Corporate Body
National Science Centre (1967 - 1992)
- From
- 1967
191 Royal Parade, Parkville, Victoria, Australia - To
- 1992
191 Royal Parade, Parkville, Victoria, Australia - Alternative Names
- Clunies Ross House (Also known as)
In the early 1960s the idea was conceived within the CSIRO, of a central building in Melbourne - a National Science Centre - which would house scientific, technological and learned societies at a reasonable rental. It was envisaged that the Centre would provide the opportunity for the interchange of ideas and a furtherance of knowledge.
Kelvin Hall, 55 Collins Place [Exhibition Street], Melbourne had served the societies well, as a shared accommodation and meeting venue, but had become dated and unsuitable.
The purpose built National Science Centre, also known as Clunies Ross House, at 191 Royal Parade, Parkville was completed in 1967. Funds were successfully raised to build the centre, and when opened, the building was free of debt. It was managed by a Board of Governors, and provided rental accommodation for the many societies, together with shared meeting rooms, modern lecture theatres and a catered social centre 'The Sciences Club' where the members of various societies could meet in an informal manner and where functions could be held.
In the late 1980s, a change of philosophy of the Board of Governors resulted in the sale of the building. Progressively during 1991, the various scientific, technological and learned societies vacated the building, and were once more scattered throughout Melbourne. 'The Sciences Club' merged with the Royal Society of Victoria. The building was partly demolished, rebuilt, and refurbished as an apartment block.
Many expressed sadness when the National Science Centre and 'The Science Club' closed, and later when they reflected on the disintegration and demise of such a wonderful and idealistic concept.
Related entries
Published resources
Journal Articles
- Harris, Margaret C., 'J. E. Cummins Memorial Oration', Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, New Series, 107 (1) (1995), 23, Details
Ken McInnes
Created: 4 February 2025, Last modified: 4 March 2025