacher
- Coleman, John D., Forester
- Colenso, William (1811 - 1899), Botanist, Minister of religion and Missionary
- Colin Crisp Award (2001 - ), Engineering Heritage Australia
- Colin Crisp Heritage Excellence Award
- see Colin Crisp Award (2001 - ), Engineering Heritage Australia - Colledge, William Robert ( - 1928), Naturalist and Pharmacist
- College of Art and Design, Monash University
- College of Mechanical Engineering, Institution of Engineers, Australia, A. G. M. Michell Medal (1978 - )
- The College of Nursing (2002 - )
- College of Nursing, Australia (1949 - 1989)
- College of Pathologists of Australia (1956 - 1970)
- College of Radiologists (Australian and New Zealand)
- see College of Radiologists of Australasia (1952 - 1972) - College of Radiologists of Australasia (1952 - 1972)
- College of Surgeons of Australasia
- see Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) (1927 - ) - Colless, Donald Henry (Don) (1922 - 2012), Entomologist and Taxonomist
- Collie, Alexander (1793 - 1835), Botanical collector, Physician and Explorer
- Collie, George (1893 - 1961), Industrial chemist
- Collie, Jean Patricia (1944 - ), Medical administrator
- Collie, Robert (1839 - 1892), Botanical collector and Minister of religion
- Collin, Shaun P., Neurobiologist
- Collins Motors
- Collins, Archibald John (1890 - 1955), Physician
- Collins, Brian Gordon (c. 1937 - ), Zoologist, Physiologist and Ornithologist
- Collins, George (1955 - 2014)
- Collins, H. E., Author
- Collins, James Desmond (1929 - 1968), Manufacturing chemist
- Collins, Marjorie
- see Shiels, Marjorie (1895 - 1970), Ecologist - Colliver, Frederick Stanley (Stan) (1908 - 1991), Fitter and turner, Museum curator, Natural history collector and Naturalist
- Colman, Peter Malcolm (1944 - ), Biologist, Biomolecular engineer, Medical chemist and Virologist
- Colonial Ammunition Factory (1880s - 1920s)
- Colonial Hospital, Hobart (1820 - 1860)
- Colonial Science Club (1987 - 2001?)
- Colonial Sugar Refining Company (1855 - 1974)
- Colony and State of New South Wales, National Herbarium of New South Wales (1896 - )
- Colony and State of New South Wales, New South Wales Department of Lands (1859 - 1981)
- Colony and State of New South Wales, New South Wales Department of Mines and Agriculture (1891 - 1908)
- Colony and State of New South Wales, New South Wales Department of Public Works (1859 - 1936)
- Colony and State of New South Wales, New South Wales Forest Conservancy Branch (1882 - 1900s)
- Colony and State of New South Wales, Royal Botanic Garden Sydney (1816 - )
- Colony and State of New South Wales, Sydney Observatory
- Colony and State of New South Wales, Technological Museum (1890 - 1950)
- Colony and State of Queensland, Bureau of Sugar Experiment Stations (1900 - 2003)
- Colony and State of Queensland, Queensland Agricultural Chemical Laboratory Branch, Plant Industry Division, Department of Agriculture and Stock (1897 - 1963)
- Colony and State of Queensland, Queensland Department of Agriculture (1887 - 1904)
- Colony and State of Queensland, Queensland Lands Department (1866 - 1996)
- Colony and State of Queensland, Queensland Mines Department (II) (1890 - 1989)
- Colony and State of Queensland, Queensland Public Works Department (II) (1890 - 1989)
- Colony and State of South Australia, Adelaide Botanic Gardens (1855 - )
- Colony and State of South Australia, South Australian Central Board of Health (1873 - 1951)
- Colony and State of South Australia, South Australian Central Bureau of Agriculture (1888 - 1902)
- Colony and State of South Australia, South Australian Colonial Surgeons Office (1836 - 1914)
- Colony and State of South Australia, South Australian Department of Mines (1894 - 1977)
- Colony and State of South Australia, South Australian Engineer in Chief's and Engineering Departments (1867 - 1929)
- Colony and State of South Australia, South Australian Marine Board (1860 - 1925)
- Colony and State of South Australia, South Australian Post and Telegraph Department (1870 - 1975)
- Colony and State of South Australia, South Australian Railways (1856 - 1974)
- Colony and State of South Australia, South Australian Surveyor General's Office and the Survey and Crown Lands Department (1836 - 1917)
- Colony and State of South Australia, South Australian Woods and Forests Department (1883 - 1992)
- Colony and State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Central Board of Health (1886 - 1904)
- Colony and State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Council of Agriculture (1891 - 1909)
- Colony and State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Department of Agriculture [I] (1898 - 1903)
- Colony and State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Government Railways (1872 - 1939)
- Colony and State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Mines Department (1894 - 1989)
- Colony and State of Victoria, Industrial and Technological Museum (1870 - 1945)
- Colony and State of Victoria, Melbourne Botanic Gardens (1846 - 1958)
- Colony and State of Victoria, Melbourne Observatory (1863 - 1944)
- Colony and State of Victoria, Victorian Department of Agriculture (1872 - 1985)
- Colony and State of Victoria, Victorian Department of Crown Lands and Survey (1857 - 1983)
- Colony and State of Victoria, Victorian Railways (1883 - 1983)
- Colony and State of Western Australia, Western Australian Central Board of Health (1886 - 1911)
- Colony and State of Western Australia, Western Australian Department of Agriculture (1898 - 2006)
- Colony and State of Western Australia, Western Australian Department of Lands and Surveys (1890 - 1986)
- Colony and State of Western Australia, Western Australian Department of Mines (1894 - 1992)
- Colony and State of Western Australia, Western Australian Government Railways [1] (1890 - 1914)
- Colony and State of Western Australia, Western Australian Harbour and Light Department (1880 - 1982)
- Colony and State of Western Australia, Western Australian Medical Department [1] (1850 - 1906)
- Colony and State of Western Australia, Western Australian Metropolitan Water Works Board (1896 - 1910)
- Colony and State of Western Australia, Western Australian Wood and Forests Department (1896 - 1919)
- Colony of New South Wales (1788 - 1901)
- Colony of New South Wales, New South Wales Colonial Engineer (1836 - 1843)
- Colony of New South Wales, New South Wales Department of Lands and Public Works (1856 - 1859)
- Colony of New South Wales, New South Wales Department of Mines (1874 - 1891)
- Colony of New South Wales, New South Wales Surveyor General [I] (1788 - 1887)
- Colony of New South Wales, Technological, Industrial, and Sanitary Museum (1880 - 1889)
- Colony of Queensland (1859 - 1901)
- Colony of Queensland, Queensland Lands and Works Department (1862 - 1866)
- Colony of Queensland, Queensland Mines and Works Department (1887 - 1890)
- Colony of Queensland, Queensland Mines Department (I) (1876 - 1887)
- Colony of Queensland, Queensland Public Works Department (I) (1866 - 1887)
- Colony of South Australia (1834 - 1901)
- Colony of South Australia, South Australian Colonial Engineering and Architecture Departments (1841 - 1867)
- Colony of South Australia, South Australian Department of Agriculture [I] (1883 - 1888)
- Colony of South Australia, South Australian Department of The Harbour Master (1838 - 1843)
- Colony of South Australia, South Australian Forest Board (1875 - 1882)
- Colony of South Australia, South Australian Great Northern Exploring Expedition (1861 - 1863)
- Colony of South Australia, South Australian Harbor Department (1843 - 1860)
- Colony of South Australia, South Australian Observatory and Telegraph Department (1856 - 1869)
- Colony of Tasmania (1856 - 1901)
- Colony of Tasmania, Tasmanian Mines Branch (1883 - 1894)
- Colony of Van Diemen's Land (1803 - 1855)
- Colony of Van Diemen's Land and Tasmania, and State of Tasmania, Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens (1828 - )
- Colony of Van Diemen's Land, Colony and State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Lands and Surveys Department (1804 - 1970)
- Colony of Victoria (1851 - 1901)
- Colony of Victoria, Board of Science (1858 - 1860)
- Colony of Victoria, Botanical Museum of Melbourne (1853 - 1896)
- Colony of Victoria, Flagstaff Observatory for Geophysics, Magnetism and Nautical Sciences (1858 - 1863)
- Colony of Victoria, Museum of Natural History (1854 - 1858)
- Colony of Victoria, Victorian Surveyor-General's Department (1851 - 1857)
- Colony of Victoria, Williamstown Observatory (1853 - 1863)
- Colony of Western Australia (1829 - 1901)
- Colony of Western Australia, Perth Observatory (1896 - )
- Colony of Western Australia, Western Australian Bureau of Agriculture (1894 - 1898)
- Colony of Western Australia, Western Australian Crown Lands and Surveys Department (1873 - 1890)
- Colony of Western Australia, Western Australian Department of Works and Buildings (1890 - 1900)
- Colony of Western Australia, Western Australian Department of Works and Railways (1879 - 1890)
- Colony of Western Australia, Western Australian Survey Office (1829 - 1870)
- Colony of Western Australia, Western Australian Surveyor-General's Department (1870 - 1873)
- Colquhoun, Alan R., Naval architect
- Colquhoun, Thomas Talbot (1904 - 1981), Plant pathologist and Botanist
- Colson, Edmund Albert (Ted) (1881 - 1950), Anthropologist and Explorer
- Colson, Ted
- see Colson, Edmund Albert (Ted) (1881 - 1950), Anthropologist and Explorer - Colvin, Roy Stanley (1898? - 1951), Manufacturing chemist
- Colwell, Max, Writer
- Comalco Industries Pty Ltd (1960 - 1970)
- Comalco Ltd (1970 - )
- Combinatorial Mathematics Society of Australasia
- Commission for the Future (1985 - 1998)
- Commissioner for Water Conservation and Irrigation (1913 - 1916), State of New South Wales
- Commissioner of Main Roads
- see Main Roads Commission (1925 - 1951), State of Queensland - Common, Ian Francis Bell (1917 - 2006), Lepidopterist
- Commonwealth Acoustic Laboratories (1947 - 1974), Commonwealth of Australia
- Commonwealth Advisory Aeronautical Research Council (CAARC) (1946 - )
- Commonwealth Advisory Committee on Defence Science (CACDS) (c. 1946 - ?)
- Commonwealth Aeronautical Advisory Research Council
- see Commonwealth Advisory Aeronautical Research Council (CAARC) (1946 - ) - Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation (CAC) (1936 - 1986)
- Commonwealth Arsenal (1919 - 1921), Commonwealth of Australia
- Commonwealth Bank of Australia (1911 - )
- Commonwealth Bureau of Dental Standards (1947 - c. 1973)
- Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology (1955 - ), Commonwealth of Australia
- Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology, Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre (BMRC) (1985 - )
- Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology, Frosterley Club (1976 - )
- Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology, National Climate Centre (1985 - )
- Commonwealth Bureau of Roads (1965 - 1977), Commonwealth of Australia
- Commonwealth Cable Management Committee (1960s - ?)
- Commonwealth Citrus Research Station, Griffith NSW (1924 - 1927), Commonwealth Institute of Science and Industry
- Commonwealth Defence Science Organisation
- Commonwealth Defence Science Organisation, Armed Forces Food Science Establishment (AFFSE) (1971 - 1994)
- Commonwealth Engineering Company (COMENG) (1950s - 1980s)
- Commonwealth Engineering Standards Association (1922 - 1929)
- Commonwealth Experimental Building Station (CEBS) (1944 - 1988)
- Commonwealth Fertilisers (1929 - )
- Commonwealth Fertilisers and Chemicals Ltd (CF&C) (1929 - 2003)
- Commonwealth Forestry Bureau (1927 - 1946)
- Commonwealth Health Laboratories (1921 - ?)
