
Israelachvili, Jacob Nissim (1944 - 2018)


19 August 1944
Tel Aviv, Israel
20 September 2018
Santa Barbara, California, United States of America
Chemical engineer


Jacob Israelachvili was a chemical engineer and physicist who developed original and ground-breaking techniques for measuring intermolecular forces. This led to the discovery and elucidation of fundamental molecular interactions in complex colloidal and biological systems and at interfaces; and to applications such as the creation of biocompatible surfaces, development of new types of structured materials and soft biomaterials, and diagnosis of pathological membranes and tissues. He was the inventor of the Surforce measuring device. In 1986, after 12 years at the Institute of Advanced Studies, Australian National University, Israelachvili was appointed Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley



1962 - 1965
Career position - National Service in Israel
1962 - 1965
Education - Bachelor of Arts (BA), Christ's College, University of Cambridge, UK
1968 - 1971
Education - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), University of Cambridge
1971 - 1972
Career position - Postdoctoral Researcher at the Surface Physics Laboratory, University of Cambridge (eleven months)
1972 - 1974
Career position - European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) Research Fellow at the Biophysics Institute, University of Stockholm and at the Karolinska Institute, Sweden
1974 - 1977
Career position - Research Fellow then Fellow in the Research School of Physical Science and the Research School of Biological Sciences at the Institute of Advanced Studies, Australian National University in Canberra
Award - Pawsey Medal, Australian Academy of Science
1977 - 1986
Career position - Senior Fellow then Professorial Fellow in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Department of Neurobiology at the Institute of Advanced Studies, Australian National University in Canberra
1982 - 1986
Career position - Councillor of the International Association of Colloid and Interface Scientists
1982 - 2018
Award - Fellow, Australian Academy of Science (FAA)
Award - David Syme Research Prize, University of Melbourne
1984 - 1985
Career position - Head of the Department of Applied Mathematics at the Research School of Physical Sciences at the Institute of Advanced Studies
Award - Matthew Flinders Medal and Lecture, Australian Academy of Science
1986 - 1988
Career position - Vice-President of the International Association of Colloid and Interface Scientists
1986 - 2017
Career position - Professor of Chemical Engineering in the Materials Department in the Materials Research Laboratory (MRL), and in the Biomolecular Science and Engineering (BMSE) Program, University of California, Berkeley, USA
1988 -
Award - Fellow, The Royal Society, London (FRS)
Award - Alpha Chi Sigma Award, American Institute of Chemical Engineers
Career position - Associate Director of the Materials Research Laboratory (MRL), University of California
1996 -
Career position - Foreign Associate of the US National Academy of Engineering (NAE)
2004 - 2018
Career position - Member, National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A.

Related Corporate Bodies

Published resources

Journal Articles

  • Anon, 'Professor Emeritus Jacob Israelachvili FAA FRS NAE NAS 19 August 1944 to 20 September 2018', Australian Academy of Science newsletter, 121 (2018), 12-3. Details


Annette Alafaci

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This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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