
Ladiges, Pauline Yvonne (1948 - )


19 January 1948
Bolton, England
Botanist, Phylogenetic systematist, Taxonomist and University Administrator


Pauline Ladiges conducted research in the field of plant ecology between 1974 and 1983. Since 1983 she has been researching phylogenetic systematics and historical biogeography. She was Professor and Head of the School of Botany at the University of Melbourne from 1992-2010. In 2014, she continues to be active in the School and is a Professorial Fellow.


Pauline Ladiges has published extensively, including her research in species of Eucalyptus. She is interested in systematic description of new species, the phylogeny and classification of eucalypts, acacias and other large genera, and the biogeography of the Australian flora.

Actively involved in organisations, she has been Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Royal Botanic Gardens of Victoria, past director of Yarra Valley Water Ltd and past member of the Advisory Committee of Australian Biological Resources Study (ABRS). In 2014, she is Deputy Chairman of the University of Melbourne School of Botany Foundation, a trustee of the Bjarne K. Dahl Trust, a member of the Hermon Slade Foundation scientific committee and a councillor of the Royal Society of Victoria.

MSc, PhD, DipEd


Education - Diploma in Education, University of Melbourne
Education - Master of Science (MSc), University of Melbourne
1975 - 1981
Career position - Lecturer, University of Melbourne
Education - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), University of Melbourne
Taxonomy event - Eucalyptus willisii Ladiges, Humphries & Brooker
1983 - 1987
Career position - Associate Dean Students, University of Melbourne
Taxonomy event - Eucalyptus willisii subsp. falciformis Newnham, Ladiges & Whiffin
Taxonomy event - Eucalyptus alaticaulis R.J.Watson & Ladiges
Taxonomy event - Eucalyptus diversifolia subsp. hesperia I.J.Wright & Ladiges
Taxonomy event - Eucalyptus diversifolia subsp. megacarpa I.J.Wright & Ladiges
1987 - 1991
Career position - Reader, University of Melbourne
Taxonomy event - Eucalyptus arenacea Marginson & Ladiges
Taxonomy event - Eucalyptus denticulata I.O.Cook & Ladiges
1991 - 1992
Career position - Deputy Head of School of Botany, University of Melbourne
1992 - 2010
Career position - Professor and Head of School of Botany, University of Melbourne
Taxonomy event - Eucalyptus serraensis Ladiges & Whiffin
Taxonomy event - Eucalyptus victoriana Ladiges & Whiffin
1995 -
Career position - Co-editor of Biology, a textbook aimed at first year undergraduates
Taxonomy event - Eucalyptus verrucata Ladiges & Whiffin
Award - Centenary Medal for service to Australian society and science in the biogeography and ecology of Australian plants
Award - Fellow, Australian Academy of Science (FAA)
Award - Award for Excellence in Australian Publishing, Single Title Category
Award - Royal Society of Victoria Medal for Excellence in Scientific Research
Award - Officer of the Order of Australia (AO), for service to the advancement of botanical science and research in the field of taxonomy and plant systematics, and to the conservation of Australian flora and fauna
Award - Nancy T. Burbidge Medal, Australasian Systematic Botany Society
2011 - 2012
Career position - Council member, Royal Society of Victoria
2013 - 2014
Career position - Vice-President, Royal Society of Victoria
2020 -
Award - Fellow, Royal Society of Victoria (FRSV)

Related Corporate Bodies

Published resources

Encyclopedia of Australian Science and Innovation Exhibitions

  • McCarthy, Gavan; Morgan, Helen; Smith, Ailie; van den Bosch, Alan, Where are the Women in Australian Science?, Exhibition of the Encyclopedia of Australian Science and Innovation, First published 2003 with lists updated regulary edn, Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre, Melbourne, Victoria, 2003, Details
  • McCarthy, Gavan; Smith, Ailie; Moje, Christine; Rigby, Rebecca, The Study of Australian Eucalypts, eScholarship Research Centre, 2013, Details


  • Kellow, A.; Bayly, M.; and Ladiges, P. Y., Report on the Grimwade plant collection of Percival St John and botanical exploration of Mt Buffalo National Park (Victoria, Australia) (Carlton, Vic.: School of Botany, University of Melbourne, 2007), 52 pp. Details
  • Ladiges, Pauline Y. [et al.], Biology : an Australian focus (North Ryde, NSW: McGraw-Hill, 2010), 1232 pp. Details

Book Sections

  • Ladiges, P.Y.; Bayly, M.J.; and Nelson, G.J., 'East-West Continental Vicariance in Eucalyptus: Subgenus: Eucalyptus' in Beyond Cladistics: the branching of a paradigm. Species and Systematics, D.M. Williams and S. Knapp, eds (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2010). Details

Conference Papers

  • Ladiges, Pauline, 'Eucalypt taxonomy - from L'Héritier to DNA', in National Academies Forum - A celebration of the history, culture, science and technology of Recherche Bay (Tasmania: National Academies Forum, 2007).. Details

