Rae, Ian David (1937 - )
- Born
- 21 September 1937
Newport, Victoria, Australia - Occupation
- Organic chemist and Science historian
Ian Rae is an organic chemist who has held senior positions at several Victorian universities, responsible for a wide range of teaching in chemistry and environmental science. He has made significant contributions in policy development with his appointment to a number of state and federal advisory bodies. Rae's publications include over 300 papers, including many on aspects of the history of science. For many years has contributed the monthly column "Letter from Melbourne" in Chemistry in Australia. In 2015 Rea was appointed Co-editor of Historical records of Australian science.
- 1960
- Education - Bachelor of Science (BSc), University of Melbourne
- 1962
- Education - Diploma of Applied Chemistry (DipAppChem), Footscray Institute of Technology
- 1962
- Education - Master of Science (MSc), University of Melbourne
- 1965
- Education - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Australian National University
- 1967 - 1970
- Career position - Lecturer in Chemistry, Monash University
- 1970 - 1980
- Career position - Senior Lecturer in Chemistry, Monash University
- 1973
- Career position - Visiting Lecturer, Canterbury University, Christchurch, New Zealand
- 1976
- Award - Fulbright Award
- 1977
- Career position - Visiting Professor, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA
- 1981 - 1990
- Career position - Associate Professor of Chemistry, Monash University
- 1988
- Career position - Visiting Scientist, ICI Pharmaceuticals, United Kingdom
- 1989
- Career position - Visiting Professor, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
- 1990 - 1992
- Career position - Member, Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre Executive
- 1990 - 1994
- Career position - Professor and Dean, Faculty of Science, Monash University
- 1993 - 2000
- Career position - Convenor, Science Key Learning Ares Committee, Victorian Board of Studies
- 1993 - 2006
- Career position - Member, Scientific Advisory Panel, Victorian Environment Protection Authority
- 1994
- Career position - Chair, National Advisory Body on Scheduled Wastes
- 1994 - 1997
- Career position - Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Victoria University
- 1994 - 2002
- Career position - Chair, Scheduled Waste Management Group
- 1995
- Award - Fellow, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (FTSE)
- 1995 - 2018
- Award - Fellow, Royal Australian Chemical Institute (FRACI)
- 1997 -
- Career position - Honorary Professorial Fellow, University of Melbourne
- 1998 - 2007
- Career position - Chair, PCB Strategy Committee, Intergovenmental Forum on Chemical Safety
- 1998 - 2007
- Career position - Technical Director, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
- 2000 - 2006
- Career position - Member, Process Agents Task Force
- 2001
- Award - Centenary Medal - for service to Australian society in applied chemistry
- 2004 -
- Career position - Member, Technical and Economic Advisory Panel
- 2004 -
- Career position - Member, Chemical Technical Operations Committee, Montreal Protocol
- 2005 -
- Career position - Co-Chairman, Chemical Technical Operations Committee, Montreal Protocol
- 2005 - 2010
- Career position - Member, Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee (Stockholm Convention)
- 2006 - 2008
- Career position - President, Royal Australian Chemical Institute
- 2006 - 2010
- Career position - Chair, Heritage Group, Royal Australian Chemical Institute
- 2007 -
- Career position - Chair, Advisory Committee on Prescribed Industrial Waste
- 2008 -
- Career position - Member, Hazardous Waste Fund Panel
- 2010 -
- Career position - Lead Author, United National Global Environment Report Geo-5
- 2015 -
- Career position - Co-editor, Historical records of Australian science
- 2016
- Award - Leighton Memorial Medal, Royal Australian Chemical Institute
- 2018 -
- Award - Distinguished Fellow, Royal Australian Chemical Institute
