Maude, Alaric Mervyn (1938 - )
- Born
- 19 June 1938
Auckland, New Zealand - Occupation
- Geographer
Alaric Maude is a geographer who was Associate Professor of Geography at Flinders University from 2000 to 2004. In the 1990s he was a leading author of the report to commissioned by the Australian Government on factors leading to growth or decline of non-capital cities in Australia. He was also co-editor of the 14-volume series Australian geographical perspectives published by Cambridge University Press. Maude served as Secretary of the Institute of Australian Geographers from 2004 to 2012, and chaired the National Committee for Geography from 2013 to 2017. Between 2009 and 2013 he made major contributions to the revision of the geography curriculum for Australian schools for the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and reporting Authority.
- 1950
- Life event - Settled in Australia
- 1964 - 1967
- Career position - Lecturer in geography, University of Tasmania
- 1967 - 1969
- Career position - Secretary, Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, South Australian Branch
- 1967 - 1970
- Career position - Lecturer in geography, Flinders University
- 1968 - 1973
- Career position - Journal Business Manager, Australian geographical studies
- 1970 - 2000
- Career position - Senior Lecturer in geography, Flinders University
- 1979 - 1985
- Career position - Member of Council, Flinders University
- 1984 - 1989
- Career position - Head of the Discipline of Geography, Flinders University
- 1986 - 1989
- Career position - Chair, School of Social Sciences Higher Degrees Committee, Flinders University
- 1987 - 1991
- Career position - Chair, Program in Population and Human Resources, Flinders University
- 1989 - 2004
- Career position - Co-editor, Meridian series, Australian geographical perspectives, Cambridge University Press
- 1997
- Award - Professional Service Commendation, Institute of Australian Geographers
- 1997 - 1999
- Career position - Member of Council, Australian and New Zealand Section, Regional Science Association International
- 1998 - 2000
- Career position - Head, School of Geography, Population and Environmental Management, Flinders University
- 2000 - 2004
- Career position - Associate Professor of Geography, Flinders University
- 2004 -
- Career position - Visiting Associate Professor, School of Social Sciences, University of Adelaide
- 2004
- Life event - Retired
- 2004 - 2012
- Career position - Secretary, Institute of Australian Geographers
- 2005 - 2011
- Career position - Editor, South Australian geographical journal
- 2009 - 2012
- Career position - Lead Writer and Writing Coach for Geography, Australian Curriculum, Assessment and reporting Authority
- 2009 - 2017
- Award - Distinguished Fellow, Institute of Australian Geographers
- 2010 - 2012
- Career position - Member, National Committee for Geography, Australian Academy of Science
- 2013
- Award - Don Biddle Friend of Geography Award, Australian Geography Teachers Association
- 2013 - 2017
- Career position - Chair, National Committee for Geography, Australian Academy of Science
- 2017
- Award - Honorary Life Member, Institute of Australian Geographers
- 2017
- Award - Member of the Order of Australia (AM) for significant service to education in the field of geography as an academic, researcher, author and mentor
- 2019
- Award - John Lewis Gold Medal, Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, South Australian Branch
- 2019
- Award - Griffith Taylor Medal. Institute of Australian Geographers
Related entries
Published resources
Journal Articles
- Cutler, Cecile, 'In profile: Associate Professor Alaric Maude AM Flinders University, South Australia', South Australian geographical journal, 14 (1) (2018), 507. Details
- 'Maude, Alaric Mervyn (1938 - )', GT [Griffith Taylor] Medal, Institute of Australian Geographers, 2025, Details
See also
- Member (AM) in the General Division of the Order of Australia [Queen's Birthday 2017: M-Z], Governor General's Office, Canberra, 2017, Details
- Robson, Alexandra K.; Production Manager and Editor eds, Who's who in Australia 2019 (Southbank, Vic.: AAP Directories, 2018), 1788 pp. Details
Helen Cohn
Created: 8 October 2019