Journal Articles

  • Bayly, M. J.; Udovicic, F.; Gibbs, A. K.; Parra-O, C.; and Ladiges, P. Y., 'Ribosomal DNA pseudogenes are widespread in the eucalypt group (Myrtaceae): implications for phylogenetic analysis.', Cladistics, 24 (2) (2008), 131-146. Details
  • Bayly, M.J.; and Ladiges, P.Y., 'Divergent paralogues of ribosomal DNA in eucalypts (Myrtaceae).', Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 44 (2007), 346-356. Details
  • Bayly, M.J.; Rigault, P.; Spokevicius, A.; Ladiges, P.Y.; Ades, P.K.; Anderson, C.; Bossinger, G.; Merchant, A.; Udovicic, F.; Woodrow, I.; and Tibbits, J., 'Chloroplast genome analysis of Australian eucalypts - Eucalyptus, Corymbia, Angophora, Allosyncarpia and Stockwellia (Myrtaceae).', Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 69 (2013), 704-716. Details
  • Burke, J.M.; Ladiges, P.Y.; Batty, E.L.; Adams, P.B.; and Bayly, M.J., 'Divergent lineages in two species of Dendrobium orchids (D. speciosum and D. tetragonum) correspond to major geographic breaks in eastern Australia.', Journal of Biogeography, 40 (2013), 2071-2081. Details
  • Byrne, Margaret; Broadhurst, Linda; Leishman, Michelle; and Belov, Kathy, 'Women in conservation science making a difference', Pacific Conservation Biology, 24 (1) (2018), 6, Details
  • Drinnan, A. N.; and Ladiges, P. Y., 'Perianth development in Angophora and the bloodwood eucalypts (Myrtaceae).', Plant Systematics and Evolution, 160 (1988), 219-239. Details
  • Drinnan, A. N.; and Ladiges, P. Y., 'Operculum development in Eucalyptus clöeziana F. Muell. and Eucalyptus informal subgenus Monocalyptus (Myrtaceae).', Plant Systematics and Evolution, 166 (1989), 183-196. Details
  • Drinnan, A. N.; and Ladiges, P. Y., 'Operculum and androecium development in some Eudesmia eucalypts.', Plant Systematics and Evolution, 165 (1989), 239-254. Details
  • Drinnan, A. N.; and Ladiges, P. Y., 'Operculum development in the Eudesmieae B eucalypts and Eucalyptus caesia Benth.', Plant Systematics and Evolution, 165 (1989), 227-237. Details
  • Drinnan, A. N.; and Ladiges, P. Y., 'Floral development in the Symphyomyrtus group of eucalypts (Eucalyptus: Myrtaceae). Australian Systematic Botany', 4 (1991), 553-562. Details
  • Drinnan, A. N.; and Ladiges, P. Y., 'Floral development and systematic position of Eucalyptus curtisii (Myrtaceae)', Australian Systematic Botany, 4 (1991), 539-551. Details
  • Gibbs, A. K.; Udovicic, F.; Drinnan, A. N.; and Ladiges, P. Y., 'Phylogeny and classification of Eucalyptus subgenus Eudesmia (Myrtaceae) based on nuclear ribosomal DNA, chloroplast DNA and morphology.', Australian Systematic Botany, 22 (3) (2009), 158-179. Details
  • Humphries, C. J.; and Ladiges, P. Y., 'Relationships in the stringybarks, Eucalyptus L'Herit. informal subgenus Monocalyptus series Capitellatae and Olsenianae: phylogenetic hypotheses, biogeography and classification.', Australian Journal of Botany, 34 (6) (1986), 603. Details
  • Humphries, C. J.; Ladiges, P. Y.; and Brooker, M. I. H., 'Cladistic relationships and biogeographic patterns in the peppermint group of Eucalyptus (informal subseries Amygdalininae, subgenus Monocalyptus) and the description of a new species, E. willisii.', Australian Journal of Botany, 31 (6) (1983), 565. Details
  • Humphries, C. J.; Ladiges, P. Y.; and Brooker, M. I. H., 'Cladistic and biogeographic analysis of western Australian species of Eucalyptus L'Herit., informal subgenus Monocalyptus Pryor & Johnson.', Australian Journal of Botany, 35 (3) (1987), 251. Details
  • Kenrick, Josephine and Ladiges, Pauline Y., 'Robert Bruce Knox 1938-1997', Historical Records of Australian Science, 14 (1) (2002), 67-88. Details
  • Ladiges, P., 'It's art, by gum.', Natural History, 106 (9) (1997), 48. Details
  • Ladiges, P. Y.; and Ashton, D. H., 'A comparison of some populations of Eucalyptus viminalis Labill. growing on calcareous and acid soils in Victoria, Australia.', Australian Journal of Ecology, 2 (2) (1977), 161-178. Details
  • Ladiges, P. Y.; Udovicic, F.; and Drinnan, A. N., 'Eucalypt phylogeny - molecules and morphology.', Australian Systematic Botany, 8 (1995), 483-497. Details
