
Williams, James Stanislaus (Jim) (1948 - )


5 November 1948
Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia
Physicist and University Administrator


Jim Williams is a physicist noted for his research in materials science, nanotechnology, ion-solid interactions and semiconductor processing. He is recognised internationally for his pioneering work in the development of ion bean analysis methods, ion implantation in semiconductors and solid phase epitaxial growth. Among Williams's more than 500 publications are the books Ion implantation and beam processing (1984) and Materials analysis using ion beams (1988). Williams was Professor and Director of the Microelectronic and Materials Technology Centre, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, for ten years before becoming Foundation Professor in the Department of Electronic Materials Engineering, Australian National University, in 1988. For the Australian Academy of Science he served as a member of Council from 2013 to 2015 and chairs the National Committee for Materials Science and Engineering.



Education - Bachelor of Science (BSc(Hons)), University of New South Wales
Education - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), University of New South Wales
1973 - 1976
Career position - Research Fellow, University of Salford, United Kingdom
1977 - 1978
Career position - Adjunct Lecturer, Physics Institute, Aarhus, Denmark
1978 - 1982
Career position - Senior Lecturer, Microelectronic and Materials Technology Centre, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
1982 - 1990
Career position - Professor and Director, Microelectronic and Materials Technology Centre, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
1984 - 1985
Career position - Member, Advisory Board, Vacuum TAIP
1985 -
Career position - Member, Editorial Board, Radiation effects and defects in solids
1985 - 1991
Career position - Member, Editorial Board, Materials Research Society bulletin
1987 - 1990
Career position - Member, Editorial Board, Surface and interface analysis
1987 - 1991
Career position - Member, Editorial Board, Nuclear instruments and methods
1988 - 1998
Career position - Foundation Professor, Department of Electronic Materials Engineering, Australian National University
1988 - 1998
Career position - Head, Department of Electronic Materials Engineering, Australian National University
Award - Walter Boas Medal, Australian Institute of Physics
Award - Fellow, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (FTSE)
Award - Walter Boas Medal, Australian Institute of Physics
1996 - 1998
Career position - Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Applied Physics
1996 - 1998
Career position - Member, Editorial Board, Applied Physics Letters
1997 - 1999
Career position - Councillor, Materials Research Society (USA)
1997 - 2002
Career position - Associate Director, Research School of Physical Sciences and Engineering, Australian National University
1998 -
Career position - President, Australian Materials Research Society
1998 - 2002
Career position - Member, Editorial Board, Applied physics Review
1999 - 2000
Career position - Second Vice-President, International Union of Materials Research Societies
2000 -
Career position - Director, Acton Semiconductors (Aust) Pty Ltd
Award - Centenary Medal - for service to Australian society and science in atomic, molecular and surface physics
2002 - 2012
Career position - Director, Research School of Physical Sciences and Engineering, Australian National University
2003 -
Award - Fellow, Australian Academy of Science (FAA)
2008 -
Award - Fellow, Materials Research Society (USA)
Award - Member of the Order of Australia (AM) - for service to the physical sciences and engineering through education, research and administrative roles, particularly in the area of semiconductor physics
Award - Thomas Ranken Lyle Medal, Australian Academy of Science
2012 -
Career position - Emeritus Professor, Research School of Physical Sciences and Engineering, Australian National University
2013 -
Career position - Chair, National Committee for Materials Science and Engineering, Australian Academy of Science
2013 - 2015
Career position - Member of Council, Australian Academy of Science
Award - Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) - For distinguished service to the physical sciences, to tertiary education, and to professional scientific organisations

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See also

Helen Cohn

EOAS ID: biogs/P006591b.htm

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Published by Swinburne University of Technology.
This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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