- Commonwealth Industrial Gases Ltd (CIG) (1935 - 1994)
- Commonwealth Institute of Science and Industry (1920 - 1926), Commonwealth of Australia
- Commonwealth Institute of Science and Industry, Commonwealth Citrus Research Station, Griffith NSW (1924 - 1927)
- Commonwealth Litharge and Red Lead Pty Ltd (1927 - ?)
- Commonwealth Marine Salvage Board (1942 - 1946), Commonwealth of Australia
- Commonwealth Meteorology Association
- Commonwealth Meteorology Research Centre (CMRC) (1969 - 1974)
- Commonwealth Observatory (c. 1950 - 1957)
- Commonwealth of Australia (1901 - )
- Commonwealth of Australia, Advisory Council of Science and Industry (1916 - 1920)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Agricultural Council of Australia and New Zealand (1992 - 1993)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand (1993 - 2001)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Air Board (1920 - 1976)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Aircraft Production Commission (1940 - 1942)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Antarctic Division (1949 - )
- Commonwealth of Australia, Atomic Energy Policy Committee (1952)
- Commonwealth of Australia, AusAID (1995 - )
- Commonwealth of Australia, Australia Prize (1990 - 1999)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Agricultural Council (1935 - 1992)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Atomic Energy Commission (1952 - 1981)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Atomic Energy Commission Research Laboratories (1981 - 1987)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Atomic Energy Commission, Research Establishment (1958 - 1981)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Bureau of Statistics (1974 - )
- Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Cattle and Beef Research Committee (1960 - 1966)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) (1982 - )
- Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Coastal Shipping Commission (1956 - 1974)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Dairy Research Committee (1981 - 1986)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Forestry Council (1965 - 1994)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Geological Survey Organisation (AGSO) (1992 - 2001)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Hearing (1992 - )
- Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Industrial Property Organisation (AIPO) (1992 - 1998)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Australian International Development Assistance Bureau (AIDAB) (1987 - 1995)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Manufacturing Council (1977 - 1996)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Meat and Livestock Corporation (1977 - 1998)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Meat and Livestock Research Development Corporation (1985 - 1991)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Meat Board (1936 - 1977)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Meat Research Committee (1966 - 1985)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service (1975 - 1993?)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Australian National Railways Commission (1975 - 1997)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Nature Conservation Agency (c. 1993 - c. 1998)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) (1987 - )
- Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Shipping Board (1946 - 1961)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Shipping Commission (1974 - 1989)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Water Resources Council (1962 - ?)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Wool Board [I] (1936 - 1945)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Wool Board [II] (1945 - 1953)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Wool Board [III] (1963 - 1972)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Wool Bureau (1953 - 1963)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Wool Commission (1970 - 1973)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Wool Corporation [I] (1973 - 1991)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Wool Corporation [II] (1991 - 1993)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Wool Realisation Commission (1991 - 1993)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Wool Research and Promotion Organisation (AWRAP) (1993 - 2000)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Wool Testing Authority [I] (1957 - 1964)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Wool Testing Authority [II] (1963 - 1982)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics (1946 - 1992)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Bureau of Transport and Communications Economics (1988 - 1998?)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Bureau of Transport Economics [I] (1970 - 1977)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Bureau of Transport Economics [II] (1977 - 1988)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Bureau of Transport Economics [III] (1998? - ?)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Central Wool Committee (1939 - 1945)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Coal Industry Tribunal (1947 - 1995)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Commonwealth Acoustic Laboratories (1947 - 1974)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Commonwealth Arsenal (1919 - 1921)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology (1955 - )
- Commonwealth of Australia, Commonwealth Bureau of Roads (1965 - 1977)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Commonwealth Institute of Science and Industry (1920 - 1926)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Commonwealth Marine Salvage Board (1942 - 1946)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Commonwealth Railway Commissioner (1917 - 1975)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) (1949 - )
- Commonwealth of Australia, Commonwealth Serum Laboratories (CSL) (1916 - 1961)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Commonwealth Serum Laboratories Commission (1961 - 1990)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Commonwealth Solar Observatory (1924 - c. 1950)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Commonwealth Vaccine Depot (1911 - 1916)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) (1926 - 1949)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Defence Research Centre Salisbury (1978 - 1987)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Defence Research Laboratories (1948 - 1953)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) (1974 - )
- Commonwealth of Australia, Defence Standards Laboratories (1953 - 1974)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Administrative Services [III], Central Office (1987 - 1993)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Air (1939 - 1973)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Aircraft Production (1941 - 1946)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Arts, Heritage and Environment (1984 - 1987)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Aviation (1982 - 1987)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Civil Aviation (1938 - 1973)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Communications (1980 - 1987)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Communications and the Arts (1994 - 1998)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Defence (1942 - )
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Defence Scientific Laboratory
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Environment and Conservation (1972 - 1975)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Environment, Housing and Community Development (1975 - 1978)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs (1970 - 1987)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (1987 - )
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Health (1921 - 1987)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Health and Aged Care (1998 - 2001)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Home Affairs [I], Central Office (1901 - 1916)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Home Affairs [II], Central Office (1928 - 1932)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Home Affairs and Environment (1980 - 1984)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Home and Territories, Central Office (1916 - 1928)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Housing and Construction (DHC) (1973 - 1975)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Industry, Science and Resources (1998 - )
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Munitions (1940 - 1948)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of National Resources (1975 - 1977)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Post-War Reconstruction (1942 - 1950)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Primary Industries and Energy (1987 - 1998)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Primary Industry (1975 - 1987)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Science [I], Central Office (1972 - 1975)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Science [II], Central Office (1975 - 1978)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Science [III], Central Office (1984 - 1987)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Science and Consumer Affairs, Central Office (1975)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Science and Technology, Central Office (1980 - 1984)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Science and the Environment, Central Office (1978 - 1980)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Shipping and Transport (1951 - 1972)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Supply and Development (1939 - 1942)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of the Arts, Sport, the Environment and Territories, Central Office (1991 - 1993)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of the Arts, Sport, the Environment, Tourism and Territories, Central Office (1987 - 1991)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of the Environment [I] (1975)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of the Environment [II], Central Office (1997 - 1998)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of the Environment and Heritage (1998 - )
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of the Environment, Sport and Territories, Central Office (1993 - 1997)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of the Interior [I], Central Administration (1932 - 1939)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of the Interior [II], Central Office (1939 - 1972)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Trade and Customs (1901 - 1956)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Transport [III] (1972 - 1982)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Transport [IV] (1983 - 1987)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Transport [V] (1993 - 1996)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Transport and Communications (1987 - 1993)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Transport and Construction (1982 - 1983)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Transport and Regional Development (1996 - 1998)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Transport and Regional Services (1998 - 2007)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Works (1952 - 1973)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Works and Housing (1945 - 1952)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Division of National Mapping (1956 - 1987)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Forestry and Timber Bureau (1946 - 1978)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Frank Fenner Prize for Life Scientist of the Year (2000 - )
- Commonwealth of Australia, Government Aircraft Factories (1939 - 1987)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Governor-General (1900 - )
- Commonwealth of Australia, Health Insurance Commission (1974 - 2005)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Industrial Atomic Energy Policy Committee (1949 - 1952)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Industries Assistance Commission (1974 - 1990)
- Commonwealth of Australia, IP Australia (1998 - )
- Commonwealth of Australia, Malcolm McIntosh Prize for Physical Scientist of the Year (2000 - )
- Commonwealth of Australia, Manufacturing Industries Advisory Council (1958 - 1977)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Meat Research Corporation (1991 - 1998)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Medical Equipment Control Committee (MECC) (1940 - 1947)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Meteorological Branch/Bureau (1907 - 1955)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Ministry of Post-War Reconstruction (1944 - 1950)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Munitions Supply Board (1921 - 1939)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Munitions Supply Laboratories (MSL) (1922 - 1948)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Murray-Darling Basin Commission (1988 - 2007)
- Commonwealth of Australia, National Acoustic Laboratories (1974 - 1992)
- Commonwealth of Australia, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) (1936 - )
- Commonwealth of Australia, Natural Heritage Division (2000 - )
- Commonwealth of Australia, Ordnance Factory (1924 - 1989)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Parks Australia (2000 - )
- Commonwealth of Australia, Parks Australia North
- Commonwealth of Australia, Parks Australia South
- Commonwealth of Australia, Patent Office (1903 - 1992)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Prime Minister's Department (1911 - 1971)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Prime Minister's Prize for Science (2000 - )
- Commonwealth of Australia, Qantas Empire Airways Limited (1934 - 1967)
- Commonwealth of Australia, River Murray Commission (1917 - 1988)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Royal Australian Navy Research Laboratory (RANRL) (1969 - 1984)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Scientific Liaison Bureau (1942 - 1945)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Small Arms Factory (1912 - 1989)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Technical Committee on Agricultural Chemicals
- Commonwealth of Australia, Therapeutic Goods Administration (1991 - )
- Commonwealth of Australia, Weapons Research Establishment (1955 - 1978)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Wildlife Australia Branch
- Commonwealth of Australia, Wool Consultative Council (1945 - 1953)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Wool International (1993 - 1999)
- Commonwealth of Australia, Wool Research and Development Corporation (1991 - 1993)
- Commonwealth Oil Refineries Ltd (1920 - c. 1952)
- Commonwealth Oxygen Ltd (Comox) (1911 - 1935)
- Commonwealth Prickly Pear Board (1919 - 1935)
- Commonwealth Radiation Laboratory (1972 - 1973)
- Commonwealth Railway Commissioner (1917 - 1975), Commonwealth of Australia
- Commonwealth Railways
- Commonwealth Research Station, Merbein Victoria - CSIR/O (1920 - 1962), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Commonwealth Research Station, Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area - CSIR (1927 - 1939), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- Commonwealth Rolling Mills (CRM) (1930s - ?)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) (1949 - ), Commonwealth of Australia
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences (2011 - )
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Advisory Council - CSIRO (1950 - 1986)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia Telescope National Facility - CSIRO (1988 - )
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australian Animal Health Laboratory (AAHL) - CSIRO (1985 - )
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australian National Animal Health Laboratory (ANAHL) - CSIRO (1970s - 1985)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australian National Insect Collection (1962 - )
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australian National Wildlife Collection (ANWC) (1966 - )
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australian Objective Measurement Project (AOMP) - CSIRO (1970 - 1971)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australian Tree Seed Centre (1962 - )
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Centre for Irrigation and Freshwater Research - CSIRO (1987 - 1988)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Centre for Irrigation Research - CSIRO (1982 - 1987)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Chemical Research Laboratories - CSIRO (1958 - 1970)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Commonwealth Research Station, Merbein Victoria - CSIR/O (1920 - 1962)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Coresearch (1958 - 2003)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIR/O Building Material Research Section (1945 - 1950)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIR/O Chemical Engineering Section (c. 1941 - 1962)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIR/O Chemical Physics Section (1944 - 1958)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIR/O Coal Research Section (1948 - 1960)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIR/O Dairy Research Section (1939 - 1962)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIR/O Division of Animal Health and Production (1944 - 1959)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIR/O Division of Biochemistry and General Nutrition (1944 - 1965)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIR/O Division of Electrotechnology (1945 - 1962)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIR/O Division of Fisheries (1939 - 1956)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIR/O Division of Food Preservation and Transport (1940 - 1960)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIR/O Division of Forest Products (mark I) (1928 - 1971)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIR/O Division of Industrial Chemistry (1940 - 1958)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIR/O Division of Metrology (1945 - 1962)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIR/O Division of Physics (1945 - 1973)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIR/O Division of Plant Industry (1929 - c. 2014)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIR/O Division of Radiophysics (1940 - 1996)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIR/O Division of Soils (1929 - 1997)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIR/O Division of Tribophysics (1948 - 1978)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIR/O Mathematical Statistics Section (1944 - 1954)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIR/O Mineragraphic Investigations (1927 - 1966)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIR/O Northern Australian Regional Survey Section (1946 - 1950)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO - Divisions (1949 - c. 2014)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO - National Facilties, Laboratories, Centres and Research Stations (1949 - )
