Corporate Body
Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (1987 - )
- From
- 1987
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia - Functions
- Association and Society or membership organisation
- Alternative Names
- ATSE (Abbreviation)
- Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering (Business name, 2015 - )
- Website
- Reference No
- ACN 008 520 394
- Location
- Street Address - Level 1 / 1 Bowen Crescent, Melbourne, Postal Address - GPO Box 4055, Melbourne Victoria 3001
The Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering was established in February 1976 as the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences. In January 1987 the Academy's name was changed, becoming the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering. From their Web site, December 2001, "The Academy is an independent, non-government organisation dedicated to the promotion in Australia of scientific and engineering knowledge to practical purposes."
Related entries
1975 - 1987 Australian Academy of Technological Sciences
1987 - Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
Related Awards
- Batterham Medal for Engineering Excellence, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (2014 - )
The Academy inaugurated the Medal in 2014
- Clunies Ross Innovation Award, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (2016 - )
The Academy has presented the Awards since 2016
- Clunies Ross Knowledge Commercialisation Award, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (2016 - )
The Academy has presented the Award since 2016
- Clunies Ross Lifetime Achievement Award, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (1999 - )
The Academy has presented the Medal 2002 -
- Clunies Ross National Science and Technology Award, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (1991 - 2015)
The Academy presented the Award from 2002 to 2015
- David and Valerie Solomon Award, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (2019 - )
The Academy has presented the Award since 2019
- K. L. Sutherland Memorial Medal (1982 - )
The Academy has administered the Medal since 1987
Related Corporate Bodies
- Australian Council of Learned Academies (2010 - )
AATSE is a member academy of ACOLA
- The Crawford Fund (1987 - )
Related People
- Alder, Keith Frederick (1921 - 2014)
Fellow 1987 - 2014 [Elected Fellow AATS 1977]
- Amal, Rose (1965 - )
Elected Fellow 2012
- Anderson, Brian David Outram (1941 - )
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1980]
- Badger, Geoffrey Malcolm (1916 - 2002)
Fellow 1987 - 2002 [Elected Fellow AATS 1978]
- Baker, Joseph Thomas (Joe) (1935 - 2018)
Fellow 1989 - 2018
- Baklien, Asbjorn (1929 - 2005)
Fellow 1987 - 2005 [Elected Fellow AATS 1980]
- Banks, Edgar Roger (Roger) (1930 - 2018)
Fellow 1987 - 2018 [Elected Fellow AATS 1983]
- Barber, Michael Newton (1947 - )
Elected Fellow 2009
- Barnes, Charles Stalley (1926 - 2024)
Fellow 1987 - 2024 [Elected Fellow AATS 1984]
- Basford, Kaye (1952 - )
Fellow 2006 -
- Basten, Antony (Tony) (1939 - )
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1981]
- Batterham, Robin John (1941 - )
Elected Fellow 1988; President 2007 - 2012
- Baxter, John Philip (1905 - 1989)
Fellow 1987 - 1989 [Foundation Fellow AATS 1975]
- Beazley, Lynda Dent (Lyn) (1944 - )
Elected Fellow 2009; awarded the President's Medal 2024
- Bell, Genevieve (1967 - )
Fellow 2018 -
- Biegler, Thomas (Tom) (1937 - )
Fellow 1992 -
- Bilger, Robert William (1935 - 2015)
Fellow 1987 - 2015
- Binns, Raymond (Ray) (1937 - )
Fellow 1999 -
- Bird, Graeme Austin (1930 - 2018)
Fellow 1987 - 2018 [Elected Fellow AATS 1976]
- Blevin, William Roderick (1929 - 2022)
Fellow 1987 - 2022 [Elected Fellow AATS 1983]
- Boardman, Norman Keith (Keith) (1926 - )
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1986]
- Boger, David Vernon (1939 - )
Elected Fellow 1989
- Boldeman, John William (1937 - )
Elected Fellow 1993
- Bowen, Bernard Kenneth (1930 - 2019)
Fellow 1987 - 2019 [Elected Fellow AATS 1978]
- Bradford, Mark Andrew (1955 - )
Fellow 2007 -
- Bray, Nancy
Elected Fellow 2001
- Brett, Percy Rollo (Rollo) (1923 - 2022)
Fellow 1987 - 2022
- Brown, Alan Gordon John (1931 - 2023)
Fellow 1993 - 2023
- Brown, William Piper (Bill) (1914 - 2004)
Fellow 1988 - 2004
- Bullock, Margaret Irene (1933 - )
Elected Fellow 1991
- Burdon, Jeremy James (1950 - )
Eected Fellow 2009 -
- Burgess, Antony Wilks (Tony) (1946 - )
Fellow 2009 -
- Burke, David James (1944 - )
Elected Fellow 1996
- Butement, William Alan Stewart (1904 - 1990)
Fellow 1987 - 1990 [Co-founder and Foundation Fellow AATS 1975]
- Callcott, Thomas George (Tom) (1924 - 2014)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1976]
- Cameron, Ian George Dewar (1929 - 2023)
Fellow 1990 - 2023; Honorary Secretary 1990 - 1994; Member of Council 1993 - 1996.