Related entries
Published resources
Book Sections
- Lack, J. F.; and Rae, I.D., 'Fertilising Australia's Acid Industry: a Manufacturer's World Travel of 1883 and 1904' in The Interaction between Technology and Science, Bart Gremmen, ed. (Wageningen: Wageningen Agricultural University, 1991), pp. 55-70. Details
- Rae, I. D., 'Blackwood, Sir Robert Rutherford (1906-1982), businessman, professor of engineering and university chancellor' in Australian dictionary of biography, volume 17: 1981 - 1990 A-K, Diane Langmore, ed. (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 2007). Details
- Rae, Ian D., 'Chemists at ANZAAS: Cabbages or Kings?' in The Commonwealth of Science: ANZAAS and the Scientific Enterprise in Australasia, 1888-1988, Roy MacLeod, ed. (Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1988), pp. 166-195. Details
- Rae, Ian D., 'Technological transfer and the war in the Pacific' in Science and the Pacific War, MacLead, Roy M., ed. (Dordrecht, Netherlands: KluwerAcademic Publishers, 2000), pp. 173-86. Details
- Rae, Ian D., 'Raw, Alan Rayson (1902-1964), Cereal Geneticist' in Australian dictionary of biography, volume 16: 1940 - 1980 Pik-Z, John Ritchie and Diane Langmore, eds (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 2002), pp. 62-63. Details
- Rae, Ian D., 'Kelsall, Denis Fletcher (1918-1982), chemical engineer' in Australian dictionary of biography, volume 17: 1981 - 1990 A-K, Diane Langmore, ed. (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 2007). Details
- Rae, Ian D., 'Boas, Walter Moritz (1904-1982), physicist' in Australian dictionary of biography, volume 17: 1981 - 1990 A-K, Diane Langmore, ed. (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 2007), pp. 117-118. Details
- Rae, Ian D., 'Williams, William Thomas (Bill) (1913 - 1995), biologist' in Australian dictionary of biography, volume 19: 1991 - 1995 A-Z, Melanie Nolan, ed. (Canberra: Australian National University Press, 2021), Details
- Rae, Ian D., 'Oppenheim, Gerald Frederick (1925-1995), pharmaceuticals manufacturer' in Australian dictionary of biography, volume 19: 1991 - 1995 A-Z, Melanie Nolan, ed. (Canberra: Australian National University Press, 2021), pp. 639-641, Details
- Rae, Ian D.; and Rasmussen, Carolyn, 'Fisher, Nellie Ivy (Jackie) (1907-1995), industrial chemist' in Australian dictionary of biography, volume 19: 1991 - 1995 A-Z, Melanie Nolan, ed. (Canberra: Australian National University Press, 2021), pp. 273-274, Details
- Rae, Ian D.; and Whitehead, J. H., 'Rackarock - on the Path from Black Powder to ANFO' in Gunpowder Explosives and the State: a Technological History, B. J. Buchanan, ed. (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006), pp. 367-384. Details
Edited Books
- Rae, I. D. ed., Twenty five years of chemistry at Monash: silver jubilee commemoration (Clayton, Vic.: Department of Chemistry, Monash University, 1985), 48 pp. Details
Journal Articles
- Baker, Anthony T.; Rae, Ian D., 'More than Bugs and Stones Chemistry in the Royal Society of New South Wales', Historical Records of Australian Science, 13 (2) (2000), 117-130. Details
- Bolton, H. C.; Rae, Ian D., 'A Response to Intellectual Isolation: the Correspondence of W. A. Osborne and William Sutherland, 1905-1911', Historical Records of Australian Science, 10 (4) (1995), 323-335. Details
- Collins, David J.; and Rae, Ian D., 'R. W. E. McIvor: Late-nineteenth-century Advocate for Scientific Agriculture in South-eastern Australia', Historical Records of Australian Science, 19 (2) (2008), 125-59, Details
- Collins, David J.; and Rae, Ian D., 'John Melvin Swan 1924 - 2015', Historical Records of Australian Science, 28 (1) (2017), 58-65, Details
- Hambley, Trevor W.; and Rae, Ian D., 'Hans Charles Freeman 1919 - 2008', Historical Records of Australian Science, 33 (2) (2022), 180-90. Details
- Hull, James; Rae, Ian and Ross, Andrew, 'The Development of Chemical Industries in Australia and Canada, 1850-1950', Special edition of Scientia Canadensis, 17 (1&2) (1994), 205-254. Details
