J. N. Hobbs Memorial Medal (1995 - )
Birdlife Australia
- From
- 1995
- Functions
- Award
- Alternative Names
- Hobbs Medal (Also known as)
- John N. Hobbs Medal
- Website
The J. N. Hobbs Memorial Medal was first awarded in 1995 by the New South Wales regional group of the Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union (RAOU), and since 1999 has been awarded the Birds Australia (later Birdlife Australia). It is conferred "for outstanding contributions to Australasian ornithology by an amateur ornithologist" (from John Hobbs was a member of several ornithological organisations, and played a central role in a number of RAOU projects.
Related entries
Published resources
See also
- Fitzsimons, James, Debus, Stephen and Olsen, Jerry, 'J. N. Hobbs Medal 2016: citation - A. B. (Tony) Rose', Australian field ornithology, 33 (2016), 111. Details
- Jessop, Rosalind, Graham, Doris, Collins, Peter and Davidson, Rosemary, 'John Hobbs Medal 2000: citation - Clive Dudley Minton MA PhD', Emu, 100 (2000), 247. Details
- Klassen, Marcel; Standen, Roger; and Lane, Brett, 'J.N. Hobbs Medal 2023: citation - Dr Rosalind Jessop', Australasian field ornithology, 40 (2023), 165. Details
- Paton, David, Copley, Peter, Garnett, Stephen and Joseph, Leo, 'J. N. Hobbs Medal 2015: citation - Lynn Pedler', Australian field ornithology, 32 (2015), 209-10. Details
Helen Cohn
Created: 20 August 2019, Last modified: 19 July 2022