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO - New South Wales State Committee (1949 - 1986?)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO - Sections, Groups and Units (1949 - 2014?)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Agricultural Physics Section (1955 - 1971)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Animal Genetics Section (1951 - 1959)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Biochemistry Unit, Wool Textile Research Laboratories (1949 - 1958)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Built Environment Sector (1995 - 2002)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Canberra Laboratories
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Cement and Ceramic Section (c. 1958 - 1960)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Cement and Refractories Section (1960 - 1962)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Central Experimental Workshops (1949 - 1955)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Chairman's Medal for Science and Engineering Excellence (1991 - )
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Computing Research Section (c. 1956 - c. 1967)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Computing Services (CSIRONET) (1963 - c. 1985)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Corporate Planning Office (1990? - 1995)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Animal Genetics (1959 - 1975)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Animal Health (1959 - 2000)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Animal Physiology (1959 - 1975)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Animal Production (1975 - 2000)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Applied Chemistry (1966 - 1974)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Applied Geomechanics (1970 - 1983)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Applied Mineralogy (1962? - 1970)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Applied Organic Chemistry (1974 - 1988)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Applied Physics [I] (1962 - 1974)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Applied Physics [II] (1979 - 1996)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Physics (1971 - 1988)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research (1988 - 2005)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Biomolecular Engineering (1989 - 1997)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Biotechnology (1988 - 1989)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Building Research [I] (1950 - 1971)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Building Research [II] (1971 - 1987)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Building, Construction and Engineering (1988 - 2002)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Chemical and Wood Technology (1983 - 1988)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Chemical Engineering (1962 - 1978)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Chemical Physics (1958 - 1987)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Chemical Technology (1974 - 1987?)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Chemicals and Polymers (1988 - 1997)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Cloud Physics (1972 - 1983)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Coal and Energy Technology (1990 - c. 1995)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Coal Research (1959 - 1967)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Coal Technology (1988 - 1990)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Computing Research (c. 1967 - 1986)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Construction and Engineering (1988)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Dairy Research (1962 - 1971)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Energy Chemistry (1981 - 1987)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Energy Technology (1981 - 1990)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Entomology (1950 - )
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Environmental Mechanics (1971 - 1997)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Exploration and Geoscience (1988 - 1993)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Exploration and Mining (1993 - )
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Fisheries (1988 - 1997)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Fisheries and Oceanography (1956 - 1981)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Fisheries Research (1981 - 1988)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Food Preservation (1962 - 1971)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Food Processing (1988 - 1992)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Food Research (1971 - 1988)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Food Science and Technology (1992 - 1997)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Forest Products (mark II) (1990 - 1995)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Forest Research (1975 - 1987)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Forestry (1991 - 1995)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Forestry and Forest Products (mark I) (1988 - 1990)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Forestry and Forest Products (mark II) (1995 - 2007)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Fossil Fuels (1980 - 1987)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Fuel Technology (1988 - 1990)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Geomechanics (1983 - 1993)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Groundwater Research (1982 - 1986)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Health Sciences and Nutrition (c. 1996 - 2005)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Horticultural Research (1967 - 1988)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Horticulture (1988 - 1997)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Human Nutrition (1975 - c. 1996)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Irrigation Research (1967 - 1982)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Land and Water (1997 - 2014)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Land Assessment (1973)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Land Research (1965 - 1973)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Land Research and Regional Survey (1957 - 1965)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Land Resources Management (1973 - 1982)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Land Use Research (1973 - 1982)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Manufacturing and Infrastructure Technology (2002 - 2006)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Manufacturing Science and Technology (1997 - 2002)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Manufacturing Technology (1980 - 1997)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Materials Science (1978 - 1986)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Materials Science and Engineering (2007 - 2014)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Materials Science and Technology (1987 - 1997)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Mathematical and Information Sciences (1997 - )
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Mathematical Statistics (1954 - 1974)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Mathematics and Statistics (1974 - 1997)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Mechanical Engineering (1963 - 1981)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Meteorological Physics (1954 - 1971)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Mineral and Process Engineering (1987 - 1995)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Mineral Chemistry (1959 - 1988)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Mineral Engineering (1978 - 1987)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Mineral Physics (1972 - 1986)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Mineral Products (1988 - 1995)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Mineralogy (1971 - 1984)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Mineralogy and Geochemistry (1984 - 1985)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Minerals and Geochemistry (1985 - 1987)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Molecular Biology (1983 - 1987)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Molecular Science (1997 - 2005)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Nutritional Biochemistry (1965 - 1975)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Oceanography (1981 - 1997)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Organic Chemistry (1961 - 1966)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Petroleum Resources (1993 - )
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Physical Chemistry (1958 - 1966)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Process Technology (1975 - c. 1980)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Protein Chemistry (1958 - 1988)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Soil Mechanics (1967 - 1970)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Telecommunications and Industrial Physics (1996 - )
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Textile and Fibre Technology (1999 - )
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Textile Industry (1958 - 1988)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Textile Physics (1958 - 1988)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Tropical Agriculture (1996 - 2000)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Tropical Agronomy (1973 - 1976)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Tropical Animal Production (1980 - 1996)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Tropical Crops and Pastures (1976 - c. 1995)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Tropical Pastures (1959 - 1973)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Water and Land Resources (1982 - 1988)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Water Resources (1988 - 1997)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Wildlife and Ecology (1987 - 2000)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Wildlife and Rangelands Research (1982 - 1987)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Wildlife Research (1962 - 1982)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Division of Wool Technology (1988 - 1999)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Earth Observations Centre (1995 - 2004)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Energy Technology (c. 1995 - )
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Engineering Section (1955 - 1963)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Food Processing Sector (1995? - )
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Forestry, Wood and Paper Industries Sector (c. 1995 - )
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Fuel Geoscience Unit (1977 - 1980)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Grain Quality Research Laboratory (1992 - 1998)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Horticultural Research Section (1962 - 1967)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Human Nutrition (2005 - )
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Land Research and Regional Survey Section (1950 - 1957)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Livestock Industries (2000 - )
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Manufacturing and Infrastructure Technology (CMIT) (2002 - )
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research (2005 - 2014)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Marine Research (1997 - 2005)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Marine Sector ( - 2005)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Meat, Dairy and Aquaculture Sector (1996 - )
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Medal for Lifetime Achievement (2002 - )
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Meteorological Physics Research Section (1949 - 1954)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Mineral Physics Section (1971 - 1972)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Minerals Division (c. 1995 - )
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Minerals Utilization Section (1958 - 1959)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Molecular and Cellular Biology Unit (1975 - 1983)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Molecular and Health Technologies (2005 - )
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Office of Space Science and Applications (COSSA) (1988 - 1996)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Organic Chemistry Section (1958 - 1961)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Petroleum Sector (c. 1995 - )
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Physical Technology Unit (c. 1980 - c. 1988)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Physics and Engineering Unit (1949 - 1958)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Plastic Banknote Project (1988 - ?)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Project Ambassador
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Pulp and Paper Section
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Rangeland Research Centre (1986? - 1995?)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Section of Mathematical Instruments (1950 - 1959)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Sheep Biology Laboratory (1953 - 1959)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Soil Mechanics Section (1955 - 1967)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Soil Physics and Mechanics Section (c. 1943 - 1955)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems (2000 - )
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Textiles Clothing and Footwear Sector (c. 1995 - )
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Water Resources Research Section (1987 - 1989)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Wheat Germplasm and Grain Quality Laboratory (1998 - )
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Wheat Research Unit (c. 1947 - 1992)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Wildlife Survey Section (1949 - 1962)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Wool Textile Research Laboratories (1949 - 1958)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIROpedia (2006 - )
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, F. D. McMaster Animal Health Laboratory - CSIR/O (1931 - 1963)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, F. D. McMaster Laboratory, Chiswick - CSIRO (2001 - )
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Food Science Australia - CSIRO (1997 - )
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Institute of Animal and Food Sciences - CSIRO (1978 - 1987)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Institute of Animal Production and Processing - CSIRO (1988 - 1996)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Institute of Biological Resources - CSIRO (? - 1986)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Institute of Earth Resources - CSIRO (? - 1981)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Institute of Energy and Earth Resources - CSIRO (1981 - 1987)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Institute of Industrial Technologies - CSIRO (1986 - 1995)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Institute of Industrial Technology - CSIRO (c. 1978 - c. 1986)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Institute of Information Science and Engineering - CSIRO (c. 1986 - c. 1995)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Institute of Minerals, Energy and Construction (IMEC) - CSIRO (1988 - 1996)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Institute of Natural Resources and Environment - CSIRO (1988 - 1996)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Institute of Physical Sciences - CSIRO (1978 - 1988)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Institute of Plant Production and Processing - CSIRO (1988 - c. 1995)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Irrigation Research Laboratory. Griffith - CSIRO (1961 - 1967)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Irrigation Research Station, Griffith - CSIR/O (1939 - 1961)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Katherine Research Station (1946 - 1981)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Kimberley Research Station - CSIR/O (1946 - )
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, McMaster Laboratory - CSIRO (1963 - 2001)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Meat Research Laboratory - CSIRO (1969 - c. 1992)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Minerals Research Laboratories - CSIRO (1972 - c. 1980)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, National Measurement Laboratory - CSIRO (1974 - 1979)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, National Standards Laboratory - CSIR/O (1939 - 1973)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Science and Industry Endowment Fund - CSIR/O (1926 - )
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Sir Ian McLennan Impact from Science and Engineering Award (1985 - )
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Sirotech Limited - CSIRO (1984 - 1993)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research, CSIRO - Institutes (1978? - 1996?)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Reseasrch Organisation, National Research Collections Australia (2014 - )
- Commonwealth Serum Laboratories (CSL) (1916 - 1961), Commonwealth of Australia
- Commonwealth Serum Laboratories Commission (1961 - 1990), Commonwealth of Australia
- Commonwealth Serum Laboratories Museum (1983 - )
- Commonwealth Solar Observatory (1924 - c. 1950), Commonwealth of Australia
- Commonwealth Steel Company Ltd (1935 - ?)
- Commonwealth Steel Products Company Ltd (c. 1917 - 1923)
- Commonwealth Vaccine Depot (1911 - 1916), Commonwealth of Australia
- Commonwealth X-ray and Radium Laboratory (1935 - 1972)
- Compere, George, Entomologist
- Complaints Analysis, Recording and Graphing Organisation (CARGO) (c. 1960 - ?)
