Browse Corporate Bodies - T
- Tafel-Shone
- Taig Eucalyptus Company (1960s - ?)
- Tarax Pty Ltd (c. 1950 - 1972)
- Taronga Conservation Society Australia (Taronga Zoo and Taronga Western Plains Zoo) (1913 - )
- Taronga Zoological Park Trust
- see Taronga Conservation Society Australia (Taronga Zoo and Taronga Western Plains Zoo) (1913 - ) - Tasmania Zoo (2003 - )
- Tasmanian Botanical Gardens
- see Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens (1828 - ), Colony of Van Diemen's Land and Tasmania, and State of Tasmania - Tasmanian Central Board of Health (1886 - 1904), Colony and State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Council of Agriculture (1891 - 1909), Colony and State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Department of Agriculture [I] (1898 - 1903), Colony and State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Department of Agriculture [II] (1911 - 1989), State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Department of Agriculture and Stock (1903 - 1909), State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Department of Community and Health Services (1993 - 1998), State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Department of Environment and Land Management (1993 - 1998), State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Department of Environment and Planning (1989 - 1993), State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Department of Environment, Parks, Heritage and the Arts (2008 - 2009), State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Department of Health [I] (1989 - 1993), State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Department of Health [II] (2018 - ), State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Department of Health and Human Services (1998 - 2018), State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Department of Health Services (1956 - 1989), State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources (1998 - 2014), State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Department of Lands, Parks and Wildlife (1987 - 1989), State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Department of Mines (1992 - 1993), State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Department of Parks, Wildlife and Heritage (1989 - 1993), State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries and Water (2006 - 2009), State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (2009 - ), State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment (1998 - 2006), State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Department of Primary Industry (1989 - 1992), State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries (1993 - 1998), State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Department of Primary Industry, Fisheries and Energy (1992 - 1993), State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Department of Public Health (1904 - 1956), State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Department of Resources and Energy (1989 - 1992), State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Department of Sea Fisheries (1985 - 1989), State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Department of State Development (1998 - 2002), State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Department of State Development and Resources (1993 - 1994), State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Department of State Growth (2014 - ), State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Department of the Environment (1972 - 1989), State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Department of Tourism, Arts and the Environment (2006 - 2008), State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Department of Tourism, Parks, Heritage and the Arts (2002 - 2006), State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Development and Resources (1994 - 1998), State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Field Naturalists Club Inc (1904 - )
- Tasmanian Fisheries Development Authority (1977 - 1985), State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Forest Insect Collection (1974 - 2013)
- Tasmanian Government Railways (1872 - 1939), Colony and State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Herbarium (c. 1830 - )
- Tasmanian Hospital for the Insane Department (1907 - 1915), State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Institute of Engineers
- see Tasmanian Institution of Engineers (1918 - 1919) - Tasmanian Institution of Engineers (1918 - 1919)
- Tasmanian Lands and Surveys Department (1804 - 1970), Colony of Van Diemen's Land, Colony and State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Mental Diseases Hospital Department (1915 - 1920), State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Mental Health Services Commission (1968 - 1993), State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Mines Branch (1883 - 1894), Colony of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Mines Department (1894 - 1989), Colony and State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (1863 - )
- Tasmanian National Parks and Wildlife Service (1971 - 1987), State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Natural History Society (1838 - 1849)
- Tasmanian Paper Pty Ltd (1928 - 1930)
- Tasmanian Public Works Department (1835 - 1977), State of Tasmania
- Tasmanian Pulp and Forest Holdings Ltd (c. 1972 - ?)
- Tasmanian Society
- see Tasmanian Natural History Society (1838 - 1849) - Tasmanian Society for the Advancement of Natural Science
- see Tasmanian Natural History Society (1838 - 1849) - Tasmanian Surveyors' Institute
- see Institution of Surveyors, Tasmania (Inc) (1894 - 1952) - Taubmans Pty Ltd ( - 1989)
- Taylor-Elliotts Ltd ( - 1930)
- see Tasmanian Development and Resources (1994 - 1998), State of Tasmania - Technical Committee on Agricultural Chemicals, Commonwealth of Australia
- Technical Co-operation Program (1967 - )
- Technological Commission
- see Royal Commission for Promoting Technological and Industrial Instruction (1869 - 1890), Parliament of Victoria - Technological Museum
- see Technological, Industrial, and Sanitary Museum (1880 - 1889), Colony of New South Wales - Technological Museum (1890 - 1950), Colony and State of New South Wales
- Technological, Industrial, and Sanitary Museum (1880 - 1889), Colony of New South Wales
- Telecom Australia
- see Australian and Overseas Telecommunications Corporation (1992 - 1993) - Telecom Australia
- see Australian Telecommunications Commission (1975 - 1989) - Telecom Australia
- see Australian Telecommunications Corporation (1989 - 1992) - Telecom Australia International Limited (1970s - )
- Telectronics Holdings Limited ( - 1988)
- Telectronics Pty Ltd (1963 - 1996)
- Telematics Research and Application Collaboratory Research Team, Swinburne University of Technology
- Telephone & Electrical Industries (TEI)
- Telephone Manufacturing Company (Australia)
- Telstra Corporation Limited (1993 - )
- Tennyson Holdings Limited (1986 - 2000)
- Textile Panel (1940s - 1950s)
- Theiss Bros Pty Ltd (1946 - ?)
- Therapeutic Goods Administration (1991 - ), Commonwealth of Australia
- Thomas Baker and Company Laboratory (1887 - 1894)
- Thomas McPherson & Sons (1860 - ?)
- Thomas Nationwide Transport Limited (1946 - 1986)
- Thompson Engineering & Pipe Co. Ltd
- Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand (1961 - )
- Thorn EMI Electronics Australia Pty Ltd ( - 1983)
- Thymus Biology Unit (1981 - 1996), The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
- see Western Australian Technology and Industry Development Authority (1987 - 1990), State of Western Australia - Timber Sectional Committee (1930 - ?), Standards Association of Australia
- Timbrol Ltd (1920s - 1950s)
- Tioxide Australia Pty Ltd ( - 1996)
- Titan Manufacturing Company (1888 - 1927)
- see Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (1863 - ) - TNT Limited
- Toft Bros Industries Limited (c. 1966 - 1980)
- Toowong Botanic Gardens
- see Brisbane Botanic Gardens (1855 - ) - Trans Australian Railway (1917 - ?)
- Trans-Australia Airlines (TAA) (1946 - 1986)
- Transfield (Qld) Pty Ltd (c. 1960 - 1980s)
- Transfield Industries
- Transplantation Unit (1981 - 1996), The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
- Trevor Boiler and Engineering Company (1909 - c. 1980)
- Trials Resources Laboratory (1978 - 1981), Defence Research Centre Salisbury
- Tugan Aircraft Company (? - 1930s)