- Caruso, Frank (1968 - )
Fellow 2024 -
- Carver, John Henry (1926 - 2004)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1986]
- Challis, Louis Aron (1936 - 2017)
Elected Fellow 2000
- Charters, William Wallace Stewart (Bill) (1935 - 2017)
Elected Fellow 1995
- Cherry, Brian Wilson (1935 - 2018)
Elected Fellow 1992
- Christian, Clifford Stuart (Chris) (1907 - 1996)
Fellow 1987 - 1996 [Foundation Fellow AATS 1975]
- Christian, John Hinton Bassett (1925 - 2024)
Fellow 1987 - 2024
- Church, John Alexander (1951 - )
Elected Fellow 2004
- Clark, Doreen Veronica
Elected Fellow 1990
- Clark, Graeme Milbourne (1935 - )
Elected Fellow 1998
- Clark, Gregory John (Greg)
Elected Fellow 1991
- Clarke, Adrienne Elizabeth (1938 - )
Elected Fellow 1988
- Coffey, Shaun
Elected Fellow 2004
- Colman, Peter Malcolm (1944 - )
Elected Fellow 1997
- Connell, John William (1913 - 2016)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1985]
- Connick, Wynford (1934 - 2017)
Elected Fellow 1988
- Constable, Gregory
Elected Fellow 2001
- Coogan, Clive Keith (1925 - 2005)
Fellow 1992 - 2005
- Cook, Alan Cecil (1935 - 2011)
Elected Fellow 1989
- Coombes, Lawrence Percival (1899 - 1988)
Fellow 1987 [Foundation Fellow AATS 1975]
- Cornish, Edwina Cecily (1955 - )
Elected Fellow 2000
- Craik, Wendy (1949 - )
Elected Fellow 1996
- Culver, Robert (Bob) (1926 - 2009)
Fellow 1987 - 2009
- Cutmore, Nicholas
Fellow 2003 -
- d'Assumpcao, Henrique Antonio (Henry) (1934 - )
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1981]
- Davidson, Dianne Margaret
Elected Fellow 2001
- Davidson, James Logie (1932 - )
Fellow 1999 -
- Davies, Louis Walter (Lou) (1923 - 2001)
Fellow 1987 [Foudation Fellow AATS 1975]; Vice-President 1982 - 1984
- de Hoog, Frank Robert (1948 - )
Elected Fellow 2009
- de Kretser, David Morritz (1939 - )
Elected Fellow 2001
- De Laeter, John Robert (1933 - 2010)
Fellow 1987 - 2010 [Elected Fellow AATS 1984]
- Deicke, Roy (1929 - 1995)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1984]
- Dennis, Elizabeth Salisbury (1943 - )
Elected Fellow 1987
- Dick, Margaret Isabella Brownlee (1918 - 2008)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1977]
- Donald, Alan David (1933 - 2020)
Elected Fellow 1988
- Drummond, Calum John (1960 - )
Elected Fellow 2006; Member, Board of Directors 2012 - 2013.
