Victoria Department of State and Regional Development
In recent years the Department of State and Regional Development has produced a number of information products to facilitate the development of various industry sectors in Victoria and build stronger links between those industry sectors and the relevant research conducted in Victorian Universities.
The department has funded the web publication of the Guides to Current Research in Victorian Universities and the establishment of corresponding entities in Australian Science at Work.
Foundation Supporter of
- Advanced Engineering Centre for Manufacturing (1993 - )
- Advanced Minerals Products Research Centre, The University of Melbourne (1991 - 1999)
- Austin Research Institute (1991 - ?)
- Australian Pulp and Paper Institute (APPI), Monash University (1989 - )
- Bernard O'Brien Institute of Microsurgery
- Biomedical Multimedia Unit, The University of Melbourne
- Brain Research Institute (1996 - )
- Brain Sciences Institute (BSI), Swinburne University of Technology (1994 - )
- Built Environment Research Group, Deakin University
- Burnley College, The University of Melbourne (1997 - )
- Centre for Advanced Materials Technology, Monash University (1989 - )
- Centre for Applied Colloid Science, Swinburne University of Technology (1980 - )
- Centre for Applied Social Research (CASR), RMIT University
- Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing, Swinburne University of Technology (1998 - )
- Centre for Biomedical Instrumentation, Swinburne University of Technology
- Centre for Bioprocessing and Food Technology, Victoria University of Technology
- Centre for Computer Integrated Manufacture (CIM Centre), Swinburne University of Technology
- Centre for Design at RMIT, RMIT University (c. 1990 - )
- Centre for Environmental Applied Hydrology (CEAH), The University of Melbourne
- Centre for Environmental Management, The University of Ballarat
- Centre for Green Chemistry, Monash University (2000 - )
- Centre for Human Development, Monash University
- Centre for Industrial Design, Monash University (1990s - )
- Centre for Packaging, Transportation and Storage, Victoria University (1994 - )
- Centre for Rehabilitation, Exercise and Sport Science (CRESS), Victoria University
- Centre for Water Studies, Monash University (1976 - )
- College of Art and Design, Monash University
- CRC for International Food Manufacture and Packaging Science (1995 - 2001)
- Dairy Process Engineering Centre, Monash University (1970s - )
- Deakin University
- Department of Aerospace Engineering, RMIT University
- Department of Agricultural Sciences, La Trobe University (1998 - )
- Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, The University of Melbourne (1993 - )
- Department of Animal Production, The University of Melbourne (1997? - )
- Department of Applied Biology and Biotechnology, RMIT University (1971 - )
- Department of Applied Biology and Institute of Land and Food Resources, Burnley, RMIT University
- Department of Applied Chemistry, RMIT University (1909 - )
- Department of Applied Physics, RMIT University (1950 - )
- Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, The University of Melbourne
- Department of Biological and Food Sciences, Victoria University of Technology
- Department of Biomedical Sciences, Victoria University of Technology
- Department of Building and Construction Economics, RMIT University
- Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, RMIT University (1950s - )
- Department of Chemical Engineering, Monash University (1961 - )
- Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of Melbourne (1950 - )
- Department of Chemical Sciences, Victoria University of Technology
- Department of Chemistry, Monash University (? - c. 2001)
- Department of Chemistry and Biology, Victoria University of Technology
- Department of Civil and Building Engineering, Victoria University of Technology (? - 1998)
- Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of Melbourne
- Department of Civil and Geological Engineering, RMIT University ( - c. 2000)
- Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University (1961? - )
- Department of Communication and Electronic Engineering, RMIT University (1980s - ?)
- Department of Computer Science, RMIT University (1980 - )
- Department of Computer Science and Computer Engineering, La Trobe University (1990 - )
- Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, The University of Melbourne (1999 - )
- Department of Computer Systems Engineering, Monash University
- Department of Crop Production, The University of Melbourne (1997? - )
- Department of Earth Sciences, La Trobe University (1960s - 2006)
- Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Victoria University of Technology (? - 1990s)
- Department of Electrical Engineering, RMIT University (1903 - )
- Department of Environmental Management, Victoria University of Technology
- Department of Food Science, RMIT University (1994 - ?)
- Department of Food Science and Agribusiness, The University of Melbourne (1997? - )
- Department of Food Technology, Victoria University of Technology
- Department of Forestry, The University of Melbourne (1997 - 2005)
- Department of General Practice and Public Health, The University of Melbourne (? - 2001)
- Department of Genetics, The University of Melbourne (1950s - )
- Department of Geography and Environmental Science, Graduate School of Environmental Science, Monash University (1972 - )
- Department of Geomatics, The University of Melbourne
- Department of Human Biology and Movement Science, RMIT University (? - c. 2000)
- Department of Industry, Professional and Adult Education, RMIT University
- Department of Information Systems, The University of Melbourne (1990s - )
- Department of Information Systems, Victoria University of Technology
- Department of Land Information, RMIT University
- Department of Learning and Educational Development, The University of Melbourne
- Department of Manufacturing Systems Engineering, RMIT University
- Department of Materials Engineering, Monash University (1960s - c. 2001)
- Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, RMIT University (1900s - ?)
- Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, The University of Melbourne (c. 1950 - )
- Department of Mechanical Engineering, Monash University
- Department of Mechanical Engineering, Victoria University of Technology (? - 1998)
- Department of Medical Laboratory Science, RMIT University (? - c. 2000)
- Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Monash University
- Department of Medicine, Austin and Repatriation Medical Centre, The University of Melbourne (c. 1995 - 2003)
- Department of Medicine, Royal Melbourne and Western Hospitals, The University of Melbourne (1955 - )
- Department of Medicine, St Vincent's Hospital and the Geelong Hospital, The University of Melbourne (1957 - )
- Department of Microbiology, La Trobe University (1998? - )
- Department of Microbiology, Monash University
- Department of Microbiology and Immunology, The University of Melbourne
- Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, The University of Melbourne
- Department of Optometry and Vision Sciences, The University of Melbourne
- Department of Otolaryngology, The University of Melbourne (1970 - 2013?)
- Department of Paediatrics, The University of Melbourne
- Department of Pathology, The University of Melbourne
- Department of Pharmacology, The University of Melbourne
- Department of Philosophy, The University of Melbourne (1881 - )
- Department of Physics, Monash University ( - c. 2001)
- Department of Physiology, Monash University (1962 - )
- Department of Physiology, The University of Melbourne
- Department of Psychiatry, The University of Melbourne (1963 - )
- Department of Psychology, Monash University
- Department of Psychology, The University of Melbourne
- Department of Public Health and Community Medicine, The University of Melbourne (c. 1990 - c. 1999)
- Department of Resource Management and Horticulture, The University of Melbourne
- Department of Robotics and Digital Technology, Monash University (1982 - 1996)
- Department of Surgery, Austin and Repatriation Medical Centre, The University of Melbourne
- Department of Surgery, Royal Melbourne and Western Hospitals, The University of Melbourne (1955 - )
- Department of Zoology, The University of Melbourne
- Division of Physical Sciences and Engineering, La Trobe University
- Division of Science, Engineering and Design, Swinburne University of Technology
- Environmental Engineering & Technology Group, Deakin University
- Faculty of Applied Science, RMIT University (1967 - )
- Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, The University of Melbourne
- Faculty of Arts, Monash University (1961 - )
- Faculty of Arts, The University of Melbourne (1855 - )
- Faculty of Biomedical and Health Services, RMIT University
- Faculty of Computing and Information technology, Monash University
- Faculty of Engineering, Monash University (1961? - )
- Faculty of Engineering, RMIT University (1967 - )
- Faculty of Engineering, The University of Melbourne (1860 - )
- Faculty of Engineering and Science, Victoria University (1997 - )
- Faculty of Health and Behavioural Science, Deakin University
- Faculty of Health Sciences, La Trobe University
- Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, La Trobe University
- Faculty of Information technology, Monash University
- Faculty of Law and Management, La Trobe University (1997 - )
- Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, The University of Melbourne (1991 - )
- Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, Monash University (c. 2001 - )
- Faculty of Science, Monash University (1960s - )
- Faculty of Science, The University of Melbourne (1903 - )
- Faculty of Science, Victoria University of Technology (1915? - 1997)
- Faculty of Science and Technology, Deakin University
- Faculty of Science, Technology and Engineering, La Trobe University (1994 - )
- Gippsland School of Computing and Information technology, Monash University
- Gippsland School of Engineering, Monash University (c. 1945 - 2003)
- Graduate School of Education, La Trobe University ( - c. 2001)
- Graduate School of Integrative Medicine, Swinburne University of Technology ( - c. 2009)
- Image and Video Research Infrastructure Facility, The University of Ballarat
- Industrial Research Institute Swinburne (IRIS), Swinburne University of Technology
- Industrial Sciences Department, Swinburne University of Technology
- Institute of Disability Studies, Deakin University (1970s - 2003?)
- Institute of Food and Crop Science, The University of Ballarat
- Institute of Horticultural Development, State of Victoria (1993 - )
- Institute of Land and Food Resources, The University of Melbourne (1997 - 2005)
- International Development Technologies Centre, The University of Melbourne (1979 - )
- Joint Centre for Crop Improvement, The University of Melbourne
- Keith Turnbull Research Institute, Victorian Department of Primary Industries (1967 - )
- Key Centre for Applied and Nutritional Toxicology, RMIT University (1980s - )
- La Trobe University (1964 - )
- La Trobe University (Bendigo), La Trobe University (1990s - )
- Materials Technology Group, Swinburne University of Technology
- Monash Institute of Reproduction and Development, Monash University (1991 - 2005)
- Monash University (1958 - )
- National School of Design, Swinburne University of Technology
- National Scientific Instrumentation Training Centre, Swinburne University of Technology ( - c. 2000)
- Office of Special Projects, Swinburne University of Technology
- Peninsula School of Computing and Information technology, Monash University
- Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute (1986 - )
- Polymer Technology Centre, RMIT University (1990 - c. 2000)
- Rheology and Materials Processing Centre, RMIT University (c. 2002 - )
- RMIT University (1992 - )
- Russell Grimwade School of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, The University of Melbourne (1961 - ?)