- Marsden, K.; and Rae, Ian D., 'Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Australia, 1952-1986', Historical Records of Australian Science, 8 (3) (1991), 119-150. Details
- Marsden, K.; and Rae, Ian D., 'Addendum to "Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Australia 1952-1986"', Historical Records of Australian Science, 8 (4) (1991), 284-287, Details
- Rae, I. D., 'A Guide to Australia's Chemical History', Australian Science Teachers Journal, 34 (2) (1988), 62-65. Details
- Rae, I. D., 'They had to go: Australian chemists who took their Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Britain 1945 - 1965', Historical Records of Australian Science, 12 (3) (1998), 331-61, Details
- Rae, Ian, 'A History of Chemistry in Australia', Chemistry in Australia, 56 (12) (1989), 432-439. Details
- Rae, Ian, 'Gold and arsenic in Victoria's mining history', Victorian historical journal, 72 (2) (2001), 159-72. Details
- Rae, Ian, 'Trials of a Vice-chancellor', Chemistry in Australia, 81 (2) (2014), 41. Details
- Rae, Ian, 'James Douglas Morrison 1924 - 2013', Historical Records of Australian Science, 29 (1) (2018), 41-50, Details
- Rae, Ian, 'John Bryan Willis: an appreciation', Chemistry in Australia, 2019 (September/October) (2019), 32. Details
- Rae, Ian, 'Forays of Finlayson', Chemistry in Australia, 2020 (July/August) (2020), 41. Details
- Rae, Ian, 'Still some X about X-rays', Chemistry in Australia, 2020/21 (December/January) (2021), 41. Details
- Rae, Ian D., 'Wood Distillation in Australia: Adventures in Arcadian Chemistry', Historical Records of Australian Science, 6 (4) (1987), 469-484. Details
- Rae, Ian D., 'ICI Fellowships and Their Effect on Australian Chemistry', Historical Records of Australian Science, 10 (1) (1994), 25-34. Details
- Rae, Ian D., 'Chemical Organizations in Australia and New Zealand', Ambix, 42 (1995), 28-49. Details
- Rae, Ian D., 'False Start for the PhD in Australia', Historical Records of Australian Science, 14 (2) (2002), 129-141. Details
- Rae, Ian D., 'Federalism and the Regulation of Chemical Pollutants in Australia', Prometheus, 21 (2003), 247-264. Details
- Rae, Ian D., 'Arsenic in Australia', ICON (Journal of the International Committee on History of Technology), 9 (2003), 62-75. Details
- Rae, Ian D., 'Chemistry in Australia: Growing up, Down Under', Ambix, 52 (2005), 7-25. Details
- Rae, Ian D., 'Ozonized Oils as Disinfectants', Ambix, 53 (2006), 3-20. Details
- Rae, Ian D., 'Appointing a Professor: Reflections on Filling the Chair of Organic Chemistry at the University of Sydney in 1948', Historical Records of Australian Science, 18 (1) (2007), 19-42, Details
- Rae, Ian D., 'The Roche Research Institute of Marine Pharmacology, 1974-1981: Searching for Drug Leads', Historical Records of Australian Science, 20 (2) (2009), 209-231 , Details
- Rae, Ian D., 'Geoffrey Malcolm Badger 1916-2002', Historical Records of Australian Science, 20 (1) (2009), 41-66 , Details
- Rae, Ian D., 'Vale Jan Eric Kolm: Chemist and company director.', Chemistry in Australia, 77 (8) (2010), 13. Details
- Rae, Ian D., 'Athelstan Laurence Johnson Beckwith 1930-2010', Historical Records of Australian Science, 23 (1) (2012), 55-76, Details
- Rae, Ian D., 'Athelstan Laurence Johnson Beckwith OA FAA. 20 February 1930 - 15 May 2010', Biographical memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 58 (2012), 3-12. Details
- Rae, Ian D., 'David Orme Masson, the Periodic Classification of the Elements and His 'Flap' Model of the Periodic Table', Historical Records of Australian Science, 24 (1) (2013), 40-52, Details
- Rae, Ian D., 'Vitamin A and Australian Fish Liver Oils', Historical Records of Australian Science, 25 (1) (2014), 55-70, Details
- Rae, Ian D., 'What's in a name', Chemistry in Australia, 81 (June) (2014), 41. Details
- Rae, Ian D., 'John Melvin Swan 25 April 1924 - 15 June 2015', Chemistry in Australia, 2015/6 (Dec/Jan) (2015), 31. Details