- Dun, Robert Bruce Macleay (1930 - )
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1979]
- Durie, Robert Arthur (Bob) (1926 - 2016)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1976]
- Eggleton, Benjamin J. (Ben) (1970 - )
Elected Fellow 2009
- Endersbee, Lance Aubrey (1925 - 2009)
Fellow 1987 - 2009 [Elected Fellow AATS 1984]
- Espie, Frank Fletcher (1917 - 2004)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1978]; Councillor 1987 - 1989.
- Evans, John Murray (Murray) (1923 - 2018)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1981]
- Evans, Robert (1949 - )
Elected Fellow 2004
- Falvey, John Lindsay (1950 - )
Fellow 1997 -
- Farrands, John Law (1921 - 1996)
Fellow 1987 [Foundation Fellow AATS 1975]
- Farrer, Keith Thomas Henry (1916 - 2012)
Fellow 1987 - 2012 [Foundation Fellow AATS 1975]
- Ferguson, Ian Stewart (1935 - 2019)
Fellow 1992 - 2019
- Fink, Peter Thomas (Tom) (1922 - 1994)
Fellow 1987 [Foundation Fellow AATS 1975]
- Finkel, Alan Simon (1953 - )
Elected Fellow 2006; President 2013 - 2015.
- Finn, Thomas Brian (Brian) (1937 - 2023)
Fellow 1991 - 2023
- Fitt, Gary
Elected Fellow 2001
- Fleming, Ian Bowman (1913 - 1993)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1976]
- Fletcher, Neville Horner (1930 - 2017)
Elected Fellow 1987
- Foley, Catherine Patricia (Cathy) (1957 - )
Elected Fellow 2008
- Foote, Simon James (1958 - )
Elected Fellow 2009
- Fox, Bronwyn
Fellow 2017 - ; Chair, Victorian Division 2019 - 2022
- Frater, Robert Henry (Bob) (1937 - )
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1982]
- Frazer, Ian Hector (1953 - )
Fellow 2003 -
- Fulton, Elizabeth (Beth)
Elected Fellow 2022
- Galvin, Kevin
Fellow 2012 -
- Garnett, Helen Margaret (1946 - )
Elected Fellow 1996
- Gauntlett, Douglas John (1942 - )
Elected Fellow 1993
- Gibson, Barbara June
Elected Fellow 1996
- Gillin, Laurence Murray (Murray) (1935 - )
Elected Fellow 1994
- Goldsworthy, Ashley William (1935 - )
Elected Fellow 1994
- Gooding, John Justin (Justin)
Elected Fellow 2018
- Goodwin, Graham Clifford (1945 - )
Elected Fellow 1987
- Gosewinckel, William Graham (1930 - 2013)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1986]
- Green, Martin Andrew (1948 - )
Elected Fellow 1994
- Green, Roy Montague (1935 - )
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1986]
- Gu, Min (1960 - )
Elected Fellow 2006
- Gust, Ian David (1941 - )
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1986]
- Guttmann, Anthony John (1945 - )
Elected Fellow 2007
- Hallsworth, Ernest Gordon (1913 - 2002)
Fellow 1987 [Foundation Fellow AATS 1975]
- Hapgood, Karen
Fellow 2021 -
- Harris, Graham
Fellow 1997 -
- Harrison, David Ernest Forester (1939 - )
Elected Fellow c1990
- Healy, Thomas William (1937 - )
Elected Fellow 1991
- Hearn, Milton Thomas William
Elected Fellow 1990
- Heij, Elizabeth Gordon (1943 - )
Elected Fellow 2000
- Henderson-Sellers, Ann (1952 - )
Elected Fellow 2000
- Henry, Rodney Wilton (1915 - 1994)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1977]
- Henzell, Edward Frederick (Ted) (1929 - )
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1979]
- Higgins, Huntly Gordon (1917 - 2011)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1976]
- Hill, Roderick (Rod) Jeffery
Elected Fellow 1999
- Hillyard, Carmel Judith
Elected Fellow 1997
- Hilton, Douglas James (Doug) (1964 - )
Elected Fellow 2010
- Hobbs, Bruce Edward (1936 - )
Elected Fellow 2007
- Holland, John Clifton Vaughan (1914 - 2009)
Fellow 1987 [Foundation Fellow AATS 1975]
- Holloway, Bruce William (1928 - )
Elected Fellow 1990
- Holmes, Andrew Bruce (1943 - )
Elected Fellow 2006
- Huckstep, Ronald Lawrie (Ron) (1926 - 2015)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1982]
