
Mocatta, Annie Mildred (Mildred) (1887 - 1984)

23 November 1887
St Leonards, New South Wales, Australia
15 February 1984
Hacknet, South Australia, Australia
Kindergarten teacher and Medical practitioner


Mildred Mocatta was a kindergarten teacher in Perth for seven years, having completed her training in Sydney in 1919. She then enrolled to do a science degree at the University of Western Australia in 1917, but moved to Melbourne the following year to undertake a medical degree. Having registered as a medical practitioner in South Australia in May 1922, she held positions at the Parkside Mental Hospital and the Adelaide Hospital before establishing her own practice with financial support from her father, the banks having refused her a loan. In 1936 she travelled to the United Kingdom where she worked at Hammersmith Hospital while studying to gain her membership Diploma from the Royal College of Physicians MRCP). She retired from private practice in 1961 when her eyesight deteriorated. During her career Mocatta held several honorary positions in Adelaide hospitals, including the Mareeba Babies' Hospital (where she worked with Dr Helen Mayo) and the Royal Adelaide Hospital. Mocatta was noted for her support for the kindergarten movement, participation in war work during WWII, and art collecting. She was involved with in a number of women's organisations in Adelaide including the Lyceum Club, of which she was Secretary for four years, the South Australian Medical Women's' Society, the Women's Service Guilds of South Australia, and the Girl Guide Association of South Australia. She was an enthusiastic breeder and shower of Sealyham terriers.



Education - Completed 3-year course at Kindergarten Training College, Sydney
1913 - 1917
Career position - Inaugural director of Perth's second free kindergarten, Marquis St
Career position - Founding Member, Lyceum Club, Adelaide
Education - MB BS, University of Melbourne
11 May 1922
Life event - Registered as a qualified medical practitioner in South Australia
1923 - 1924
Career position - Junior Medical Officer, Parkside Mental Hospital, Adelaide
February 1923
Career event - Appointed acting deputy superintendent at the Parkside Mental Hospital, Adelaide
Career event - Appointed clinical assistant to the pathologist, Adelaide Hospital
1924 - 1928
Career position - Secretary, Lyceum Club, Adelaide
September 1924
Career event - Established private practice, Adelaide
1926 - 1929
Career position - Honorary Assistant Pathologist, Mareeba Babies' Hospital, South Australia
22 June 1927
Career event - Appointed to the Committee, House of Mercy, Adelaide
Career event - Appointed honorary assistant visiting physician and honorary pathologist, Mareeba Babies' Hospital, South Australia
Education - Diploma of membership, Royal College of Physicians, United Kingdom (MRCP)
August 1936 - ?
Career position - Member, Executive Committee, Girl Guide Association of South Australia
1940 - 1945
Career position - Assistant Honorary Anaesthetist, Royal Adelaide Hospital
Career event - Retired from practice

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Published by Swinburne University of Technology.
This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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"... the rengitj, as a visible mark or imprint on the land, is characterised as a place of origin, the repository of all names, as well as a kind of mapped visual expression of the connection between people and places which is to be carried out in the temporal sequence of the journey." Fanca Tamisari (1998) 'Body, Vision and Movement: In the footprints of the ancestors'. Oceania 68(4) p260