
Mander, Lewis Norman (Lew) (1939 - 2020)


8 September 1939
Auckland, New Zealand
8 February 2020
Alternative Names
  • Mander, Lew (Also known as)


Lewis Norman (Lew) Mander is an organic chemist, known for his research, over a 20 year period, into the synthesis and chemistry of the gibberellin class of diterpenes.



Education - Bachelor of Science (BSc), University of Auckland, New Zealand
Education - Master of Science (MSc), University of Auckland
1964 - 1965
Career position - Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Michigan, USA
Education - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), University of Sydney
1965 - 1966
Career position - Postdoctoral Associate at California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.
1966 - 1970
Career position - Lecturer in Organic Chemistry, University of Adelaide
1970 - 1975
Career position - Senior Lecturer in Organic Chemistry, University of Adelaide
1971 - 1972
Career position - Nuffield Commonwealth Fellow, University of Cambridge, UK
1975 - 1980
Career position - Senior Fellow at the Research School of Chemistry, Australian National University, Canberra
1980 - 2002
Career position - Professor of Chemistry, Research School of Chemistry, Australian National University
Award - H.G. Smith Memorial Medal, Royal Australian Chemical Institute
1981 - 1986
Career position - Dean of the Research School of Chemistry, Australian National University
1983 - 2020
Award - Fellow, Australian Academy of Science (FAA)
July 1986 - January 1987
Career position - Visiting Scholar at Harvard University, USA (six months)
Award - Flintoff Medal and Prize, Royal Society of Chemistry
1990 - 2020
Award - Fellow, The Royal Society, London (FRS)
1991 - 2020
Award - Honorary Fellow, Royal Society of New Zealand (FRSNZ Hon)
1992 - 1995
Career position - Dean of the Research School of Chemistry, Australian National University
Award - A. J. Birch Medal, Organic Chemistry Division, Royal Australian Chemical Institute
1994 - 1995
Career position - Eminent Visiting Scientist at RIKEN in Tokyo, Japan
Award - Archibald Olle Prize, Royal Society of New South Wales
1996 -
Career position - Member, Royal Society of Chemistry, United Kingdom
2001 - 2004
Career position - Member of Council, Australian Academy of Science
2002 -
Career position - Assessor, Australian Research Council
2002 -
Career position - Emeritus Professor, Research School of Chemistry, Australian National University
Award - David Craig Medal and Lecture, Australian Academy of Science
Award - Robert Robinson Award, Royal Society of Chemistry
Award - Companion of the Order of Australia (AC) - for eminent service to science through pioneering contributions to organic chemistry in the field of plant growth hormones, to higher education as an academic, researcher and author, and to national and international scientific societies
Award - Matthew Flinders Medal and Lecture, Australian Academy of Science

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Published resources

Journal Articles


See also

Annette Alafaci

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Published by Swinburne University of Technology.
This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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