- Huntington, Jonathan
Fellow 1999 -
- Imberger, Jörg (1942 - )
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1985]
- Jagadish, Chennupati (1957 - )
Elected Fellow 2002
- Jameson, Graeme John (1936 - )
Elected Fellow 1991
- Jin, Dayong
Elected Fellow 2022
- Jones, Barry Owen (1932 - )
Elected Fellow 1992
- Jones, Raymond
Fellow 1989 -
- Jones, Rhondda Elizabeth (1945 - )
Elected Fellow 1992
- Jubb, Kenneth Vincent (1928 - 2013)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1982]
- Kailis, Patricia Verne (1933 - 2020)
Elected Fellow 1996
- Kerin, John Charles (1937 - 2023)
Fellow, 2001 - 2023
- Kile, Glen Ashley (1946 - )
Elected Fellow 2000
- Kirkwood, James Bruce (Bruce) (1925 - 1991)
Fellow 1987 - 1991 [Elected Fellow AATS 1978]
- Knight, Allan Walton (1910 - 1998)
Fellow 1987 - 1998 [Elected Fellow AATS 1977]
- Koch, David Francis Anthonisz (1926 - 1996)
Fellow 1987 - 1996 [Elected Fellow AATS 1980]
- Kolm, Jan Eric (1918 - 2009)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1978]
- Koltunow, Anna M. G.
Elected Fellow 2018
- Landy, John Michael (1930 - 2022)
Fellow 2003 - 2022
- Langlands, Ian (1906 - 1994)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1981]
- Large, Ross Raymond (1948 - )
Elected Fellow 1999; Chair, Tasmanian Division 2012 - 2018.
- Larkins, Francis Patrick (1942 - )
Elected Fellow 1989; Vice-President 2001 - 2004.
- Law, Phillip Garth (1912 - 2010)
Fellow 1987 - 2010 [Foundation Fellow AATS 1975]
- Lay, Maxwell Gordon (1936 - )
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1985]
- Linnane, Anthony William (Tony) (1930 - 2017)
Elected Fellow 1999
- Lipson, Menzie (1915 - 2004)
Fellow 1987 [Foundation Fellow AATS 1975]
- Livingstone, Catherine Brighid (1955 - )
Elected Fellow 2002
- Long, Gordon (1937 - 2014)
Elected Fellow 1994
- Lovering, John Francis (1930 - 2023)
Fellow 1993 - 2023
- Lowke, John James (1934 - )
Elected Fellow 1989
- Lu, Max Gao-Qing (1963 - )
Elected Fellow 2002
- Madigan, Russel Tullie (1920 - 1999)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1978]
- Makinson, Kathleen Rachel (1917 - 2014)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1981]
- Marsh, Helene Denise (1945 - )
Elected Fellow 2010
- Martin, Raymond Leslie (1926 - 2020)
Fellow 1989 - 2020
- Matheson, James Adam Louis (Louis) (1912 - 2002)
Fellow 1987 [Foundation Fellow AATS 1975]
- May, James Richard (Jim) (1934 - 2023)
Fellow 1994 - 2023
- McCarthy, Neville John (1929 - 2021)
Fellow 1988
- McComb, Jennifer Anne
Elected Fellow 1999
- McCracken, Kenneth Gordon (1933 - )
Fellow 1987
- McEwan, Angus David (1937 - 2018)
Elected Fellow 1994
- McLennan, Ian Munro (1909 - 1998)
Fellow 1987 - 1998 [Foundation Fellow AATS 1975]
- McLeod, James Graham (1932 - 2022)
Elected Fellow 1987
- McMahon, Thomas Aquinas (1937 - )
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1986]
- Millis, Nancy Fannie (1922 - 2012)
Fellow 1987 - 2012 [Elected Fellow AATS 1977]
- Minnett, Harry Clive (1917 - 2003)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1979]
- Mitchell, Graham Frank (1941 - )
Elected Fellow 1987
- Moir, Reginald John (1918 - 2004)
Fellow 1987 - 2004 [Elected Fellow AATS 1981]
- Monro, Tanya Mary
Elected Fellow 2009
- Moore, John Barratt (1941 - 2013)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1985]
- Morley, Frederick Harold William (1918 - 2001)
Fellow 1987 - 2001 [Elected Fellow AATS 1979]
- Morse, Roger Neill (1914 - 2003)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1977]
- Mulcahy, Maurice Francis Robinson (1920 - 2020)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1980]
- Myers, Rupert Horace (1921 - 2019)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1979]; President 1989 - 1994.
