
Gécz, Jozef




Jozef Gécz is a human molecular geneticist recognised internationally for his research into the genetics of childhood-onset neurological disorders. He identified the first gene for non-syndromic intellectual disability and over 100 other genes for other forms of neurodevelopmental disorders. Gécz is Professor of Human Genetics at the University of Adelaide, and founded the Neurogenetics Research Program in the university's Medical School.



Award - Gold Medal, Slovak Academy of Sciences
Award - Travel Award, European Society of Human Genetics
Award - Travel Award, Federation of European Biochemical Societies
1992 -
Career position - Member, Human Genome Organisation
1994 -
Career position - Member, European Society of Human Genetics
1994 -
Career position - Member, Human Genetics Society of Australasia
Award - Travel Award, Soros Foundation
1995 -
Career position - Member, American Society of Human Genetics
2001 -
Career position - Member, Australian Society for Medical Research
2003 -
Career position - Member, National Association of Research Fellows
2006 - 2012
Career position - Member, Editorial Board, Annals of human genetics
Award - Toshi Yamada Memorial Lecture, Institute of Molecular Biosciences and Queensland Institute of Brain Research
2009 -
Career position - Member, Editorial Board, Clinical genetics
2009 -
Career position - Professor of Human Genetics, University of Adelaide
2009 -
Career position - President, South Australian Branch, Human Genetics Society of Australasia
2009 -
Career position - Member of Council, Human Genetics Society of Australasia
Award - Inaugural Sutherland Lecture, Human Genetics Society of Australasia
Award - Annual lecture award, National Association of Research Fellows
2010 -
Career position - Founding Fellow, Faculty of Science, Royal College of Pathologists of Australia
2010 -
Career position - Member, Lorne Genome Conference
2010 -
Award - Fellow, Royal College of Pathologists of Australia
2011 -
Career position - Member, Editorial Board, Medical genomics faculty 1000
2012 -
Career position - Member, Editorial Board, Molecular autism
Award - Izakovic Memorial Medal, Slovak Society of Medical Genetics
Award - Award for research into molecular genetics of he disorders of the central nervous system, Associazione Centro Storico de Roma
2013 - 2018
Career event - Senior Principal Research Fellow, National Health and Medical Research Council
2015 -
Career position - Director, Telethon Kids
2015 -
Award - Fellow, Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences (FAHMS)
2015 -
Career position - Member, Editorial Board, Twin research and human genetics
2016 -
Career position - Associate Editor, Genomic medicine
Award - Spirit of Progress Award, PCDH19 Alliance, San Francisco, U.S.A.
2016 - 2020
Career position - Chair in the Prevention of Childhood Disability, University of Adelaide
2017 -
Award - Fellow, Australian Academy of Science (FAA)
2017 -
Career position - Associate Editor, American Journal of Human Genetics
2018 - 2023
Career position - Member, Board of Representatives, European Society of Human Genetics

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Helen Cohn

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Published by Swinburne University of Technology.
This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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