Browse People - I
- Iliffe, John (1846 - 1914), Dentist
- Iliffe, Michael Isaac Glover (1910 - 1994), Physicist
- Illidge, Rowland (1850 - 1929), Entomologist and Ornithologist
- Illidge, Thomas, Anthropologist and Biologist
- Illingworth, James Franklin (1870 - 1949), Entomologist
- Imberger, Jörg (1942 - ), Engineer
- Immelman, Klaus, Ornithologist
- Inches, Charles, Surgeon
- Ingles, Owen Graeme (1923 - 2017), Civil engineer
- Inglis, Alexander (1845 - 1921), Surveyor and Merchant seaman
- Inglis, Andrea (1962 - ), Author
- Inglis, Sydney David (1913 - 1983), Radio engineer
- Inglis, William Keith (1888 - 1960), Pathologist and Educator
- Ingold, Beryl Elizabeth (1927 - ), Farmer
- Ingram, K.W., Forester
- Ingram, M. A., Chemist
- Ingram, William Wilson (1888 - 1982), Antarctic explorer and Physiologist
- Iredale, Thomas William (1897 - 1971), Physical chemist
- Iredale, Tom (1880 - 1972), Conchologist, Zoological collector and Ornithologist
- Irlicht, Laurence
- Irvine, Jemima Frances (1822 - 1918), Botanical collector
- Irving, James (1852 - 1910), Veterinary surgeon
- Irving, James Washington (1871 - 1948), Veterinary surgeon
- Irving, John R.P. (1909? - 1945), Applied chemist
- Irving, Martin Howy (1831 - 1912), Educator and Classicist
- Irwin, Harold Beresford (1882 - 1962), Assayer and Bridge builder
- Irwin, William Lyle (Bill) (1917 - 2000), Engineer
- Irwin-Smith, Vera Adelaide, Entomologist
- Isaacs, David Victor (1904 - 1991), Civil engineer
- Isaak, George Richard (1933 - 2005), Physical chemist
- Isaev, Alexander (1964 - 2019), Mathematician
- Isbister, Clair
- see Isbister, Jean Sinclair (1915 - 2008), Paediatrician - Isbister, James (1915 - 1996), Physician
- Isbister, Jean Sinclair (1915 - 2008), Paediatrician
- Israel, George Cashmore (1914 - 1984), Physical chemist
- Israelachvili, Jacob Nissim (1944 - 2018), Chemical engineer