- Nossal, Gustav Joseph Victor (1931 - )
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1981]
- Nutt, John Gilmour (1934 - 2023)
Fellow 1997 - 2023
- O'Brien, Brian John (1934 - 2020)
Elected Fellow 1993
- Ogilvie, Graeme John (1924 - 2001)
Fellow 1992 - 2001
- O'Kane, Mary Josephine (1954 - )
Elected Fellow 1994; Vice-President 2011 - 2012
- Oliphant, Marcus Laurence Elwin (1901 - 2000)
Fellow 1987 [Foundation Fellow AATS 1975]
- Olley, June Norma (1924 - 2019)
Fellow 1987 - 2019 [Foundation Fellow AATS 1975]
- Parbo, Arvi Hillar (1926 - 2019)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1977]; President 1995 - 1997.
- Peacock, William James (1937 - )
Elected Fellow 1988
- Pearman, Graeme Ivan (1941 - )
Fellow 2005 -
- Percival, Terence
Fellow 2012 -
- Perry, Rayden Alfred (1925 - 2004)
Fellow 1987 [Foundation Fellow AATS 1975]
- Pitt, John Ingram (1937 - 2022)
Elected Fellow 1998
- Plate, Dieter Erich Alexander (c. 1935 - 2011)
Fellow 1989 -
- Playford, Phillip Elliott (Phil) (1931 - 2017)
Elected Fellow 1992
- Pond, Susan Margaret
Elected Fellow 1996
- Poole, Peter Cyril (1931 - 2017)
Elected Fellow 1990
- Possingham, John Victor (1929 - 2023)
Fellow 1987 - 2023
- Potter, Owen Edward (1925 - 2020)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1983]
- Potts, Andrew Elmhirst (1959 - 2019)
Fellow 2017 - 2019
- Potts, Renfrey Burnard (1925 - 2005)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1983]
- Poulos, Harry George (1940 - )
Elected Fellow 1996
- Price, Douglas Gordon (1927 - 2014)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1979]
- Pryor, Lindsay Dixon (1915 - 1998)
Fellow 1987 [Foundation Fellow AATS 1975]
- Pucci, Alessandra Alberta (1942 - )
Elected Fellow 1990
- Quinn, Ronald James
Elected Fellow 2003
- Quirk, James Patrick (1924 - 2022)
Fellow 1987 - 2022 [Elected Fellow AATS 1982]
- Rae, Ian David (1937 - )
Elected Fellow 1995; Technical Director 2000 - 2006.