- Compol Pty Ltd
- Compston, William (1931 - ), Physicist
- Computation Laboratory (1955 - 1964), The University of Melbourne
- Comte de Castelnau
- see Laporte, François Louis (1810 - 1880), Diplomat, Entomologist and Ichthyologist - Comte de La Pérouse
- see La Pérouse, Jean-François de Galaup (1741 - 1788), Navigator - Concrete Constructions (NSW) Pty Ltd
- Concrete Institute of Australia (1970 - )
- Conde, Harold Graydon (1898 - 1959), Engineer and Public servant
- Conder, William Jacomb (1832 - 1890), Surveyor
- Condon, Herbert Thomas (1912 - 1978), Ornithologist and Bird taxonomist
- Conference convened by the Prime Minister, S.M. Bruce, to consider the reorganisation of the Commonwealth Institute of Science and Industry, 30 May and 1 June 1925
- Conference convened by the Prime Minister, W.M Hughes, to consider the question of the establishment of a National Laboratory, 5 January 1916
- Conigrave, Charles Price (1882 - 1961), Explorer and Zoologist
- Connah, Frank Edwin (1874 - 1950), Analytical chemist
- Connective Tissue Society of Australia and New Zealand
- see Matrix Biology Society of Australian and New Zealand (1975 - ) - Connell, John William (1913 - 2016), Engineer
- Connell, Michael Joseph (Mike) (1954 - ), Forestry consultant
- Connick, Wynford (1934 - 2017), Aeronautical engineer and Science administrator
- Connolly, Donald Hamilton (1909 - ), Radio engineer
- Connolly, Willis Henry (1901 - 1981), Electrical engineer and Public servant
- Connor, Andrew Kenneth (Ken) (1906 - 1990), Applied physicist and Educator
- Connor, Annie Jean
- see Macnamara, Annie Jean (1899 - 1968), Medical scientist - Conrick, Horatio Victor Patrick (1882 - 1960), Physician
- Considen, Denis (c. 1760 - 1815), Natural history collector and Surgeon
- Consolidated Zinc Pty Ltd (1949 - 1962)
- Constable, Gregory, Agronomist and Plant breeder
- Consult Australia (2010 - )
- Convergence Science Network (c. 2008 - )
- Conyers, Evelyn Augusta (1870 - 1944), Nurse
- Conzinc Riotinto of Australia Ltd (1962 - 1997)
- Coode, John (1816 - 1892), Civil engineer
- Coogan, Clive Keith (1925 - 2005), Physicist
- Cook Medal
- see James Cook Medal (1954 - ), Royal Society of New South Wales - Cook, Alan Cecil (1935 - 2011), Geologist
- Cook, Cecil Evelyn Aufrere (Mick) (1897 - 1985), Medical administrator and Medical practitioner
- Cook, Cyril Lloyd (1923 - 1977), Chemist
- Cook, G. A, Food scientist
- Cook, George Alfred (1892? - 1958), Science administrator
- Cook, James (1728 - 1779), Naval officer, Navigator and Explorer
- Cook, Nancy
- see Atkinson, Nancy (1910 - 1999), Bacteriologist - Cooke, Frank Basil (1892 - 1967), Electrical engineer and Mathematics teacher
- Cooke, Mordecai Cubitt (1825 - 1914), Cryptogamic botanist and Mycologist
- Cooke, William Ernest (1863 - 1947), Astronomer and Meteorologist
- Cooke, William Ternent (1877 - 1957), Chemist
- Cooksey, Thomas (1864 - 1948), Analytical chemist
- Cookson, Isabel Clifton (1893 - 1973), Botanist
- Cooling, Lance E. (1893 - 1924), Entomologist and Health inspector
- Coombes, Lawrence Percival (1899 - 1988), Aeronautical scientist
- Coombs, Frank A. (1877 - 1964), Chemist
- Cooper, Arthur George Stening (1899 - 1986), Radiologist
- Cooper, Barry John (1948 - 2023), Geologist and Science historian
- Cooper, Charles
- Cooper, Daniel, Merchant and Philanthropist
- Cooper, David Albert (1949 - 2018), Advocacy and Immunologist
- Cooper, Joan (1949 - ), Educator and Information technologist
- Cooper, Lilian Violet (1861 - 1947), Physician
- Cooper, Roy Percy (1907 - 1976), Ornithologist
- Cooper, W. T.
- Cooper, William Thomas (1934 - 2015), Natural history artist and Ornithologist
- Co-Operative Box Company
- see Western District Co-Operative Box Company (1904 - ) - Cooperative Research Centre for Antarctica and the Southern Ocean
- see CRC for Antarctica and the Southern Ocean (1997 - 2003) - Cooperative Research Centre for Aquaculture
- see CRC for Aquaculture (1993 - 2000) - Cooperative Research Centre for Bioproducts
- see CRC for Bioproducts (1999 - 2006) - Cooperative Research Centre for Cellular Growth Factors
- see CRC for Cellular Growth Factors (1991 - 2004) - Cooperative Research Centre for Tropical Plant Protection
- see CRC for Tropical Plant Protection (1999 - 2006) - Cooperative Research Centre for Value Added Wheat
- see CRC for Value Added Wheat (2001 - 2008) - Cooperative Research Centre for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health (2010 - 2014)
- Cooperative Research Centre for Aboriginal and Tropical Health
- see CRC for Aboriginal and Tropical Health (1997 - 2003) - Cooperative Research Centre for Aboriginal Health
- see CRC for Aboriginal Health (2003 - 2009) - Cooperative Research Centre for Advanced Automotive Technology
- see CRC for Advanced Automotive Technology (2005 - 2012) - Cooperative Research Centre for Advanced Composite Structures
- see CRC for Advanced Composite Structures (1996 - 2015) - Cooperative Research Centre for Advanced Computational Systems
- see CRC for Advanced Computational Systems (1993 - 2000) - Cooperative Research Centre for Aerospace Structures
- see CRC for Aerospace Structures (1991 - 1996) - Cooperative Research Centre for Alloy and Solidification Technology
- see CRC for Alloy and Solidification Technology (1993 - 1999) - Cooperative Research Centre for an Internationally Competitive Pork Industry
- see CRC for an Internationally Competitive Pork Industry (2005 - 2011) - Cooperative Research Centre for Asthma
- see CRC for Asthma (1999 - 2006) - Cooperative Research Centre for Asthma and Airways (2005 - 2012)
- Cooperative Research Centre for Australian Mineral Exploration Technologies
- see CRC for Australian Mineral Exploration Technologies (1992 - 2000) - Cooperative Research Centre for Australian Sheep Industry
- see CRC for Australian Sheep Industry (2001 - 2007) - Cooperative Research Centre for Australian Weed Management
- see CRC for Australian Weed Management (2001 - 2008) - Cooperative Research Centre for Beef Genetic Technologies
- see CRC for Beef Genetic Technologies (2005 - 2012) - Cooperative Research Centre for Biological Control of Pest Animals
- see CRC for Biological Control of Pest Animals (1999 - 2004) - Cooperative Research Centre for Biological Control of Vertebrate Pest Populations
- see CRC for Biological Control of Vertebrate Pest Populations (1992 - 1999) - Cooperative Research Centre for Biomarker Translation
- see CRC for Biomarker Translation (2007 - 2014) - Cooperative Research Centre for Biomedical Imaging Development
- see CRC for Biomedical Imaging Development (2005 - 2012) - Cooperative Research Centre for Biopharmaceutical Research
- see CRC for Biopharmaceutical Research (1992 - 1998) - Cooperative Research Centre for Black Coal Utilisation
- see CRC for Black Coal Utilisation (1995 - 2001) - Cooperative Research Centre for Broadband Telecommunications and Networking
- see CRC for Broadband Telecommunications and Networking (1993 - 1999) - Cooperative Research Centre for Cancer Therapeutics (2007 - 2020)
- Cooperative Research Centre for Cardiac Technology
- see CRC for Cardiac Technology (1992 - 1998) - Cooperative Research Centre for Cast Metals Manufacturing
- see CRC for CAST Metals Manufacturing (1999 - 2005) - Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology
- see CRC for Catchment Hydrology (1992 - 2005) - Cooperative Research Centre for Cattle and Beef Quality
- see CRC for Cattle and Beef Quality (1999 - 2005) - Cooperative Research Centre for Chronic Inflammatory Diseases
- see CRC for Chronic Inflammatory Diseases (2001 - 2008) - Cooperative Research Centre for Clean Power from Lignite
- see CRC for Clean Power from Lignite (1999 - 2006) - Cooperative Research Centre for Coal in Sustainable Development
- see CRC for Coal in Sustainable Development (2001 - 2008) - Cooperative Research Centre for Coastal Zone, Estuary and Waterway Management
- see CRC for Coastal Zone, Estuary and Waterway Management (1999 - 2006) - Cooperative Research Centre for Cochlear Implant and Hearing Aid Innovation
- see CRC for Cochlear Implant and Hearing Aid Innovation (1999 - 2007) - Cooperative Research Centre for Cochlear Implant, Speech and Hearing Research
- see CRC for Cochlear Implant, Speech and Hearing Research (1992 - 1999) - Cooperative Research Centre for Conservation and Management of Marsupials
- see CRC for Conservation and Management of Marsupials (1995 - 2003) - Cooperative Research Centre for Construction Innovation
- see CRC for Construction Innovation (2001 - 2009) - Cooperative Research Centre for Contamination Assessment and Remediation of the Environment
- see CRC for Contamination Assessment and Remediation of the Environment (2005 - 2020) - Cooperative Research Centre for Diagnostic Technologies
- see CRC for Diagnostic Technologies (1995 - 2001) - Cooperative Research Centre for Diagnostics
- see CRC for Diagnostics (2001 - 2007) - Cooperative Research Centre for Discovery of Genes for Common Human Diseases
- see CRC for Discovery of Genes for Common Human Diseases (1997 - 2004) - Cooperative Research Centre for Distributed System Technology
- see CRC for Distributed System Technology (1992 - 1999) - Cooperative Research Centre for Ecologically Sustainable Development of the Great Barrier Reef
- see CRC for Ecologically Sustainable Development of the Great Barrier Reef (1993 - 1999) - Cooperative Research Centre for Enterprise Distributed Systems Technology
- see CRC for Enterprise Distributed Systems Technology (1999 - 2006) - Cooperative Research Centre for Eye Research and Technology
- see CRC for Eye Research and Technology (1991 - 2003) - Cooperative Research Centre for Food Industry Innovation
- see CRC for Food Industry Innovation (1993 - 2001) - Cooperative Research Centre for Forestry
- see CRC for Forestry (2005 - 2013) - Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology
- see CRC for Freshwater Ecology (1993 - 2005) - Cooperative Research Centre for Functional Communications Surfaces
- see CRC for Functional Communications Surfaces (2001 - 2008) - Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Accounting
- see CRC for Greenhouse Accounting (1999 - 2006) - Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Technologies
- see CRC for Greenhouse Gas Technologies (2003 - 2014) - Cooperative Research Centre for Hardwood Fibre and Paper Science
- see CRC for Hardwood Fibre and Paper Science (1992 - 1998) - Cooperative Research Centre for Industrial Plant Biopolymers
- see CRC for Industrial Plant Biopolymers (1992 - 1999) - Cooperative Research Centre for Infrastructure and Engineering Asset Management
- see CRC for Infrastructure and Engineering Asset Management (2010 - 2013) - Cooperative Research Centre for Innovative Dairy Products
- see CRC for Innovative Dairy Products (2001 - 2009) - Cooperative Research Centre for Innovative Grain Food Products
- see CRC for Innovative Grain Food Products (2003 - 2010) - Cooperative Research Centre for Innovative Wood Manufacturing
- see CRC for Innovative Wood Manufacturing (2001 - 2008) - Cooperative Research Centre for Integrated Engineering Asset Management
- see CRC for Integrated Engineering Asset Management (2003 - 2013) - Cooperative Research Centre for Intelligent Decision Systems
- see CRC for Intelligent Decision Systems (1991 - 1995) - Cooperative Research Centre for Intelligent Manufacturing Systems and Technologies
- see CRC for Intelligent Manufacturing Systems and Technologies (1993 - 2006) - Cooperative Research Centre for International Food Manufacture and Packaging Science
- see CRC for International Food Manufacture and Packaging Science (1995 - 2001) - Cooperative Research Centre for Irrigation Futures
- see CRC for Irrigation Futures (2003 - 2010) - Cooperative Research Centre for Landscape Environments and Mineral Exploration
- see CRC for Landscape Environments and Mineral Exploration (2001 - 2008) - Cooperative Research Centre for Landscape Evolution and Mineral Exploration
- see CRC for Landscape Evolution and Mineral Exploration (1995 - 2001) - Cooperative Research Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture
- see CRC for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture (1992 - 2000) - Cooperative Research Centre for Materials Welding and Joining
- see CRC for Materials Welding and Joining (1992 - 1999) - Cooperative Research Centre for Microtechnology