- Rae, Ian D., 'Letter from Melbourne: ever heard of carbazotic acid?', Chemistry in Australia, 2015 (September) (2015), 41. Details
- Rae, Ian D., 'Letter from Melbourne: prickly pear', Chemistry in Australia, 2015 (March) (2015), 41. Details
- Rae, Ian D., 'Elemental micro-analysis of organic compounds: the Australian experience', Historical Records of Australian Science, 27 (2) (2016), 116-32, Details
- Rae, Ian D., 'Looking back: chemistry in 1917', Chemistry in Australia, 2017 (April) (2017), 16-9. Details
- Rae, Ian D., 'Radiocarbon dating at the Museum of Applied Science Victoria 1952-70: a pioneer venture', Historical Records of Australian Science, 29 (1) (2018), 14-27, Details
- Rae, Ian D., 'Making good use of arsenic's toxicity to control pests and diseases', ChemTexts, 6 (24) (2020), 1-10. Details
- Rae, Ian D., 'Arsenic: its chemistry, its occurrence in the earth and its release into industry and the environment', ChemTexts, 6 (25) (2020), 1-11. Details
- Rae, Ian D., 'William Roy Jackson: a significant life in Australian chemistry', Chemistry in Australia, 2020 (January/February) (2020), 24-5. Details
- Rae, Ian D., 'All that glitters is not gold', Chemistry in Australia (2022), 41. Details
- Rae, Ian D., 'Responses by Australian pharmacologists to respiratory depression caused by opiates and barbiturates', Historical Records of Australian Science, 33 (1) (2022), 1-11. Details
- Rae, Ian D., 'Practising organometallic chemistry in nineteenth century Australia: David Orme Masson and diethyl magnesium', Historical Records of Australian Science, 33 (2) (2022), 122-32. Details
- Rae, Ian D., 'A simple, smelly, dangerous liquid chemical [carbon disulfide]', Chemistry in Australia (2024), 41. Details
- Rae, Ian D., 'Rupert Horace Myers 1921 - 2019', Historical Records of Australian Science, 35 (1) (2024), 51-9. 23023. Details
- Rae, Ian D.; and Brock, William H., 'Liebig's Australian Connection: James King's Scientific Viticulture', Historical Records of Australian Science, 24 (2) (2013), 189-206, Details
- Rae, Ian D.; and Maroske, Sara, 'Ferdinand von Mueller's phytochemical laboratory', Historical Records of Australian Science, 31 (1) (2020), 26-38, Details
- Rae, Ian D.; and Maroske, Sara, 'Practising chemistry in the British Empire: George Christian Hoffmann (1837 - 1917) the Geological Survey of Canada', Scientia canadensis, 43 (1) (2021), 95-110. Details
- Rae, Ian D.; and Stonyer, C.L.H., 'New Zealand Chemists in Australia's Munitions Industry in the Second World War', Historical Records of Australian Science, 9 (3) (1993), 223-240. Details
- Brady, Peter H., Avery's Legacy: a History of the Department of Applied Chemistry, RMIT (2004)
Rae, Ian, Chemistry in Australia, 72 (9), (2005), 39-40. Details - McRae, Valda, Chemistry @ Melbourne 1960-2000: the story of four decades in the School of Chemistry at the University of Melbourne (2008)
Rae, Ian, Historical Records of Australian Science, 19 (2), (2008), 229-30, Details - Donovan, Peter F., Anticipating tomorrow's defence needs: a century of Aystralian defence science (2007)
Rae, Ian, Historical Records of Australian Science, 19 (2), (2008), 226-8, Details - Falvey, Lindsay et al., Agricultural Education in Victoria and the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Melbourne (2017)
Rae, Ian, ATSE focus, 204, (2017), 48, Details - Hogan, Denis and Williamson, Bryce (eds.), New Zealand Is Different: Chemical Milestones in New Zealand History (2000)
Rae, Ian D., Historical Records of Australian Science, 13 (4), (2001), 539-540. Details - MacLeod, Roy, Archibald Liversidge, FRS: imperial science under the souther cross (2009)
Rae, Ian D., Historical Records of Australian Science, 21 (2), (2010), 283-5, Details - Selleck, R. J. W., Finding Home: the Masson Family (2013)
Rae, Ian D., Historical records of Australian Science, 24 (2), (2013), 349-50, Details
See also
- '2017 RACI national award winners', Chemistry in Australia, 2018 (March) (2018), 30-5. Details
Helen Cohn
Created: 3 December 2019, Last modified: 8 June 2022