- Rankine, Bryce Crossley (1925 - 2013)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1976]
- Raupach, Michael (1950 - 2015)
Fellow 2002 - 2015
- Read, Leanna Christine
Elected Fellow 1999
- Reid, Alan Forrest (1931 - 2013)
Fellow 1988 - 2013
- Reynolds, Eric Charles
Elected Fellow 2008
- Rickard, Michael Desmond (1941 - 2019)
Fellow 1992 - 2019
- Ride, William David Lindsay (1926 - 2011)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1984]
- Ringwood, Alfred Edward (Ted) (1930 - 1993)
Elected Fellow 1991
- Ritchie, Ian McKay (1936 - 2014)
Fellow 1993 - 2014
- Rizzardo, Ezio (1943 - )
Elected Fellow 1994
- Robson, Alan David (1945 - )
Elected Fellow 1987
- Roderick, Jack William (1913 - 1990)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1977]
- Ronalds, Beverley Frances (1958 - )
Elected Fellow 2000
- Rose, Mary Esther
Elected Fellow 1993
- Sahajwalla, Veena
Elected Fellow 2007
- Samuels, Leonard Ernest (1922 - 2009)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1981]
- Sara, Vicki Rubian
Elected Fellow 1998
- Sare, Ian Richard (1949 - )
Elected Fellow 1997
- Saunders, Edward Walter (Pete) (1923 - 2005)
Elected Fellow 1987
- Schmidt, Brian (1967 - )
Fellow 2023 -
- Schwerdtfeger, Peter (1935 - 2013)
Elected Fellow 1988
- Scott, Trevor William (1936 - 2022)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1982]
- Scott, William James (1912 - 1993)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1979]
- Selinger, Benjamin Klaas (1939 - )
Elected Fellow 1990
- Sheil, Margaret Mary (1961 - )
Elected Fellow 2009; Director 2016 -
- Shepherd, Else Egede (1944 - 2023)
Fellow 2000 - 2023
- Simmons, Michelle Yvonne (1967 - )
Elected Fellow 2015
- Sinha, Hari Narayan (1929 - 2023)
Fellow 1986 - 2023; Chairman, Victorian Division 1993 - 1999
- Skyllas-Kazakos, Maria (1951 - )
Elected Fellow 2014
- Slatyer, Ralph Owen (1929 - 2012)
Fellow 1992 - 2012
- Sleigh, Merilyn Joy (1948 - )
Elected Fellow 1996
- Sloan, Scott William (1954 - 2019)
Elected Fellow 2000
- Smith, Thomas Frederick (Fred) (1939 - 2014)
Elected Fellow 2000; Secretary 2005 - 2008.
- Snyder, Allan Whitenack (1940 - )
Elected Fellow 1987
- Solomon, David Henry (1929 - )
Fellow 1987 - [Foundation Fellow AATS 1975]
- Somerset, Henry Beaufort (1906 - 1995)
Fellow 1987 [Foundation Fellow AATS 1975]
- Sowerby, Brian David (1943 - )
Fellow 1987 -
- Spies, Brian Roy (1949 - 2020)
Elected Fellow 1998
- Spradbrow, Peter Bryan (1934 - 2017)
Awarded Clunies Ross Award for Science and Technology 1995
- Sprigg, Reginald Claude (1919 - 1994)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1981]
- Spurling, Thomas Harley (Tom) (1940 - )
Elected Fellow 1992
- Stalker, Raymond John (1930 - 2014)
Fellow 1989 - 2014
- Stamm, Walter John (1926 - 2018)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1985]; Vice-President 1992 - 1996.
- Stevens, Leonard Kelman (Len) (1925 - 2018)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1984]
- Stocker, John Wilcox (1945 - )
Elected Fellow 1990
- Stone, Bruce Arthur (1928 - 2008)
Fellow 1998 - 2008
- Swan, John Melvin (1924 - 2015)
Fellow 1994 - 2015
- Switkowski, Zygmunt Edward (Ziggy) (1948 - )
Elected Fellow 2007
- Tanner, Roger Ian (1933 - )
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1976]
- Taylor, Geoffrey Hamlet (1924 - 2017)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1979]
- Taylor, Michael John (1948 - 2023)
Fellow 2007 - 2023
- Tegart, William John McGregor (Greg) (1929 - 2023)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1976]; Member of Council 1990 - 1992, 1994 - 1997
- Thang, San Hoa (1954 - )
Elected Fellow 2010
- Tribe, Derek Edward (1926 - 2003)
Fellow 1987 - 2003 [Foundation Fellow AATS 1975]
- Trollope, David Hugh (Hugh) (1925 - 2011)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1983]
- Trounson, Alan Osborne (1946 - )
Fellow 2014 -
- Tuck, Ernest Oliver (Ernie) (1939 - 2009)
Elected Fellow 1995
- Tucker, Gilbert Brian (Brian) (1930 - 2010)
Fellow 1989 - 2010
- Tucker, Rodney Stuart (1948 - )
Fellow 1993 -