- see CRC for Micro Technology (1999 - 2006) - Cooperative Research Centre for Mining
- see CRC Mining (2003 - ) - Cooperative Research Centre for Mining Technology and Equipment
- see CRC for Mining Technology and Equipment (1991 - 2003) - Cooperative Research Centre for Molecular Engineering and Technology: Sensing and Diagnostic Technologies
- see CRC for Molecular Engineering and Technology: Sensing and Diagnostic Technologies (1992 - 1998) - Cooperative Research Centre for Molecular Plant Breeding
- see CRC for Molecular Plant Breeding (1997 - 2003) - Cooperative Research Centre for National Plant Biosecurity (2005 - 2012)
- Cooperative Research Centre for New Technologies for Power Generation from Low-Rank Coal
- see CRC for New Technologies for Power Generation from Low-Rank Coal (1993 - 1999) - Cooperative Research Centre for Optical Fibre and Photonic Technology
- see CRC for Optical Fibre and Photonic Technology ( - 1992) - Cooperative Research Centre for Optimising Resource Extraction
- see CRC for Optimising Resource Extraction (2010 - 2021) - Cooperative Research Centre for Oral Health Science
- see CRC for Oral Health Science (2003 - 2010) - Cooperative Research Centre for Plant Science
- see CRC for Plant science (1991 - 1998) - Cooperative Research Centre for Plant-based Management of Dryland Salinity
- see CRC for Plant-based Management of Dryland Salinity (2001 - 2007) - Cooperative Research Centre for Polymer Blends
- see CRC for Polymer Blends (1992 - 1999) - Cooperative Research Centre for Polymers
- see CRC for Polymers (1999 - 2017) - Cooperative Research Centre for Predictive Mineral Discovery
- see CRC for Predictive Mineral Discovery (2001 - 2008) - Cooperative Research Centre for Premium Quality Wool
- see CRC for Premium Quality Wool (1993 - 2000) - Cooperative Research Centre for Quality Wheat Products and Processes
- see CRC for Quality Wheat Products and Processes (1995 - 2001) - Cooperative Research Centre for Rail Innovation (2009 - 2014)
- Cooperative Research Centre for Railway Engineering and Technologies
- see CRC for Railway Engineering and Technologies (2001 - 2007) - Cooperative Research Centre for Remote Economic Participation
- see CRC for Remote Economic Participation (2010 - 2017) - Cooperative Research Centre for Robust and Adaptive Systems
- see CRC for Robust and Adaptive Systems (1991 - 1998) - Cooperative Research Centre for Satellite Systems
- see CRC for Satellite Systems (1998 - 2005) - Cooperative Research Centre for Sensor Signal and Information Processing
- see CRC for Sensor Signal and Information Processing (1992 - 2006) - Cooperative Research Centre for Sheep Industry Innovation
- see CRC for Sheep Industry Innovation (2007 - 2014) - Cooperative Research Centre for Smart Internet Technology
- see CRC for Smart Internet Technology (2001 - 2007) - Cooperative Research Centre for Soil and Land Management
- see CRC for Soil and Land Management (1991 - 1998) - Cooperative Research Centre for Southern Hemisphere Meteorology
- see CRC for Southern Hemisphere Meteorology (1993 - 2000) - Cooperative Research Centre for Spatial Information
- see CRC for Spatial Information (2003 - 2010) - Cooperative Research Centre for Spatial Information-2
- see CRC for Spatial Information-2 (2010 - 2018) - Cooperative Research Centre for Sugar Industry Innovation through Biotechnology
- see CRC for Sugar Industry Innovation through Biotechnology (2003 - 2010) - Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Aquaculture of Finfish
- see CRC for Sustainable Aquaculture of Finfish (2001 - 2007) - Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Cotton Production
- see CRC for Sustainable Cotton Production (1993 - 1999) - Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Production Forestry
- see CRC for Sustainable Production Forestry (1997 - 2005) - Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Resource Processing
- see CRC for Sustainable Resource Processing (2003 - 2010) - Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Rice Production
- see CRC for Sustainable Rice Production (1997 - 2005) - Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Sugar Production
- see CRC for Sustainable Sugar Production (1995 - 2003) - Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Tourism
- see CRC for Sustainable Tourism (1997 - 2010) - Cooperative Research Centre for Technology Enabled Capital Markets
- see CRC for Technology Enabled Capital Markets (2001 - 2007) - Cooperative Research Centre for Temperate Hardwood Forestry
- see CRC for Temperate Hardwood Forestry (1991 - 1997) - Cooperative Research Centre for the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Environment
- see CRC for the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Environment (1991 - 1997) - Cooperative Research Centre for the Cattle and Beef Industry (Meat Quality)
- see CRC for the Cattle and Beef Industry (Meat Quality) (1993 - 1999) - Cooperative Research Centre for The Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area
- see CRC for The Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area (1999 - 2006) - Cooperative Research Centre for the Sustainable Development of Tropical Savannas
- see CRC for the Sustainable Development of Tropical Savannahs (1995 - 2001) - Cooperative Research Centre for Tissue Growth and Repair
- see CRC for Tissue Growth and Repair (1991 - 2002) - Cooperative Research Centre for Tropical Pest Management
- see CRC for Tropical Pest Management (1991 - 1998) - Cooperative Research Centre for Tropical Plant Pathology
- see CRC for Tropical Plant Pathology (1992 - 2000) - Cooperative Research Centre for Tropical Rainforest Ecology and Management
- see CRC for Tropical Rainforest Ecology and Management (1993 - 2006) - Cooperative Research Centre for Tropical Savanna Management
- see CRC for Tropical Savannah Management (2001 - 2009) - Cooperative Research Centre for Vaccine Technology
- see CRC for Vaccine Technology (1999 - 2006) - Cooperative Research Centre for Viticulture
- see CRC for Viticulture (1992 - 2007) - Cooperative Research Centre for Waste Management and Pollution Control
- see CRC for Waste Management and Pollution Control (1991 - 2003) - Cooperative Research Centre for Water Quality and Treatment
- see CRC for Water Quality and Treatment (1995 - 2008) - Cooperative Research Centre for Weed Management Systems
- see CRC for Weed Management Systems (1995 - 2001) - Cooperative Research Centre for Welded Structures
- see CRC for Welded Structures (1999 - 2006) - Cooperative Research Centres (1994 - )
- Cooperative Research Centres Association (1994 - )
- Cooperative Research Centres Program (1990 - )
- Coopers Animal Health (c. 1881 - )
- Coote, Michelle Louise, Polymer chemist
- Copeland, Leslie Joshua (Les) (1946 - ), Agricultural chemist
- Copley, Bruce Jabez (1933 - 1984), Botanical collector
- Copper Refineries Pty Ltd (1956 - ?)
- Coppleson, Victor Marcus (1893 - 1965), Surgeon
- Corben, Herbert Charles (1914 - 2000), Physicist
- Corbould, Jimmy
- see Corbould, William Thomas Henry (1866 - 1949), Chemist and Mining engineer - Corbould, William Thomas Henry (1866 - 1949), Chemist and Mining engineer
- Cordingley, Thomas, Food technologist
- Coreboard Ltd (1957? - ?)
- Corella: journal of the Australian Bird Study Association (1977 - )
- Coresearch (1958 - 2003), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Corin, William (1867 - 1929), Electrical engineer
- Corkill, Arthur Basil (1898 - 1958), Medical scientist
- Corlette, James Montagu Christian (1880 - 1969), Civil engineer and Military engineer
- Cornell, Bruce, Physicist
- Cornford, Pamela Athalie Diedre
- see Rickard, Pamela Athalie Deidre (1928 - 2002), Biochemist and Biotechnologist - Cornforth, John Warcup (1917 - 2013), Chemist
- Cornforth, Rita (1915 - 2012), Chemist
- Corning Noble Park Pty Ltd (1999 - c. 2003)
- Cornish, Allan William (1910 - 1995), Meteorologist
- Cornish, Edmund Alfred (Alf) (1909 - 1973), Mathematician, Science administrator and Statistician
- Cornish, Edwina Cecily (1955 - ), Educator, Science administrator, University Administrator and Biotechnologist
- Cornish, Neil, Physicist
- Cornthwaite, George, Surveyor
- Cornwall, Edward Mayler (1861 - 1937), Ornithologist
- Cornwall, Edward Satchwell (1886 - 1954), Administrator and Engineer
- Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller Project (1987 - )
- Corrick, Margaret Georgina (1922 - 2020), Botanist and Naturalist
- Corrosion Medal (1961 - ), Australasian Corrosion Association
- Cortis-Jones, Beverly (1913 - 1994), Chemist
- Cory, Suzanne (1942 - ), Biochemist and Molecular oncologist
- Cosco Holdings Ltd (1980 - ?)
- Cossart, Yvonne Edna (1934 - 2014), University Administrator and Virologist
- Costa, Marcello (1940 - 2024), Neurophysiologist
- Costermans, Leon Francis (1933 - ), Botanical artist, Botanist and Geologist
- Costin, Alec Baillie (1925 - 2022), Ecologist
- Cotter, Thomas Young (1805 - 1882), Physician
- Cotton Catchment Communities CRC (2005 - 2012)
- Cotton, Bernard Charles (1905 - 1966), Conchologist, Malacologist and Museum curator
- Cotton, Frank Stanley (1890 - 1955), Physiologist
- Cotton, John (1802 - 1849), Naturalist, Pastoralist and Ornithologist
- Cotton, Leo Arthur (1883 - 1963), Geologist, University Administrator and Geographer
- Cottrell-Dormer, W. (1901 - ), Agriculturalist
- Couchman, Leonard Edgar (1901 - 1992), Electrical engineer and Lepidopterist
- Coughlan, Michael J., Climate scientist and Meteorologist
- Coulson, W. H., Chemist
- Coulthard, Faith
- see Thomas, Faith (1933 - ), Nurse and Midwife - Council - CSIR (1926 - 1949), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- Council For Scientific and Indusrial Research, CSIR - Divisions, Sections and Units (1926 - 1949)
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) (1926 - 1949), Commonwealth of Australia
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Animal Nutrition Laboratory - CSIR, Adelaide South Australia (1936 - 1944)
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Commonwealth Research Station, Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area - CSIR (1927 - 1939)
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Council - CSIR (1926 - 1949)
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, CSIR - Laboratories and Research Stations (1927 - 1949)
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, CSIR - New South Wales State Committee (1926 - 1949)
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, CSIR Biometrics Section (1941 - 1944)
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, CSIR Cold Storage Investigations (c. 1926 - 1931)
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, CSIR Division of Aeronautics (1940 - 1949)
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, CSIR Division of Animal Health (1930 - 1936)
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, CSIR Division of Animal Health and Nutrition (1936 - 1944)
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, CSIR Division of Animal Nutrition (1927 - 1936)
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, CSIR Division of Economic Botany (1927 - 1929)
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, CSIR Electrotechnology Section (1939 - 1945)
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, CSIR Fisheries Investigations Section (c. 1937 - 1939)
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, CSIR Food Preservation and Transport Section (1931 - 1940)
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, CSIR Lubricants and Bearings Section (1939 - 1946)
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, CSIR Metrology Section (1939 - 1945)
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, CSIR Murray River Soil Investigation Unit (1927 - 1929)
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, CSIR Physics Section (1939 - 1945)
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, CSIR Soil Physics Section (c. 1933 - c. 1943)
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, CSIR Tribophysics Section (1946 - 1948)
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, CSIR Wool Processing Section (? - c. 1939)
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, CSIR/O Division of Economic Entomology (1928 - 1949)
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, CSIR/O Tracer Elements Investigations Group (1947? - 1952?)