- School of Agriculture, La Trobe University (1967 - 1998)
- School of Applied Sciences, Monash University (1990 - 2002)
- School of Aquatic Science and Natural Resource Management, Deakin University
- School of Architecture and Building, Deakin University (1977 - )
- School of Architecture and Design, RMIT University
- School of Arts and Media, La Trobe University
- School of Biochemistry and Genetics, La Trobe University (1972 - 1990s)
- School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Deakin University
- School of Biophysical Sciences and Electrical Engineering, Swinburne University of Technology
- School of Botany, La Trobe University
- School of Botany, The University of Melbourne (1880s - )
- School of Business, La Trobe University
- School of Business, Swinburne University of Technology
- School of Business, The University of Ballarat
- School of Business (Bendigo), La Trobe University
- School of Business Systems, Monash University
- School of Chemical Sciences, Swinburne University of Technology
- School of Chemistry, La Trobe University (1967 - )
- School of Chemistry, Monash University (c. 2001 - )
- School of Chemistry, The University of Melbourne (1880s - )
- School of Communications and Informatics, Victoria University (c. 1997 - )
- School of Computer Science and Engineering, La Trobe University ( - 1999)
- School of Computer Science and Software Engineering (Caulfield), Monash University (1998 - )
- School of Computing and Mathematics, Deakin University
- School of Dental Science, The University of Melbourne
- School of Design, Swinburne University of Technology
- School of Ecology and Environment, Deakin University
- School of Economics, La Trobe University
- School of Education (Bendigo), La Trobe University
- School of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering, RMIT University (2000 - )
- School of Electronic Engineering, La Trobe University (? - 1999)
- School of Engineering, La Trobe University
- School of Engineering, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) (c. 1887 - 1967)
- School of Engineering, The University of Ballarat
- School of Engineering and Science, Swinburne University of Technology
- School of Engineering and Technology, Deakin University
- School of Environment Management and Ecology, La Trobe University
- School of Environmental and Resource Science, La Trobe University (1998? - )
- School of Fine Arts, Classics and Archaeology, The University of Melbourne (1998 - c. 2003)
- School of Geography and Environmental Science, Monash University
- School of Health and Human Services (Bendigo), La Trobe University (1990s - )
- School of Health Sciences, Deakin University ( - 2004)
- School of Historical Studies, Monash University
- School of Human Biosciences, La Trobe University
- School of Human Communication Sciences, La Trobe University
- School of Human Movement and Sport Sciences, The University of Ballarat
- School of Human Movement, Recreation and Performance, Victoria University (1972 - )
- School of Information Management and Systems, Monash University
- School of Information technology, Swinburne University of Technology
- School of Life Sciences, La Trobe University (1998? - )
- School of Life Sciences and Technology, Victoria University (c. 1997 - ?)
- School of Management, Technology and Environment (Bendigo), La Trobe University
- School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, La Trobe University (1997 - )
- School of Mathematical Sciences, Swinburne University of Technology
- School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Swinburne University of Technology (? - 1997)
- School of Microbiology, La Trobe University (1975 - 1998?)
- School of Nutrition and Public Health, Deakin University (? - 1998)
- School of Philosophy, La Trobe University
- School of Physics, La Trobe University (? - c. 1999)
- School of Physics, The University of Melbourne (1945 - )
- School of Physiotherapy, The University of Melbourne (1991 - )
- School of Psychological Sciences, La Trobe University (1972 - )
- School of Public Health, La Trobe University
- School of Science and Engineering, The University of Ballarat
- School of Science and Engineering (Bendigo), La Trobe University
- School of Social Sciences and Arts TAFE Division, Swinburne University of Technology
- School of the Built Environment, Victoria University
- School of Zoology, La Trobe University ( - 1998?)
- Sir Lawrence Wackett Centre for Aerospace Design Technology, RMIT University (1991 - )
- Sport and Exercise Psychology Unit, Victoria University of Technology
- Swinburne University of Technology (1992 - )
- Telematics Research and Application Collaboratory Research Team, Swinburne University of Technology
- The University of Ballarat (c. 1976 - 2014)
- The University of Melbourne (1853 - )
- Victoria University of Technology (1915 - 1990s)