- Turner, Helen Alma Newton (1908 - 1995)
Fellow 1987 - 1995 [Elected Fellow AATS 1975]
- Vance, Eric Raymond (Lou) (1942 - 2019)
Elected Fellow 2003
- Vaughan, Geoffrey (Geoff) (1933 - 2018)
Elected Fellow 2005
- Vercoe, John Edward (1936 - 2005)
Fellow 1987 - 2005
- Vernon, James (1910 - 2000)
Fellow 1987 [Foundation Fellow AATS 1975]
- Vickery, James Richard (1902 - 1997)
Fellow 1987 [Foundation Fellow AATS 1975]
- Vincent, James Matthew (1911 - 2000)
Fellow 1987 - 2000 [Elected Fellow AATS 1976]
- Walker, Brian Harrison (1940 - )
Elected Fellow 1991
- Wallace, Gordon (1958 - )
Fellow 2003 -
- Walsh, Alan (1916 - 1998)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1982]
- Ward, Colin Wesley (1943 - 2017)
Fellow 1998 - 2017
- Ward, Robert George (c. 1928 - 2013)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1976]
- Watts, Donald Walter (1934 - 2023)
Fellow 1987
- Weickhardt, Leonard William (Len) (1908 - 2000)
Fellow 1987 [Foundation Fellow AATS 1975]
- Weigold, Erich (1937 - )
Elected Fellow 1996
- Weiss, Anthony Steven
Elected Fellow 2014
- Weiss, Donald Eric (1924 - 2008)
Fellow 1987 [Foundation Fellow AATS 1975]
- Wenham, Stuart Ross (1957 - 2017)
Fellow 1999 - 2017
- Whitten, Maxwell John (1940 - )
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1983]
- Whitton, William Ivo (Bill) (1924 - 2019)
Fellow 1987 [Foundation Fellow AATS 1975]
- Wild, John Paul (Paul) (1923 - 2008)
Fellow 1987 - 2008 [Elected Fellow AATS 1977]
- Williams, Courtney John Denton (Ned) (1923 - 2019)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1984]
- Williams, James Stanislaus (Jim) (1948 - )
Elected Fellow 1992
- Williams, Lloyd Stuart (1922 - 1996)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1979]
- Williams, Meryl Jean (1951 - )
Elected Fellow 1993
- Williams, Neil (1948 - )
Elected Fellow 1996
- Wills, Howard Arthur (1906 - 1989)
Fellow 1987 [Foundation Fellow AATS 1975]
- Wilson, Brian Graham (1930 - 2019)
Elected Fellow 1990
- Wood, Paul Richard
Fellow 2015 -
- Woodall, Roy (1930 - 2021)
Fellow 1987 - 2021 [Elected Fellow AATS 1977]
- Worner, Hill Wesley (1917 - 2002)
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1978]
- Worner, Howard Knox (1913 - 2006)
Fellow 1987 - 2006
- Wragge, Harry Stewart (c. 1929 - 2023)
Fellow 1987 - 2023
- Wythes, Jennifer Ruth (1947 - )
Elected Fellow 1997
- Zeidler, David Ronald (1918 - 1998)
Fellow 1987 [Foundation Fellow AATS 1975]; President 1987 - 1988
- Zillman, John William (1939 - )
Fellow 1987 [Elected Fellow AATS 1980]; President 2003 - 2006.
Archival resources
National Library of Australia Manuscript Collection
- Australian Academy of Technological Sciences - Records, 1965 - 1990, NLA MS 7693; National Library of Australia Manuscript Collection. Details
Published resources
- Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering Handbook 2001 (Victoria: Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, 2001), 271 pp. Details
Edited Books
- Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering eds, Technology in Australia, 1788-1988: a condensed history of Australian technological innovation and adaptation during the first two hundred years (Melbourne: Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, 1988), 1017 pp. Details
- Trove, National Library of Australia, 2009, Details
Resource Sections
- 'A Retrospective Look at ATSE', in ATSE, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, c.2018, Details
See also
- Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, Technology in Australia 1788-1988, Online edn, Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre, Melbourne, 3 May 2000, Details
- Spurling, Thomas H., 'Donald Eric Weiss 1915-1998', Historical Records of Australian Science, 22 (1) (2011), 152-70, Details
- Tegart, W. J. Mcg.; and Hickman, B. S., 'Howard Knox Worner 1913-2006', Historical Records of Australian Science, 25 (2) (2014), 337-53, Details
Ailie Smith
Created: 16 March 2000, Last modified: 10 October 2019
- Foundation Supporter - ARC Learned Academies' Special Projects