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Radiophysics Laboratory - CSIR (1939 - 1940)
- Council of Australian Museum Directors (1978 - ?)
- Council of Heads of Australian Herbaria (1972 - )
- Counsel, Edward Albert (1849 - 1939), Surveyor
- Country Roads Board (1913 - 1983), State of Victoria
- Court, Arthur Bertram (1927 - 2012), Botanist
- Courtice, Frederick Colin (Colin) (1911 - 1992), Pathologist
- Courtis, Henry (1829 - 1883), Chemical engineer
- Courtney, John Edgar (1934 - ), Farmer and Ornithologist
- Courtney-Pratt, Jeofry Stuart (1920 - 1995), Physical chemist and Applied physicist
- Covacevich, Jeanette Adelaide (1945 - 2015), Herpetologist and Museum curator
- Covington, Syms (1813 - 1861), Natural history artist and Domestic servant
- Cowan, Alexander Menzies ( - c. 1920), Gardener
- Cowan, Henry Jacob (Jack) (1919 - 2007), Architectural scientist and Structural engineer
- Cowan, Ian Roy (1931 - 2017)
- Cowan, Richard, Statistician
- Cowan, Robert James (1900 - 1959), Biochemist
- Cowle, Kate Julia (1863 - 1916), Botanist, Conservationist and Naturalist
- Cowley, Ebenezer (1849 - 1899), Horticulturist and Plant collector
- Cowley, John Maxwell (1923 - 2004), Physicist
- Cowley, Kirsten J., Taxonomic botanist
- Cowley, Michael, Medical scientist and Physiologist
- Cowling, David Crosby (1920 - 2002), Pathologist and Haematologist
- Cowling, Gordon Aubrey (1906 - 1975), Administrator and Engineer
- Cowling, Michael George (1949 - ), Mathematician and University Administrator
- Cowlishaw, Leslie (1877 - 1943), Physician and Medical historian
- Cowman, Alan Frederick (1954 - ), Medical scientist
- Cox, Barry J., Mathematician
- Cox, Edward William
- Cox, Graeme Barry (1939 - ), Biochemist
- Cox, James Charles (1834 - 1912), Physician, Shell collector and Conchologist
- Cox, James D.
- Cox, Leonard Bell (1894 - 1976), Neurologist
- Cox, Stewart Francis (1924 - 1979), Chemist
- Cox, William (1764 - 1837), Construction engineer
- Coxen, Charles (1809 - 1876), Naturalist and Politician
- Coxen, Elizabeth
- see Gould, Elizabeth (1804 - 1841), Natural history artist - Coxen, Elizabeth Frances (1825 - 1906), Naturalist and Meteorologist
- Coyle, Patricia Margaret, Anaesthetist and Physician
- Coyle, Richard Alan (Dick) (1922 - 2014), Physicist and X-ray diffractionist
- see Centre for Palliative Care (1996 - ) - CRA
- see Conzinc Riotinto of Australia Ltd (1962 - 1997) - Crabb, Brendan Scott (1966 - ), Immunologist
- Crabtree, Raymond William (1903 - 1986), Physicist
- Cracknell, Edward Charles (1831 - 1893), Electrical engineer and Telegraphic engineer
- Cracknell, William John (1832 - 1896), Electrical engineer and Telegraphic engineer
- Cradle Mountain Reserve Board (1927 - 1947)
- Cragg, Brian Gaston (1926 - ), Physiologist
- Craig Medal
- see David Craig Medal and Lecture (2000 - ), Australian Academy of Science - Craig, Clifford (1896 - 1986), Radiologist and Surgeon
- Craig, David Parker (1919 - 2015), Chemist
- Craig, Donald (1914 - ), Electrical engineer
- Craig, Robert Gordon (1870 - 1931), Surgeon
- Craik, Wendy (1949 - ), Company director and Zoologist
- Cramond, Teresa Rita O'Rourke (Tess) (1926 - 2015), Anaesthetist and Educator
- Cranbourne Botanic Gardens
- see Royal Botanic Gardens Cranbourne - Crankless Engines (Australia) Pty Ltd (1920 - ?)
- Craven, Lyndley Alan (Lyn) (1945 - 2014), Taxonomic botanist
- The Crawford Fund (1987 - )
- Crawford, Alexander (1857 - 1935), Agriculturalist
- Crawford, Alexander Robert (1840 - 1912), Botanical collector and Station manager
- Crawford, Frazer Smith (c. 1829 - 1890), Entomologist and Photolithographer
- Crawford, Hugh Ralston (1874 - 1954), Architect and Civil engineer
- Crawford, John Grenfell (1910 - 1984), Economist
- Crawford, John Maxwell (1946 - 1975), Industrial chemist
- see Cooperative Research Centres Program (1990 - ) - CRC AMET
- see CRC for Australian Mineral Exploration Technologies (1992 - 2000) - CRC Association
- see Cooperative Research Centres Association (1994 - ) - CRC CARE
- see CRC for Contamination Assessment and Remediation of the Environment (2005 - 2020) - CRC CAST
- see CRC for CAST Metals Manufacturing (1999 - 2005) - CRC for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health
- see Cooperative Research Centre for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health (2010 - 2014) - CRC for Aboriginal and Tropical Health (1997 - 2003)
- CRC for Aboriginal Health (2003 - 2009)
- CRC for Advanced Automotive Technology (2005 - 2012)
- CRC for Advanced Composite Structures (1996 - 2015)
- CRC for Advanced Computational Systems (1993 - 2000)
- CRC for Aerospace Structures (1991 - 1996)
- CRC for Alloy and Solidification Technology (1993 - 1999)
- CRC for an Internationally Competitive Pork Industry (2005 - 2011)
- CRC for Antarctica and the Southern Ocean (1997 - 2003)
- CRC for Aquaculture (1993 - 2000)
- CRC for Asthma (1999 - 2006)
- CRC for Asthma and Airways
- see Cooperative Research Centre for Asthma and Airways (2005 - 2012) - CRC for Australian Mineral Exploration Technologies (1992 - 2000)
- CRC for Australian Sheep Industry (2001 - 2007)
- CRC for Australian Weed Management (2001 - 2008)
- CRC for Beef Genetic Technologies
- see CRC for Cattle and Beef Quality (1999 - 2005) - CRC for Beef Genetic Technologies (2005 - 2012)
- CRC for Biological Control of Pest Animals (1999 - 2004)
- CRC for Biological Control of Vertebrate Pest Populations (1992 - 1999)
- CRC for Biomarker Translation (2007 - 2014)
- CRC for Biomedical Imaging Development (2005 - 2012)
- CRC for Biopharmaceutical Research (1992 - 1998)
- CRC for Bioproducts (1999 - 2006)
- CRC for Black Coal Utilisation (1995 - 2001)
- CRC for Broadband Telecommunications and Networking (1993 - 1999)
- CRC for Cancer Therapeutics
- see Cooperative Research Centre for Cancer Therapeutics (2007 - 2020) - CRC for Cardiac Technology (1992 - 1998)
- CRC for CAST Metals Manufacturing (1999 - 2005)
- CRC for Catchment Hydrology (1992 - 2005)
- CRC for Cattle and Beef Quality (1999 - 2005)
- CRC for Cellular Growth Factors (1991 - 2004)
- CRC for Chronic Inflammatory Diseases (2001 - 2008)
- CRC for Clean Power from Lignite (1999 - 2006)
- CRC for Coal in Sustainable Development (2001 - 2008)
- CRC for Coastal Zone, Estuary and Waterway Management (1999 - 2006)
- CRC for Cochlear Implant and Hearing Aid Innovation (1999 - 2007)
- CRC for Cochlear Implant, Speech and Hearing Research (1992 - 1999)
- CRC for Conservation and Management of Marsupials (1995 - 2003)
- CRC for Construction Innovation (2001 - 2009)
- CRC for Contamination Assessment and Remediation of the Environment (2005 - 2020)
- CRC for Diagnostic Technologies (1995 - 2001)
- CRC for Diagnostics (2001 - 2007)
- CRC for Discovery of Genes for Common Human Diseases (1997 - 2004)
- CRC for Distributed System Technology (1992 - 1999)
- CRC for Ecologically Sustainable Development of the Great Barrier Reef (1993 - 1999)
- CRC for Enterprise Distributed Systems Technology (1999 - 2006)
- CRC for Eye Research and Technology (1991 - 2003)
- CRC for Food Industry Innovation (1993 - 2001)
- CRC for Forestry (2005 - 2013)
- CRC for Freshwater Ecology (1993 - 2005)
- CRC for Functional Communications Surfaces (2001 - 2008)
- CRC for Greenhouse Accounting (1999 - 2006)
- CRC for Greenhouse Gas Technologies (2003 - 2014)
- CRC for Hardwood Fibre and Paper Science (1992 - 1998)
- CRC for Industrial Plant Biopolymers (1992 - 1999)
- CRC for Infrastructure and Engineering Asset Management (2010 - 2013)
- CRC for Innovative Dairy Products (2001 - 2009)
- CRC for Innovative Grain Food Products (2003 - 2010)
- CRC for Innovative Wood Manufacturing (2001 - 2008)
- CRC for Integrated Engineering Asset Management (2003 - 2013)
- CRC for Intelligent Decision Systems (1991 - 1995)
- CRC for Intelligent Manufacturing Systems and Technologies (1993 - 2006)
- CRC for International Food Manufacture and Packaging Science (1995 - 2001)
- CRC for Irrigation Futures (2003 - 2010)
- CRC for Landscape Environments and Mineral Exploration (2001 - 2008)
- CRC for Landscape Evolution and Mineral Exploration (1995 - 2001)
- CRC for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture (1992 - 2000)
- CRC for Materials Welding and Joining (1992 - 1999)
- CRC for Micro Technology (1999 - 2006)
- CRC for Mining Technology and Equipment (1991 - 2003)
- CRC for Molecular Engineering and Technology: Sensing and Diagnostic Technologies (1992 - 1998)
- CRC for Molecular Plant Breeding (1997 - 2003)
- CRC for National Plant Biosecurity
- see Cooperative Research Centre for National Plant Biosecurity (2005 - 2012) - CRC for New Technologies for Power Generation from Low-Rank Coal (1993 - 1999)
- CRC for Optical Fibre and Photonic Technology ( - 1992)
- CRC for Optimising Resource Extraction (2010 - 2021)
- CRC for Oral Health Science (2003 - 2010)
- CRC for Plant science (1991 - 1998)
- CRC for Plant-based Management of Dryland Salinity (2001 - 2007)
- CRC for Polymer Blends (1992 - 1999)
- CRC for Polymers (1999 - 2017)
- CRC for Predictive Mineral Discovery (2001 - 2008)
- CRC for Premium Quality Wool (1993 - 2000)
- CRC for Quality Wheat Products and Processes (1995 - 2001)
- CRC for Rail Innovation
- see Cooperative Research Centre for Rail Innovation (2009 - 2014) - CRC for Railway Engineering and Technologies (2001 - 2007)
- CRC for Remote Economic Participation (2010 - 2017)
- CRC for Robust and Adaptive Systems (1991 - 1998)
- CRC for Satellite Systems (1998 - 2005)
- CRC for Sensor Signal and Information Processing (1992 - 2006)
- CRC for Sheep Industry Innovation (2007 - 2014)
- CRC for Smart Internet Technology (2001 - 2007)
- CRC for Soil and Land Management (1991 - 1998)
- CRC for Southern Hemisphere Meteorology (1993 - 2000)
- CRC for Spatial Information (2003 - 2010)
- CRC for Spatial Information-2 (2010 - 2018)
- CRC for Sugar Industry Innovation through Biotechnology (2003 - 2010)
- CRC for Sustainable Aquaculture of Finfish (2001 - 2007)
- CRC for Sustainable Cotton Production (1993 - 1999)
- CRC for Sustainable Production Forestry (1997 - 2005)
- CRC for Sustainable Resource Processing (2003 - 2010)
- CRC for Sustainable Rice Production (1997 - 2005)
- CRC for Sustainable Sugar Production (1995 - 2003)
- CRC for Sustainable Tourism (1997 - 2010)
- CRC for Technology Enabled Capital Markets (2001 - 2007)
- CRC for Temperate Hardwood Forestry (1991 - 1997)
- CRC for the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Environment (1991 - 1997)
- CRC for the Australian Poultry Industries (2003 - 2017)
- CRC for the Cattle and Beef Industry (Meat Quality) (1993 - 1999)
- CRC for The Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area (1999 - 2006)
- CRC for the Sustainable Development of Tropical Savannahs (1995 - 2001)
- CRC for Tissue Growth and Repair (1991 - 2002)
- CRC for Tropical Pest Management (1991 - 1998)
- CRC for Tropical Plant Pathology (1992 - 2000)
- CRC for Tropical Plant Protection (1999 - 2006)
- CRC for Tropical Rainforest Ecology and Management (1993 - 2006)
- CRC for Tropical Savannah Management (2001 - 2009)
- CRC for Vaccine Technology (1999 - 2006)
- CRC for Value Added Wheat (2001 - 2008)
- CRC for Viticulture (1992 - 2007)
- CRC for Waste Management and Pollution Control (1991 - 2003)
- CRC for Water Quality and Treatment (1995 - 2008)
- CRC for Weed Management Systems (1995 - 2001)
- CRC for Welded Structures (1999 - 2006)
- CRC for Wood Innovations
- see CRC for Innovative Wood Manufacturing (2001 - 2008) - CRC HEAR
- see CRC for Cochlear Implant and Hearing Aid Innovation (1999 - 2007) - CRC Mining (2003 - )
- CRC Reef Research Centre Ltd
- see CRC for The Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area (1999 - 2006) - CRC SIIB
- see CRC for Sugar Industry Innovation through Biotechnology (2003 - 2010) - CRC Smartprint
- see CRC for Functional Communications Surfaces (2001 - 2008) - CRC Sugar
- see CRC for Sugar Industry Innovation through Biotechnology (2003 - 2010) - CRC-ACS
- see CRC for Advanced Composite Structures (1996 - 2015) - CRCAH
- see CRC for Aboriginal Health (2003 - 2009) - CRC-AS
- see CRC for Aerospace Structures (1991 - 1996) - CRCATSIH
- see Cooperative Research Centre for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health (2010 - 2014) - CRCERT
- see CRC for Eye Research and Technology (1991 - 2003) - CRCIMST
- see CRC for Intelligent Manufacturing Systems and Technologies (1993 - 2006) - CRC-OHS
- see CRC for Oral Health Science (2003 - 2010) - CRCSI
- see CRC for Spatial Information (2003 - 2010) - CRC-VT
- see CRC for Vaccine Technology (1999 - 2006) - Creaghe, Emily Caroline, Explorer
- Crean, Simon (1949 - ), Politician
- Create : The Journal For Engineers Australia (2015 - )
- Creed, James, Physician
- Creig, Jenny
- see Greig, Janet Lindsay (1874 - 1950), Physician and Anaesthetist - Cremer, Kurt Wilhelm (1934 - 2005), Forest scientist
- Crespin, Irene (1896 - 1980), Micropalaeontologist and Geologist
- Cressie, Noel (1950 - ), Statistician
- Creswick Campus
- see Department of Forest and Ecosystem Science (2008 - ), The University of Melbourne - Crewther, William Gordon (1918 - ), Biochemist
- Cribb, Alan Bridson (1925 - ), Marine biologist, Phycologist and University Administrator
- Cribb, Joan Winnifred (1930 - ), Botanist
- Cribb, Julian, Journalist and Science Communication
- Cribb, Thomas Henry (Tom) (1960 - ), Parasitologist
- Crickard, Nathaniel, Naval officer
