
Boldeman, John William (1937 - )


19 December 1937
Longreach, Queensland, Australia
Nuclear physicist


John Boldeman is a nuclear physicist who is widely known for his work on the Australian Synchrotron, of which he was the foundation Technical Director. He monitored its construction and, with Dieter Einfeld, designed the accelerator system. Boldeman was instrumental in organising the purchase and delivery of the Antares accelerator at Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation in 1988. More recently he has been working for the construction of a particle beam therapy facility, which would offer new treatments to cancer patients. Boldeman has been active in the committees of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering and the Australian Institute for Nuclear Science and Engineering. For the International Atomic Energy Agency he has participated in a number of advisory and evaluation committees.



Career event - Joined the Australian Atomic Energy Commission
1969 - 1977
Career position - Leader, Fission Physics Group, Australian Nuclear Science and Technical Organisation (ANSTO)
1977 - 1984
Career position - Leader, Nuclear Physics Group, ANSTO
Award - Doctor of Science (DSc), University of New South Wales
1984 - 1986
Career position - Head, Safeguards and Nuclear Physics Section, ANSTO
1987 - 1995
Career position - Chief, Physics Division, ANSTO
1989 - 1991
Career position - Member, National Committee for Physics, Australian Academy of Science
1989 - 1997
Career position - Member, Neutron Scattering Committee, Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering
1989 - 2001
Career position - Member, Accelerator Science Committee, Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering
1989 - 2003
Career position - Council Member, Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering
1990 - 1994
Career position - Member, International Science and Technology Advisory Committee, Commonwealth Department of Industry, Science and Technology
Award - Fellow, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (FTSE)
1993 - 1995
Career position - Member, Advisory Committee, Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, Commonwealth Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
1993 - 1996
Career position - Member, Executive Committee, Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering
1994 - 2001
Career position - Member, New South Wales Division Committee, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
1996 - 1999
Career position - Member, Federal Council, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
1996 - 2001
Career position - Member, Policy and Review Board, Australian Synchrotron Research Program
1996 - 2001
Career position - Member, Executive Committee, Australian Synchrotron Research Program
1996 - 2001
Career position - Facility Director, Australian Synchrotron Research Program, ANSTO
1997 - 2001
Career position - Secretary, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
2001 - 2002
Career position - Foundation Technical Director, Australian Synchrotron, Major Projects Victoria
2001 - 2003
Career position - Director, Centre for Synchrotron Science, University of Queensland
2002 - 2007
Career position - Member, Beamline Advisory Committee, Australian Synchrotron Project, Commonwealth Department of Innovation, Industry and Regional Development
2003 - 2007
Career position - Principal Science Advisor, Australian Synchrotron Project, Commonwealth Department of Innovation, Industry and Regional Development
2003 - 2007
Career position - Member, International Machine Advisory Committee, Australian Synchrotron Project, Commonwealth Department of Innovation, Industry and Regional Development
Award - ANZAAS Medal, Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science
2008 -
Career position - Member, New South Wales Division Committee, Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science
2009 -
Career position - Professorial Fellow, Institute of Nuclear Science, University of Sydney
2009 - 2013
Career position - Distinguished Laboratory Fellow and Technical Leader, Australian Hadron Therapy Practice Accelerator Project, ANSTO
Award - Clunies Ross Lifetime Achievement Award, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
Award - Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) - for distinguished service to nuclear science and technology, particularly through the design and construction of the Australian Synchrotron particle accelerator, and as a mentor to young scientists

Published resources

See also

Helen Cohn

EOAS ID: biogs/P006241b.htm

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This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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