  • Ladiges, P. Y.; Udovicic, F.; and Drinnan, A. N., 'Eucalypt phylogeny: molecules and morphology.', Australian Systematic Botany, 8 (4) (1995), 483-497. Details
  • Ladiges, P.; Parra-O C.; Gibbs, A.; Udovicic, F.; Nelson, G.; and Bayly, M., 'Historical biogeographical patterns in continental Australia: congruence among areas of endemism of two major clades of eucalypts.', Cladistics, 27 (1) (2011), 29-41. Details
  • Ladiges, P.Y.; and Udovicic, F., 'Comment on molecular dating of the age of eucalypts.', Australian Systematic Botany, 18 (2005), 291-293. Details
  • Ladiges, P.Y.; Bayly, M.J.; and Nelson, G., 'Searching for ancestral areas and artifactual centres of origin in biogeography: with comment on east-west patterns across southern Australia.', Systematic Biology, 61 (2012), 703-708. Details
  • Ladiges, P.Y.; Gray, A.M.; and Brooker, M.I.H., 'Pattern of geographic variation, based on seedling morphology, in Eucalyptus ovata Labill. and E. brookerana A.M. Gray [Provenances from Victoria, Tasmania and King Island] and comparisons with some other Eucalyptus species.', Australian Journal of Botany, 29 (5) (1981), 593 - 603. Details
  • Ladiges, P.Y.; Newnham, M.R.; and Humphries, C.J., 'Systematics and biogeography of the Australian 'green ash' eucalypts (Monocalyptus).', Cladistics, 5 (1989), 345-364. Details
  • Ladiges, P.Y.; Prober, S.M.; and Nelson, G., 'Cladistic and biogeographic analysis of the 'blue ash' eucalypts.', Cladistics, 8 (1992), 103-124. Details
  • Ladiges, Pauline, Udovicic, Frank and Nelson, Gareth, 'Australian biogeographical connections and the phylogeny of large genera in the plant family Myrtaceae', Journal of Biogeography, 30 (7) (2003), 989-998. Details
  • Marginson, J.C.; and Ladiges, P.Y., 'Geographical variation in Eucalyptus baxteri s.l. and the recognition of a new species, E. arenacea.', Australian Systematic Botany, 1 (1988), 151-170. Details
  • Merchant, A.; Ladiges, P.Y.; and Adams, M.A., 'Quercitol links the physiology, taxonomy and evolution of 279 eucalypt species.', Global Ecology & Biogeography, 16 (6) (2007), 810-819. Details
  • Neish, P. G.; Drinnan, A. N.; and Ladiges, P. Y., 'Anatomy of leaf-margin lenticels in Eucalyptus denticulata and three other eucalypts.', Australian Journal of Botany, 43 (1995), 211-221. Details
  • Newnham, M.R.; Ladiges, P.Y.; and Whiffin, T., 'Origin of the Grampians shining peppermint: a new subspecies of Eucalyptus willisii Ladiges, Humphries & Brooker.', Australian Journal of Botany, 34 (1986), 331-348. Details
  • Parra-O, C.; Bayly, M.; Udovicic, F.; and Ladiges, P., 'ETS sequences support the monophyly of the eucalypt genus Corymbia (Myrtaceae).', Taxon, 55 (3) (2006), 653-663. Details
  • Parra-O, C.; Bayly, M.J.; Drinnan, A.; Udovicic, F.; and Ladiges, P., 'Phylogeny, major clades and infrageneric classification of Corymbia (Myrtaceae), based on nuclear ribosomal DNA and morphology.', Australian Systematic Botany, 22 (2009), 384-399. Details
  • Udovicic, F.; Ladiges, P.Y., 'Informativeness of nuclear and chloroplast DNA regions and the phylogeny of the eucalypts and related genera (Myrtaceae).', Kew Bulletin, 55 (2000), 633-645. Details
  • Udovicic, F.; McFadden, G. I.; and Ladiges, P. Y., 'Phylogeny of Eucalyptus and Angophora based on 5S rDNA spacer sequence data.', Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 4 (3) (1995), 247-256. Details
  • Weston, Peter, 'Award of Nancy T. Burbidge Medals to Professors Pauline Ladiges and Michael Crisp', Australasian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter, 147/8 (2011), 4-5. Details
  • Whiffin, T.; and Ladiges, P.Y., 'Patterns of variation and relationships in the Eucalyptus alpina-E. baxteri complex (Myrtaceae) based on leaf volatile oils.', Australian Systematic Botany, 5 (1992), 695-709. Details


See also

  • Herd, Margaret ed., Who's who in Australia 2002 (Melbourne: Crown Content, 2001), 2020 pp. Details

Walker, R.H., Moje, C., Walsh, N. and Bayly, M.

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