- Crisp, Colin Francis Correll (1928 - 1991), Structural engineer
- Crisp, Ernest Reginald (1903 - 1996), Radiologist
- Crisp, John Douglas Correll (1927 - 1992), Civil engineer and Mechanical engineer
- Crisp, Michael Douglas (Mike) (1950 - ), Systematic botanist
- Crock, Gerard William (1929 - 2007), Ophthalmologist
- Crocker, Ann D (1942 - ), Educator and Pharmacologist
- Crocker, Robert Langdon (1914 - 1963), Biologist and Plant ecologist
- Crockford, Joan Marian (1919 - 2015), Palaeontologist
- Crockford-Beattie, Joan
- see Crockford, Joan Marian (1919 - 2015), Palaeontologist - Croft, Robert Clyde (1918 - 1991), Industrial chemist
- Crofts, Les (1923 - ), Metallurgical Engineer and Metallurgist
- Crohn, Peter Wolfgang Reginald (1925 - 2000), Geologist
- Croll, Joan (Una) (1928 - ), Pathologist and Radiologist
- Croll, Una
- see Croll, Joan (Una) (1928 - ), Pathologist and Radiologist - Cromer, Robin N., Forest scientist and Forester
- Crommelin, Minard Fannie (1881 - 1972), Conservationist and Postmistress
- Crompton, James Woodhouse (1924 - 2019), Engineer
- Crompton, Robert Woodhouse (1926 - 2022), Physicist
- Cronin, Mary Ann (1871 - 1974), Botanical collector
- Crook, Keith Alan Waterhouse (1933 - ), Geologist
- Crooke, Edward (1810 - 1873), Pastoralist
- Crooks Michell Peacock Stewart Pty Ltd (1971 - 1991)
- Crooks, Robert (1902 - 1971), Civil engineer
- Crosby, David Franklin (1930 - ), Accountant and Lepidopterist
- Cross, Jean Alison, Educator
- Cross, Patricia Anne (1959 - ), Company director
- Crossley, Paul Merlin (Merlin), Molecular biologist and University Administrator
- Crossley, Stella Ann (1933 - 2007), Educator, Psychologist and Zoologist
- Crouch, J.W.C., Anthropologist
- Crouchley, Jim (1921 - ), Physicist
- Crowder, Robert Bernard (1930 - 2006), Meteorologist
- Crowe, Robert (1867 - 1955), Food technologist and Agricultural administrator
- Crowley, Rosemary Anne (1938 - ), Politician and Physician
- Crowther, Edward Lodewyk (1843 - 1931), Surgeon and Horticulturist
- Crowther, William Edward Lodewyk H. (1887 - 1981), Surgeon and Historian
- Crowther, William Lodewyk (1817 - 1885), Surgeon and Naturalist
- Crozier, Francis Rawdon Moira (1796 - c. 1848), Antarctic explorer, Arctic explorer, Naval officer and Navigator
- Crozier, Rossiter Henry (1943 - 2009), Population geneticist
- Cruickshank, Fletcher Donaldson (1908 - 1990), Physicist
- CSIR - Divisions, Sections and Units (1926 - 1949), Council For Scientific and Indusrial Research
- CSIR - Laboratories and Research Stations (1927 - 1949), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIR - New South Wales State Committee (1926 - 1949), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIR Biometrics Section (1941 - 1944), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIR Cold Storage Investigations (c. 1926 - 1931), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIR Division of Aeronautics (1940 - 1949), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIR Division of Animal Health (1930 - 1936), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIR Division of Animal Health and Nutrition (1936 - 1944), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIR Division of Animal Nutrition (1927 - 1936), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIR Division of Economic Botany (1927 - 1929), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIR Electrotechnology Section (1939 - 1945), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIR Fisheries Investigations Section (c. 1937 - 1939), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIR Food Preservation and Transport Section (1931 - 1940), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIR Lubricants and Bearings Section (1939 - 1946), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIR Metrology Section (1939 - 1945), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIR Murray River Soil Investigation Unit (1927 - 1929), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIR Physics Section (1939 - 1945), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIR Soil Physics Section (c. 1933 - c. 1943), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIR Tribophysics Section (1946 - 1948), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIR Wool Processing Section (? - c. 1939), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIR/O Building Material Research Section (1945 - 1950), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Chemical Engineering Section (c. 1941 - 1962), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Chemical Physics Section (1944 - 1958), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Coal Research Section (1948 - 1960), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Dairy Research Section (1939 - 1962), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Division of Animal Health and Production (1944 - 1959), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Division of Biochemistry and General Nutrition (1944 - 1965), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Division of Economic Entomology (1928 - 1949), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIR/O Division of Electrotechnology (1945 - 1962), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Division of Fisheries (1939 - 1956), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Division of Food Preservation and Transport (1940 - 1960), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Division of Forest Products (mark I) (1928 - 1971), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Division of Industrial Chemistry (1940 - 1958), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Division of Metrology (1945 - 1962), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Division of Physics (1945 - 1973), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Division of Plant Industry (1929 - c. 2014), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Division of Radiophysics (1940 - 1996), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Division of Soils (1929 - 1997), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Division of Tribophysics (1948 - 1978), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Mathematical Statistics Section (1944 - 1954), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Mineragraphic Investigations (1927 - 1966), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Northern Australian Regional Survey Section (1946 - 1950), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIR/O Tracer Elements Investigations Group (1947? - 1952?), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIRAC (1949 - )
- CSIRO - Cooperative Research Centres (CRC) (2001 - )
- CSIRO - Divisions (1949 - c. 2014), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO - Institutes (1978? - 1996?), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research
- CSIRO - National Facilties, Laboratories, Centres and Research Stations (1949 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO - New South Wales State Committee (1949 - 1986?), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO - Sections, Groups and Units (1949 - 2014?), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- see Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) (1949 - ), Commonwealth of Australia - CSIRO Advisory Council
- see Advisory Council - CSIRO (1950 - 1986), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - CSIRO Agricultural Physics Section (1955 - 1971), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Animal Genetics Section (1951 - 1959), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Annual Reports (1949 - )
- CSIRO Biochemistry Unit, Wool Textile Research Laboratories (1949 - 1958), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Built Environment Sector (1995 - 2002), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Canberra Laboratories, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Cement and Ceramic Section (c. 1958 - 1960), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Cement and Refractories Section (1960 - 1962), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Central Experimental Workshops (1949 - 1955), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Chairman's Medal for Science and Engineering Excellence (1991 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Computing Research Section (c. 1956 - c. 1967), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Computing Services (CSIRONET) (1963 - c. 1985), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Corporate and Strategic Plans (1949 - )
- CSIRO Corporate Planning Office (1990? - 1995), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Animal Genetics (1959 - 1975), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Animal Health (1959 - 2000), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Animal Physiology (1959 - 1975), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Animal Production (1975 - 2000), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Applied Chemistry (1966 - 1974), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Applied Geomechanics (1970 - 1983), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Applied Mineralogy (1962? - 1970), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Applied Organic Chemistry (1974 - 1988), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Applied Physics [I] (1962 - 1974), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Applied Physics [II] (1979 - 1996), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Physics (1971 - 1988), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research (1988 - 2005), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Biomolecular Engineering (1989 - 1997), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Biotechnology (1988 - 1989), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Building Research [I] (1950 - 1971), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Building Research [II] (1971 - 1987), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Building, Construction and Engineering (1988 - 2002), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Chemical and Wood Technology (1983 - 1988), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Chemical Engineering (1962 - 1978), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Chemical Physics (1958 - 1987), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Chemical Technology (1974 - 1987?), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Chemicals and Polymers (1988 - 1997), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Cloud Physics (1972 - 1983), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Coal and Energy Technology (1990 - c. 1995), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Coal Research (1959 - 1967), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Coal Technology (1988 - 1990), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Computing Research (c. 1967 - 1986), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Construction and Engineering (1988), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Dairy Research (1962 - 1971), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Energy Chemistry (1981 - 1987), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Energy Technology (1981 - 1990), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Entomology (1950 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Environmental Mechanics (1971 - 1997), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Exploration and Geoscience (1988 - 1993), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Exploration and Mining (1993 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Fisheries (1988 - 1997), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Fisheries and Oceanography (1956 - 1981), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Fisheries Research (1981 - 1988), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Food Preservation (1962 - 1971), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Food Processing (1988 - 1992), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Food Research (1971 - 1988), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Food Science and Technology (1992 - 1997), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Forest Products (mark II) (1990 - 1995), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Forest Research (1975 - 1987), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Forestry (1991 - 1995), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Forestry and Forest Products (mark I) (1988 - 1990), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Forestry and Forest Products (mark II) (1995 - 2007), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Forestry Biosciences (2007 - 2008)
