Browse Corporate Bodies - I
- see Invasive Animals CRC (2004 - ) - Ian Clunies Ross Memorial Foundation (1959 - 2004)
- Ian Wark Research Institute (1994 - ), The University of South Australia
- IBM Australia Limited
- IChemE in Australia
- see Institution of Chemical Engineers in Australia (IChemE) (1960 - ) - ICI Australia Ltd (1971 - 1998)
- ICI Australia Ltd, Central Research Laboratories (1956 - 1990s)
- ICI Australia Ltd, Division of Pharmaceuticals
- ICI Australia Ltd, Research Group
- IDP Education Australia (1994 - )
- IEC National Committee of Australia
- see International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) (1960 - ) - Image and Video Research Infrastructure Facility, The University of Ballarat
- Immunology Division (1996 - ), The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
- Immunoparasitology Unit (1981 - 1996), The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
- Imperial Airways (1924 - 1939)
- Imperial Chemical industry (Australasia) Limited (1926 - 1928)
- Imperial Chemical industry of Australia and New Zealand Limited (1928 - 1971)
- Incat Australia
- see International Catamarans Pty Ltd (1977 - ) - Industrial and Technological Museum (1870 - 1945), Colony and State of Victoria
- Industrial Atomic Energy Policy Committee (1949 - 1952), Commonwealth of Australia
- Industrial Fund for the Advancement of Scientific Education in Schools (1958 - 1968)
- Industrial Research Institute Swinburne (IRIS), Swinburne University of Technology
- Industrial Sciences Department, Swinburne University of Technology
- Industries Assistance Commission (1974 - 1990), Commonwealth of Australia
- Infection and Immunity Division (1996 - ), The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
- Information Electronics Pty Ltd (1968 - 1980s)
- Informit
- Initial Teaching Alphabet Association Australia (1974 - 1995?)
- Inmarsat
- see International Maritime Satellite Organisation (INMARSAT) (1974 - ) - Institute for Information Management Ltd (1997 - )
- Institute of Animal and Food Sciences - CSIRO (1978 - 1987), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Institute of Animal Production and Processing - CSIRO (1988 - 1996), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Institute of Applied Science
- see Museum of Applied Science (1945 - 1971), State of Victoria - Institute of Australian Geographers (1958 - )
- Institute of Biological Resources - CSIRO (? - 1986), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Institute of Dental Research (1946 - )
- Institute of Disability Studies (1970s - 2003?), Deakin University
- Institute of Earth Resources - CSIRO (? - 1981), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Institute of Energy and Earth Resources - CSIRO (1981 - 1987), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Institute of Food and Crop Science, The University of Ballarat
- Institute of Foresters of Australia (IFA) (1935 - )
- Institute of Horticultural Development (1993 - ), State of Victoria
- Institute of Industrial Technologies - CSIRO (1986 - 1995), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Institute of Industrial Technology - CSIRO (c. 1978 - c. 1986), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Institute of Information and Communications Technologies - CSIRO (c. 1986 - c. 1995), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Institute of Land and Food Resources (1997 - 2005), The University of Melbourne
- Institute of Local Government Engineers of Australasia (1909 - 1919)
- Institute of Local Government Engineers of Australia
- see Institute of Local Government Engineers of Australasia (1909 - 1919) - Institute of Materials Engineering Australasia Ltd (IMEA) (c. 1999 - )
- Institute of Metals and Materials Australasia Ltd (1946 - c. 1999)
- Institute of Minerals, Energy and Construction (IMEC) - CSIRO (1988 - 1996), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Institute of Natural Resources and Environment - CSIRO (1988 - 1996), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Institute of Physical Sciences - CSIRO (1978 - 1988), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Institute of Plant Production and Processing - CSIRO (1988 - c. 1995), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Institute of Quarrying Australia
- Commonwealth of Australia, Institute of Science and Industry,
- see Commonwealth Institute of Science and Industry (1920 - 1926) - Institute of Victorian Municipal Engineers
- see Institution of Municipal Engineers of Victoria (1878 - 1926) - Institution of Chemical Engineers in Australia (IChemE) (1960 - )
- Institution of Engineers, Australia (1919 - )
- Institution of Engineers, Australia, Victoria Division (1919 - )
- Institution of Municipal Engineers of Victoria (1878 - 1926)
- Institution of Surveyors Victoria (ISV) (2008 - )
- Institution of Surveyors, Australia - South Australian Division
- Institution of Surveyors, Australia - Tasmanian Division (1951 - 2008)
- Institution of Surveyors, Australia - Victorian Division (1952 - 2008)
- Institution of Surveyors, Australia (1952 - 2009)
- Institution of Surveyors, New South Wales (ISNSW) (1891 - )
- Institution of Surveyors, Tasmania (Inc) (1894 - 1952)
- Intellectual Property Australia
- see IP Australia (1998 - ), Commonwealth of Australia - Interim Communications Satellite Committee (ICSC) (1964 - ?)
- International Antarctic Analysis Centre (IAAC) (1959 - 1965)
- International Antarctic Meteorological Research Centre (1965 - 1969)
- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) (1957 - )
- International Catamarans Pty Ltd (1977 - )
- International Civil Aviation Organisation (1947 - )
- International Combustion Australia Ltd (1929 - 1987)
- International Committee for Telephony and Telegraphy (CCITT)
- International Development Program of Australian Universities and Colleges Ltd (IDP) (1984 - 1994)
- International Development Technologies Centre (1979 - ), The University of Melbourne
- International Electrotechnical Commission National Committee of Australia
- see IEC National Committee of Australia - International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) (1960 - )
- International Geological Correlation Programme - Australian IGCP National Committee (1972 - )
- International Harvester Co Aust Pty Ltd (1912 - ?)
- International Maritime Satellite Organisation (INMARSAT) (1974 - )
- International Solar Energy Society (ISES) (1954 - )
- International Standards Organisation (1947 - )
- International Union of Forest Experiment Stations
- see International Union on Forest Research Organisations (1892 - ) - International Union of Physiological Sciences
- International Union on Forest Research Organisations (1892 - )
- International Wool Secretariat (? - 1997)
- Interscan Australia Pty Ltd (1970s - ?)
- Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre
- see Invasive Animals CRC (2004 - ) - Invasive Animals CRC (2004 - )
- Invasive Species Council (2002 - )
- IP Australia (1998 - ), Commonwealth of Australia
- Irrigation Research Laboratory. Griffith - CSIRO (1961 - 1967), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Irrigation Research Station, Griffith - CSIR/O (1939 - 1961), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- see Institution of Surveyors, Australia (1952 - 2009) - IUFRO
- see International Union on Forest Research Organisations (1892 - )