- CSIRO Division of Fossil Fuels (1980 - 1987), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Fuel Technology (1988 - 1990), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Geomechanics (1983 - 1993), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Groundwater Research (1982 - 1986), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Health Sciences and Nutrition (c. 1996 - 2005), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Horticultural Research (1967 - 1988), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Horticulture (1988 - 1997), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Human Nutrition (1975 - c. 1996), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Irrigation Research (1967 - 1982), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Land and Water (1997 - 2014), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Land Assessment (1973), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Land Research (1965 - 1973), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Land Research and Regional Survey (1957 - 1965), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Land Resources Management (1973 - 1982), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Land Use Research (1973 - 1982), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Manufacturing and Infrastructure Technology (2002 - 2006), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Manufacturing Science and Technology (1997 - 2002), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Manufacturing Technology (1980 - 1997), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Materials Science (1978 - 1986), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Materials Science and Engineering (2007 - 2014), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Materials Science and Technology (1987 - 1997), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Mathematical and Information Sciences (1997 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Mathematical Statistics (1954 - 1974), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Mathematics and Statistics (1974 - 1997), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Mechanical Engineering (1963 - 1981), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Meteorological Physics (1954 - 1971), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Mineral and Process Engineering (1987 - 1995), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Mineral Chemistry (1959 - 1988), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Mineral Engineering (1978 - 1987), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Mineral Physics (1972 - 1986), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Mineral Products (1988 - 1995), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Mineralogy (1971 - 1984), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Mineralogy and Geochemistry (1984 - 1985), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Minerals and Geochemistry (1985 - 1987), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Molecular Biology (1983 - 1987), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Molecular Science (1997 - 2005), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Nutritional Biochemistry (1965 - 1975), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Oceanography (1981 - 1997), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Organic Chemistry (1961 - 1966), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Petroleum Resources (1993 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Physical Chemistry (1958 - 1966), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Process Technology (1975 - c. 1980), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Protein Chemistry (1958 - 1988), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Soil Mechanics (1967 - 1970), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Telecommunications and Industrial Physics (1996 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Textile and Fibre Technology (1999 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Textile Industry (1958 - 1988), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Textile Physics (1958 - 1988), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Tropical Agriculture (1996 - 2000), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Tropical Agronomy (1973 - 1976), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Tropical Animal Production (1980 - 1996), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Tropical Crops and Pastures (1976 - c. 1995), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Tropical Pastures (1959 - 1973), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Water and Land Resources (1982 - 1988), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Water Resources (1988 - 1997), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Wildlife and Ecology (1987 - 2000), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Wildlife and Rangelands Research (1982 - 1987), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Wildlife Research (1962 - 1982), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Division of Wool Technology (1988 - 1999), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Earth Observations Centre (1995 - 2004), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences (2011 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
- CSIRO Energy Technology (c. 1995 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Engineering Section (1955 - 1963), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Entrepreneurship Award
- see CSIRO Medal for Research Achievement (1985 - ) - CSIRO Food Processing Sector (1995? - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Forestry, Wood and Paper Industries Sector (c. 1995 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Fuel Geoscience Unit (1977 - 1980), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Grain Quality Research Laboratory (1992 - 1998), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Head Office
- see Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) (1949 - ), Commonwealth of Australia - CSIRO History Project (2016 - 2023)
- CSIRO Horticultural Research Section (1962 - 1967), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Human Nutrition (2005 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Industrial Physics
- see CSIRO Division of Telecommunications and Industrial Physics (1996 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - CSIRO Land and Water
- see CSIRO Division of Land and Water (1997 - 2014), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - CSIRO Land Research and Regional Survey Section (1950 - 1957), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Livestock Industries (2000 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Manufacturing and Infrastructure Technology (CMIT) (2002 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research (2005 - 2014), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Marine Research (1997 - 2005), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Marine Sector ( - 2005), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Meat, Dairy and Aquaculture Sector (1996 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Medal for Lifetime Achievement (2002 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Medal for Research Achievement (1985 - )
- CSIRO Medal for Science Excellence
- see CSIRO Medal for Research Achievement (1985 - ) - CSIRO Meteorological Physics Research Section (1949 - 1954), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Mineral Physics Section (1971 - 1972), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Minerals
- see CSIRO Minerals Division (c. 1995 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - CSIRO Minerals Division (c. 1995 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Minerals Utilization Section (1958 - 1959), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Molecular and Cellular Biology Unit (1975 - 1983), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Molecular and Health Technologies (2005 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Office of Space Science and Applications (COSSA) (1988 - 1996), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Oral History Project (2016 - )
- CSIRO Organic Chemistry Section (1958 - 1961), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Petroleum Sector (c. 1995 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Physical Technology Unit (c. 1980 - c. 1988), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Physics and Engineering Unit (1949 - 1958), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Plastic Banknote Project (1988 - ?), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Project Ambassador, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Publishing (1995 - )
- CSIRO Pulp and Paper Section, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Rangeland Research Centre (1986? - 1995?), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Research Divisions Over Time (1985 - )
- CSIRO Section of Mathematical Instruments (1950 - 1959), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Sheep Biology Laboratory (1953 - 1959), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Soil Mechanics Section (1955 - 1967), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Soil Physics and Mechanics Section (c. 1943 - 1955), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Solar Observatory (1967 - 1987)
- CSIRO staff newspaper
- see Coresearch (1958 - 2003), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems (2000 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Textiles Clothing and Footwear Sector (c. 1995 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Water Resources Research Section (1987 - 1989), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Wheat Germplasm and Grain Quality Laboratory (1998 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Wheat Research Unit (c. 1947 - 1992), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Wildlife Survey Section (1949 - 1962), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Wool Textile Research Laboratories (1949 - 1958), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIROpedia (2006 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSL Bioplasma Ltd (1952 - )
- CSL Florey Medal
- see Florey Medal (1998 - ), Australian Institute of Policy and Science - CSL Limited (1990 - )
- Csordas, Stefan Eugen (1920 - 2000), Physician and Antarctic researcher
- CSR Chemicals Limited (CSRC) (1939 - 1997)
- CSR Limited (1974 - )
- CSRC - Dow (c. 1961 - 1968)
- see CRC for Sustainable Resource Processing (2003 - 2010) - CSSIP
- see CRC for Sensor Signal and Information Processing (1992 - 2006) - CSU
- see Charles Sturt University (1989 - ) - CTA
- see Cancer Trials Australia (1993 - ) - CTPL
- see Cell Therapies Pty Ltd (2003 - ) - CTx
- see Cooperative Research Centre for Cancer Therapeutics (2007 - 2020) - Cuckson Textiles Pty Ltd (? - 1969)
- Cuckson, Eric, Manufacturer
- Cuckson-Scovill (1969 - ?)
- Cucuzza, Guiseppe (Joe) (1952 - 2022), Business executive and Geophysicist
- Cullen, Edward Alexander Ernest (1861 - 1950), Engineer
- Cullen, Jim, Ecologist and Entomologist
- Cullen, John Michael (Mike) (1927 - 2001), Ornithologist and Zoologist
- Cullen, R., Computer scientist
- Cullen, R. N., Food technologist
- Culver, Robert (Bob) (1926 - 2009), Academic, Civil engineer and Hydraulic engineer
- Cuming Smith and Company Limited (c. 1872 - 1980)
- Cuming, George James (1886 - 1969), Industrial chemist
- Cuming, James (1) (1861 - 1920), Industrial chemist and Company director
- Cuming, James (2) (1900 - 1952), Industrial chemist
- Cumming, Alexander C. (1881? - 1941?), Chemist
- Cumming, Betty Lovel
- see Gent, Betty Lovell (1921 - 2003), Applied mathematician and University Administrator - Cumming, Denis Arthur (1923 - 1995), Academic, Civil engineer and Engineering historian
- Cumming, Malcolm John ( - 2019), Chemical engineer and Computer scientist
- Cumming, Ronald William (1920 - 1986), Engineer and Psychologist
- Cummins, John Edward (Jack) (1902 - 1989), Chemist and Science administrator
- Cumpston, John Howard Lidgett (1880 - 1954), Epidemiologist, Science historian and Health administrator
- The Cunningham Dax Collection
- Cunningham, Allan (1791 - 1839), Botanist and Explorer
- Cunningham, Ian Cameron (1939 - 2017), Entomologist
- Cunningham, Kenneth Stewart (1890 - 1976), Psychologist
- Cunningham, Peter Miller (1789 - 1864), Naval officer and Surgeon
- Cunningham, Richard (1793 - 1835), Botanic gardens director and Botanist
- Cunningham, T. Murray, Forester
- Curlewis, Harold Burnham (1874 - 1968), Astronomer and Meteorologist
- Curley, Sylvia (1898 - 1999), Nurse, Nurse administrator and Activist
- Curling, H.C., Natural history artist
- Curnow, David Henry (1921 - 2004), Biochemist
- Curr, Edward Micklethwaite (1820 - 1889), Stock inspector and Pastoralist
- Curran, John Milne (1859 - 1928), Geologist and Minister of religion
- Curran, Lionel Kenneth (1918 - 1996), Electrical engineer
- Curran, Michael
- see Curran, John Milne (1859 - 1928), Geologist and Minister of religion - Currency Creek Arboretum (1992 - )
- Currie, George Alexander (1896 - 1984), Agricultural scientist and Vice-Chancellor
- Currie, John Lang (1818 - 1898), Pastoralist
- Currie, Mark John, Explorer
- Curtin Medal for Excellence in Medical Research (2003 - ), John Curtin School of Medical Research
- Curtin University (1987 - )
- Curtis, Charles M. (1795 - ), Natural history artist
- Curtis, David Roderick (1927 - 2017), Pharmacologist, University Administrator and Neurobiologist
- Curtis, Robin R., Chemist
- Curtis, Winifred (1905 - 2005), Author, Botanist, Educator and Plant taxonomist
- Custance, Fred, Aviator
- Custance, John Daniel (1842 - 1923), Agricultural educator and Agricultural scientist
- Cuthbertson, W.R. (1916? - 1945), Chemist
- Cutmore, Nicholas, Physicist
- Czulak, Józef Karol (1915 - 1985), Bacteriologist and Food technologist